Let Me Show You

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Let Me Show You Page 6

by Becca Seymour

  Slowly, he turned, a smirk playing on his gorgeous mouth. With a small head tilt, his smirk grew to a smile. He then nodded. “Sure. That sounds good.”

  I gulped, trying not to think how fucking adorable he looked. I shook my head and glanced down at my clothes. I was dusty, with fragments of wood shavings on me from the day’s work. “So, I’d best change, huh?”

  Carter’s gaze did a slow perusal of my body, seeming to take in every inch of me. Fuck, I’d spent too much time tossing off in the shower imagining the same thing but with us both naked. When his eyes flicked back to mine, he shook his head. “You look good enough to me.”

  My brows sprung high. “Okay.” I shrugged, attempting to act unaffected. It was funny, despite our differences in work, his education, and upbringing, in comparison to my own, not once did I ever overthink the differences between us, or at least not too hard. Never did he ever make me feel as though we were on a different footing. And fuck, was it hard not to crush on him even harder because of it. I’d had a failed relationship in the past with a lawyer. It turned out he was an arrogant prick who took pleasure in telling his friends he was slumming it. It was no wonder I dumped his ass in record time once I’d overheard him; he’d been lucky I hadn’t given him a black eye too.

  But Carter was different, and my resolve to remain professional was a struggle. Our boundaries blurred, and I had to admit, I did wonder why I bothered putting the no-fraternizing rule in effect in the first place. I must have been on crack for sure. Would dating while working for him really screw it all up?

  “So, where to?” he asked, interrupting my thoughts.

  “Coleman’s is a good spot.” It was definitely a pub rather than a bar you’d find in the city. While it wasn’t quite a sawdust floor, it was run-down and ancient, as were many of its locals. I’d been there several times, and it had fast become my favorite of the slim pickings in town. People were generally friendly; it was also where a few other tradesmen I’d met on other jobs hung out, plus it had a couple of pool tables and a dartboard.

  “Sounds good.” He grinned. The unhappiness from earlier still darkened his eyes, but the grin was definitely genuine. The small laughter lines around his eyes told me as much.

  I cleared my throat, wondering how I’d reached the point of analyzing smiles and laughter lines. “I’ll drive.”

  It was just ten minutes to the pub, which we rode in companionable silence. Carter had, I assumed, had a fucker of a day, and while I’d probably prod him later about what had gone on, I hoped he’d want to open up to me. Only time would tell.

  The bar had a good crowd, not surprising for a Friday night. I indicated for Carter to grab a pool table while it was free, and I made my way to get our drinks. Rather than a whiskey, he asked for a gin and tonic. I’d smiled at his request and lifted my brows. It was a drink my mom had always called mother’s ruin, simply because drinking too much led to emotional, drunken tears by the end of a session, so I’d smirked my way to order his drink, and got myself a bottle of Bud.

  Carter had already racked up when I returned with our drinks. I placed them on a small table to the side and took a swig of beer.

  “Your break,” Carter offered, handing me a cue.

  “Sounds good.” I threw him a wink as I took the cue and proceeded to break. It soon became clear that Carter was awful at the game, and he progressively became worse the more he drank. I also discovered he couldn’t handle his gin.

  But fuck, he was so funny and had genuine laughter bursting from my gut more than once. He was recounting a story from work involving a hamster, a snake, and a cat when his gaze was drawn to the opening door and the three men walking in. His laughter and story died off, his face paling.

  Concern filled me when I looked at the men standing at the bar. I hadn’t seen them around the place before, nor around town. They were in conversation while waiting for their drinks and seemed unaware of the impact they had on Carter. When I looked back at Carter, I walked over to him. He’d been in the process of taking a shot when he’d faltered and was since standing still and looking at the table. “Hey, where’d you go?”

  He jumped at my voice, his unfocused gaze landing on mine. His wide eyes softened, his body relaxing a little when he released a breath. “Err, sorry. I think that last drink went to my head.” His voice seemed strained, and he flicked his gaze over my shoulder, and no doubt toward the bar. I didn’t fail to miss his clenched jaw. “Do you mind if we rain check this game and get out of here?” Once his eyes were back on mine, worry gnawed at my gut. I had no idea what was going on, but every nerve in my body was on edge, ready to step in and make sure Carter was okay.

  I narrowed my eyes, not liking the thought that his reaction was one of fear. His piercing eyes begged me not to make a big deal of it though. They were focused, intent on mine, but slightly downcast. Everything in his body screamed he was desperate to leave, while mine roared that I wanted to head to the bar and those three guys to figure out what the fuck was going on.

  Instead, I swallowed my need to bang heads and chose to do what he needed. “Sure thing. Let’s get out of here.”

  Placing the cues down, Carter grabbed his jacket, and we made our way to the main doors. I positioned him to my right, closest to the wall and away from the bar, allowing him to be half a step ahead of me. As we angled to the exit, the three guys headed toward us, drink in hand and seeming set on the pool table. Carter visibly tensed. I refocused my gaze on the men, all wearing slacks and button-up shirts, all looking ridiculously preppy.

  One of the guys, who looked especially smooth, flared his nostrils when his eyes landed on Carter. A small sneer appeared on his face as though in distaste. Just as we passed, his not so quiet voice said, “Thank fuck the fags are leaving.” I heard two snorts, one from the smooth fucker himself, and the other I assumed from one of his friends.

  My reaction was immediate.

  I spun on my heel, my face warming in anger, fist twitching and a curl of heat unfurling in my gut. “What the fuck?” My muscles clenched, wanting to pound into the hotshot’s face. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard a pathetic slur, and admittedly, in the past I hadn’t necessarily lashed out in anger, but with Carter’s anxiety, I was pretty sure caused by these guys, rational thought fled.

  The fucker faced me. His lip curled again when his gaze flicked at Carter and then me. I stepped forward, relishing the waver of uncertainty that appeared on his face. The guy was all bravado. I knew with one fist to the face, he’d be on the ground, and I would take great pleasure in proving it.

  “I said, what the fuck? You have something you want to say?”

  His two friends turned in my direction, neither looking ready to square up to a fight or have their buddy’s back. Anger pounded off me. I was sure each of the fuckers before me could feel it.

  The preppy gulped, his eyes traveling to the right just as Carter’s warm palm settled on my arm.

  “Come on, Tanner. Let’s just go.” His voice was quiet, but I heard the tremor, felt it too.

  My gaze remained on the guy before me, and I didn’t miss the sneer he directed at Carter. I willed him to speak, to give me a reason to draw blood. Instead, he stayed silent.

  “Thought as much.” My voice was low, hard and demanding, immediately drawing his attention back to me. Carter released my arm and stepped slightly to the side. I turned to look at him. He was biting on his bottom lip, one I was desperate to draw into my mouth, and his cheeks carried a sexy blush. I unclenched my fist, reached out and took Carter’s hand in mine.

  On contact, he inhaled deeply, shock registering on his face, his cheeks warming even more. I gave his hand a light squeeze. “Come on, baby. Let’s go.” I didn’t throw a warning glance over my shoulder as I left. That stupid fuck had got the message. Plus, with Carter’s hand in mine, his skin heating my own, I didn’t want to focus on anything or anyone but him. I just needed to get out of the bar before I shoved Carter against the wall in public to m
ake it clear that the rules had changed.

  Carter was going to be mine. Fuck the consequences.

  Chapter Eight


  I was on fire. My skin threatened to burn off in the best possible way. How on earth was that even a good thing? All I knew was when Tanner took on Scott, my heart had threatened to burst out of my chest with emotion for the man. He was strong and brave, and so goddamn sexy, and I wanted nothing more than to climb him like a freakin’ tree and dry hump him.

  Admittedly, I wanted to do that with him naked and him be inside me, but still, the intensity of my need threatened to have me clawing out of my skin. He was everything I wanted and never thought I’d have the chance to have.

  His hand gripped mine as he tugged me out of the building, not stopping until we reached the car. He unlocked it, pulled open the door, and ushered me in before getting himself settled and driving.

  The silence was not the same as on the drive out. Tension pulsed between us. I was rock-hard, and I didn’t want to shift or move for fear of breaking whatever spell had taken over us. I wanted him something fierce. After weeks of spending hours together, working side by side, eating and relaxing together, my desire for him was already heightened, but after the display in the bar, he’d gone and catapulted that desire to a supernova level of need.

  I felt surprisingly sober after the anxiety that had swirled inside me when Scott had first entered. I’d been having such an amazing time with Tanner, finally unwinding after a nightmare of a day, caused by Scott Analson. His appearance over the past few weeks had caused lead to settle in my gut. It had seemed there was no escaping him or his cruel taunts, and having to deal with it outside of work was something I didn’t think I could cope with—until Tanner had stepped in with his alpha deliciousness. Scott retreating in on himself was a sight to behold. Not only did it set free a rush of justice, but it made me want Tanner even more. He’d said in not so many words that he wasn’t interested in me. I’d respected that, hated it, but recognized it all the same. When his hand had taken mine into his strong, rough palm, though, that was when the fire had started, quickly turning into a raging inferno while in the car.

  I had no idea what his plan was, or even if he had one. Damn, did I? I could step up and take charge when I needed or wanted to, but everything about Tanner cried control, and I wasn’t necessarily thinking kinky stuff either. Though that did give me pause for thought. Tanner had, however, previously put his boundaries in place. It was up to him to change, move, or goodness, destroy the things completely. A guy could dream.

  When we pulled up to my house, I turned my gaze to him. He gripped the steering wheel, his focus directly in front of him. After a few breaths, where I willed him to look at me, he stepped out of the car and walked around it.

  The anticipation was killing me.

  Realizing he was coming to the passenger door, I unbuckled my belt and made to open the door. I didn’t have a chance. It was flung open, and Tanner filled the space.

  The next moment I was in his arms and being ushered to the house. He pulled out his key, opened the door, and tugged me inside. Every second that slipped by left need pooling in my stomach and the desperate desire to have his mouth on mine. I hoped to God that was what he intended. I didn’t think my heart or my constant hard-on could handle an alternative.

  When the door closed behind us, Tanner finally turned and faced me. He backed me against the closed door, caging me in, his body a few inches from mine. With his hands flattened on either side of my head, his exhale brushed against my skin. My breath hitched at the nearness and intimacy.

  I lifted my gaze to meet his; our eyes connected. I was sure mine widened when I took in the lust swirling there. My focus moved to his mouth, and I watched in delicious agony as his lips parted and he groaned. Flicking my eyes back to his, I bit back my own needy moan.

  “Fuck, Carter.” He closed his eyes when my name passed his lips. “I need to know you’re okay.”

  Every muscle in my body tightened, and his eyelids sprung open. “What do you mean?” My voice was breathy, barely recognizable.

  One of his arms shifted, his hand coming to my face, his fingers stroking my cheek. Relaxing into his touch, my lids dipped.

  “I mean, are you okay from the bar?”

  I was sure my heart stuttered at the concern in his voice. This man had the ability to snatch my heart, my soul away from me. I could only hope that he would take good care of it, as I was powerless to stop him even if I wanted to. Which I didn’t.

  I nodded. “Yes. I am now.”

  His fingers traveled to my mouth, and he ran the pads over my bottom lip. Tanner’s gaze dropped there before rising back to mine.

  “This changes everything.”

  I nodded again, desperate for his words to become my reality.

  “And you’re okay with that too?”

  Heck, all I could do was keep nodding. I wanted the talking to stop, and I needed him to take me and make me his.

  “Right answer.” His large hand cupped my cheek, and he lowered his mouth to mine.

  As his lips brushed against mine, I sighed in relief. The kiss was gentle, soft, not at all like the simmering passion sparking between us. But it was exactly as our first kiss should be.

  Tanner’s kisses drifted to my cheek, to my neck, and I angled for him, finally getting enough brain function to move my hands to touch him. Stroking his neck and trailing my fingers across his shoulders, I angled my head to give him better access, loving the shivers shooting through me. My cock throbbed when his mouth went to my ear, and he lightly bit my lobe while his scruffy facial hair rubbed across my shaven skin. My hands found his hair and I brushed my fingers through the strands and held on to his head, tugging him nearer.

  A rumble escaped his lips at my attention, and his mouth quickly found mine. Soft and gentle was gone, replaced with possession and need. Our lips pressed against each other’s, Tanner’s tongue delving into my mouth, finding my tongue and stroking it lightly. I thrust my groin against his at the action. He responded immediately, pressing his jean-clad erection against mine and deepening our kiss.

  I needed more.

  In tune, Tanner pulled away with a breathy groan. “Bed.” It wasn’t a question.

  Smiling, I threw my arms around him and kissed him long and hard. He groaned once more, meeting my kisses with relish. Backing up a step, Tanner cupped my ass and squeezed. His hands felt so good and so right on me.

  Eagerly, I pushed against him, not quite sure I had the willpower to make it to my bedroom. Needing more of him to see me through the next torturous thirty seconds before we found a mattress, or likely longer at the rate we were going, I ran a hand beneath his tee. The warmth of his skin was perfect under my touch. I caressed his back, reveling in his moans.

  He tore his mouth from mine, making me stumble a moment before he gripped my ass once again and lifted me. “Fuck it,” he murmured as my legs wrapped around him. He angled his head and planted a quick kiss on my lips before he spun us around and took long, confident strides to the staircase and all but charged upstairs.

  I hung on for dear life, a complete mix of amused and turned on, and hoping like crazy he wouldn’t drop me. At six foot, I was hardly light. Once in my room, he lowered me to the bed before standing and stripping naked.

  With wide eyes, I watched every move, every drop of fabric as I reveled in the perfectness of Tanner. Tanned hard lines and angles greeted me, though I knew despite the firm muscles, his skin would be soft and welcoming.

  “Keep looking at me like that, baby, and foreplay will be going right out the fucking window.”

  At his gravelly words, I locked eyes with his. Breathily, I answered, “I’m good with that.” And oh my, was I! For weeks I’d dreamed of Tanner. What started as horny dreams of a hot body hadn’t taken long to morph into passionate ones of a beautiful man with a kind soul.

  A smile lit his face as he reached down and started the teasing proc
ess of removing my clothes.

  Chapter Nine


  Fuck. Carter was fucking perfect.

  Somehow I’d held back from tearing off his clothes and slamming into him. Our combined need was heady. From a build-up of weeks’ worth of pent-up desire and attraction to finally shrugging off the ridiculous logic of why we shouldn’t just give in, I was ready to explode and bury myself balls deep in him.

  There was no fucking way I was doing that. We’d waited too long. I needed to savor every caress, to enjoy the taste of him. And more than that, I needed to unravel him before I took possession and made him mine.

  I was under no illusions. With the friendship we’d built and our instant and growing attraction, there was no way a quick fuck or even one fuck would be enough. I hadn’t even tasted him, yet I knew that soul deep.

  Speaking of tasting, I licked his shaft, savoring the velvet-soft skin covering the hardness. Carter groaned as I made my way toward his balls and took the time to suck and lick, pulling each one into my mouth.

  “Harder,” he gasped. “Yes, like that,” he grunted as I tugged his sac.

  My dick throbbed at his words, his reaction, knowing how good it felt. Releasing a ball with a pop, I looked up at him as I trailed hot kisses along his shaft. His eyes were on me, drifting between my mouth and my eyes. When I then licked over the head, circling and paying attention to his sensitive slit, his eyes squeezed shut, and he threw his head back.

  “Please, Tanner.”

  I grinned just before I wrapped my mouth around him. With one hand gripping the base, I bobbed my head repeatedly, hollowing my cheeks as I sucked. He groaned again, urging me to take him as deep as possible. I moved both hands to his ass. With a palm on each butt cheek for leverage, I tugged him toward me; his cock hit the back of my throat. I concentrated on breathing, on making him fall apart so that he would never want another man but me near him again.


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