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From This Moment (Jackson Hole)

Page 18

by Alison Chaffin Higson

  Gulping, “Wow, you look seriously gorgeous today.”

  “I know honey.” I reach for Cade and pull his head down for a mouth watering kiss, while he puts one of his hands on my bare thigh and slowly starts to move it north.

  Hearing a throat being cleared we pull apart, “Don’t you need to go and find Elise?” Cade grouches to Jake.

  “No need, I’m here,” Elise appears laughing as she looks at me and then at Cade.

  Moving away from Cade, “Morning Elise, you both still on for dinner tonight?” I ask her.

  “Sure we are, what time shall we start getting ready?”

  “I’ll kick Cade out of the bedroom around six thirty, so come up then, and don’t forget the dress.”

  “Oh don’t worry, I won’t.”

  “What dress?”

  “You’ll have to wait until tonight Jake.” I pour a cup of coffee. Cade’s eyes are still on me; I blow him a kiss.

  “Oh god, are you two going to do kissy face all morning?” Jake asks, going over to plant a hot looking kiss on Elise.

  “Don’t worry Jake, we already did that. Didn’t we Cade?”

  “Answering a question like that always gets me in trouble. I’m saying nothing.”

  “How’s your hip Rona?” Jake asks me.

  “It’s as good as new. There’s still faint bruising, but no pain anymore unless of course I catch it on something.”

  “That’s good,” Elise comments.

  “How did everything go yesterday down at the Sheriff’s office?” Jake asks.

  “It went okay. They’re moving Nick to a different location today, but hopefully he won’t be able to get out anytime soon,” I tell them both.

  “Yes, and lover boy is going as well.” Cade smirks.

  “Oh honey. I’m in love with you, you know, that doesn’t change with the weather.” I place a kiss on his lips.

  “Lover boy?” Jake asks.

  Elise snickers, “Josh has the hots for Rona.”

  Looking at Jake’s stunned face, “Since when?”

  “Since he first met her,” Cade replies.

  “Yes, but I made it clear it’s only Cade I want, so can we change the subject now…. please?”

  Laughing at me, “Alright love.” He finishes by kissing me on the head.

  “Jake, after breakfast, could you give me a hand to attach the sleigh to Bonnie and Clyde?”

  “Yeah, sure dad.”

  “Bonnie and Clyde?” I query having never heard them mentioned before.


  Cade looks at me. “As hot as you look, you’ll have to get changed after breakfast, because I’m taking you on a sleigh ride.”

  All excited now for a different reason, “Seriously?”

  Nodding his head, I just run to him and throw my arms around his neck as he catches me, “Thank you.” I kiss him as he puts me down.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Let’s get breakfast.”

  ~~ Cade ~~

  Sitting next to Rona eating breakfast is really testing my restraint. Every time she moves, her skirt creeps further up her thighs, an inch higher and Jake is going to get an eye full!

  It’s such a relief when she finally finishes eating and heads upstairs to change. Following her with my eyes, I give a sigh of relief. I glance to Jake and meet his eyes across the table; he’s trying not to laugh and failing miserably.

  “Don’t say a word.”

  Jake bursts out laughing, setting Elise off, as they head out the door.

  Standing up from the table, I load the dishwasher and clean around the kitchen waiting for Rona to appear.

  “Is this better?” Rona reappears in jeans and jumper with her thermal boots on her feet.

  “You looked great before, just like you do now, except you would’ve frozen as you were, and I wouldn’t have been able to keep my hands to myself.”

  “Ha, you can’t keep your hands to yourself anyway.”

  Laughing, “Come on, let’s get our coats on and head over to the horses, Jake’s probably there already.”


  Taking Rona’s hand we make our way through the snow to the stables. Just being outside with her, holding her hand, claiming her as mine is a lovely miracle. Just two weeks ago I had nothing, compared to what I have now.

  “This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen and with the snow down.... amazing.” Rona hugs me as we stand looking across the pond.

  “Yes it is, there’s no place like it.”

  I take hold of her hand again; we carry on to the stables to help Jake attach the sleigh.

  Walking around the side of the stables has us stopping dead, because we are met with the sight of Bonnie and Clyde already attached to the sleigh and Jake pinning Elise to the wall, her legs wrapped around him. Not the sight a father wants to see no matter how old his son is!

  “Jake, what are you doing?” I shout, which has a startled Jake and embarrassed Elise pulling apart.

  Looking at Rona who is shaking at the side of me, to find her laughing that much, tears are rolling down her face.

  “Sorry, the look on your face.” She tries to mop the tears up, “Cade they’re only doing what we do all the time.”

  “Yeah dad!” Jake drags Elise to where we’re standing with a big grin on his face.

  Scowling now, “Yes, but we don’t put on a performance for everyone to see.”

  “So what would you call having your hand on Rona’s thigh lifting her skirt up for all to see this morning?” Jake responds.

  “Insanity!” Laughs Cade.

  I pull Rona towards the sleigh, “Come on let’s get going, before he takes her in the snow.”

  Laughing, I help Rona into the sleigh. I can hear Jake making a choking noise behind me, “We’re going now Dad. You two behave out there. You don’t want certain parts freezing off.” The snow ball I throw at him hits its target.

  Rona sees Jake reach for some snow, “Don’t you dare! I have to sit next to him and I don’t want to freeze my butt off because your father is full of snow,” Rona pleads.

  “Okay, he’s safe for now, but when you get back all bets are off.”

  “Oh cool, a snowball fight. Can I join in?” Rona asks.

  “Love, you can join in anytime,” I say, placing a kiss on her cheek, “let’s get going.”

  “Thanks for doing this guys. We’ll see you both later.” Rona takes her seat in the sleigh.

  Leaving the house behind us, with Rona snuggled into my side covered in a couple of blankets for warmth, makes my heart leap with love. She doesn’t know it yet, but I have a surprise waiting for her when we arrive at our destination in about twenty-five minutes.

  Jake had snuck out of the house before we got up this morning to go and take the few things I wanted down to the river. If I could have done it without his help, well, I would have done, as I had to put up with no end of teasing from him until Rona appeared.

  “This is magical, Cade.... thank you.”

  Leaning over to place a quick kiss on her lips, “Anything for you.... It will only get better.”

  Seeing the river appear up ahead has Rona sitting up a bit straighter. Bonnie and Clyde pull us around the corner heading towards my favorite spot; she turns to look at me with her eyes alight. She’s noticed the ice bucket with the champagne in and the two glasses sitting beside the pink roses.

  “What are you up to, Cade Matthews?”

  I smile at her with my stomach full of butterflies, “I want to romance you, to show you just how special you are and how much you mean to me.”

  “Oh Cade, you’re very special to me too.”

  Pulling the sleigh to a stop, I take Rona’s hand to help her out, “Mind you don’t slip.” Grabbing a hold of my coat with her other hand, she brings me in close for a kiss, “I won’t, but if I do, you can catch me.”

  “Always. Just stay there one minute, while I sort this lot out.”


nbsp; Popping the cork on the champagne, I put it inside my pocket in case Rona wants to keep it. Jake’s idea. Apparently, Elise keeps mementos every time he does something romantic. I actually didn’t know that my son had any romantic tendencies, but I was obviously wrong.

  Once the champagne is poured, I reach inside my jacket to the inner pocket bringing out the engagement ring I’ve bought for Rona. I drop the ring into her glass. God, I don’t ever remember being so nervous before. We haven’t known each other that long, but it’s long enough for me to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

  Taking a deep breath, I pick up the flowers and go over to Rona. “Twenty-four pink roses for the woman who has my heart.” Passing the flowers to her, I cup the back of her head with my hand and bring her in for another kiss. “I can’t stop kissing you, you’re addictive.”

  “Don’t ever stop,” she whispers.

  Pulling away from her to pick the champagne glass up, I pass her the glass with the ring inside, toasting her, “To the woman I love.”

  Smiling, “To the man I love.” She clinks her glass with mine.

  Going to take a drink she suddenly stops, staring into the bottom of her glasses, “What.... is this.... I mean....?”

  Going down onto one knee, I take hold of her left hand, “I love you Rona…. with all my heart. I know this is quick, but I have never felt like this before. I promise, I will always love, honor and cherish you. Will you marry me?”

  Letting go of my hand she pours the rest of her drink out on to her hand catching the ring, “Don’t move honey,” she’s in tears. She runs to the edge of the river and dips her hand in to the freezing water, running back to me, she wipes her hand on her jumper; kneels down in front of me smiling through her tears. “I love you with all my heart; I’ve never felt at home before, until I met you. You’re my home Cade, always. So yes. I will marry you.”

  She passes the ring to me, “Put it on my finger.” Sliding the ring onto her finger, it looks stunning.

  Standing up, I help Rona to her feet then she throws herself into my arms and slams her lips to mine in a very passionate kiss; I move my hands up to cup her head, deepening the kiss, while she practically climbs up me wrapping her legs around my waist.

  Bringing the kiss to a softer level, “Love, let’s head back so you can show your ring off. Plus, as much as I want to make love to you right now, I don’t fancy freezing my balls off.”

  Licking her lips, “I’d keep them warm.”

  “Shit.... get in the sleigh Rona.”

  I let her slide down my body, so she can feel what she does to me. I keep hold of her while she gets her feet back under her. “Thank you Cade, this was the most romantic experience of my life and I will treasure it always.”

  “So will I love.... let’s head back and get warm.”

  “I can’t wait to show Elise.... oh no, what about Jake, Anna and Beth? I mean they’re okay about our relationship, but what about me being your wife?”

  Not quite knowing how to handle this other than to tell her straight, “I asked their permission to marry you. Love, I would have asked you to marry me even if they didn’t approve, hoping that they would eventually. But for my own peace of mind, I needed to know where my family was on this. They all love you for making me happy.”

  “I’m glad you did. Thinking about whether or not they approve would have put a bit of a dampener on the day. So Cade, stop worrying, I really am fine with you asking them first…. really.” Kissing me, she then sits snuggled beside me, keeping her glove off to look at her ring. I can’t stop the grin from spreading all over my face.

  Chapter 21

  ~~ Rona ~~

  On the way back to the house, I can’t stop looking at my beautiful engagement ring. It’s platinum with an interwoven design, displaying a large diamond in the centre and has lots of small diamonds within its curved lines. It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.

  Glancing at Cade, I notice he hasn’t stopped grinning since he got down on one knee to propose to me. I have to stop myself from asking him to pinch me. I’ve no idea how I got so lucky.

  Arriving back at the stables, Cade introduces me to Diego and Matt who work for them part time. Cade, sensing my excitement, and looking a bit excited himself, asks them if they can look after Bonnie, Clyde and the sleigh for us, because he needs to get me back to the house. They’re probably using their imagination on that one.

  Walking through the back door I find Jake grinning behind his cup of coffee. Scanning the room I can’t see Elise. “She’s gone over to Anna’s. She shouldn’t be too long,” Jake tells me.

  He walks towards me grinning; I can’t help myself and run to him, throwing myself into his arms for a really tight hug. “Thank you Jake, for everything.”

  “You’re welcome.... Mom!”

  I swat him on the shoulder, “Don’t sweat it, you’ll make a cool mom. You can practice on me!”

  “Do I kill you now or later?”

  “Preferably not at all,” Elise responds joining, us in the kitchen.

  Screaming, I run to Elise, hugging her. “Congratulations.” She manages to get out as we hug each other.

  “Oh Elise, I’m so excited.... we need to do something.”

  Laughing, “I think you need to do something with Cade, not me.”

  Looking at Cade, I run back over to him and throw my arms around his neck. His hands land on my butt. I wrap a leg around one of his, drawing closer, I slowly lick along his lower lip, moving to his upper lip. Dipping into his mouth to touch the tip of his tongue, I forget everything as he opens his mouth and plunders mine in a toe curling kiss.

  I pull away slightly, “I think I’ve forgotten my name,” I say, as Cade places small kisses all over my face.

  He smiles at me, “We lost Jake and Elise.”

  With a look of horror on my face, “Oh god, as soon as I touched you I forgot anyone else was here.... I like winding Jake up, but not this much.”

  “Don’t worry, if my guess is right, he’s gone doing the same to Elise and a lot more.”

  Still wrapped around him, I place kisses on his eyes, nose and finally his mouth. Climbing out of his arms, I can’t help but feel his erection behind the zipper. Feeling wicked; I put my hand to him and rub up and down a few times, dragging a groan out of him as he removes my hand, “Behave.”

  “Only until tonight, because I’m going to seduce your socks off!” I threaten.

  “What happened to the ‘no sex’ until vacation?”

  “Our vacation starts tonight when I put my red dress on.”

  “Hell, woman.”

  “I think we need some lunch. I’ll make a salad, so Jake and Elise don’t have anything to really do when they come up for air.”

  Looking across to Cade I find him breathing hard, “Honey, you okay?”

  “Give me a minute.”

  Deciding it might be best to ignore Cade for a short time; I get the salad vegetables out of the refrigerator and start chopping. Within ten minutes I have a rather large salad mixed. I retrieve some chicken and Caesar dressing – lunch is made.

  I text Jake to let him know lunch is ready and in the refrigerator.

  Finally looking at Cade, “Are you okay now?”

  With a small grin he replies, “For now I am.... let’s go eat this delicious salad you’ve made then I think you need to pack. We’ll need to make sure all our things are together and ready for later.”

  I grin at him, “When are you going to tell me?” I’m desperate to know where we’re going.

  “I’ll tell you after lunch, but I’ll tell you now that we need to be ready to leave around eleven tonight for our flight to Denver.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait.... can we walk around naked and make out anywhere without being walked in on?”

  “I wish you would stop talking about being naked, and inside the accommodation we can wear whatever we want, including our birthday suits. I’m also pretty sure we’ll be able to
find somewhere outside to make out in private too,” he finishes, laughing when he sees the excitement on my face.

  “Lots of possibilities then!”

  Groaning, he leans towards me, “Eat, your mouth needs filling.” Seeing me about to retort, “Don’t say a word.”

  Sitting down at the table, we start to eat in silence. In fact, I’m partly afraid to open my mouth in case he drags me over the table and has his wicked way with me. Not that I’d have complained, but I’m not an exhibitionist and the thought of Jake and Elise walking in on us kind of puts a dampener to those thoughts.


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