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The Night Series - Entire Series Boxed Set : New World Immortal Mayan Vampire Romance

Page 95

by Lisa Kessler

  They hadn’t yet discovered her spirit animal, but he sensed her power growing. Soon the other half of herself, the primal, untamable spirit would burst forth.

  “Thirsty,” she whispered, catching his bottom lip between her teeth.

  Blood rushed to his groin. Walking her backward, toward the kitchen, his heart pounded in anticipation of her bite. He’d offered his wrist to his immortal brothers, his blood to offer healing, but sharing himself with Muriah was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Sensual. Erotic.

  “I need you.” He freed the button on her jeans. “Now.”

  “Want you,” she gasped into the kiss, her fingers tightening in his hair.

  Using his preternatural speed, he had both her pants and his own tossed across the room as if they never existed. Muriah’s lips curved as she kissed him. “I love that trick.”

  Issa laughed against her lips and lifted her onto the countertop, pushing her legs open to settle between them. He broke the kiss and stared into her eyes. “I love you.”

  He entered her slowly, marveling at the union of their bodies. She was made for him. Muriah’s head dropped back, her lips parting as she moaned his name. He bent to run his tongue around the tip of her pert nipple and took it into his mouth. He struggled to keep his thrusts slow, aching to make the moment last.

  Muriah raised her head, her beautiful eyes now crimson with desire, hungry for his flesh and his blood. His heart raced with yearning, and his hips sank into her faster as she kissed along his shoulder, her tongue teasing him until he ached for her bite.

  Finally, her fangs sank deep into the muscle between his neck and shoulder. Deep in his throat, Issa growled her name, his eyes burning crimson. The first pull at his veins from her lips nearly brought him to his knees, his body aching to surrender to the pleasure. He forced himself to slow, to savor every moment with her.

  This is why I can’t bite anyone else. It’s too intimate. Her voice whispered through his mind. You spoiled me.

  He smiled against her skin, nuzzling into her hair, kissing her shoulder. I am not sorry.

  Her fingernails scratched down his back as she drank his life into her body. He slipped his hand between their bodies, rubbing while working his hips into her faster. She moaned against his skin, her body pulsing around him. As her orgasm swelled, he sank his fangs into her shoulder, drinking in her pleasure, her love. He followed her over the peak, joined in body, soul, and blood.

  He took one last swallow and kissed the wound closed. He held her close until she drank her fill. Finally, she rested her head on his shoulder, breathless. “If you had told me a couple of weeks ago how intense feeding while making love is, I never would have believed you.”

  “I did not know myself.” He kissed the top of her forehead. “Until you, I had never made love with another Night Walker.”

  She peered up at him from under her mussed hair with a playful smile. “My thousands-of-years-old virgin.”

  Issa laughed. “Far from a virgin.” He stared into her eyes, sobering slowly as he brought his hand up to caress her cheek. “You make me very happy. I am not sure I understood what that word truly meant until I met you.”

  “I think after all you’ve done for this world, you’ve earned some happiness.” She kissed him tenderly, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  He lifted her up without sliding free from her and carried her to the bedroom.

  Agent Bale parallel parked the unmarked black Lincoln Town Car across the street from the gate to Calisto Terana’s home. With his night vision binoculars in hand, he checked for cross traffic and jogged across the road. He made his way between the large cliffside homes, toward the cove and the beach below.

  He’d finished the paperwork for Apep’s captivity and picked up his new assignment. Monks. Some of Calisto’s human employees had been attacked in an effort to gain access to the Night Walkers. This wasn’t the first time he’d had to step in and quiet the Fraternidad del Fuego Santo, and it probably wouldn’t be the last.

  As he approached the railing at the edge of the cliff, he noticed someone else had beaten him to the lookout. A tall man with white hair dressed in long black robes stared at the beach below.

  Agent Bale moved in beside him, binoculars raised to his eyes. “Monsignor. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  The old man glanced his way. “Agent Bale.” He resumed his survey of the beach below. “You must realize we were unable to halt the birth of the antichrist.”

  Agent Bale lowered his binoculars. “Funny, from my intel, it’s the heir to the Mayan God of the North.” His eyes narrowed. “Why are you here, monsignor? The Fraternidad del Fuego Santo is a long way from this coast.”

  “Guilt. And perhaps for clarity. Even after all these years, I fear I may have been too quick to judge and condemn. Perhaps the Lord has a plan in place, and I need to step back and trust Him to fulfill it.” The old man sighed, raising his watery-eyed gaze to meet Agent Bale’s. “Like you, I came to watch.”

  Agent Bale clasped his shoulder. “I can tell you that it wasn’t terrorists that closed the airports in New York and set the hotels on fire. I can also tell you that without those Night Walkers down there, we probably wouldn’t have been able to stop the chaos.”

  He waited for his words to sink in. The monsignor clasped his hands together and heaved a sigh, nodding. “Perhaps it is time for the Brotherhood to move on. I fear we have caused more harm than good.”

  “Sometimes it’s a very fine line between the two.”

  The old man nodded and turned away from the water. “Take care, Agent Bale. May God be with you.”

  “And also with you.” He responded without conscious thought.

  The monsignor, the head of the Fraternidad del Fuego Santo, bowed his head before slowly turning and walking into the darkness. Agent Bale watched him go, wondering if the old man would finally let the legend of Night Walkers die.

  “How do I look?” Muriah smoothed her red dress and smiled up at Issa.

  He shook his head. “You look amazing.”

  Her gaze slid up his body from the shiny black shoes, to the tailored slacks, to his muscular torso hidden underneath a perfectly fitting black tuxedo jacket. “You look pretty amazing yourself.”

  Issa fussed with the bow tie. “Why do weddings insist on such uncomfortable clothes?”

  “It’s just for one night. We captured the God of Chaos; we can make it through one wedding on the beach.” She wasn’t sure if she meant to reassure Issa or herself. Her stomach was in knots. Since they’d been home in San Diego, she’d managed to avoid meeting Issa’s brothers. Tonight she wouldn’t be so lucky.

  Issa patted the pocket on his tux jacket and glanced her way. “Are you ready?”

  Loaded question. Would she ever be ready to meet Kane and Colin? Would their opinion of her matter to Issa? She didn’t think so, but that insecure voice deep in the shadows of her mind reminded her that this might be the final hurdle in their relationship. His last chance to walk away. The wicked whisper taunted her. Men always walked out eventually, and it would really hurt when this one did.

  From what Issa had told her, Kane lived in Paris with his mate, Rita, and when they’d battled the Night Demon six months ago, the two had left emotionally scarred. Issa wasn’t even sure if Rita would be accompanying Kane tonight.

  His brother Colin had been physically wounded in the battle, and Issa had been shocked that he agreed to make the trip to San Diego. Issa obviously misjudged his brothers’ curiosity about his mate, or whatever she was exactly. They were coming to size her up.

  She understood that, but Issa seemed oblivious.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  He took her hand and brushed a kiss to her knuckles. “They will love you as I do.”

  Maybe he wasn’t as oblivious as she thought.

  Issa led Muriah up the walkway to Calisto’s large hacienda on the La Jolla cove. Candles lined the pathway and a bouquet of romneya blossom
s hung on the door. He opened it to find the living room filled with familiar faces. Gretchen and Lukas cradled a tiny child, the God of the North reborn. Calisto sat behind the piano, and Issa noticed Lori had recruited Zafrina to help with lighting more candles and setting out a punch bowl for the few mortals in attendance.

  Calisto stopped playing and got up to greet them. “Issa, it is good to have you back.” He smiled at Muriah and took her hand. “Thank you for everything. I am sorry you did not return in the same condition in which you left.”

  Muriah shook her head. “I have no regrets.”

  “Are my brothers here?”

  Calisto nodded. “They went to the shoreline to be certain we are alone for the ceremony.”

  Issa brought his hand to rest at the base of Muriah’s back. “Shall we find them?”

  They quickly greeted the others and made their way out to the deck overlooking the ocean. A familiar voice caught his attention.

  “Issa, my brother, stop keeping that beautiful female all to yourself. We came halfway across the world to meet her.”

  The happiness in Colin’s voice brought a smile to Issa’s lips. Of the four of them, Colin, the God of the South, had always been the one who was quick to laugh and smile, but the battle with the Night Demon had changed him. His spirit animal was a large, red-tailed hawk, and after the demon fed on one of his arms, the wounds healed, but a Night Walker’s flesh cannot regenerate. His brother was left unable to fly, and his joyful spirit had been broken. Lost.

  Hearing his playfulness had returned was a welcome surprise.

  Issa walked with Muriah down the steps, resisting the urge to use his preternatural speed. With each passing night, he understood her better, and he sensed her trepidation. As their feet reached the sand, he bent close to her ear and whispered, “Kane is the blond and Colin has dark red hair.”

  She frowned. “So none of you look alike?”

  He chuckled. “We are not brothers in the sense that mortals are. We were the Bacabs, the first, placed into the world to uphold the four corners of the earth. We are brothers, but we are also the North, South, East, and West.”

  “And Gretchen’s baby is the North?”


  Colin approached them with a warm grin and on his arm, a female with long red hair and a dusting of light freckles on her cheeks. He embraced Issa tightly, whispering into his mind, I, too, have a new member of the family.

  He stared into Issa’s eyes for another moment before turning toward Muriah. “You must be Muriah.”

  “And you’re Colin?”

  He grinned and pulled her into a tight embrace. Issa smiled. He couldn’t help himself.

  Colin stepped back and glanced between them. “You must be a magician, Muriah. You taught my dear brother Issa to smile!”

  Issa laughed, nudging his brother. “And who is this beautiful creature?”

  “This, my dark brother…” he took the female’s hand, bringing her closer. “This is my Angel. My Juliana.”

  Before Issa could say anything, her voice echoed into his mind. Pleasure to finally meet you.

  He glanced at Colin.

  He put his hand on Issa’s shoulder. “Juliana lost her hearing. Our blood could not change that, but we can speak past her ears and directly into her mind.”

  Issa bowed his head. Thank you for helping Colin regain his joy for life.

  No need to thank me. She smiled up at Colin. Hearing his voice is gift enough.

  Issa turned to Kane and tipped his head in a small bow of greeting. “My brother, this is Muriah.”

  Kane took her hand, raising it to his lips. “Welcome to our family.” He released her as a petite blond woman came to stand beside him. “And this is my beloved, Rita.”

  The women shook hands, and Rita grinned. “Calisto and Kate told me you find relics.” She lowered her voice with a conspiratorial grin. “I, too, take relics.”

  Colin laughed. “Kane told me you used to be a thief.”

  Rita gasped in mock shock, nudging Kane. “Do not get me started.”

  He put up his hands in surrender, but before he could defend himself, Zafrina called from the deck. “Calisto is coming down, and Kate will follow in five minutes.”

  Lukas and Gretchen descended the steps to the beach, and Calisto followed with Lori and Edie, one on each arm. He released the ladies and took a few steps closer to the waves before turning toward the deck above. Taking his lead, all the guests on the beach turned to look up at the house, too.

  Zafrina suddenly appeared on the other side of Issa. Muriah flinched, still surprised at their incredible speed. He draped his free arm around Zafrina’s shoulder. They’d all been through so much during the past few months, first saving the mortals, then their own race.

  A night spent celebrating love and joy was a welcome respite.

  Kate appeared at the top of the stairs and Muriah smiled. She couldn’t imagine Kate looking any more beautiful. She wore a simple ivory satin gown that hugged her body. An off-white veil trailed behind her. She carried a bouquet of romneya flowers, and with them, a single feather in remembrance of whom she had once been: Tala, who first claimed Calisto’s heart on this same beach centuries before.

  Muriah glanced over at Lukas. His attention alternated from the bride to Gretchen and the baby. He was a father now. The one dream he thought he’d forfeited the night he became a Night Walker was now his. Muriah smiled, her throat tightening with emotion.

  Slowly, Kate made her way down the stairs with a smile on her face. Her gaze never strayed from Calisto’s. As she passed by, they all turned to follow her progress toward her mate. Issa took Muriah’s hand as Zafrina stepped in to help Lori spread out the train of the dress and the veil.

  After they finished, Zafrina remained at Lori’s side.

  Calisto cleared his throat and clasped Kate’s hand. They turned to face one another. “I have waited almost three hundred years for this day. To stand before our family, our friends, and proclaim my love and my intention to love you until the end of time.”

  Issa’s thumb caressed Muriah’s skin, soothing her. Witnessing Calisto’s and Kate’s commitment, seeing the love of their friends who were like family, left her feeling… empty. Alone and out of place.

  Kate stared up at Calisto, emotion filling her voice. “I have fallen in love with you in two different lifetimes. My heart remembered yours even when my mind didn’t. And come what may, I am yours. I will love you. Always. Through this lifetime and whatever may come in the next.”

  “You are my heart.” Calisto’s voice quieted. “And I would give my life for yours.”

  “Your soul sings to mine,” she answered.

  “Kate Bradley, I take you as my own.”

  A happy sob passed her lips. “Calisto Terana, I take you as my own.”

  They slid gold rings onto their fingers and sealed the simple ceremony with a kiss as the waves lapped at their feet.

  Applause broke their kiss, followed by embracing. Muriah tried to get out of the way, but Issa caught her hand. “You are sad.”

  “Not sad, just…feeling like an outsider.”

  “This is not the family you were born into, but you are blood of my blood now. This is your family if you will let them in.”

  She searched his eyes, desperate to make him understand. “I don’t know how.”

  There it was, laying her bare before him, before all of them. The only family she’d ever known was her mother and even she had left her in the end.

  Issa knelt down in front of her, taking her hands in his. “Until the end of time, I will love you. You are the moon in my endless night. I have never abandoned this world, even when I desperately wanted to, and I will never leave you, either.” He kissed her fingers. “You have to trust me.”

  “I’m trying. I know I won’t wake up one morning to find you gone. I know that. But inside…”

  “Inside will take time to heal.”

  She lost herself in his ste
ady gaze and gradually realized other eyes were on them. Her cheeks flushed with heat as Lukas approached her. “Do we have another proposal?”

  “What?” Muriah tried to pull her hands free, but Issa kept his hold on her as he got to his feet.

  Issa glanced at Lukas. “Not the kind of proposal you mean.”

  “Sorry about that.” Lukas embraced Muriah and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I guess I won’t need to look after you any longer with Issa hanging around.”

  She looked up at the handsome, ageless face that had been in and out of her life as long as she could remember, one of the few constants. A smile crept up on her. “You may not need to, but if you don’t come by and see me with Gretchen and that little one, I’ll be pissed at you.”

  “We can’t be having that.” Lukas laughed.

  “Thank you for all you did in Egypt.” He sobered. “I wish it hadn’t come at such a high price.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not like what happened to you. I had a choice, and I knew what I was getting into. I’m fine… really.”

  He nodded and clapped Issa on the shoulder. “We both know I can’t kick your ass, but if you hurt her, I’ll try.”

  Issa chuckled with a nod. “Fair enough.”

  As the others made their way back toward the house to continue the celebration, Issa caught Muriah’s hand and pulled her back. “You have not heard my proposal yet.”

  Her pulse quickened. She loved him. She had no doubt about that. But the thought of a wedding proposal made her want to run for the door. She was barely getting used to the idea of being in love and possibly gaining an extended family.

  “I don’t think I’m ready.”

  “I believe you will enjoy this proposal.”

  She wasn’t so sure. “Okay…”

  He slid his hand into the pocket of his tux and withdrew a yellowed MGM Studios business card with a phone number written on the back. “This is for you.”

  She took the card and frowned. “This is the proposal?”

  “Open yourself and use your power.”

  “It doesn’t work on newer things like this.”


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