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Safe With Me (Falling For A Rose Book 1)

Page 10

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Samiyah made herself comfortable in a seat next to the window.

  Jonas handed her bag to the stewardess and took a seat next to her. When the jet took off, Samiyah enjoyed the sight below her as she was able to take in the full experience of Puerto Rico from above. Not only was this the most fulfilling, but she would never forget it, and she didn’t want to.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Samiyah’s brick one-bedroom townhouse was not a welcomed sight. It represented her failed marriage, and her mind that had been clear of David for the last four days. It was blissful really.

  “You didn’t have to drive me home. I would’ve been fine in a taxi.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Jonas reached out to her and rubbed the tip of her chin. “Let me walk you to your door.”

  They exited the vehicle. When they approached her door, she faced him. “Thank you again for such a wonderful trip.” Her face held a glow from the time they’d spent together.

  Jonas reached for Samiyah, his hands gripping her smoothly on her arms. One step, two steps and he had her in his personal space. “I never did get your phone number, Samiyah,” he said; his voice low and mellow. “You made me promise we’d always be friends so now it’s my duty to make sure we stay in touch.”

  She exhaled a lite laugh, “You’re right.” She pulled out her business card and handed it to him. “This one has my cell and office number on it.”

  His eyes never left hers as his fingers slid up her palm sending shivers through her fingers. He grasped the card. “I won’t make you regret it.” He grinned.

  He kissed her forehead, then lifted her chin with his fingertips for a kiss on her lips. Soft, warm, and mind-boggling was the kiss he laid on her. Samiyah almost whimpered when he pulled back letting her go.

  Samiyah opened her door and stepped in closing it behind her. With her mind still with Jonas, she took a look around her entryway. There was no way she could stay here she reasoned. She was moving out.

  The next day after spending some time in the local hospital’s NICU, Samiyah went about the business of looking for condos around Chicago. Her first visit was to Lake Shore Drive. The petite woman at the counter sprang to her feet as Samiyah entered.

  “How are you today? I’m Melissa, are you Samiyah Manhattan?”

  Samiyah smiled bright, “Yes I am,” she said shaking her hand.

  “It’s very nice to meet you.” The lady said politely.

  “Tell me a little about what you’re looking for, a one bedroom, two, how many adults will occupy the space?”

  “Just one adult, that’s me. Right now, I’m looking for a studio apartment. I’m moving from a townhome so I can get along fine without the huge size.”

  Melissa shook her head up and down with a curt smile. “When are you looking to move in?”

  “As soon as possible. I know it’s last minute.”

  Melissa waved her off, “Sometimes it just happens that way, no need for an explanation. I’ve got a studio apartment available to move in next week. We do a criminal background check, a credit check, and reference check. There’s also a two hundred dollar application fee. If you’re approved, you’ll have to pay a fifteen hundred dollar deposit and the first and last months rent. If you’ve got everything you need today, we can begin the process.”

  “I did come prepared. However, I would like to see the studio apartment first.”

  “Of course, follow me.”

  They strolled through the upscale apartment building and reached the elevators. When the doors opened, they stepped on going up to the third floor.

  “The apartment you’re showing me, is it a model apartment or is it the one you’re looking to lease?”

  “It is the one you’ll be leasing.”

  The elevator doors opened, and they strolled to the entrance. Melissa opened it, and they stepped in. The freshly painted space was huge and inviting.

  “This is your large living space.”

  Samiyah took notice of the room. She could fit everything she needed in this area and throw away the rest. The woman walked straight ahead, bearing left.

  “This is your kitchen space.”

  It was a small kitchen with an island separating the areas.

  “If we walk across the hallway there’s a bathroom and laundry room.”

  The place was nice and tidy. She decided to go ahead and complete the application process. That process took another hour and a half, as she filled out a form so thick you’d think she was applying to stay at the White House. She shook the lady’s hand and said her goodbyes as she made her way through downtown traffic.

  Her thoughts turned to Jonas. He didn’t call her last night, and she wondered if he had been up all-night thinking about her like she was thinking about him. It was silly, Samiyah kept telling herself. She traveled to River North to the apartment homes EnV. After parking and making her entrance, she met up with another nice lady who showed her around a studio apartment. A recognizable tune resonated in her purse.

  “Excuse me for a moment,” she dug down in her handbag and lifted it to her ear.

  “Samiyah Manhattan.” she answered.

  “Hey, baby it’s your mama.”

  “Hi mom, how are you?”

  “Doing better now that the electrician is here.”

  “Are you just getting your wiring fixed in the laundry room?”

  Her mother sighed, “Yes honey and it’s taken all my strength not to lose it on this man.”

  Samiyah giggled, her mother was a feisty four-foot eleven-inch woman. “What happened, mama?”

  “He came up in here, gave it two looks, and now wants to add an additional fee. Then he claimed there was something else that needed to be fixed and wanted to add another fee. I told him straight up if you think for one minute you’re getting any extra fee’s out of me you’re wrong. I’m paying you what you quoted me and nothing more, now fix it before I call Fox news station on you.”

  Martha Jean was always threatening to call the news station, Better Business Bureau, or the Chicago Tribune on someone’s business. It never failed. They always did a lousy job or tried to cheat Martha out of her money, and she would get them right together.

  “I’m telling you, they only do it because I’m a woman. Anyway, how you doing, baby?”

  “I’m fine mama, currently looking for apartments downtown.”

  “Oh that’s good, you just go right ahead and sell your house and leave that no good scumbag clothes on the side of the road. I knew he was never no good anyway.”

  Samiyah rolled her eyes. “It’s handled, mom. Let me finish up here, and I’ll call you back.”

  “Okay, love you, make sure to call me back.”

  “I will.”

  They disconnected the line.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “It’s no problem at all.

  After taking a look around, Samiyah loved these apartments even more. The floor to ceiling windows gave an open view of Chicago, and she loved the hardwood floors.

  “There’s a rooftop swimming pool if you’ll follow me.” And she did. Samiyah had half made up her mind when they exited to the rooftop. Her cell phone rang again. She answered it without checking the caller ID.

  “This is Samiyah.”

  “Good afternoon Samiyah, how are you today?”

  Jonas’ dark voice sent a tingle through her ear that traveled down her spine. The lady was talking about the amenities while showing Samiyah the large pool area.

  “Hello, Jonas, I’m good. How about yourself?”

  “Couldn’t be better.” He paused, “Are you busy?”

  “Give me just a moment.” She pulled the phone away from her ear and spoke to the nice woman. “I would like to start the application process,” she said.

  “Great, let’s go back down to my office.”

  Putting the phone back to her ear, she followed her.

  “I am in the middle of something. Can I call you back in just a few?”
r />   “I’ll make it quick.” Jonas said. “I would like to take you out to lunch. Have you eaten today?”

  “As a matter of fact, I haven’t, and if this application is nearly as long as the last one, then I’ll be starving by the time I finish.” She laughed softly.

  “Application?” he questioned.

  “I’m looking for a studio apartment. I’m moving out of the townhouse.”

  “You didn’t waste any time, did you?”

  “There is no time like the present.”

  “You’re right about that.”

  “If you can wait for me, I’ll meet up with you for lunch, but if you’re hungry now I’ll understand.”

  He chuckled, “Nah, I’m a big boy I want to take you to lunch.”

  “I promise not to take too long,” she said.

  “I’ll be waiting for your call.”

  They disconnected the phone.

  On the other side, Jonas gazed over the city through his office windows. Last night he’d fallen asleep with Samiyah on his mind. He dreamed of them making love on the beach back in Puerto Rico and having drinks at a theater. This morning, Jonas had gotten an early start running the trail he ran faithfully with Jaden with more thoughts of Samiyah on his mind. Jonas told himself he wouldn’t call her today. He’d give her some space to chill out from the vacation. After all, he didn’t want to smother her, but Jonas’ resistance had weakened and without a second though he called her.

  There was a tap at his door. Jonas turned slowly. Amanda, his assistant, lingered in the doorway.

  “Come in Amanda, have a seat,” he said.

  She walked into the room and sat in his chair. Today she’d built up the guts to tell him how she felt, but now sitting in front of his six-foot four-inch frame, looking back at his intimidating stare, she was losing her nerve.

  “What can I do for you,” he asked, moving to his desk reclaiming his chair.

  Amanda decided to play it safe, “There’s an event coming up that I’ve volunteered for and I was hoping maybe you could help me out if it is at all possible. You know I wouldn’t usually ask you for anything,” she blushed and befuddled, “only if it suits you, of course.”

  “You mean there’s finally something I can do for you?” He winked and smiled softly. “Whatever it is, I would love to help. Give me the details.”

  Amanda lit up. “There’s an auction benefit for the March of Dimes gala in three weeks. I know usually you attend these events so I was wondering if you could place a bid on me.” She smiled shyly. “I’d hate for one of those rich old men to get the date then I’d spend most of my night fighting off their advances. We don’t actually have to go on a date or anything,” she continued to fumble.

  Jonas chuckled, “Oh come on now they can’t be that bad.”

  A look of horror displayed across her face. Jonas laughed even harder, “I’m just joking. Of course, I’ll bid on you, and I’d love to show you to a nice evening.”

  “Oh thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.” She stood from her chair, and so did he. Amanda rounded his desk but once near him she took tentative steps closer. When she was so close she could smell his cologne, Amanda reached out and hugged him. He charmingly hugged her back.

  “You’re the best,” she said before leaving his office.

  The office phone shrilled. It came straight through to his extension, “Jonas Alexander Rose,” he answered.

  “How was your vacation, son?”

  “Hey pop, it was by far the best one I’ve had all year.”

  “That’s good. It wouldn’t have anything to do with your lady friend would it?”

  Jonas smirked, his father was always trying to figure out if he’d finally found the woman that would bare his grandchildren. “What lady friend?”

  His father huffed, “Stop yanking my chain. You know good and well who I’m referring too.”

  “Whenever I get serious with someone trust me, dad, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “What did I tell you about when a man says trust me?”

  “It means he can’t be trusted.” They chorused.

  “That rule doesn’t apply to me, pop. You know you can trust me.”

  “I swear if I leave it up to you boys I’ll never get any grandchildren.”

  “Don’t even think about it. The last time you tried to hook me up I had to fight off the woman’s mother.”

  Christopher burst into laughter. “I’m glad you find that so amusing,” Jonas said.

  “Oh shush son, that was one time.”

  “The time before that I had to fend off a friend, and before that a sibling. I don’t know where you’re getting these women, but just leave it to me. I’m my own man; I can find my own woman when I’m ready,” Jonas said.

  “And just when will you be ready?”

  “When I can find a love like you had with mom.” His father had become silent now. Jonas thought back to the memories of his childhood. “You moved in sync like you were one. You would come home from work and even after a long day of working herself she would still greet you at the door. You were everything to her. On weekends, I would catch you staring at her while she cleaned up around you, then out of the blue, you’d grab her hand and I remember you saying Mrs. Rose, you’re like a flower that continues to bloom. Her face would light up, you guys would kiss, and I would yell gross,” he chuckled.

  “And that’s how we would catch you every time.”

  “You and mom set impossible standards. The woman that has my children would have to come close at least.”

  “From father to son, when you meet the woman that dominates your thoughts, who’s noble, trustworthy, and strong-minded, you should snatch her up. Nowadays they’re not many like that.”

  “Hence the reason why I tell you to let me handle this on my own. No more butting in.”

  “If you promise me one thing.”

  Jonas was almost afraid to ask. “What’s that pop?”

  “Don’t tell your brothers I let you off the leash because I plan to still bug them about finding a woman.”

  They laughed.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I’ll let you go for now.”

  “The next time I take a trip to Puerto Rico, I want you with me. No excuses.”

  His father was quiet again; Jonas knew how his father felt about the island. It held just as many memories as the home he lived in.

  “I can’t make you any promises.”


  “Call me later, son.” The line went dead. Jonas placed the phone in its cradle and sat back, his chair dipping, swaying to the side. He folded his hands behind his head and thought about their conversation. There was already a woman dominating his thoughts, and he couldn’t help but wonder if he dominated hers.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Much to Samiyah’s dismay, the application process had taken just as much time if not more to fill out. It seemed that the upscale rental properties were rigorous with future tenants. She made her way into the restaurant and searched for Jonas. When her eyes landed on him, he was sitting at a booth nursing what looked to be a glass of water with lemon. She approached him, putting an extra sway in her steps. He leaned back comfortably and met her watchful stare. A delightful smile swept across his handsome face, and he stood as she pulled up in front of him.

  “Hello beautiful,” he said pulling her in for a hug.

  “Hello to you, too. Have you not had enough of me yet?” she joked.

  “Nah, I’m still getting my fill of you.”

  She laughed softly, “Is that so?”

  He loved the way she laughed, so sexy, soft and pleasant.

  “That is so.”

  They pulled apart and sat across from each other getting relaxed and ordered their food.

  “So apartment hunting, huh?”

  “Yes, it’s time for me to move forward.”

  “Is that truly what you want to do?”


  “That bad, huh?”

  “Well, you were there to experience a small percentage of what our relationship has been like for the last couple of years. After finding out he’d been with his mistress for most of our marriage, I honestly was ready to sign the papers immediately. But after giving it some thought, I did want to try counseling.”

  “But he didn’t?”

  Samiyah swallowed, her eyebrows furrowed. “No.” She glanced out the window.

  “Samiyah, God works in mysterious ways. When one door closes another one opens, and you better believe it opens for the better.”

  Bringing her eyes back to his, Samiyah pondered on Jonas’ words as his piercing stare tore through her. The waiter appeared with their food.

  “Tell me something about you I don’t know, Jonas.”

  He smiled, “Hmmm what is interesting about Jonas Alexander Rose.”

  “A lot I’m sure,” Samiyah responded.

  Jonas’ smile grew showing his pearly white teeth. “On Tuesdays and Thursday, I visit the Boys and Girls Clubs and mentor the young men there. The organizer tells me they’re a handful, but I’ve yet to see it.”

  “Maybe they’re on their best behavior when you’re around.”

  “You might be right.”

  “How many boys is it that you mentor?”

  “It’s a full class. Whoever is in attendance.”

  “That’s very nice.”

  “These young men need someone to teach them the ropes. Show them how to make their dreams a reality.”

  “Who better than someone who’s worked hard, stayed out of trouble and built his own wealth?” Samiyah sang.

  “That person sounds perfect. Next time you speak to him, ask if he could mentor me,” Jonas teased.

  They laughed and ate casually; their conversation going from sports to the presidential debates. When their conversation switched to Jonas’ parents, he didn’t seem as forthcoming as before. Jonas glanced at the time on his watch.

  “Do you need to get back to the office? I know I’ve held up enough of your time today,” Samiyah said.

  “This time was well spent, I’d love to do it again.” His dreamy voice cruised across the table settling over her. Samiyah blushed.


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