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Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1)

Page 16

by Brooke Summers

  "Aaron, put Vi and the girls up in a safe house. Until this fuck is found. No woman or child is to be left alone. Understood?"

  "Yes Boss, I'll do it myself." His voice is as hard as mine. We all take this seriously, you don't fuck with our family.

  "I'll be there soon." I tell him and hang up. Now to tell Mia that I won't be around for the next few days. I hope that it's days and not weeks.

  "Fuck Hudson, what the hell is happening? Why do we need the plane and who died?" Jagger's voice is full of irritation, he hates to be left out of the loop.

  "I've not had a chance to tell you yet. Carmine was shot, Aaron called me to tell me that he died. We've yet to find out who pulled the trigger but the guys are working on it. We're flying home because it's where I'm needed."

  He nods, "We're going to find out who killed him." It's a promise.

  "Hell yes we are, whoever it is, when I'm finished with them, they're going to regret going after my man." I give a sinister smile, I'm looking forward to enacting revenge. "Not one word to Mia though. I've yet to tell her anything. I've been waiting for the right time and it hasn't arisen yet. I'll tell her everything once we've found this motherfucker."

  They nod once, they understand. "What are you doing about Sarah and Allie?" I ask Jagger, I keep my gaze on both Lacey and Mia, they're hugging and crying. Why the hell do women do that shit?

  "She's holding out, I’m going to New York next month, I’m giving it time for both Sarah and Allie to get used to me, but once I’m there, I’m not leaving without them." He tells me with a wide smile.

  I nod, that's good, it'll mean they're safe. Jagger won't let anything happen to either of them. "What about Carina? What are you going to do about her?" He's not said anything about her, hell he hasn't even told me that she left the rehab center and is currently back home with her parents.

  "Leave Carina to me." His voice has an edge to it. "She won't get the chance to cause trouble."

  "She always causes trouble. It's her middle name Jag. She's not going to let you, Sarah, and Allie be happy. She's going to go crazy. Fucking crazier than she's ever been before." That bitch is unstable at the best of times. She treats Jag like he's her property, anytime those two break up, she marks her territory. Something that Jagger should have nipped in the bud as soon as it happened.

  A heavy sigh escapes him, "I know Hudson, God, she's the fucking devil in disguise. That woman was sweet as pie, and then bang." He snaps his fingers, "Turned into a motherfucking headache. She's being cut loose Hudson, I've told her parents, she leaves me alone or she's dead. I'm not playing around anymore. She does one more thing and I'm going to lose the damn plot."

  What he means is if she does anything to Sarah or Allie he's going to lose the plot. If she does, it's her funeral. He'll slit her throat without a second thought. Jagger feels the same way about Sarah as I do about Mia. You don't fuck with our women, if you do, it'll be the last thing you do.

  The back door to the car opens and Mia climbs in. Her eyes are filled with tears as she scoots all the way over so that her body is pressed against mine. "You okay?" I ask as I put my arm around her shoulder, pulling her even closer to me.

  She nods against me, "Yeah, I wish she wasn't alone but there's not much I can do. I offered to travel with her but she said she wanted to be alone." So much sadness in her voice.

  "It'll be okay Princess."

  She huffs out a breath, "Yeah it'll be okay, there's nothing we can do about death except to put it aside and try and forge a path without them."

  What do you say to that? My hand tightens around her shoulder as Martin drives off into the traffic.

  "Hey Mia..." Jagger says and I can hear the smile in his voice. "Have you spoken to Sarah today?"

  "No, why?" She sounds miserable and I fucking hate it.

  "She’ll cheer you up." Jagger tells her with a soft smile.

  She sighs, but reaches for her cell and Facetimes Sarah. "Hey, how’s Allie?" Mia asks as Sarah answers. She's not moved from her position against me.

  Sarah's smile is bright, "She’s really good, she’s sleeping better now." Sarah beams, "I’ve finally been able to get some sleep."

  Mia sits up, "Aww such a good girl." The pride in her voice makes Jagger smile.

  "I know, she’s amazing. How are you? I've missed you so much." Sarah says and there are tears in her eyes. "How's Lacey?"

  Mia shakes her head, "Not good. she was hurting last night and that fucker Barney didn't help matters." Mia growls.

  Sarah raises her eyebrow in question, "Who's Barney, and what did he do?" Damn, what is it with these women? They get this vicious look in their eyes.

  "Barney works for Hudson, or his dad. I'm not really sure. He just seems to always be around." Mia comments and I bite the inside of my cheek so I don't laugh.

  "Okay, so he's a creeper. What did he do to Lacey?" Sarah asks, her tone has a bite to it, Jagger turns in his seat, so he's looking at us from the front.

  "So, Lacey found out about her grandmother at the party last night. Barney was there and gave her a ride home." Mia tells her as she sinks back against me. "So Hudson and I hung out a bit, I knew she was safe," She shrugs, as if she feels that she did something wrong by staying with me instead of going home with Lacey. "When I was going to bed, I spoke to her. She was shattered Sarah. That big jerk had sex with her!"

  I smirk, she's making out as if having sex is a bad thing.

  Sarah gasps, "He didn't? They had sex? But she was way too upset to do that! I spoke to her last night."

  Mia nods, "I know that. Look Lacey's not entirely innocent. She wanted it as much as he did. But having sex after finding out that her grandmother, the woman who practically raised her, has died isn't right. Lacey was vulnerable."

  Sarah's nose is turned up in disgust. "What did Lacey say?"

  "She was so upset. After he had sex with her, he left. Like literally pulled out of her and left." The venom in Mia's voice tells me that Barney had better watch his back, if Mia had her way, she'd have his balls on a platter.

  "He did not?" Sarah gasps, "Why?" She shakes her head, "Why are men assholes?"

  "Not all of us." Jagger says and I glance at him, the fucker has a smile on his face.

  "Hmm, coming from the man that kissed another woman hours after Sarah left your bed. That makes you an asshole." Mia tells him emphatically.

  "Every single man is an asshole." Sarah says, "Look at Hudson, hell he didn't even know Mia's name the night he took her virginity."

  "Sarah!" Mia gasps with outrage.

  Sarah raises her hands, "Sorry, but it's true." She tells her sheepishly. "He was an asshole, you've all been one in some way or another, but it's how you redeem yourself that counts. Hudson, the way you care for Mia, more than makes up for the way things between you began."

  I nod, "Thanks." I'd lay down my life for Mia.

  "We got off-topic." Mia tells her as she reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. "What are we going to do about Lacey?"

  Sarah nods, "Not much we can do right now. When she's back, we'll have a girls night. She'll need cheering up."

  "Sounds good, as long as that goddaughter of mine is there. That little baby makes everyone smile."

  "Wait, she was christened already?" Jagger's voice is full of hurt.

  Mia huffs, "No. I call myself her godmother but Sarah doesn't want me to be."

  Sarah's eyes widen. "I never said I don't want you to be, I just didn't want her christened without her dad."

  Mia sits up straight, "So does that mean I'll be godmother?" Sheer excitement in her voice.

  "Of course." Jagger tells her immediately.

  "Really?" Both Sarah and Mia ask in unison.

  Jagger rolls his eyes and snatches the phone out of Mia’s hand, "Yes, Mia is your best friend, you've told me that she's been there for you since you were in school, that without her you'd have suffered."

  "Jesus, you two really did talk." Mia quips, "Okay, so I'm godmother
, who's godfather?"

  "Hudson." Jagger answers again.

  "Um, do I get a say?" Sarah asks.

  "The next one you do."

  Mia laughs, and I love that sound.

  "Okay there big boy, you're getting way ahead of yourself. Just because I agreed to you coming here doesn’t mean anything, we’re not going there." There's no heat in Sarah's words whatsoever.

  "Never say never." Jagger replies, the fucker has that million-dollar smile on his face.

  "I've got to go, tell Mia, I'll call her later."

  "Love you." Mia shouts so that she can be heard.

  "Love you too. Call you later." Sarah tells her and the line goes dead.

  "She's happy." Mia breathes as Jagger passes her phone back to her.

  "Yeah Princess, she seems happy." I reply quietly.

  She places a kiss against my lips, her face is brighter than I've seen it for days. She's lighter today, let's just hope it lasts.

  My gut is screaming the closer we get to my dad's house, it has to be at the thought of leaving Mia. She'll be safe here, I know that, Barney will be here as will my dad. No one can get to her while she's here and that's the main thing. If I thought for one second she wasn't safe, there's no way I'd leave her. She needs to be with her mom right now, she needs to fix their relationship. As much as I dislike Tina, she's Mia's mom and the only parent she has left, so they need to patch things up. I just hope Tina realizes that her daughter needs her and not to be a bitch.

  Martin pulls into my dad's drive, Mia's car is parked in front of the house instead of at the side where it had been parked when we left. Getting out of the car, the front door opens and Barney walks out. "Boss, your dad and Mrs. Brady have gone on an impromptu vacation." He informs me and my gut screams louder.

  "Mom's gone?" Mia's whisper is harsh and I turn to face her, shit, she's got tears swimming in her eyes.

  "Seems so Princess," I tell her softly, her arms wrap around her stomach. "Mia, get a bag packed."

  Her eyes widen in surprise, "What? Why?" She questions and Barney steps away from us and toward the car.

  "Mia, I have to go back to San Francisco today, something's come up with the club and I'm needed there. So please, pack a bag and come with me." I say, my gut’s screaming and that means something is going to happen.

  She glances around before her eyes land back on me, reaching for my hand she leads me inside of the house. "Hudson, these past few days have been amazing. Things between us are going a bit too fast though. Go home, sort out whatever it is you need to and then come back to me. Okay?"

  Shit, "Mia..."

  She shakes her head. "So much has happened since I've been here and I need some time to think. Just give me a little time. Please." She begs, her eyes pleading with me to listen to her.

  I go against my better judgment. "Okay, but Mia, if you change your mind. Call me, you'll be by my side within hours. Okay?"

  Her hands go to my face, the softness a stark contrast to the roughness of my stubble. "I promise you Hudson, I'll call if I change my mind." She leans up on her tiptoes and presses her lips against mine. "Is it weird that I'm going to miss you?" She asks in a quiet voice.

  "God no, I'm going to miss the fuck out of you." I confess, I shouldn't be leaving her, not when she'll only have Barney as back up.

  "I'll call and text, you're not getting rid of me that easily." She smiles and my gut settles a bit. "What time are you leaving?"

  "Now, there's a plane waiting for me." I tell her as I pull her into my arms. Her body feels great against mine and my dick starts to stir as it does every time she's in close proximity.

  "Already?" She pouts.

  "Damn, you're cute." I tell her with a smile. "I'm hoping I'll be gone a couple of days tops." I promise her.

  "Okay." She breathes as I place a hard kiss against her lips.

  "See you soon Princess." I tell her as I release her.

  "Bye." Her voice is soft and willowy.

  I wink at her and leave the house, it's taking every inch of self-control to leave her where she is. "Anything happens to her, I'm holding you personally responsible." I tell Barney as I reach the car.

  He stands up straight and looks me dead in the eye. "I'll guard her with my life Boss. She's yours and that means she's ours. Nothing will happen to her. Not while she's with me."

  "Good, I'll call you later." I get into the car, my eyes glance to the front door, Mia's standing there with her arms crossed. A lone tear falls down her face and I feel like a fucking ass, she shouldn't be by herself but she needs time, if that time makes her realize that she's mine then so be it. She's getting a couple of days, that's it. Then I'm coming for her.



  It's been six days, six days since Hudson got into the car and left. Six days of being in this monstrosity of a house with only a jerk to keep me company. A jerk that doesn't talk, not that I want to talk to him. Not after the way he treated Lacey. Lacey hasn't answered any calls from Sarah or I. I'm worried about her, she's texted me telling me she's okay, that she needs time and she'll call me when she's ready. That was three days ago and I'm hoping she'll call soon.

  Mom arrived back last night, we still haven't really spoken. A quick hello and that was it. Today, though, today is the day that we have that discussion. I'm worried but at the same time, I've missed my mom, we've never had a falling out like this before and it hurts. It killed me not having her to talk to, not having her to laugh with. That's something that I could always count on, no matter what crappy day I was having, Mom would always be there. I need to find out why she lied, why she thought it was okay not to invite me to the wedding and why she broke up a marriage.

  Hudson, God, that man sure knows how to make me love him and I do love him. These past few days have shown me just how much I care about him, how much I want to be with him. Everything about him is amazing and I'm truly head over heels in love with him. So much so that I've spent the last couple of days researching colleges here in California, I wanted to make sure that if I were to move back here that I did it for all the right reasons. I found a college in San Francisco that actually has a great English course, it's highly recommended and I've applied to start next semester there. It's not just because of Hudson, although he is a major factor, but Sarah's told me that she may come home. It would be amazing if she did. I've not told anyone my decision yet but my mind is made up and I'm happy with it.

  My cell rings and Hudson's name is on the caller ID. "Hey you, you okay?" I ask as I do every time he calls hoping that today is the day he says he'll be back.

  "Yes Princess, I'm okay, I'm hoping to be with you tomorrow." It's the same thing he tells me every day. It's a running joke now between us.

  "Okay Hudson." I say softly and he groans which makes me smile.

  "Princess, you know what that breathy voice does to me. I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing?" He growls sending shivers down my spine.

  "I'm okay, Mom got home last night so we'll be talking today."

  He makes a humming sound. "That's good Mia, it's time you two sorted your shit out."

  "Yeah," I sigh, I'm actually dreading it. "I'm not sure I'm ready for it but it has to be done. What do you have planned for today?"

  He laughs, "Nothing as daunting as what you have planned." Voices sound in the background, "Princess I've got to go, I'll call you later."

  "Okay Hudson, I love you." My eyes widen as I realize what I've just said.

  "Mia..." He rumbles, "You don't get to say that when I'm not beside you."

  My tongue darts out and wets my lips, "Hudson." I moan, not sure what to say.

  "Mia." He whispers, "I wanted to say it to your face."

  "Say it now." I whisper back, a smile on my lips.

  "I love you Princess and you're going to find out just how much when I get back to you."

  My heart melts at his admission. "I love you too Hudson, but please, hurry up and come back.
I miss you like crazy."

  "I know, I'll be there soon. I promise." He's promised before and he's still not here.

  "Okay, I'll talk to you later." I say not wanting him to know that I don’t believe him.

  "Definitely. Later Princess." He ends the call and I still have a smile on my face. I've never felt as happy as I am now. Hudson has made me the happiest I've ever felt in my life.

  Getting off the bed, I make my way to the door, "Mia?" I hear my mom call.

  "Yeah Mom?" I call back as I begin to make my way downstairs.

  She waits until I get to the bottom step, "Is it okay to talk?"

  I give her a soft smile, "Yeah Mom, of course."

  Relief washes through her, "Can we go out onto the deck?"

  I nod, "Yeah, it's a nice day." I follow behind her as she leads the way, awkwardness fills the gap between us, I'm not sure if one talk is going to clear the air but I'm hoping it will help. There’s a pitcher of iced tea and chocolate brownies on a plate, she's been waiting for me, I like the gesture of her wanting to make it informal but I'm too nervous. The sooner this chat is out of the way the better.

  "Did you and Harrison have a nice vacation?" I ask, hoping to start on something easy and work toward the harder stuff.

  She reaches for the pitcher, "Yes, it was nice to get away, I think all of us needed the break, the time apart. It gave me time to think, time to get what I need to say properly, I don't want to hurt you Mia, and the last time we talked I did and for that I'm forever sorry." Sincerity dripping from her every word.

  She pours us both drinks and I take one from her. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me Mom, and I get what you were trying to say. It was just too much. Everything had changed and then you told me you and Daddy weren't in love. It felt as though everything I had known was a lie. That hurt and hearing you say you regretted having me even though it's not what you meant made all of that worse." I'm glad that we're trying to sort things out, "I shouldn't have got mad, you told me how you felt and I shouldn't have gotten mad. I'm sorry Mom."

  She reaches for my hand, "Don't apologize Mia, you didn't do anything wrong. How are you and Hudson getting along?" There's a bite to her tone, she really doesn't like Hudson and I'm not really sure why.


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