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Safe With Me (Falling For A Rose Book 1)

Page 15

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Well, you can stand to get woken up a time or two by your old man.”

  “That I can.”

  “Your brothers are in town. Of course you know this since you’re all over the Chicago Tribune. I want you all to come over tonight for dinner and bring that beauty of yours you were all over, too.”

  Jonas pulled the phone back and glanced at it, slowly he put it back to his ear, “Which beauty would that be pop,” he joked.

  Samiyah peered at him, and he grinned. “The one you’re in love with.” His father said.

  In all seriousness, Jonas said, “What makes you think I’m in love, pop?”

  “I was in love with your mom for thirty years. I know what love looks like, and it’s all in your face on that paper. Now stop giving me a hard time and bring her I said.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I’m calling Jaden to tell him to bring the one he was with, too.”

  Jonas raised a brow. “This should be interesting.”

  “Alright son, I won’t keep you.”

  “I’ll see you later, pop.”

  They disconnected the call, and he tossed his cell to the side.

  “Which beauty?” Samiyah questioned.

  “Were you ear hustling?

  “You only said it loud enough so I could hear.” She was giving him attitude.

  Jonas burst into laughter, and she pouted. “Come here girl. You know I was messing with you and him for that matter. He wants to meet you.”

  She lit up. “Wait, how does he know?”

  “Apparently, we’re today’s news.”

  Samiyah groaned and buried her head in his chest.

  “It’s okay love. You’ll get used to it.”

  Martha Jean slipped three grocery bags onto her wrist and reached for three more to place on her other wrist.

  “Please let me help you with that.”

  She yelped turning to his voice. “Boy, you scared me half to death!”

  “I’m so sorry, please accept my apology, that was not my aim.”

  “Well, what do you expect if you sneak up on an old lady like that!”

  Jonas berated her with a charming smile. “You’re hardly old ma’am.” He took the bags out of her hands.

  “You can run that game on my daughter, but not on me.”

  “I don’t play games. Like I told your daughter when we first met, I’m straightforward about my intentions.”

  She folded her arms. “And exactly what are your intentions, Mr. Rose?”

  “I’m in love with your daughter.”

  There weren’t many things that could cause Martha Jean to be speechless, but this was one of them. She blinked several times trying to wrap her mind around what he just said.

  “How could you be in love with her? How long have you guys known each other?”

  “I know, it’s been about two months now. I realize how impossible that must sound.”

  “More like insane,” she said shaking her head. She walked to her front door and unlocked it. They stepped inside, and she showed him to the kitchen. He placed the bags down on her table and faced her.

  “When I met your daughter, she was nursing a broken heart. Her marriage had just ended, and misery was all over her face. Even though at the time I didn’t know the reason for her sadness I worried about her.” He smirked. “She was hot headed and didn’t want to be bothered, but circumstances threw us on the same path. Since then I haven’t been able to shake this intemperate feeling of protection for her.”

  Martha twisted her lips.

  “I know,” Jonas held his hands up in surrender, “she doesn’t need my protection, but that doesn’t negate the fact that I feel the way I do. She’s on a mission to prove that she doesn’t need nor want a man.”

  Martha went to speak.

  “Before you say anything let me finish.”

  She closed her mouth and shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

  “Within this short time that I’ve known Samiyah, I’ve learned to love her smile, her passion for others, her strength in times of despair, and her spunkiness. I’ve seen her laugh, cry, and love. She’s touched me in many ways no one ever has. And I don’t intend to let her get away.”

  “Why are you telling me all of this,” Martha questioned.

  “She cares about what you think of her, and even though she won’t say it, she wants you to be proud of her.”

  “I am proud of her.”

  He pinned her with a slight glare. “You’re judgmental, and it’s fine if you want to spend the rest of your life alone, but she won’t. I’ll make sure of that. I respect that you’re her mother, but I won’t allow you to break her down with spiteful words and unenthusiastic rhetoric. Am I clear?”

  Instead of feeling like slapping him across the face, Martha was amused and shocked. He sure was in love with Samiyah, and she didn’t resent either of them for it.

  “Loud and clear,” she said. “Did Samiyah send you over here?”

  “No, she has no idea I know where you live.”

  “How do you know where I live?”

  He smirked. “I have my ways. It’s nothing you should be worried about.”

  “Un huh,” she said. “Are you finished reading me my rights?”

  “I would love to get to know you.”

  “Why? Don’t you got a mother of your own?”

  He was determined to have patience with her. “Actually, my mother passed some time ago.”

  Martha’s face fell. “I’m sorry. I have a bad habit of saying the first thing that comes to mind.” She pulled out her electronic cigarette and began to smoke. “Sure, if you’re going to be in my daughter’s life I guess we better get to know one another. Besides, you don’t seem so bad anyway.”

  A light chuckle left him. “I’m sure you’re not too bad yourself.” Martha smirked, then they burst into laughter.

  “We’re having dinner at my father’s house tonight. Would you like to join us?”

  She inhaled her vaporizer. “Who’s cooking?”

  “Norma, our housekeeper. She’s been a part of the family for years. She makes a mean meatloaf, too.”

  “Hmph, I’ll be the judge of that.”

  “You have to be on your best behavior.”

  “I’ll do no such thing.”

  Jonas gave her a warning look.

  She sighed, “Fine, have it your way.”

  “I am so siked!” Claudia squealed.

  “Girl that man of yours knows how to make a scene.” She shook her head. “The place was buzzing when he whisked you off that stage. I mean you didn’t even stick around to find out how well I did.”

  “I’m sorry girl; I was in just as much shock as everyone else. How did you do?”

  “Oh girl, I don’t blame you honey, I would’ve left too if it had been me.” Claudia laughed. “But girl, rather than talk about how much was bid on me, let’s talk about who.”

  “Okay, who?” Samiyah could barely get the words out before Claudia squealed again.

  “Jaden Rose!” Claudia did a tap dance around her living room. “We didn’t leave in the same style you guys did, but we did spend the rest of the night in a quiet corner getting to know one another. He is so handsome and down to earth. Who knew?”

  Samiyah was happy for her friend. If Jaden was anything like Jonas she was in good hands.

  “His dad wants to meet me. At first Jaden was like, you don’t have to come I know we’re not in the meet your parent’s stage yet.” She squealed again. “He said yet!”

  Samiyah laughed, “I’m going to be there as well, it seems his dad wanted to meet us both.”

  “We can ride together, right?” Claudia said hopeful.

  “Actually, Jonas was going to pick me up, but I’ll tell him I’m riding with you.”

  “Perfect! What should I wear? I have no idea.”

  “Nothing fancy like what you wore last night. Make sure you’re comfortable but sexy. You don’t want to look des
perate or like a hussy, but you do want to look delicious.”

  Another squeal came through the phone, and Samiyah laughed.

  “Oh, girl that heffa who was standing behind me in line was horrified when Jonas bid on you. You’d think she was his girl or something the way she acted.”

  Samiyah thought back to Amanda, “Yeah, that’s his assistant. Apparently, they had made previous plans. He was supposed to bid on her, but that was before he knew I was also attending the auction.”

  “Poor girl,” Claudia said. “I was getting strange vibes from her anyway. She’ll be alright.”

  “What did she say?”

  “It’s not what she said, it’s what she did. Girl, she threw this temper tantrum like she was a teenager then cried her eyes out. She never made it to the stage, not that I know of anyway, unless somebody talked some sense into her. Anyway, I’ll be ready at five then I’ll be over there to pick you up.”

  “Okay, see you in a little bit.”

  When Claudia arrived, Samiyah was walking out of her front door. She climbed into the passenger seat. Claudia inhaled her scent giving the air a little sniff.

  “Smells good, what are you wearing?” she asked.

  “It’s a bath and body works vanilla collection.”

  Claudia pulled onto the road. “That smells delightful.”

  “Thanks, are you nervous?” Samiyah asked.

  “If you could see the fine hairs on my neck I’m sure they’re standing at attention.”

  Samiyah giggled. “Take some deep breaths meeting his father couldn’t be that bad.”

  “It’s not his father I’m worried about. It’s all of them fine, gorgeous, scrumptious, brothers, that will be gathered around us with nowhere to run.” She fanned herself.

  “As if you want to run somewhere,” Samiyah quipped.

  “I don’t girl, I truly don’t.”

  Samiyah laughed again. It took them thirty minutes to get to the house. When they pulled up, the large colonial style home sat on a road on its own, on an acre of land. They pulled into the paved driveway and parked.

  “Should we call first?” Claudia wondered.

  Samiyah checked her time. It was ten minutes till six, and they were a few minutes early. “I think we should just ring the bell.”

  They gave their appearances one last check before exiting the car and making their presence known. When the door swung open, and a pair of dark gray eyes stared back, Julian Alexander Rose stood on the other side looking like he’d just stepped out of GQ magazine.

  “Good evening ladies,” his eyes traveled over them both with a satisfactory gleam. “By all means, come in,” he said stepping out of the way.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  They entered the foyer and were escorted to the dining hall. Julian cleared his throat. “Fellas, we have company.”

  One by one all eyes turned to them. Claudia almost cursed, and Samiyah was right there with her. Claudia was right, it was a delight to be surrounded by the gorgeous men.

  “Hello ladies,” they all stated.

  “Hey beautiful,” Jonas said coming up behind Samiyah; his strong arms immersing her in a tight hug. He leaned slightly placing a barrage of kisses on her cheek.

  The intense warmth that took over her when he was near would never get old, and she would revel in it every time. Her face swelled into a blush. “Hey sweetheart.”

  He turned her around to face him and placed a kiss soft and slow on her lips.

  “You know every time I see you two, you’re hugged up like that,” Jaden said walking up beside Jonas. He turned to Claudia, “Hello, pretty girl.”

  Her smile lit up. “Hello yourself.”

  “You ladies are right on time. How are you doing? I’m Christopher Lee Rose,” their father said, making an entrance. He reached to pull their hands in for a kiss.

  “Hello,” they said simultaneously. Heavy footsteps danced down the staircase. “That bathroom is too cute to be left alone. What kind of man decorates a bathroom anyway.”

  Samiyah gawked at her mother’s entrance. Her head whipped around to Jonas, then Christopher, back to her mother. “Mom!”

  “Oh, hey baby, it’s about time you got here I’m starving. You know it’s rude to eat before everybody joins the table, but you were almost one piece of cornbread too late.”

  Claudia covered her mouth in shocked silence, snickering into her hand. “I had no idea you’d be here.” Samiyah didn’t know whether to be joyous or horrified.

  “I know,” Martha lifted an eye to Jonas. “I was invited. Not by you, of course.”

  Samiyah fumbled out her next words, “I um, had no idea you would want to come and I was also invited but it great to have you here.” She pulled her in for a hug. Martha laid kisses on her face.

  “Pops, this is Samiyah Manhattan and Claudia Stevens. They own S & M Financial Advisors downtown,” Jonas said.

  “Business women, I like it, please have a seat. Your mother and I have been getting better acquainted.”

  Samiyah didn’t know what that meant, but she was saying a mental prayer that her mother wouldn’t embarrass her. She would decide later whether to kill Jonas or not for inviting her.

  Jonas pulled out a chair and Jaden did the same allowing the ladies to sit down comfortably.

  “Thank you,” Samiyah said to him.

  “You’re more than welcome.”

  He took his seat next to hers as the other men around the table did also. The housekeeper, Norma Rodriguez, exited the kitchen. She was a short, stocky lady with salt and pepper hair that was cut right below her ear.

  “I’m going to the store, Mr. Rose. I’ll be back shortly.”

  Christopher peered at her. “I haven’t been Mr. Rose in years. What has gotten into you today woman,” he said.

  Jonas slipped out of his chair and went to her, pulling her in for a hug. “Hello Norma, every time I see you it looks as if you’re getting younger.”

  “Sure, fifty-seven years younger,” she chuckled, and he grinned; placing a quick kiss on her cheek. “Now Mr. Rose don’t start. I’ll call you want I want to, sometimes.” She turned and went out the door.

  “I hope you ladies brought your appetites because Norma cooked a big dinner like she always does when we get together for family meals. She loves cooking for me, but she really loves cooking for them.”

  “That’s because she practically raised us,” Josiah said.

  The other men agreed. The table was decorated with silver platters with enclosed tops, utensils, and a glass of water at each seat. Samiyah could smell the aroma of food steaming from beneath the covered china.

  “Congratulations, sons,” the men turned to their father. “All of you. Each of you has excelled in your professional lives, and your mother would be proud of the men you are today, and so am I.”

  “We were led by example,” Jonas said.

  “Yes indeed,” Jaden agreed.

  “He was alright,” Jonathon said. Christopher reached out to smack him on the back of his head. “It was just a joke,” Jonathon laughed.

  “Let me show you what’s funny,” He said still swinging.

  “You know pops will put you in a headlock. I still can’t figure out why you do it to yourself,” Jonas said.

  “I think he likes those headlocks,” Jordan threw in.

  “You might be right,” Jaden said.

  They said a prayer over their food and ate, their conversation light and comical. Their playful banter amused Samiyah, and for a moment she thought about her own isolated childhood. She’d always wanted brothers but never had the chance to experience that life.

  Jonas leaned to her and whispered in her ear. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “Very much so,” she turned to him with an elated smile.

  He leaned closer and placed a kiss on her lips.

  “Baby girl, you look different today,” Martha quipped.

  “Oh, I had my hair cut in the front. I like the bang, wha
t do you think?” Samiyah took a sip of her water.

  “No, that’s not it. There’s a glow. Are you pregnant?”

  Water squirted out of Samiyah’s mouth, shocked by her mother’s question. She reached for a napkin and patted her mouth and hands where the water had landed.

  “Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” Martha inclined. “It’s just a question.”

  Samiyah’s eye averted Christopher. “No mom, I’m not.”

  “Well have you taken a pregnancy test?”

  “Mom, no!”

  “Then how do you know you’re not?”

  “Because I just do,” Samiyah huffed.

  “Well, I know all too well about that glow. Either you’re pregnant or in love so which one is it?”

  A heavy blush flooded Samiyah’s face. This line of questioning would’ve been okay if they were alone. But here in the midst of all these men was not the right time, in her opinion.

  “You can scratch pregnancy off your list mom.” Everyone noticed she didn’t answer the second part of Martha’s question.

  “Alright, I know how to take a hint.” Martha went back to her food.

  Jonas had become glued to Samiyah. She did say she loved him, but he wanted to know how deep her love went. Was it as erratic and insane as his? Samiyah could feel Jonas’ eyes on her. She took another sip of water trying to pull herself together.

  “So, when’s the wedding?” Christopher asked.

  Jonas never took his eyes off Samiyah as he spoke to his father. “I’ll let you know.”

  There was a hushed silence that fell over the table. Samiyah felt like her stomach had just done a back flip. Claudia was clutching her pearls. Martha dropped her fork. All eyes were on him; his brothers trying to make out if he was serious.

  Samiyah let out a nervous laugh and rubbed his chin. “May I use your restroom,” she asked needing the reprieve.

  “I’ll show you to it.”

  Jonas moved from his chair and helped Samiyah out of hers, guiding her through the house.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  When they reached the bathroom, Jonas stood in the doorway.

  “Did I scare you,” he asked.


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