Book Read Free

From This Moment (Jackson Hole)

Page 7

by Alison Chaffin Higson

  Chapter 7

  ~~ Rona ~~

  Having had a good night’s sleep, I remember that Cade left for Denver last night, after carrying me upstairs to bed. Not wanting to get out of bed, I just lie on my side, looking out of the window, trying to get my thoughts in order.

  Before leaving Ireland I’d given my notice in at work, packed up my apartment and gave most of my clothes, shoes, jewelry to charity. The furniture came with the apartment rental, so I didn’t have to deal with that.

  After cancelling the wedding I realized I wanted to spend some time back in the States. My plan was to spend this four weeks in Jackson Hole and then to travel to my home town of Newport. Now.... well, I don’t really know what to do; the thought of leaving Cade makes me feel ill. I haven’t told him that I have no job or place to live; I don’t want him to feel he has to offer me a place to stay.

  Financially, I never have to work again, but I’m not one for sitting around and doing nothing.

  Looking around, I can hear music coming from somewhere, then realizing it’s my phone; I answer it, “Hello.”

  “Rona, how are you feeling? You were so exhausted last night, I wasn’t even sure if you’d remember that I left,” he says in a husky voice.

  Feeling wicked, “Oh, I remember you leaving.... I remember what it feels like being carried in your arms.... I remember what you smell like, and most of all.... I remember what you taste like.” I end on a smile – I knew what I was doing to him.

  After what sounded like a groan, “You do realize, I’m now sitting in the conference room with the client due any minute, where I have to stand to greet him with a rather large erection.”

  Laughing now, “Sorry, but I couldn’t resist.... are you okay? Did you sleep well?”

  “I slept crap, because you weren’t nearby.” After a pause, “I have this fantasy of you naked spread out on the conference table in front of me with your ankles around my neck and my mouth between your thighs.”

  Speechless. “That.... was.... evil.”

  Chuckling, “Payback love.”

  “I’ll give you payback.... when you get home I’m going to get you naked and put my hands and mouth all over you. When you can’t stand the teasing anymore, I’m going to put your rock hard penis between my legs, where you’ll find me very hot.... very wet.... and very tight. I love you Cade, hurry home.” Laughing, I hang up on him.

  After a hot shower and dressing, I head downstairs, finding a note from Jake saying he’ll be back soon.

  Just finishing breakfast I hear the door bell. Going to answer it, wondering who it could be, because I presume Cade’s daughters wouldn’t bother ringing the bell and just enter.

  Opening the door, whatever greeting I was going to say flies straight out of my head, “Nick, what the hell are you doing here?”

  He looks rough. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  “No, I’m not, this isn’t my house.” Pausing, “Hang on a minute, I never told you were I was staying.”

  How the hell did he find me?

  “A friend of mine followed you back here yesterday. Oh yes, he saw you all kissy face with that older guy. Your taste has gone downhill babe.”

  God, I really want to hit him, and if he doesn’t leave I will, “He’s a better guy than you ever were, or ever will be.”

  Going to slam the door in his face, he stops the momentum with his body, pushing his way inside and slams the door shut behind him.

  I start to back away from him, feeling threatened, remembering my phone is in my cardigan pocket. I put my hand inside and turning my phone the correct way, I press down on what I hope is the number three button, praying it connects to Jake. I thank god that I thought to programme both Cade and Jake into my speed dial. “I think you better leave now, before I call the Sheriff.”

  Walking slowly towards me while taking in his surroundings, “You don’t think I’m going to let you do that, do you babe? Shame on you!”

  “What the hell do you want Nick?” I put the breakfast bar between us.

  With an evil grin, “Money of course and we both know you have plenty of it.”

  Trying to keep my voice steady, “You bastard, after how you played me, you have no chance of getting any money out of me. I really think you should leave.”

  “I’ll leave when I get my money and not before,” he starts to move slowly towards me around the breakfast bar.

  I start backing away from him, but there isn’t really anywhere else to go.

  Keep him talking and it might distract him... Dear God!

  “If you need money why haven’t you sold the car I bought you?” I’m still inching away from him.

  He laughs at me. “Why would I do that when I love that car and you can give me more cash?”

  “If you want money, why did you cancel the wedding?”

  After a pause, “Let’s just say my conscience got the better of me.”

  “Well no matter what, you’re not getting any more out of me.” I tell him, as he dashes around the breakfast bar and grabs me. I scream.

  Holding me by the throat, “Shut up.” I shudder.

  He takes hold of my arms and holds me against the refrigerator, “Oh yes, I will, you are going to transfer one million dollars to my account in the Caymans.”

  Jake where are you? Please hurry!

  Crying now, I can’t hold my tears anymore, “What makes you think you can get away with this?”

  “I know I can get away with this, because you aren’t going to tell anyone, because if you do a friend of mine will come after your boyfriend.”

  Seeing my shocked expression, “So you see I’ll be free and clear because you don’t want anything happening to him,” he smiles while still pinning me to the refrigerator.

  “What do you mean? Who is he? What have you done?” He takes hold of my arm and drags me towards the stairs.

  “You’re better not knowing, now quit stalling and tell me where your little notebook is, so we can get on with this. I need to disappear.”

  Now we are getting somewhere.

  “Why do you need to disappear?”

  He looks ready to hit me, “Because I stole from the wrong guy, now I suggest you shut up and get your notebook, because I know that’s where you keep all your account numbers, except passwords, otherwise I would have done this myself by now.”

  Just about to start upstairs, Jake bursts through the front door. As Nick is momentarily distracted, I kick him in the balls and run over to Jake, going straight into his arms, “Thank god, you’re here.”

  He hugs me back, “I heard you over the phone. You’re okay now.”

  Sneering. “Well now, I thought you were with the older guy, perhaps I got it wrong, and then again, perhaps you’re with both.”

  By now he’s practically on top of us, Jake puts me behind him and as Nick gets in Jake’s face, Jake pulls his arm back and slugs Nick very hard. As he staggers back, Jake gets hold of Nick’s arm and drags him out of the house, just in time to see the Sheriff pull up.

  The Sheriff, Daniel Jacobs, leaves after taking a statement from both me and Jake. He takes Nick with him and has his Deputy drive Nick’s car back into town.

  Walking over to where I’m sitting, Jake crouches down in front of me and takes hold of my hands. “Hopefully, that’s the last time you’ll see him. You must promise if he gets in touch with you again that you’ll tell either me or my dad.”

  “Okay.” I start to shake.

  Jake moves to sit across from me, “I need to ring my dad and tell him what’s happened.”

  Sitting forward, “Jake no, please, he doesn’t need to know right now, I’ll tell him tonight. He’s in Denver and will only worry about me. Please leave it and I promise I’ll tell him tonight when he rings.”

  “I’ll leave it for now.”

  “Where were you when I rang?”

  “I’d already turned up the drive, so I left the truck and came in on foot while putting you on hold and ra
ng Daniel for back up.”

  “Thank goodness, I was really frightened. He hasn’t done anything like that before.”

  “Hopefully he’ll leave you alone now that Daniel is involved.”

  “Jake, he said he has stolen from the wrong guy and needs the money to disappear. He also told me that he has a friend who will come after my boyfriend, if anything happens to him. I’m really scared Jake.” I start to weep uncontrollably.

  Moving back to wrap his arms around me, “Rona, please don’t cry; everything will be alright. I don’t know what he was going on about, but Daniel is a good guy and will run his prints and try to get to the bottom of this, okay?”

  Moving slightly away from Jake, “Do you really think so? I couldn’t bear it if something happened to your dad.”

  “Yes I do. Come on, mop up and we’ll get lunch, then I’ll take you to see my house on the way to Anna’s. By the way, you’ve been invited for the afternoon. Beth and Elise will be there. That’s if you feel up to it?” he asks, looking at me.

  “That’s fine Jake; I could do with the distraction to take my mind off everything.”

  I kiss him on his cheek, “Let’s put some ice on your hand first and thank you Sir Galahad!”


  “Jake, when you got the job in Texas, and Elise didn’t want to go, did you ever consider turning it down?”

  After a minute, “Yes, I did turn it down.” Looking at me, “The same day she broke up with me. She wouldn’t listen and insisted that we were through. I ended up leaving.”

  “Did you try talking to her when you came back?” I place the ice on his hand.

  “She was already engaged and planning her wedding, she looked really happy. I’d already caused her enough upset, I didn’t want her upset again, and so I just left it.”

  “Okay, let’s get that lunch made so that I can go see this castle you are building and meet the woman who has your heart.”

  With a quick glance at me, “You aren’t going to say anything to her, about me turning the job down, are you?”

  “That’s not up to me, but I think she needs to know.”

  While Jakes makes the sandwiches he turns to look at me, “So you and my dad, huh?”

  I can’t help but grin. “Oh yes.” Still grinning, I sense Jake wants me to say more. “What can I say; he’s the sexiest guy I’ve ever met.” Seeing Jakes grimace, I decide to continue. “He has a great body and butt just....”

  Not letting me finish, “I think I get it.”

  On a serious note. “I love him Jake. I don’t know what the future holds, but I hope with all my heart that it will include your father. I’ve never been so attached to anyone before in such a short time. I just hope your sisters are as accepting as you are.”

  “It might take a short time, but they will eventually. My dad has been alone a very long time and when they see how happy he is now, they will accept you.” Grinning, “You have me on your side, so it’s a given.”

  Laughing at his assurance, “Thanks Jake, it means a lot.”

  Chapter 8

  ~~ Rona ~~

  Jake’s house is going to be amazing when it’s finished. It’s a huge wooden structure with a wraparound porch and large windows facing out towards the mountain range. He doesn’t take me inside, because it isn’t safe, but there will be a large open plan room to include a kitchen, lounge, and dining section with four bedrooms towards the back of the house. My heart goes out to him; I’m guessing he’s building this with Elise in mind.

  Leaving Jake’s house we head over to Anna’s. I’m nervous about seeing Anna and Beth, but I’m looking forward to meeting Elise. I actually think about whether or not to pretend its Jake that I’m interested in to see how she reacts. One way of finding out if she still has feelings for Jake!

  Climbing out of the car, I look at Jake, “Aren’t you coming in?”

  Shaking his head, “Elise is already here, that’s her car over there. I think I’ll pass. I’ll see you later for dinner though, I think we’re eating here, hope that’s okay?”

  “Yes, that’s fine.” Turning to head towards the house, I see a woman I haven’t met before looking through the window, so guessing it’s Elise, I turn back to Jake and plant a kiss on his lips, “Thanks again, for earlier.” I don’t think it’s wise to mention Elise at the window!

  Arriving on the porch, Beth opens the door for me. “Hi Rona, glad you could make it, come in and I’ll introduce you to a friend of ours.”

  Walking into Anna’s house I notice Elise straightaway. She’s a slim blonde and really beautiful.

  “Elise, this is Jake’s friend Rona. Rona, this is Elise,” Beth introduces us.

  I walk closer to Elise so I can shake her hand, “Nice to meet you. I hear you’re getting married soon, so congratulations.”

  Still looking or glaring at me, I’m not sure which, she finally takes my hand, “You’re the girl I heard about whose fiancé left her an hour before the wedding.” Her claws are out, very interesting.

  I smile. “Yes, he did and I realize I don’t love him, so it would have been a big mistake. In the end he did me a favor. I just hope I don’t see him again.”

  She seemed at a loss with my reply, I continue, “Meeting the sexy Mr Matthews sure as hell opened my eyes, he’s yummy, don’t you think?” By saying Mr Matthews I’m not actually lying, I just want them to believe I’m referring to Jake.

  I’m sure I can hear someone choking in the background, turning I see Anna turn, heading for the kitchen. Hope she doesn’t realize I’m talking about her father. I don’t want to lie too much.

  With a frown and ignoring my yummy comment, Elise asks, “So I hear Jake has been taking you around town?”

  Grinning. “Yes, we went up on the ‘Big Red’ the other day. It was pretty terrifying really, but I stayed burrowed in Jake’s chest the whole time.”

  “Will you excuse me?” Elise says, on her way out of the room.

  “Hi Rona, how are you? Join us in the kitchen?” Beth says, on her way through the lounge.

  “Hi Beth.” She has already gone.

  Just then my phone starts to ring, answering, because I know it’ll be Cade, “Hi handsome, you still missing me?”

  He laughs, “I sure am. What are you up to?”

  “I’ve just arrived at Anna’s house, a girls’ get together. Beth and Elise are here as well.”

  “At least you’re not on your own. I’ll be back sometime tomorrow evening, earlier if I can swing it.”

  “I’ll be waiting. How’s everything there?” I ask, closing my eyes, listening intently to his voice.

  “Everything is going as planned up to now; I have another meeting in about five minutes. What did you do this morning?”

  Heck, I certainly wasn’t going to tell him now, while at Anna’s house. “I just hung around and made lunch, nothing interesting.”

  “I need to go love. I’m thinking about you and will call you later tonight.”

  With a husky voice, “Okay.” Then in a whisper, “I love you Cade.”

  “I love you too, stay safe.” Then he was gone.

  I hope Cade won’t be too upset later when I tell him about Nick. Bringing my mind back to the present, I head towards the kitchen where I can hear the others chattering away.

  “Rona, come join us, the coffee is to your right. I came to get you but you were on the phone, so I thought it best to wait.”

  “Thanks Anna.” Pouring coffee into a cup, I take a seat at the table. “So when does the snow usually start? I love the snow and didn’t get enough while living in Ireland.”

  Anna grins, “Snow is actually forecast for tomorrow afternoon.”

  Oh no, I hope Cade makes it home.

  “So realistically, I’ll be able to make a snowman the day after tomorrow?” I ask with glee, realizing Cade will be fine.

  “That’s a given.” Elise replies. “Jake likes sledging. Perhaps you can get him to take you.”

t quite sure how to take that response, “Perhaps I will after I’ve made a snowman.”

  Anna and Beth were laughing, but Elise was just staring at me.

  The afternoon was pleasant enough, but by the time Elise was leaving I had a headache; all I want is to go home and to have Cade there to hold me. I actually feel rather tearful. I’m guessing the stress from this morning is starting to catch up on me.

  Not wanting Elise to carry on with the wrong assumption about me and Jake, as I have my answer, I follow her outside to her car, “Elise, wait up.”


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