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Fire & Flesh

Page 57

by Kerri Carr

  The venumbre dove into her soaked pussy without hesitation this time. It writhed in and out—Aileen could hear Raegnor’s terse moaning, his hands clasping at either of her ass cheeks. She dug her knees into the floor beneath her and wrapped her hands around the juggernaut. Bearyan pressed his hands against the ceiling as Aileen raked imperviously at his rod. She was full on both sides—an ecstasy brand new to Aileen—something not possible with humans.

  Bearyan’s fist pounded against the roof of the cargo bay and a gush of heat radiated from his sack where her hands cupped one large orb of a testicle. A wave of hot, syrupy liquid filled Aileen’s mouth—it was sweet, and reminded her of taking a can of whipped cream straight from the fridge—only warm, and thick. There was simply too much—and once it spilled out of Aileen’s mouth, it collected in puddles on the ground where her hands struggled to maintain balance.

  Behind her, Raegnor released the venumbre in flash and extended his cock, preparing to put it inside Aileen. Bearyan yowled above her, and she reached up to lace his hair in her fingertips, rotating it tightly like a harness once Raegnor plummeted into her core.

  At first Aileen was terrified of what Raegnor’s penis would feel like—judging by the rest of his body, which was rough and platy, she imagined a sharpness tearing through her—but the sensation was quite the contrary. As Raegnor thrust rapidly, he tied his tail around Aileen’s left ankle to give him extra leverage. The dick inside her was surprisingly soft—like the venumbre.

  Maybe his body isn’t entirely covered in those weird scales, she thought. The muscle within her canal was not as large as the venumbre, but what it lacked in size it made up for in precision—somehow pinpointing its way to her G-spot. The cum instantly splashed out from the cracks between Aileen’s lips and Raegnor’sshaft. With her cum leaking out, and Bearyan’s cum still hot in her mouth, Aileen closed her eyes in pure bliss.

  “I have another load ready, Captain Miroki,” Bearyan said, withdrawing the anaconda-large penis from Aileen’s mouth. “Please allow me entry into your chamber.”

  “Raegnor!” Aileen screamed, ooze dripping from her mouth. “Rotate positions with Bearyan. Right now.”

  Raegnor pulled is soft tissue out of her, and for a moment Aileen was empty while the two aliens walked around her. She took a deep breath—Bearyan’s dick would be a different story than Raegnor’s entirely. Could she survive such a large object inside her?

  Bracing herself, Raegnor put his hands against her temples and massages them gently before inserting the new muscle into her mouth. It was much different than she’d imagined—it was the same pink-flesh tone as the venumbre, but much smaller—still larger than the average penis. It snaked around in front of her face, teasing her as she tried to place her mouth around it. He had complete control of it—and then she felt the familiar feel of his tail fur wrap around her neck again.

  With Bearyan now behind Aileen, he grabbed her entire ass with one hand, jostling it softly. Using his other hand, Bearyan spread her legs open with the flick of his index finger and thumb. Simultaneously, Raegnor guided his slithering cock into her mouth while the tip of Bearyan’s mammoth’s one began pressing into her pussy.

  What in the world is happening to me? was the only thought to race through Aileen’s mind with Bearyan’s titanic dick stretching her wider than she’d ever been stretched.

  A howl of joy escaped her mouth, warbled with Raegnor’s member dancing with her tongue. “Captain, get ready,” Bearyan said. “The second load is well on its way.”

  “I’m with you, there,” Raegnor spouted, pulling Aileen’s hair tight.

  Bearyan wrapped his hand around Aileen’s waist, and with one immense thrust forward, Aileen exploded again with raging ripples plundering through her. Their orgasm was the definition of perfection, and Aileen felt for one second that she was part of some miracle—while her own secretion flooded out, she got the strong taste of Raegnor’s smoldering load—a light taste of bubble gum from the all the fizzure he drank.

  Nothing could have prepared her for the for the oceanic current from Bearyan’s rod—she felt like a hose—or more accurately a fire hydrant—had been pressed against her and the torrential blast forced her forward into Raegnor’s groin.

  With the bliss inflating Aileen, she jumped in fear as something rocked the ship. Bearyan and Raegnor shared a look of concern.

  “What was that?” Raegnor asked. With Raegnor pulled out of her, she saw that his cum was the same bedazzled blue as his eyes.

  “Could have been debris,” Bearyan said, pulling out.

  The Tower Cadet rocked again, throwing the three of them to their sides. “Get dressed,” Aileen ordered. “I don’t think this is debris.”

  She fastened her clothes on and ran down the corridor to the cockpit. Outside she saw hundreds of mountainous ships from the Intergalactic Armada’s fleet, and all of their canons pointed toward the Tower Cadet.


  Aileen’s jaw dropped. “Why are we being barricaded and shot at by the Intergalactic Armada?” she begged.

  Another shot hit the side of the ship, tipping it from side to side. They’re not trying to kill, Aileen though, they’re only trying to send us a message.”

  “The want us to surrender,” Bearyan said from behind her. “They want us to come out with our hands up, if you take the meaning.”

  “Why the hell would they want us to do that?” Aileen asked. When they departed Woes Ëan, she thought she had done the planet a favor, killing a hideous Lysthaurus and saving hundreds of Woes Ëans in the process.

  “I might have something to do with that,” Raegnor piped up, the blue from his eyes adding a glow to the darkness of the cockpit.

  “Speak, Raegnor,” Aileen urged.

  “When we were at the Armada’s base I may have taken more than the bio-nanodevice,” Raegnorchirped, the smirk on his face like a dagger.

  “What do you mean, ‘may have taken more’?” Aileen asked, anger flowing through her neck with each heavy breath.

  “When in the digital database I also took the designs of your father’s ship they stole,” the pride in his grin unaltered. “And now the only way they can reproduce it is by taking the real thing.”

  “What?” she cried. “Just give them back the design. It’s not worth throwing away our lives.”

  “This design can save a lot more planets than just Earth,” Raegnor said with conviction.

  “He’s right, Captain,” Bearyan confirmed.

  “We can throw the ship into V-Speed and bypass these slugs with ease,” Raegnor continued. “Your father was a genius, and you’re a genius. You can fly us out of this with your eyes closed.”

  Aileen blushed. Even with hundreds of canons pointed at her she felt so lucky to have Raegnor and Bearyan at her side.

  “If we can get the bio-nanodevice to Earth,” Bearyan said, thinking out loud, “then we can fly to Fulgurator and keep low. It is the last place they would expect us.”

  She knew that deep down Bearyan was missing home, too.

  “Ready the turbines and the thrusters,” she said, taking her place in the pilot seat. With her hands on the controls, Aileen felt a new sense of purpose rush over her.

  “My pleasure, Captain,” Raegnor said, his voice ripe with pride. He turned to exit the cockpit, pressing the red button on the stereo. A wild, upbeat jam erupted from the small speaker. “Now we’re talking,” Raegnor finished, making his way to the turbines.

  “Well, Captain,” Bearyan said, “I’m happy to be at your side. I’ll be here until the bitter end.”

  “And I will welcome you every step of the way, Bearyan,” Aileen said. “Now let’s go save the Earth.”

  She felt the ship vibrate as the turbines went into V-mode. In moments the Tower Cadet would propel past the Intergalactic Armada’s fleet at light speed. Bearyan wrapped his arm around Aileen, holding her close. She closed her eyes and pressed her face against his firm chest. Looking up, Bearyan was staring right do
wn at her—their eyes locked. As the ship hummed into light speed, Aileen reached up and grabbed a handful of Bearyan’s mane. They smiled at each other and held on tight as the ship careened through the blackness of space.


  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 18 of 44

  Endless Love


  What do you do when you’re in your thirties and forced to live at home? Go to your younger brother’s hockey games. This is Phoebe’s life and she hates it. Her brother is in the middle of everything, ruling her parents’ lives, while she’s simply trying to get back on her feet. Waking up early just to sit all day in a cold, dark rink is not her idea of a good time.

  Just when Phoebe thinks she can’t take it anymore, she meets someone new. A tall, blonde and mysterious player from a rival team. There’s something about him. She can’t get him out of her mind. He brings some excitement into her cold, boring world.

  Phoebe thinks she’s found the right person to light her fire, but her brother is in the middle again. Only this time they aren’t in a hockey rink. This is Phoebe’s life. And her family is keeping a secret that just might put this fire completely out.


  Phoebe was in paradise.

  “Another mojito?” A tall, handsome, shirtless man said, wearing only a very small, very tight speedo that showed off his bulging thighs and the thick package right in the center, like a surprise ready to spring at her.

  She couldn’t keep her eyes off him. Or more importantly, his speedo. “Yes, please,” Phoebe said.

  She wasn’t even done with the first drink but who cared? This was just what she needed. Relaxing on a beach, surrounded by blue skies, clear water and the whitest, softest sand she had ever squished between her toes. Out here, in paradise, she was going to forget that she was thirty-one, newly unemployed and living at home with her parents and her younger brother in a house that was way too small house for four people. No, none of that mattered because her cabana boy was coming back with her second mojito.

  This time he wasn’t wearing anything at all. Phoebe looked down between his legs with a smile and then up at him. He leaned down, holding the mojito on a crystal tray and whispered in her ear, “Rise and shine.”

  “What?” Phoebe asked, her eyes falling shut, her heart speeding up in anticipation.


  A scream went directly into her ear. Phoebe bolted awake, sitting straight up with a gasp. Her dad and brother burst into laughter. Then instantly their laughter stopped, along with Phoebe’s heart. It was a night she had gone to bed naked. And now the covers were down around her waist.

  “Meet us downstairs in thirty minutes,” her dad said gruffly. She pulled the covers over her head as quickly as she could but it was too late. The damage had been done. She hated living at home.

  The nice part of her dream wasn’t real. The bad part was a nightmare. Once her door was shut, she wanted to scream. She could not stay in this crazy house.


  Exactly thirty minutes later, Phoebe was downstairs in a sweatshirt and slightly baggy leggings from washing them too much. It didn’t matter. There was no need to look her best where they were going. No, instead she was just going to fade into the background and hope that nobody there even breathed in her direction. She hated going there. The hockey rink.

  “Ah, there you are,” her mom said when she finally came downstairs. “Next time, sleep with your clothes on. You never know when there’s going to be a fire and we all have to be outside in thirty seconds!”

  Of course, her morning humiliation had already made the rounds. Phoebe rolled her eyes and tried not to scream so loudly that she’d explode. Instead she just went to the fridge and got herself some water.

  “It’s my room,” she said. “Dad and Brad just can’t come in there.”

  “You know the rules in this house,” her mom said, shaking a finger over the sandwiches she was slopping together. “There are no secrets here!”

  “I know, I know,” Phoebe mumbled. That was exactly why she left as soon as she turned eighteen. It didn’t matter if she was thirty-one, eighteen or eight, her parents treated her exactly the same way. Their house, their rules. And there was absolutely no room for discussion or anything else.

  Brad came bouncing into the room, wearing his Warriors sweatshirt. “Mom, where’s my helmet?” he hollered, like he was twelve instead of twenty-seven. Phoebe couldn’t help curling her lip in disgust. Brad’s hockey gear always smelled.

  “In the laundry room,” their mom said. “Hurry up, we need to get going. We’re wasting daylight.”

  Daylight was a relative term. It was about five in the morning and the sun hadn’t even risen yet. Seeing 5 a.m. on a Saturday was pretty ungodly, but that’s how they did things in the Rutherford household. Because everything revolved around Brad.

  “Let’s go!” Phoebe’s dad said. He was wearing his Warriors jacket and carrying the camera equipment. Brad had played hockey since he was a kid. Unfortunately, his NHL dreams never came true. Instead, he played for a very competitive city league and for some reason this was a big deal for their town. Probably because everyone was bored to death, being in the middle of nowhere. Brad traveled all over the state and even to neighboring states on the weekends, playing hockey. He was paid, but probably not as much as a manager at McDonald’s. And because this was such a rinky-dink organization, her parents both volunteered. Her dad was the official team photographer and her mom helped organized all the little details that man-children needed, like sandwiches. Phoebe always thought that it was so lame.

  But the rule was, everyone in the household had to be involved. Everyone, including Phoebe. She just stood there, listening to Brad whine, to her dad stomping around grabbing last minute equipment and to her mom scraping her butter knife against the sandwiches. This was not paradise. This was Phoebe’s own personal version of hell.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Phoebe’s mom called. After a few minutes, Brad had all his equipment packed, her dad had all his equipment and Phoebe was standing near the door, holding a cooler and hating her life.

  The rink was a couple of hours away, in a small town that no one would even visit on their worst day. They traveled in a minivan like they were a family with children under the age of twelve, but it was really just Brad, the overgrown man-child who had all his equipment stinking up the back seats. Phoebe sat in the first-row bucket seats in the back and stared out the window. She watched cornfields roll by. She watched the sun come up. She wished for better in her life. Something new and excited. She wished that she believed that wishes actually came true.

  They hit the ice rink around 8 a.m. Lots of other cars were already in the parking lot.

  “We’re going to kick a lot of ass today!” Brad said, as the minivan doors unlocked. “All day, baby. All day!” Her parents laughed as if he were cute and endearing.

  Phoebe got out of the van and hoped that the ground would swallow her right up. She stood there while Brad argued with her dad over who was going to carry his equipment bag. She crossed her arms over her chest so her mom might think she was doing something. When she looked across the parking lot for a means of escape, she found herself losing her breath.

  There, across the parking lot, was a gorgeous man. Tall, hot, thick biceps stretching his sleeve, shirt tight against his flat stomach, pants tight in all the right places. He wasn’t naked this time. But Phoebe was sure he was the man in her dream.


  Phoebe didn’t know how long she’d been staring. It might have been two seconds or two days. But her brother shoulder checked her, hard enough to send her stumbling back and she almost landed on her butt if not for some study sneakers.

  “Brad, what the hell?” she yelled in the middle of the parking lot.

  “Heads up!” Brad said with an annoying smirk on his face. Phoebe could have punched him if she wasn’t for certain her parents wo
uld have her arrested on the spot for assault.

  “Can you please,” Phoebe spat out. “Grow up!”

  “Saw you staring at that guy,” Alex said, chomping gum that seemed to just appear magically in his mouth.

  “So what? No, we are not talking about this,” Phoebe said.

  “Just stay away from him,” Brad said. “He’s on the Troy Ice Kings.”

  “You don’t tell me what to do,” Phoebe said, pushing past him. Of course that wasn’t true. Everyone told her what to do. But she wanted it to be.

  Phoebe entered the ice rink without her parents and walked over to the stands, climbing up to the highest section. Up here, she could hide from the demands on her mother and just watch the ice before burying her face in her book. But as she pawed through her purse, she realized she didn’t bring her book after all. Phoebe leaned back, her head thumping against the cinderblock wall. Just great. Her phone didn’t have enough juice to survive being used all day. So basically, she was stuck with boredom.

  “Excuse me,” someone said, coming up beside her.

  Phoebe jumped. The was the guy from earlier. The one she couldn’t stop staring at. The one she swore she was dreaming about only hours before.

  “Hi,” he said. “Uh, there’s a plug behind you…”

  Phoebe stared a few moments longer. She didn’t notice it before, but he had the most intense green eyes. There were like staring directly into an emerald.

  “And I need to plug this in,” the man said. “There’s not a lot of plugs here and this is generally out of the way.”

  Phoebe couldn’t move. She couldn’t even bring herself to speak. She knew she was supposed to do something here, but what? This was too weird.

  “Phoebe!” her dad yelled from below. He had a bellowing, deep voice that could probably be heard from the other side of the country. So of course everyone was staring at him and then her because he had pointed straight at her. Phoebe swallowed hard. She hated this.


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