Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1)

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Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1) Page 7

by Brooke Summers

  He sighs as he stands, "Yeah, we're done."

  I shake my head. He doesn't get what a mess he handed me when he passed on the crown. It was a poison chalice, one that I'm still trying to find an antidote for. "I'll see you tonight," I say and begin to stride towards my Bentley. He doesn't say anything and I carry on walking, not surprised that he's silent. He chose to leave this world, he needs to remember that. Climbing into the back of the car, I just settle into the seat when my cell begins to ring. Seeing Jagger's name on the screen makes me wonder what the hell Carina's done this time. Every time he calls me the bitch has fucked up in one way or another.

  "What’s she done now?" It's my way of a greeting. Martin begins to drive, his hands tight against the wheel. Seems it's a day for everyone to be in a pissy mood.

  "Boss," His voice vibrates with anger.

  "Have you killed anyone?"

  He chuckles, "No, not yet although I'm fucking close."

  "Right, is it any of the men?" I can't have him in a room with them if it is.


  "Meet me and the rest of the men. We're having a meeting then you and I will have one." It's an order. He can't go off and kill who he pleases, although I'm pretty sure it's Carina that he's trying not to put his hands on. We may be assholes, but we don't stoop that low. Any of my men are found to have hit a woman, they will be severely dealt with, things are going to be different than how my dad ran the organization.

  Martin's uncharacteristically silent, "What?" I bark out, the silence putting me on edge.

  "I got a call from Jorge." I'm all ears. "The man that met with Juan is Juan's cousin, Arturo."

  "How the hell did he not know it was his damn cousin?"

  "Arturo's been in Mexico Boss. He's only been in the States for a month." Martin has a smirk on his face which means he has an idea. I wait for him to spit it out. "Arturo's visa ran out two weeks ago. It's time to have his ass deported."

  I shake my head at the pettiness but fuck, it's a good idea. "Get the ball rolling, make sure he's arrested first and foremost with possession." Getting him arrested will have the cops look into him, he’ll be deported for being an illegal. The cops on my payroll will see to it. Not only that, it'll add more heat onto Juan and give me even more excuse to keep that fucker away from my family and business.

  "On it Boss, he'll be picked up by the end of the day." He assures me, and I smile. It's about time those fucking cops and officials on my payroll are being used. Otherwise, they're sitting on their asses doing fucking nothing while reaping the rewards.

  "Boss, may I speak freely?" He asks, his voice strong and steady, he's been working up to this.

  "Of course," I reply instantly. He's piqued my interest.

  "I believe that security for your father, mother, stepmother, and step-sister need to be set up. We have no idea what Juan has planned or what he'll plan once Arturo is deported. We need to have every base covered."

  I nod, "Okay, what is your plan?"

  "How did you know that I have a plan already?"

  I chuckle, "You wouldn't have approached this conversation without being thorough. So what is your plan?"

  His back straightens as he glances in the rearview mirror, "I want to hire a few guys to come in and protect your family."

  "Absolutely not." I don't trust newbies, hell I hardly trust my men. There's no way I'm hiring out for protection.

  "Listen to me, Boss." He implores, "These guys, they're the best. They're not cops, and they don't belong to the government."

  "So, who are they?" If they don't belong to the government, then who and what are they?

  "They're a group of elite men and women. They've been in the military but now are their own company or should I say task force. Look I don't know much about them other than they're the best and they will make sure your family is safe."

  He's not exactly making a good case for them. "That's all you got?"

  He lets out a heavy sigh, "No, my brother Macka is part of the team. Boss, the only reason I even know about the team is because of Macka."

  I frown, "I thought your brother died."

  His smirk is reflected through the mirror, "Yeah, Boss; you're finally getting why they're the best."

  It clicks, these men and women are supposedly dead; hence, they can do anything they want. "How long has this team been going? What do they specialize in?"

  "Um..." He wavers, "That I’m not entirely sure of, I’ve not long found out he’s still alive.”

  They’re mercenaries, that’s what they are. I’m not having anyone I don’t know watch my family, but I’m not going to instantly dismiss it either. Martin brought it to me because he believes they would do a good job. I’m not going to cut down his idea, not just yet anyway.

  "I'll let you know, in the meantime talk to Barney and let him know what the situation is. Tell him to keep his ear close to the ground. I'll be arriving there tonight, and I'll be bringing Jagger and you with me." I inform him, and he instantly nods. "It's my father's celebratory party for his marriage to Tina. I want everything to go smoothly."

  "Yes Boss, I'll make sure that we're on top of things. I'll give Barney a call while you're in the meeting unless you need me to be present?"

  "You can call Barney while Jagger and I have a meeting. Martin, as my second in command you are expected to be present at meetings, just as Jagger is." I probably should have let him know that I’d given him the title of second in command before today, but fuck it, this was as good as any other way.

  "Of course, Boss." Pride in his voice, he understands the significance of being my second in command. I don't trust people, but those I do, I make sure they're close to me. Jagger was my best friend growing up, his mom is from the south, and Jagger has that southern drawl she had. Whereas his father, along with mine, started as my grandfather's soldiers before working their way up the ranks. Jagger's dad was shot dead by police believing he was robbing a store. He wasn't, and the officer who killed him almost five years ago now still is breathing. Something I plan on rectifying. Enough time has passed now that they won't automatically think it was us. Although suspicion will fall on us, it will look like an accident, one that happened while he was on the job.

  "Martin, while we're in this meeting I need your eyes on Matt and Carmine Jr. I don't trust those two." There's something about them that doesn't sit right with me, even when my dad was in charge. They're lazy, but they're slick too. They know too much for my liking.

  "Funny you should mention those two. My gut screams every time those two schmucks are about."

  He pulls up outside the new warehouse that Jagger had lined up for me. He'd been searching for a while and found three for us to use. He knows what I'm like, and he also knows that I'm cleaning house. But I'm going to try and control my temper and not kill anyone where I hold my meetings. Ending Ulric was my way of sending a message to the men that I don't give a fuck who I have to take out. If my men are behind me and loyal, they'll stay if they're not, they go.

  Jagger's waiting outside for us, his posture is stiff, he’s fucking pissed. I'm curious as to what Carina has done. Whatever it is, she's lucky to be alive. "They're all inside, the men are anxious, they're unsure of what you're planning on doing next."

  I smirk, "It'll keep them on their toes. They now know not to fuck around and mess with me. I won't tolerate it."

  He nods once and opens the door, as soon as I walk in every single man stands to attention. Good, they've learned

  "Cage what did you find about Detective Collins?" I get straight to the point as I walk towards them.

  He takes a step forward, "Boss, I searched his place, he kept nothing of relevance there. I did some digging and found a storage container. He had files on you and your dad, but I've disposed of those. Stupid moron hadn't told anyone what Ulric had told him. So we're good." He puffs out his chest.

  "How do you know that he hadn't told anyone?"

  Darwin steps forward, a deep cough escaping him.
"I may have taken his sister out for dinner."


  He smirks, "She said that Collins didn't trust anyone on the force, he wasn't sure who you have in your pocket. So he was waiting until he had enough evidence to take to his superior."

  "Thank fuck for his distrusting nature." Cage laughs, "Boss, everything is gone." he assures me.

  I nod once, and they both step backward. "Matt and Carmine." My voice has taken on a dark edge.

  They glance at each other, before hesitantly taking a step forward. "Yes, Boss?"

  "Where is Ulric's body?" He hasn't been found yet, and I'm curious as to where they've dumped him.

  Matt stands taller, "There's a new mall going up in Barstow, they laid the foundation for it this morning. Ulric is about ten feet underneath that foundation."

  "Good." I nod to them, and they take a step backward.

  "There’s been a threat made against my family. I'll be staying close this weekend. Make sure you are by your phones. I don't care what you are doing, I call, you drop whatever it is, and you come. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Boss." They say in unison.

  "You're dismissed." One by one, they leave the warehouse, each of them wanting to leave as soon as possible in case I change my mind. "Martin," I call as Darwin and Cage leave. "Follow those two assholes Matt and Carmine Jr and see where they go. I don't buy what they said. Have Sam find any evidence of this happening. They drove to Barstow, there's going to be a trail. Find it."

  "On it, call me when you're ready to leave, it's a five-hour journey to go to your father’s."

  I laugh, "We're not driving. We're taking the chopper. We're leaving at five. Make sure your bags are packed, and you're ready to go by then."

  He nods and leaves the warehouse, leaving Jagger and I alone.

  "What did Carina do?"

  He hands me his phone, and I glance at the screen. It's an email. "I received this today." Each word vibrating with anger.

  I have to read the email twice to make sure that I read it right. Holy fuck, what the hell did I just read?

  "Jag?" I say through gritted teeth, "Want to tell me why it says that you told her you didn't want the baby?"

  His eyes flash with anger. "Those words never left my mouth. Up until this email, I had no idea that Sarah was pregnant." His breathing is hard, his chest rising and falling, I've never seen him this mad before.

  "Fuck, Jag." I stare at the picture of the little girl, a cute smile on her face, her blue eyes are bright like the sea, and she has one tiny tooth. "This is your daughter man; there's no denying that fucking smile."

  "I have a child, one that was kept from me." He shouts. "She kept my child from me, Hudson."

  "You need to calm the fuck down," I warn him. He's mad but at the wrong damn person. "Did you read the email? Or did you see the picture and see that you have a child?"

  His nostrils flare. "Hudson..."

  I shake my head and hand him his phone, "Don't Hudson me anything Jag. Read the fucking email. Out loud."

  He snatches the cell out of my hand, "Jagger," He begins, "I know you said that you didn't want the baby and I completely understand that, it's your right not to be involved if you don't want to." Tears shine in his eyes. I don't say anything and let him continue. "I attached a picture of Allie, and I want you to know that you have a daughter, if you ever change your mind about wanting to know her, please don't hesitate to get in contact. I hope you're well Jag, and I pray that you change your mind. All my love, Sarah."

  "Tell me something Jag, does that sound like a woman who kept your child from you?" I ask him after a couple of minutes, once he's managed to get himself under control.

  He jerks his head, "No," he growls.

  I nod. "Okay, what's your plan?"

  He throws his hands in the air, "I have no fucking idea, I have no clue where she is. I want my daughter."

  "Your daughter has a mother. She's not just going to hand her over to you Jag." I'm trying to be the voice of reason to him. I know that he wants his baby, I would too if I was in his position, but he needs to go about this the right way.

  "I want them both. Fuck Hudson, you know that I've wanted Sarah."

  I smirk, "I know, so you send her an email, telling her you need to talk. Find out what happened. Why she believes that you didn't want Allie in the first place. Something happened to make her think that way, and you need to find out what."

  He nods, "I'll email her on the way to your dad's, I need to think out a response. Right now, I can't think of what to say."

  "That's a good idea," I have a feeling I know where Sarah got the idea that Jag didn't want the baby, Carina. That bitch has to have had something to do with this. "I'm proud of you Jag. You didn't call her and demand answers."

  He chuckles, "Who would have thought it, huh? That the two of us would think before we act?"

  I flip him off as I walk out of the warehouse, "You're driving, I need to get shit sorted before we leave." I couldn't care less about this stupid fucking party, but I gave him my word. I never go back on my word. Ever.

  Walking into Dad's house I already want to leave, it's filled with pretentious people and I'm being watched like a hawk as I move into the ballroom. My dad has his arm around Tina's waist, a smile on his face. He looks happier than I have ever seen him, but it pisses me off. He treats Tina with love and respect. Buys her this house like it's nothing and yet my mom's living in squalor in comparison, it shouldn't be like that.

  My eyes glance around the room, taking in everyone who's here, women bat their lashes at me or flash me a come hither smile. I ignore them. I'm not here for a hookup.

  "Uh, Boss," Jagger says, and I face him, his nostrils flaring again, great what the fuck is up now? "You may want to look to your right." He instructs me.

  I do, my eyes glance to my right, in the corner of the room is the raven-haired goddess that I spent the night with almost two years ago. The woman that came apart in my arms and I watched because she was fucking magnificent is staring back at me with her mouth parted in surprise. The red-haired woman beside her whispers something to her and her complexion pales.

  "Ah, Hudson, there you are." Dad's voice calls out, and I manage to pull my eyes away from the beauty and look at him. "Hudson this is Tina,"

  Tina walks over to me and pulls me into her arms, "It's such a pleasure to meet you, Hudson, your father has told me so much about you. You don't understand how much I've been wanting to meet you." She's rambling. It’s irritating as she keeps glancing toward my dad, she’s frightened of me.

  "Tina, it's nice to meet you too," I tell her as I pull away from her.

  She smiles brightly at me, as she pushes her blonde hair behind her shoulder, "Oh, you have to meet Mia." She says excitedly, and I inwardly groan. I've not met my step-sister yet, but I'm dreading it. "Darling have you seen where Mia's disappeared to?"

  My dad smirks, "Ah, she's hiding in the corner, although I'm wondering who gave her that glass of champagne."

  Tina gasps, "She's not old enough to drink, oh great, Lacey's doing it too." I watch in amusement as she storms off ahead of us.

  "Tina's a bit protective of Mia." Dad explains.

  "Oh shit," Jagger says, and I follow his line of sight to see Tina talking to the raven-haired beauty.

  "Hudson." Tina says as I approach her, "Meet Mia, your new sister."

  Oh fuck, this isn't good. I'm already fucking hard from thinking about the way she wrapped those perfectly plump lips around my dick. I won't be able to keep away from her. I already want her again.

  Something flashes in Mia's eyes as she looks at Jagger, "He's not my brother." She says in disgust, "If you'll excuse me, I need to use the ladies room." She walks away from us, her friend rushing behind her.

  "Mia, what happened?" Her friend asks, and that's what I'd like to know.

  "That asshole beside Hudson? That's Jagger. I need to get away before I rip his balls off." She murmurs, and I can't help but smile as I wa
tch Jagger wince. Damn it though, hearing her feisty side doesn't help my dick. I want her more than I’ve ever wanted another woman.



  "Shit, Mia, what are you going to do?" Lacey questions as I pull her up the stairs behind me, I'm trying to escape, I need to get away.

  Firstly, Jagger's here. The man that hurt my friend more than any of her mom's boyfriends and husbands could have. Secondly, Hudson is the man I've spent the best part of two years fantasizing about. Now I find out he's my stepbrother. I'm totally screwed.

  "I don't know, but I need to call Sarah, she needs to know that Jagger's here."

  "My room, we'll Facetime her." She tells me and pulls me into her room with her. She immediately powers on the laptop that's on the dressing table.

  Sarah answers, with Allie in her arms and she's sporting a huge smile on her face. "This is a pleasant surprise. You both look gorgeous. Although not very original. Surely there were other colors besides black? How's the party going?"

  "Black is slimming." Lacey informs her, "The party is a drag. I've never been so bored in my life."

  "Mia, is everything okay?" Sarah frowns as she looks at me.

  I shake my head, "He's here Sarah, Jagger's here."

  Sarah's face slackens, she looks to be in shock. Allie begins to cry, probably feeling her mother's emotions.

  "He's here Sarah, I had to walk away; otherwise I was going to say and do something to him. I just want to punch him." I tell her and watch as she soothes Allie in her arms.

  "Did he reply to your email?" Lacey asks, and I feel like shit for not asking her that.

  She finally manages to get Allie to settle, "No, he hasn't, not that I really expected him to. Look, don't mention me or Allie while you're around him. What is he doing there anyway? Does he know your stepdad?"

  Lacey begins to laugh, and I elbow her to stop, it's not funny. Having just found out that Hudson is my stepbrother has knocked me for six.


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