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Loving my Billionaire Stepbrother's Baby

Page 10

by Emilia Beaumont

  I pressed myself up against his sodden back and started to move my hand.

  He was just as big as I remembered him, thick and heavy with need.

  I pumped my hand going slowly at first. Extremely slowly, I didn’t want him to cum right away. He ground out a groan as I tightened my grip and worked it up and down his shaft. His head bent forward, as I picked up the pace, loving the feel of him. I wrapped my other arm around him, the tips of my fingers digging into his abs.

  “Faster,” he whispered.

  For a few moments my hand picked up speed and he lifted his other arm, flattening his palm against the tile, bracing himself even more, letting me have complete control of the experience.

  He was getting close, ready to let loose, but I needed more.

  I let go off his cock as I skirted around his body, dipping under his already elevated arm so that I could be in the front, facing him.

  He gave me an impatient stare, imploring me to finish what he’d started and I’d taken over.

  I stroked his face, then carefully eased myself to my knees. I was completely and utterly soaked but I didn’t need to take my clothes off to pleasure him.

  Drake gazed down at me as I took him in hand again, edging my mouth closer to the head of his cock.

  He wiped the wet strands of hair out of my face. “My beautiful,” he said.

  I licked my lips, they were already wet of course, and leaned forward. I kissed the head of his bulging cock. He was swollen with need and I felt the small pressure to open my mouth. His need so overwhelming that Drake was angling his hips forward, wanting me to take him. But I was going to do this my way.

  From top to bottom I licked and planted kisses up his shaft. Thick, spongy kisses that had him groaning. I even ducked my head down and kissed his balls. Sucking on them gently, one by one bringing them into my mouth.

  With my eyes closed, the water too heavy to see through at that angle, I claimed him with my hand again and brought him to my lips. This time I opened wide and let him slide in slowly. My tongue flattened and spread itself as he entered my mouth.

  Drake took the back of my head and helped me along and I gave him back some of the control and he started to fuck my mouth.

  When I wanted the control back he let me. I grabbed the side of his thighs for balance and began to bob my head, faster and faster. He stood still, his muscles tensing throughout his body as I felt him tighten on my tongue. Eager to have his release he thrust forward and I took him in further. Easing back I felt him let loose, spurting cum into my mouth and down the back of my throat.

  Drake moaned with heaviness and it echoed around the tiled room. His orgasm seemed to last an age as he pulsed and let his creamy seed spill.

  A slight sheepishness came over me as I wiped my mouth and eased myself up to a standing position. His eyes were still closed and he hadn’t moved. I touched his face again.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered.

  He nodded, a slow but definite nod. And his eyes fluttered open as if he was coming out of a dream. “Much better now,” he said. He was suddenly all movement as he turned the shower off.

  “Are we okay?”

  “We will be.” He paused. “You’re a bit wet,” he said with an amused cocky smile. “I’m just disappointed I wasn’t the cause of it.”

  “You still made me wet,” I said bashfully. The act of taking him in my mouth like that, unplanned had seemed to reignite a little bit of feeling down there and even though I was soaked through I could tell I was definitely wet.

  He dipped his head to mine and our foreheads rested against one another’s. “We should get you dry,” he whispered, “before you catch cold.”

  Before I could reply he managed to dip and twist his body in order to scoop me up. I squealed in surprise. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you to the bedroom. We need to get these clothes off.”

  “This is so dangerous. You better not slip!” I said with a hesitant giggle, and wrapped my arms around his neck just in case.

  “I would never drop you.”

  He managed quite gracefully to get us to the bedroom in one piece and eased me down onto the bed. But I didn’t let him get any further, I quickly stood up, dodged around him and started to strip the wet clothes off my body without him being able to see.

  “I wanted to do that,” he said, pouting.

  I pulled an old thick dressing gown out of my side of the walk in wardrobe and shoved my arms through the holes as fast as I could. Then belted myself up safely. I came back into the room and he was towelling himself off on the other side.

  We stood awkwardly staring at each other. I didn’t know what to say or do. And waiting for his reaction was excruciating. Was he going to be pissed that I’d rejected his advances again?

  Instead he reached out a hand across the bed and I moved to take it.

  “Stay here tonight?” he asked. “I promise I won’t do anything you’re not ready for.”

  I nodded and he smiled as if he’d just won the lottery. He moved the covers so we could get in and before I knew it he was behind me, his arms wrapped around me. His breath drifted over my neck as he nuzzled into me closer.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” Drake whispered into my ear. He was still holding on to me, his arms wrapped around me, one under my neck like a supporting pillow and the other draped lazily across my middle.

  It’d been a very long time since I’d woken up in his embrace and before I let my eyes flutter open I wanted to remember the moment and the way it made me feel. ‘Cause I didn’t want to ever forget. I didn’t want to go back to the way it had been for all those lonesome weeks; alone in a cold bed, desperately wondering why we were keeping ourselves apart.

  He was deliciously warm. Drake’s body was pressed up close. We were like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that fit together perfectly.

  I eased myself around to face him and mirrored the placement of my arm over the dip at his side. “Good morning,” I replied with a smile.

  His eyes were exploring my features, lazily studying me in silence. He looked as if he hadn’t seen me in years and it made me blush, the intensity of his scrutiny. Especially in the morning, when I had no makeup on my face. He was seeing me completely bare and raw.

  Drake caressed my face and tucked a strand of messy bed hair behind my ear. He leaned in as if he were to kiss me.

  “I have morning breath,” I protested, my lips sealing shut self-consciously.

  “I don’t care… besides, so do I.”

  He trapped my chin between his thumb and forefinger and went in for the kill. I relaxed my lips. The moment his touched mine, I knew everything was going to be all right. A tingling sensation swirled around my head and down to my core as his mouth moved against mine, his tongue edging forward like a brave explorer. And that wasn’t the only thing that was edging forward; I felt his hardness getting more prominent as the kiss deepened.

  From the dark wooden bedside table a muffled cry began. Barely audible at first, but then it got louder, more incessant.

  Drake groaned and pulled back a fraction. “Well there goes what I had in mind for the morning,” he said, and leaned back in to give me a quick peck on the lips before presumably getting out of bed to go to our son.

  “No, you stay. Let me get him.”

  He nodded and smiled and placed his hands behind him, tucked between the pillow and his head. “Don’t be long.”

  I gave him a sneaky smile and almost skipped my way down to the nursery. My little boy was not best pleased about the morning arriving, I thought as I witnessed his kicking feet and shaking arms. I scooped him up and began rocking him, the way I knew he liked. It always seemed to work for Sigrid and for Drake, even.

  The baby’s piercing wails continued.

  No matter what I did he still wouldn’t stop. I did a quick change of him, and yet he still wasn’t happy. I didn’t want to give in
to defeat, though.

  “Shh, my darling,” I whispered. “Maybe you’re hungry, huh? It’s hard to understand you over that racket,” I half-joked.

  With his cries echoing down the hallway we made our way to the kitchen. Not for a moment did he stop as I prepared his bottle. And his little mouth wouldn’t clamp around the teat of the bottle.

  I gave a little sigh, my heart breaking after each cry. I felt useless and incompetent. Why would he not stop crying for me? It seemed anyone else was able to do it in a matter of seconds, but he was being stubborn for his own mother.

  After trying almost everything, I knew there was only one thing left to do.

  I stood at the bedroom’s doorway with our boy and looked pleadingly at Drake who was where I’d left him, lazing in bed.

  “I can’t get him to stop. Drake, he won’t stop crying.”

  The last thing I wanted was to be a stubborn mule and keep on trying with the baby when I knew Drake would have no problem soothing him. I had to stop thinking about my own feelings and think about my baby’s. He was the one who was important. And while it hurt me that I couldn’t seem to help him when he was so distraught, I knew I still had to ask for help.

  “Can you help me?”

  “Of course, come here.” Drake sat up in the bed and scooted back so he was propped up against the headboard. We exchanged the baby and got him settled into Drake’s arms. I went to hand over the bottle. “No, keep that. Get back in the bed, join us.”

  “Okay,” I replied nervously, and climbed in sitting close Drake.

  He rocked and bounced him slightly, his head bent over him, saying sweet nothings. The crying became intermittent, lessening, but only slightly.

  “See, how on earth do you do that? It’s like magic. You’ve only had him for a few seconds and already he’s quietening down.”

  Drake looked up and gave me a sorrowful look. “I honestly don’t know. But don’t take it personally.”

  I sighed as the cries dwindled away. “It’s hard not to take it personally. I’m supposed to be his mom and I can’t even go near my own baby without him starting to cry up a storm. I don’t think he likes me.”

  As I said all this to Drake, letting my feelings come to surface, the tears threatened, too.

  “Of course he likes you, you’re his mom. You both went through something and that’s gotta be tough. He just needs to get to know you again is all.”

  I tried to believe Drake’s words, that perhaps we simply needed more time with each other, mother and baby, but I had been trying, unsuccessfully.

  “Okay, try giving him his bottle,” Drake prompted.

  I nodded and angled myself around the pair of them and rubbed the plastic teat across the baby’s lips. The little devil clamped his mouth shut, turned his head and began to wail again.

  “See. He knows it’s me trying to feed him.” I took the bottle away ready to give up and hand it over to Drake.

  Drake shook his head. “You’re a bundle of nerves, all tensed up. You’re just waiting for rejection.”

  “No I’m not,” I said defensively. I mentally took inventory of my body and its limbs. My muscles didn’t seem tense. And I didn’t feel nervous.

  “Try again, but this time relax. Take a couple deep breaths.” I looked at Drake like he was as mad as a hatter. “Seriously, close your eyes and take a few breaths. Now.”

  I sighed and did what he commanded.

  “Try now.”

  I opened up my eyes and reached across with the bottle expecting nothing to happen. But my eyes went wide as the baby miraculously opened up his tiny mouth and began to suck.

  “See, you were just nervous is all. You were making him nervous.”

  “Do you really think that was it?” I said to Drake as I marvelled at how the baby continued to feed.

  “Maybe, I don’t know,” Drake answered honestly. “But it was worth a shot anyway.” Drake smiled.

  The baby turned his head a little bit and the teat left his mouth.

  “Oops,” I said and tried to get the nub back into position. But again, like the first time, his mouth clamped shut, baring entry.

  “So much for that theory,” I said, a little disappointed, but glad we’d had some success that morning. This time Drake took the bottle from me and fed the remainder to the baby no problem; my stubborn boy opened right up again for his father.

  “You two look so sweet together,” I remarked as I watched them both. It may not have been perfect but seeing them together, having that moment, was still a blessing. But yet my mind wandered to something that could make it all disappear.

  “Aren’t you going to be late to work, or something?” I asked glancing at the illuminated digits of the bedside clock. It was about that time that Drake would be getting ready and rushing out the door for god only knows how long. Lately, he’d be gone for twelve, sixteen, sometimes even twenty hours at a time.

  “I’m not going in today,” Drake replied simply.

  In the bed I turned toward him. “What?” Was the world ending?

  The side of his mouth quirked upward into a sly smile. “You heard me.”

  “You’re staying home? Just for the morning, I guess?”

  He smile grew wider. “No, for the whole day.”

  “Are you sick or something?” I grilled him, reaching for his forehead, wondering what on earth was going on.

  “No, not sick.”

  “Okay, who are you and what have you done with my husband?”

  Drake laughed, startling the baby causing his little eyes to grow wide.

  “You were right, Vi. I haven’t been here like I should’ve, for the both of you. And I think it’s about time we give this little guy a name.”

  “We really do,” I agreed.

  “I’ve even turned my phone off. They’re under strict orders not to contact me unless aliens land or we go to war.”

  “Whoa, wonders never cease,” I said teasing him. And as if the moment wasn’t perfect enough Leah came running in on her chubby little legs. She was getting too good at climbing out of her bed, I thought, the little monkey. But I helped her up onto the bed and we all snuggled together.

  “There’s my precious girl,” Drake said to her. “Where’s my morning kiss?”

  Leah made a great show of bestowing a sloppy kiss onto Drake’s check, then did the same, but more gently, to the baby.

  “I think we should make a day of it,” I said to Drake. “Just us four. We can have a special naming day.”

  “That sounds perfect. What do you think, Leah? Want to help name your baby brother?”

  She nodded vehemently and smiled.

  I snuggled her close into my lap and planted kisses on her neck. “We can have cake and sweeties. I’ll go to the shops and get what we need, then we can really celebrate.”

  Drake leaned back, the baby now resting peacefully in his arms. “Don’t go, not just yet,” he said and took my hand. And I knew exactly what he meant. Everything was perfect in that moment. In our bed was the whole world. We didn’t need anything else right then. Just the four of us together was enough.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Drake asked as he was finishing up feeding Leah her breakfast.

  “No, you stay here. You have your hands full anyway,” I said smiling and nodding to the mess Leah had managed to make with her soggy cereal. “Besides I won’t be long. And it’ll be good for me to leave the house for a little bit.”

  “Okay, well if you’re sure.”

  “I am. I’m capable enough to buy some cake and supplies.”

  Cake!” Leah shouted with happiness, her arms up way in the air.

  Drake abandoned cleaning up the highchair that Leah was in for a moment and hooked his finger at me. A come-hither sign. I did and he leaned down to kiss me. “Don’t be long,” he said. “And don’t forget to take your phone with you.”

  “I won’t,” I said and left the kitchen givin
g them all a little wave before I disappeared around the wall leading to the lift.

  I’ll be back in no time, I thought as I exited the building. I opted for walking instead of jumping into a taxi or pulling out one of the cars from the garage beneath our building. It would be faster this way. Especially considering it was mid-morning and the foot traffic was light, what with most everyone already tucked away inside the office buildings.

  As I travelled along the quiet streets, the thought of offices and work had me thinking again at Drake’s shocking revelation earlier on that morning. He had chosen to stay at home for once. I hadn’t had to nag him, he’d decided to do it all on his on accord. And I couldn’t help but feel that things were finally starting to turn around. That we were turning a page… a new chapter in our lives. One where Drake would be there for not just his kids but for all of us. Me included. Maybe he’d realised that if he stayed away, working all the time, that it would further strain our relationship.

  Content, I walked into the posh express supermarket, picked up a wire-mesh basket and began to shop for what we needed to make our day a special one. I’d already promised cake so I headed to the small bakery section first. There were so many to choose from, and each of us had different favourite flavours. I adored chocolate, Drake preferred vanilla sponge with buttercream slathered all over it, and god only knows why, but Leah was now obsessed with lemon cakes with royal icing. It might have had something to do with the petit-fours she’d tried at Fortnum’s.

  I gave a little shrug and grabbed several selections of individual cakes then put them into my basket. One for each of us. Including the baby. Though of course we wouldn’t let him eat it. We’d put a little candle on it, light it, and it would serve as symbol during our impromptu naming ceremony. It would be perfect, I thought. Plus, it meant more cake! We could indulge for one day.

  I meandered up and down the aisles gathering a few extra things, candles and snacks, then paid for my items. The lady at the counter helped me pack them into two dark green plastic bags and I was back on my way home, laden down with goodies, when I stopped stock-still in the middle of the pavement.


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