Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1)

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Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1) Page 6

by Brooke Summers

  Lacey's eyes light up. "New York during summer break? Why are you even asking?"

  I laugh, I knew she'd want to go. When I left Oakland, Sarah and I were great friends. Now we're best friends, sisters even and now we've found one more, Lacey. We're all as thick as thieves even though Sarah lives over two thousand miles away.

  "Do you think Sarah will bring us to Fashion Week?" Lacey asks as we walk up the stairs.

  "Fashion Week?" Mom's voice asks from behind us, and I inwardly groan, I knew she was around somewhere, I wonder how long she was listening for.

  "Yeah Mom, Sarah's working with a designer and her designs will be showcased during Fashion Week." I inform her, "Can we talk about this at breakfast? I want to have a shower."

  Her lips press into a thin line as hurt flashes in her eyes, "Of course, is there anything you'd like for breakfast?"

  I give her a smile, "Everything!" We all laugh, but I'm serious. "Mom, I could eat everything and anything. I'm starving. Lacey made me go for a run. I swear I must have ran at least half a marathon."

  Lacey rolls her eyes, "Hardly, we ran six miles, Mia. That's nowhere near half a marathon. But I'm hungry too."

  Mom laughs, "I'll get the maid to make you both a full breakfast."

  I grin, "The maid?"

  Mom's eyes roll, "Yes, she's a housemaid who also cooks because both Harrison and I are completely useless. She's here today as she's cleaning the house."

  "Cool, what’s her name?" I ask, "Has she always worked for Harrison?"

  "Her name is Willa, and she's only been working with us for a week. Harrison wanted a housemaid, so I interviewed a few ladies and Willa was the best. Anyway, you two go ahead and get showered. Breakfast will be ready when you come down." Mom says before glancing to her left. "Go," she claps her hands and both Lacey and I laugh and run up the stairs.

  "We've less than an hour before Barney is here. We'd better hurry, I'd hate to keep the poor man waiting." Lacey says, and I'm shocked that she remembered his name, I forgot. "Don't wash your hair. We'll do it tonight as we get ready for the party."

  "Sounds good, won't take me much more than fifteen minutes to be ready." I tell her as I walk toward the stairs, "If you're ready before me, make your way downstairs and have breakfast.” Even as I say the words I know that I'll be ready before Lacey, she takes ages in the shower.

  "Like that will ever happen. But same applies to you, we all know how much you like your food."

  I laugh, "Okay, because I'm the person who went to an all you can eat buffet and went back six times." I roll my eyes as she snorts. "You're the greediest person I know Lace. I have no idea where you put it all."

  She doesn't answer me; instead, she does the really mature thing by sticking her tongue out at me. I laugh at her as I run up the stairs toward my bedroom, there's no ensuite bathroom in my room whereas there is in Lacey's. Thankfully Hudson isn't here, so I have free rein over the bathroom which makes things easier.

  "So you did some digging?" I ask Lacey as we sit down to get some lunch, we've been shopping for hours and we've bought everything except for dresses for this evening. Barney has been dutifully following us around, he's six foot five and built like a linebacker. With the name Barney, I had thought he'd be some scrawny guy, but he's not. He's also a lot younger than I had thought. I'm guessing he's in his mid-to-late- twenties, if not his early thirties. Lacey's eyes immediately lit up when she saw him.

  "Right, so after everything that Greg had said and the lavish lifestyle he leads, I guess I just wanted to know who he was." Her voice’s low as an anxiousness mars her face.

  "Why are you fretting?" I reach over and grab her shaky hand. I wonder what she's found out, she seems to be frightened, but of what?

  She worries her lip between her teeth as she glances around the diner we're in. "Mia." She whispers, "I didn't find anything. I mean nothing at all. There's no trace, not that I could find."

  My eyes widen, holy shit! If Lace can't find anything that's huge. Lacey is a whiz with a computer, she can find out anything about anyone.

  "I called Greg this morning before we left. I wanted to find out what he knew." She glances around the room again, almost as if she's expecting someone to be watching us.

  My nerves are skyrocketing. "Christ Lace, what did he say?"

  "He told me that Hudson is the boss, he's a drug dealer Mia, he’s a pimp and gun runner. It’s a family business. His father was in charge before Hudson and his grandfather before that. His grandfather started it up, or his great grandfather, he wasn't sure. Mia, these people are dangerous." She implores with me just as Barney walks towards us, "Mia, Greg says they've killed people." Her voice is shaky as tears shine in her eyes

  I glance at Barney and then back to Lacey, "I'll talk to Mom, she's not going to lie to me about something like this. I'll find out the truth." I promise her, she's frightened, and she's going to be even worse when we get back to the house.

  "Ladies," Barney says coming to stand beside our table.

  Lacey blushes, well at least she's not terrified anymore.

  "Barney, why don't you join us for lunch? We've not long ordered." I tell him and watch as Lacey instantly nods, oh she's got it bad.

  He glances around the diner, "I shouldn't."

  Lacey rolls her eyes, "No one's here to tell you otherwise, besides, you must be hungry and this is on us. Our way of saying thanks for being a good sport for not once complaining while we've been shopping."

  He doesn't say anything, but I can see him wavering.

  "Or, think of it as a bribe for later on, we've still got to find dresses," I tell him and watch as he shakes his head. "It's up to you. Personally, I think you need to refuel. Shopping with us is a workout."

  He laughs, "Fine. You've twisted my arm. I'll find the waitress and give her my order." He looks at Lacey, "If you think shopping is a workout, you've seriously been doing it wrong. I can show you if you'd like." I watch as his eyes darken, Lacey's mouth parts in surprise before she slowly smirks. The look they're giving each other can only be described as sexual.

  They stare at each other for what feels like an age. "I feel like I need to take a shower after watching you two."

  Barney smiles before walking over to where the waitress is. "Holy shit." I gasp as soon as he's out of earshot. "Lacey, you two have some serious chemistry."

  Her smile is one of the brightest I have seen from her. "I don't even know him, and I have this pull toward him."

  I click my fingers, "I had that with my mystery guy. I swear it was like a magnet pulling me toward him. I just knew that going home with him that night was the right thing to do. Would you...?" I trail off as I know she's understands what I'm trying to say without having to actually say it.

  She shrugs, "I don't know Mia, how do you even approach a subject like that when you've hardly spoken?"

  I hold my hands up, "You're asking the wrong person. I've had sex with one person Lace, and you know how that went. He initiated it. It was amazing. But I have no idea where to even begin. It's like murky waters for me."

  "Ah now, it's not that hard. You like someone, fuck 'em."

  I turn and see Barney standing beside the table. "Jesus!" I cry out, "Where the hell did you come from?"

  "How long have you been standing there?" Lacey asks him with narrowed eyes. "You should come with a bell."

  He smirks as he slides into the seat beside Lacey, "You two were talking, I didn't want to interrupt."

  I scoff, "What was that then?”

  He winks at me, "Helping a sister out."

  I shake my head. I'm not mad at him, he's like an annoying brother that I never had. His smile is infectious. He's a fun guy, one that I actually like.

  "Soooo," Lacey asks, not looking at him. "Exactly how much did you hear?"

  "Enough to know Mia needs to get laid."

  I groan. "Seriously?"

  Both he and Lacey smile, "Mia, when was the last time you had sex, or should I say the only
time you had it?" Barney questions me.

  I gape at him in disgust, "That would be none of your business."

  "Nearly two years ago now," Lacey tells him for me. "She doesn't even know his name."

  "Lace!" I choke, will she shut up?

  "What? He heard everything anyway."

  Barney nods, "I did, look, Mia, this guy sounds like an ass. Why haven't you moved on?"

  "Wow Barney, are you getting serious with me?" I'm impressed; there's more to him than I first thought.

  He tilts his head to the side and stares at me, "Mia, there's a reason you've not found someone else isn't there?" He says, and I'm starting to hate him.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about. I've just been busy with school and everything." I glare at Lacey in hopes that she'll save me from this line of questioning.

  His face tells me that he thinks I'm full of crap, but I ignore it and hope that the waitress comes down with our food and soon.

  "What about you Lacey, do you have a mystery guy?" He asks her, his voice deep and soothing, he's very forward with his questioning.

  "Nope, don't have time.” She flashes him a quick smile. “What about you, Barney?” Her voice husky. “Do you have a lady, mysterious or otherwise?" She asks looking up through her lashes. She’s good, she managed to come back with her own invasive questions.

  I just shake my head at these two. I feel as though I'm intruding. Like I'm a third wheel. Every look they give each other is scorching hot.

  "There's no specific lady in my life if that's what you're asking." Wow, he's a jerk, there was no need to answer it like that.

  Lacey's eyes flash with disappointment, he's blown it with her. "I wonder how much longer our lunch is going to be." She's trying to put on a brave face, I can hear the strain in her voice.

  "Hungry again?" I ask her teasingly, and I watch as her body relaxes a bit. "We should have gone to Taco Bell or McDonalds, somewhere quick."

  She sighs, "Hell, they've not even brought our drinks down to us yet."

  I glance at Barney, he's checking his phone, but his jaw is clenched, the muscles in his face tight. He knows he fucked up. It's his own damn fault. He really should think before he speaks.

  My phone vibrates against the table, and I pick it up to see it's a text message from Sarah. "She sent the email." I inform Lacey, "God, I hope he responds."

  She slumps back against the booth, "Now it's a waiting game. God, I'm so nervous for her."

  "For who?" Barney chimes in.

  "Our friend," I reply not really paying attention as I type out a message to send back to her.

  "What happened?" He's genuinely curious.

  I glance at Lacey. It's up to her if she wants to tell him. I would, but he's hurt Lace with a few stupid words.

  "She had a one night stand with a guy she liked, he was in an off and on relationship." She shakes her head, "Long story short, she got pregnant and she called him. He had his girlfriend call her back and tell her that he didn't want the baby and he didn't want her." Her words clipped, she's still mad that Jagger did that too Sarah.

  "She wanted him to know that he has a daughter, that if and when he wants to know Allie, that he can call and she'll set it up. That was the email she sent today." I finish, and it hurts to hear what Sarah went through, knowing that he could reject them yet again makes me want to cry.

  "Wow, sounds like your friend is well shot of him. Anyone who gets their girlfriend to end things is an asshole. He made that baby, he should man up and take responsibility." He glances at both mine and Lacey's shocked faces, "What?"

  I shrug, "I guess, we never really got a man's perspective on it before. We hate Jagger, what he did, fuck he's an asshole. I really hope I don't meet him while I'm here. I won't be held responsible for what I may do."

  He nods, "That he is, where's your girl now?"

  "New York, she's working in fashion," Lacey says proudly.

  He frowns, "Are you from San Fran?" He asks, looking at me with a weird expression.

  I shake my head, "No, I'm from Oakland, as is Sarah."

  His eyes flash with something that resembles anger, "You said the man's name is Jagger? Where did your friend meet him?"

  Now I'm confused. "Synergy."

  He nods, "Great club."

  My cheeks flame as I think back to the only night I was in it, fuck, it was a great night. "Yeah, it is." Movement in my peripheral vision has me glancing at the approaching waitress. "Finally," I mumble, we've still got to find dresses yet.

  We walk into Mona Lora’s Boutique, I glance back at Barney, while we were eating he was really quiet and furiously texting on his phone. Now he’s on his cell talking in a hushed tone. When he catches me watching him, he glares at me and turns around. I shake my head and continue into the store. Twenty minutes later and both Lacey and I have found our dresses.

  “You’ll be cleared of duty soon,” Lacey tells him.

  “Yep.” He clips, anger pulsating from him.

  “Whatever,” I say and pull Lacey with me as we pay for them. Whatever his problem is, is just that - his. He doesn’t need to be an ass to Lacey and I.

  Walking around the ballroom, I'm surprised by how many people are actually here. There's way more than the two hundred guests here. If I were to guess, I'd say there's at least double that. Each and every one of them are clinging onto every word Mom and Harrison say. A waitress walks around with a tray of champagne in her hands, and I can't help myself, my arm reaches for a glass, and I bring it to my mouth. This party is boring as hell.

  "Where did you get that from?" Lacey asks coming to stand beside me, where I was hiding in the corner, hoping and praying that no one comes up to me and congratulates me on having such a wonderful stepfather. "I want one." She pouts as she searches the room.

  I point to the woman walking around with a tray in her hand. "The waitress is handing them out, be quick about it though. If Mom sees us with them, she'll have a heart attack."

  She nods quickly before making her way over to the waitress. My eyes find Mom. She's in the middle of a conversation with some women. They remind me of Stepford wives. They’re standing with their back straight, their movements robotic as they sip their drinks or laugh. This party isn't about a celebration, it's about flaunting their wealth, and I'm dying to escape. Looking back to Lacey, she’s talking to Barney, a drink in hand, her eyes narrowed. Barney sure knows how to piss her off.

  "Ugh." Lacey groans as she comes to stand beside me once again. "He's a jerk, there's something seriously wrong with him."

  "What now?" I ask, finding this highly amusing even though she calls him a jerk, she wants him.

  "He apologized, and I accepted it, but his cell rang and just like that," She clicks her fingers, "he's back to being an ass. He's giving me whiplash."

  A hush of silence falls over the room, and I glance up to see what's got everyone so quiet. My eyes meet the deepest brown set of eyes that I have ever seen, ones that haunt my dreams. My breathing stops as I stare at the man that I've not been able to get off of my mind.

  "Mia?" Lacey questions, "Are you okay?"

  "It's him," I whisper, my hand reaching out to grab a hold of hers. "It's my mystery man." I peer at her, and her eyes are on him too.

  Her mouth pops open, "But Mia, that's Hudson."

  I gasp, as butterflies swarm in my stomach. What the hell is he doing here? “Fuckity fuck,” I mutter as he walks towards us. That’s the man that I slept with. My mystery man, the one that I’ve had deep dark fantasies about, is my stepbrother.



  "Son, tell me you didn't," Dad says as I sit beside him on the bench.

  When he called and asked me to meet him here at Golden Gate Park, I knew that he was going to start his shit.

  "Didn't what?" There's no mistaking my tone. I don't like being questioned, especially from my own father.

  "The fire, the body. It was a fucking cop. Christ." He shakes his head as h
is fist clenches, "Tell me something Hudson, was I wrong to hand the reins over to you?"

  "Fuck no." I fire back, "What happened last night, it was my way of regaining control of the men that had begun to wane. The men that had put their trust in you, the men that believed they'd retire when they were too old, just as you would. The men that don't believe that I'm capable of the job. Don't sit there and make assumptions. You know nothing. Nothing. I was in shit creek because of your rash actions, and now I'm finally fixing it."

  He intakes a sharp breath, followed by another, and another. He's calming himself down, not wanting to say something he'll regret. People wonder where I get being a hothead from? My dad. "Son, I know that things with Tina went a lot faster than any of us had imagined, but she's the only woman that I've loved."

  I bite my tongue; he treated my mom like shit for years, always cheating on her. Making her out to be the reason as to why he was stepping out on her, that she was the reason he was acting the way he did. I hate him for the way he treated her but he's my dad, he was my boss, there was nothing I could do about it. The shit he says about how he and Tina are in love pisses me off, if she's the only woman he loved, then why the hell was he stringing Mom along for so damn long?

  "Tina gave me an ultimatum. It was her or the organization."

  I let out a bitter laugh, "Nice, Dad, you chose her over your family." I spit the word out, and he doesn't react. "Is there a particular reason you wanted to meet? Because it sure as hell wasn't to talk about what may or may not have happened last night."

  "Will you be at the party tonight?"

  Of course, he's checking to make sure that I'm going to be there to see my new stepmom and step-sister, God, I can't think of anything worse. "I've said I'll be there, so I'll be there." I stand, "Are we done?" I need to meet the men and get a status update of what went down last night after I left them.


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