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Cherry Blossom Girls Box Set

Page 52

by Harmon Cooper

  “And just so we’re all clear: I do have the propensity for powers. I’ve used some of Grace’s psychic abilities before.”

  “How did you do that?” Stella asked.

  “Well, it took a lot of hard work and concentration. A lot of studying too. I’m kidding. She basically forced it on me when she was in a coma, or something like a coma, and I used her powers while she was out of commission. I can be helpful, trust me.”

  Michelle was the only one who wasn’t looking at me skeptically now.

  “Did you really take her powers?” Ingrid asked.

  “Hey, it’s a true story! Why would I lie about that with a psychic around? She would just know I was lying and come out here and tell you guys I wasn’t telling the truth. Hell, she would have already done it by now and just thought the truth to you. And besides, that’s not the point. The point is: I want the four of you to think about what you want to do tomorrow. Are you staying with us, or will you go? There’s no in between.”

  “Where would we go?” Michelle asked. “I mean, I think I’ll probably stay because I don’t know where to go. But at least it would be nice to know if there was a place where we could potentially go. Makes sense, right?”

  I smiled at the short, black-haired girl. “Like I said, we can take you anywhere.”

  “We’ll have to think about it,” Fiona said, stepping up to the front of the group.

  “There are other things you should know. For one, we would train you some.”

  If you’re thinking at this point that I was talking out of my ass, you would be one hundred percent correct. I hadn’t spoken about this to the others, but I figured anyone who stayed would be part of our little clan and that there would be some training involved. We couldn’t just hang out all day.

  Well, we could, or they could, and I could just write, but anyone who stayed would need to be part of our ever-expanding operation.

  “Yeah, we’ll train you,” I said, affirming the statement I’d just made. “Also, one of you – I think it was you, Stella – asked me what my superpowers were. And I told you I was a writer.”

  “It was me. And that’s not a power,” Stella said, no hint of sarcasm in her voice.

  “We can debate the power of the written word later. You all should know that I’m publishing books about all this as it is happening. So there is another angle in which we are trying to expose these experiments. And the final thing, as I mentioned previously, and as you might have deduced: I am able to modify your abilities through your drives.”

  “Modify our abilities?” Michelle asked, reaching up to touch her neck.

  “Yep, through your drive. And if you’re having issues with your abilities, I may be able to help there,” I said, focusing in on Stella. “One thing we discovered so far is that there are sometimes handicaps on some of your abilities. Dorian, for example, had her Overcharge turned up pretty high, and modifying any of her other abilities turned it up even higher. We were able to dial it down, and maybe this is something I could do for you. But I’m not making promises there; I’m just letting you know what you can expect in this operation.”

  I wasn’t quite pacing before them like a drill instructor at boot camp, but I was trying to assert some type of authority. You had to with kids these days. Otherwise they’d walk all over you. Or at least that’s what I’d heard. I really hadn’t had much experience with teenagers aside from the years when I was one.

  “Okay,” Stella said and started to move past me.

  “That’s it?” I asked, suddenly feeling deflated.

  “You said to give us time to think about it.”

  “I’m with Stella,” said Ingrid. “Also, I need some new clothes.”

  “Yes, you do. Ask Grace or Dorian. Don’t ask Veronique. In fact, until things cool off a bit, everyone just leave Veronique the hell alone. She’s great, trust me, but she kind of has to grow on you.”

  “We’ll see.” Stella turned to the house.

  “Wait a minute, Stella,” I told her.


  “I could tell back at the fight, and I can tell now, that you’re having some issues with overheating. I’d like to see what I can do.”

  Stella was a few inches taller than me, and as she glared me down, Fiona quietly sluiced past.

  “Relax,” I said, returning her hostile gaze. Thing was, by now I’d locked eyes with Angel and Mother, so staring back at a tall, superpowered woman who wasn’t much younger than me was easier than I expected. Especially if she was as beautiful as Stella.

  “Fine,” she said with an odd grin. “Plug into me, let me see if you really have the ability to do anything.”

  “Now?” I gulped, my previous confidence waning.

  “No, tomorrow. Tomorrow morning. If you can do something about my issue, I’ll stay. If you cannot, I will go. And the other three, they’ll do whatever I do. They’re like my younger sisters.”

  “How long have you all been together?”

  “Adam came last. Not too long ago, actually; within the last year. Of course, I have more training than them, because I’m a few years older.”

  I felt my glasses fog up, and I took them off to wipe the lenses. “I’ve been able to do some things in the past, but I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to fix anything. I’ll give it my best shot, though.”

  “Well, it’s really up to you. Either fix it, or we go.” She turned away.

  “Please be careful,” I told her suddenly.

  “Be careful?” she asked, looking at me over her shoulder.

  “With Veronique.”

  “I’m not too worried about her. That said, if she lays another finger on Adam …”

  “We’ll take care of him tomorrow, and I promise I’ll even have Dorian take him back to one of the facilities if that makes you happy. We just can’t let him wake up. He’s a psychic, and he’ll be able to give away our position. Or … well I don’t know if he could exactly do that, but he could do something, and he could turn people against us.” I took a deep breath. “Trust me when I tell you we don’t want a psychic on the loose. And one final thing.”

  “What's that?”

  “We still didn’t destroy the Albuquerque facility, so we’ll want to do that.”

  She shrugged. “Fix my overheating first.”

  Chapter Thirteen: Out of Body Sex

  Call me a fool, but for once, sex wasn’t on my mind that night when I retired to the master suite with Grace.

  And she tried, too, taking a cosplay version of Rias Gremory from the anime High School DxD, sans the wings.

  “Damn,” I said as her hair reddened and the tight corset formed over the front of her body. “But … I need some time to look through stuff.” I showed her my phone.

  She sulked away, stopping in front of the bathroom, giving me one more chance to take her up on her offer.

  “You drive a hard bargain, Grace,” I told her, taking in the view. Her hair was incredibly long now, a unique, carnation red, and her short skirt didn’t quite conceal the bottom of her ass.

  “You played with someone else last night, now it’s my turn,” she said. “I’m going to take a quick shower, so you decide.”

  She shut the door and my groin twitched in response.

  Dammit, you. I glanced down at my boxers and saw that my little writer had started to grow. “Focus,” I whispered and looked back at my phone screen. “Quick searches.”

  My manic brain had other plans, and I remembered that I hadn’t notched Dorian down from when I’d increased her Tele-Sphere Radius. With this in mind, I went to her bedroom to find her lying on her side with her back to the door, topless and wearing a pair of boy shorts.

  “You asleep?” I asked.

  She turned to me and smiled, her black bangs falling into her face. They were wet; she’d clearly washed her hair. For a moment, my eyes traced the contours of her breasts, arriving at the tattoos on her arms. I liked looking at them; the images she’d selected varied and were r
andom as much as they made sense, but now wasn’t the time.

  “I need to plug in real quick,” I told her.

  Dorian rolled onto her back and extended her neck so I could get to the port. I sat on the bed next to her and plugged in. As I started adjusting her abilities, I noticed that her nipples had hardened.

  “It’s cold in here,” she said, giggling.

  “It is. Um, get under the blankets?”

  She cocked an eyebrow at me.

  “Later,” I said, unplugging the cord. “Just get some rest tonight. How’s your head, by the way?”

  “It’s fine. Just a small cut, really. I washed the blood out too.”

  “You should get under the blankets. I don’t want you getting sick.”

  “Oh please, Gideon,” she said. “It takes a little more than wet hair to get me sick.”

  “Sleep tight, okay?”

  “If you insist,” she pouted.

  Rather than stick around and flirt with Dorian, I returned to Grace’s borrowed bedroom. I wanted to start getting a feel for the three supers that had attacked us. Know thy enemy, right?

  For the first one, I simply typed in ‘steel’ and got the results I was looking for.

  Victoria, Subject V

  Main: Metal Mimicry

  * Thermal Resistance

  * Bio Metal Weaponry

  * Dermal Armor

  * Amorphous Metal

  * Enhanced Strength

  * Contaminant Immunity

  “That’s right, her name was Victoria,” I murmured.

  There wasn’t anything hard to interpret about her abilities, and I knew as long as we had Veronique around, Victoria wouldn’t have much of an edge on us. Which was a good thing, because her considerable size and strength would have made her a pain in the ass without someone who could affect metal.

  Next, I searched for the other one that would be pretty easy to identify, ‘fire and ice.’ I could have also searched by his name, but it was just as easy to search by abilities.

  There were other fire users, or at least there had been, and there weren’t any ice users, which made narrowing down the one person who could utilize both fire and ice quite easy.

  Augustin, Subject Au

  Main: Fire Manipulation

  * Fire Negation

  * Heat Manipulation

  * Pyrokinetic Flight

  * Pyrokinetic Combat

  * Overcharge

  Main Second: Ice Manipulation

  * Ice Negation

  * Cold Generation

  * Cryokinetic Constructs

  * Ice Aura

  * Cryostasis

  Now I had the basics of these two, and there could be further exploration later. Next, I looked up Chloe.

  Chloe, Subject C

  Main: Acoustokinesis

  * Sound Sculpting

  * Acoustic Acceleration

  * Sonoluminescence

  * Rhythm Manipulation

  * Sonokinetic Combat

  * Sound Detection

  * Sonic Stimulation

  * Overcharge

  Acoustokinesis? That has to be a made-up word.

  I was just about to explore further when Grace stepped out of the bathroom, still representing the House of Gremory with her deep red hair, soft features, and oversized chest. But now she wore a black bikini top and black boy shorts. Her hair was braided down one side, and a collar fashioned into a leather bowtie was around her neck.

  I took off my glasses. “I’m trying to research here.”

  “You found out about two of them,” she said, approaching the bed. She stopped just at its end, bent over, and placed both elbows on the mattress, cupping her face with her hands.

  “Yeah, but I don’t know much about the third one.”

  “Her name is Chloe, like I told you.” She crawled onto the bed.

  Faced with the dilemma of furthering my research on Chloe or dealing with arguably one of the hottest harem anime women ever devised, I chose the latter. Chloe could wait, my commitment to the mission be damned!

  There was no foreplay this time, simply fucking for fucking’s sake. Still in her cosplay, she moved on top of me and pulled my boxers down, slipping me inside her. She pressed both hands against my chest and began moving her lower body back and forth.

  “Faster, faster,” I panted, gripping her ass.

  She picked up speed. “How’s this?”

  With my back now against the headboard, she moved slightly over to one side and lifted my knee into position so she could grab it and press it against her chest.

  She was fucking me sideways!

  Her thong was still on, and I could feel it grinding against the side of my member as she thrust back and forth. She moaned and eventually turned all the way around so that I got a clear view of her backside as she rode me reverse cowgirl.

  I closed my eyes, just trying to feel the sensation for once rather than watch the visual spectacle. But the visual spectacle is also one of the hottest parts of sex, something I immediately found out as I opened my eyes and I saw her bent forward, again leaning on her elbows, and looking over her shoulder at me with white eyes.

  White? I thought.

  It was then I realized Grace was fucking herself. She had taken over my body and was fucking herself how she wanted to be fucked. And I had no say over it! I was just being used, moving into different positions I’d never tried before, tapping it harder than I ever had. She had me under her spell completely.

  Now I was standing, and she was standing before me, arms pressed against the bed as I slammed into her.

  And my stamina … I could tell my heart was racing, but there was little I could do to slow my pace. We were now going at it doggy style on the floor, her red hair pulled tightly in my hand as I yanked her neck back. Her eyes were still white, my body fully possessed. I could hear her moaning, but it was a distant moan, like it came from a different room.

  She bucked me off then, and I fell backward, pressed against the nightstand. She was on top of me in an instant, her knees at my side as she wrapped her arms around my neck, banging her tits against my face.

  Come for me, a voice said inside my head.

  And so I came. I had no control at all over my body, and as I orgasmed, she did as well, her neck arching back as her mouth opened, letting out a loud sigh of relief.

  She stayed on top of me as she returned my own consciousness to my body.

  “You possessed me,” I gasped, still out of breath.

  “I thought it would be interesting,” she said with a mischievous look on her cosplay face.

  “I feel violated?”

  She laughed. “Do you?”

  “Well, I guess not. No, that was interesting. I did not know you could force me to come on command. Please never do that in public or in any setting that isn’t the bedroom.” I was still inside her, and I felt myself start to shrink.

  It was inevitable; no man could stay hard forever.

  But I never actually pulled out of her, and we stayed like that for another few minutes as she recapped what had happened. And as she told me about some of the positions we tried, I realized that I didn’t even remember trying them, that she had blurred some of my memory when she took over my mind.

  “Just one last thing,” I said when she finally moved to get off me.

  “What’s that?” she asked, reverting back to her base form and making her way to the restroom, her cute ass shaking as she walked.

  “You know what? Never mind.”

  She stopped and turned to me. “Do you want me to clean you off?”

  “Yeah, let’s do that.” I pushed myself off the floor and approached the bathroom door.

  Grace grabbed my hand. “I want to try that with the others.”


  She raised one eyebrow and I knew instantly what she meant.

  “You’re … that should be interesting.”

  Chapter Fourteen: Angel in the Backpack

; Morning came, and I already felt like I was behind.

  Time to get serious, was the first thought on my mind when I awoke.

  Get. Serious. Gideon.

  I kept telling myself that – possibly the curse of being a writer mixed with the fortune of trying to unravel a government conspiracy while surrounded by super hot and superpowered women – but it was good to crack the whip from time to time, especially when inspiration struck.

  And damn, did it strike.

  I was up at five in the morning, heading to the kitchen to make coffee, my brain swirling with ideas on how to craft the third installment of Mutants in the Making.

  With the coffee started, I turned to find Michelle behind me, wide awake.

  “You okay?” I asked, turning on the light.

  “Yep,” she said, hopping from foot to foot. “I don’t sleep. Not often, anyway. Sometimes I take naps. I love naps. Too much energy to sleep. I’m awake at all times, it seems.”

  “How do you feel?” The coffee pot started filling, and when it was ready I poured myself the first cup.

  “I feel pretty good. Just energized.”

  “I could take a look at that,” I suggested as I added some creamer to the brew. “They may have put a handicap in your stats to prevent you from becoming too powerful. I’ll be taking a look at Stella later as well.”

  Michelle continued to pivot from foot to foot as her head swayed back and forth. “Maybe,” she finally said.

  And then she was gone. Akin to the way Dorian teleported away, Michelle was able to move so fast that it seemed like she’d disappeared.

  “Sorry,” she said, reappearing in the hallway and giggling. “Over here. I’m going to walk around the neighborhood again.”

  “Walk?” I asked.

  “Yep, I already walked around it fifteen times. I walked to town and back too. I know, that’s not safe. I need to be safer. Being safe is overrated but it feels comfortable.”

  “You mean you ran to town.”

  “Sure, ran too. Some walking, though. I was hungry, so I ate some food. I have to eat a lot. Okay, bye!”


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