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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

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by K E Osborn

  It’s not easy, but I have been gifted this life, and I wouldn’t change it. I love Levi, and even though he can be hard work, he’s the best thing in my life. He’s my best friend. The only one who knows exactly what it was like to lose both our parents and sister in one tragic accident.

  Exhaling with a huff at the thought, I roll over in bed, reaching out for the picture frame on my bedside table. It’s of my parents and my sister, Kaylie, the day she was heading off for college. Looking at their smiling faces fills me with so much emotion—joy at the happiness in their elated expressions and utter soul-destroying sadness at the fact they’re not here anymore.

  A year later, you’d think it would get easier.

  It doesn’t.

  It’s still hard as hell to look at their picture, but I do it every night without fail before I go to sleep just so they know wherever they may be, I’ll never stop thinking about them.

  Also, to let them know I’m so fucking sorry.

  The warmth of salty liquid slowly slides down my cheek as my chest squeezes so tight I feel like it’s hard to breathe. I put on a brave face for everyone, I have to. I’m the boss at work, and I’m basically Levi’s caregiver. If I fall apart, everything crumbles. So, I stay strong until I get into bed and look at this damn picture every night. I miss them so much it physically aches every cell in my damn body knowing that this home my parents built, this sanctuary for Levi, this shrine to my parents and sister, is at jeopardy. All because my parents mortgaged this place to help me get Hope & Faith Ink off the ground. When they died, that mortgage fell on me to repay. So, losing the shop isn’t just a matter of losing my job, it could be the deciding factor in losing my home—the place where Levi and I grew up, the place that holds the memories of our family together.

  Losing Hope & Faith Ink means I could lose everything.

  Sniffling, the emotion rises inside of me, but instead of letting it swallow me whole, I push it down and place the picture on the side table, then slide back into bed, pulling the sheets over me. I turn off the light, sending my room into darkness with just the soft hue of the moonlight trying to break through the curtain as silver light shadows my room.

  Taking a deep breath, I listen once more for any sounds from Levi.

  There’s nothing.

  Maybe it will be a good night.

  So, I close my eyes. Instantly, images of Xander invade my head. My thighs tighten as I inhale sharply. His strong arm as I tattoo into it plays like a slideshow in my mind. I bite down on my bottom lip. He’s so fucking gorgeous I can’t compare him to anyone else.

  Though, I can’t help but wonder who the guy really is, or if I’ll ever see him again.

  The Next Day

  It’s the dead zone just before lunch—the time to clean and get ready for the after-lunch rush. I’m sweeping while Jana messes about with the piercing display, and Gigi is cleaning. Hogtie is finishing up a back piece while Skins stacks the supply closet. The sound of the lone tattoo machine makes me grin as rock music plays quietly in the background. I sway my hips as the broom moves over the immaculate tiled floor.

  If there’s one thing I make sure about this place, it’s that the health standards and cleanliness are always up to code. Nothing is dodgy about Hope & Faith Ink.

  I sashay past Jana making her chuckle at me.

  “You know, you should have been a stripper. It’s not too late to change careers. Maybe we should install a pole?”

  I scoff, rolling my eyes. “Please, no one could afford my moves.”

  “I’d pay for your show, Tomi,” Gareth, a repeat client who’s having his back done by Hogtie, calls out.

  “Thank you, Gareth, but this bootie isn’t going on show. Not for no one. Besides, I don’t want to give up tattooing if I don’t have to.”

  Skin sticks his head out of the supply closet. “I don’t think any of us do, chick, but the thing we all wanna know is…” he pauses for effect, “… what’s happening with the shop and this Scott Enterprises bullshit?”

  I groan and continue sweeping. “They say we have to vacate the premises ‘cause the other asshole in this equation, Jacob, our landlord, crumbled and sold me out. So, Scott Enterprises has purchased the property, and we have to be out because they’re demolishing it to make way for a new whizz-bang mega-complex.” I roll my eyes. “There’s going to be all kinds of retailers located in the mega-complex. We can rent a shop from them, but it’s almost triple what I pay now—”

  “That’s bullshit!” Jana practically yells, slamming her hands down on the glass cabinet, making me anxious it might break.

  “Tell me about it…” I shake my head. “I can’t afford that. The emails Alex-asshole-Scott has been sending are far too involved and over-the-top. I tried to talk to Jacob when it happened to let us stay here as a favor to my dad, even maybe ask Scott Enterprises to build their shit around us, but he wouldn’t hear of it. I told him this place is sentimental to us, to my family, but it didn’t work. Money speaks, I guess.” I sigh, then continue, “I also tried to knock Alex Scott down in price for a spot in the new mega-complex, but nothing.” I shrug. “He won’t budge. He said, rules are rules, and if he breaks them for one tenant, then he has to do it for everyone.” My eyes narrow as I feel my muscles tensing with the sheer hatred I have for Alex Scott. “He’s a real piece of work. He’s even dodging my calls. I’ve tried his office numerous times, but his ditsy receptionist says he’ll call me back. He never does.”

  I just don’t know how the hell to go into battle when I can’t reach the man I’m meant to battle with. I’m not equipped for this, but fuck if I’m not going to fight it with every damn thing I have in me.

  “I heard Alex Scott is only the second-in-charge. He’s not even the top dog at Scott Enterprises,” Jana snidely mocks making us all chuckle.

  “Figures. He’s probably throwing his weight around to impress the boss, and in doing so, pissing all us little guys off in the meantime. As I’ve said… total asshole!”

  Suddenly, the door dings, and we all turn to see Xander stalking in looking hot as sin in his tell-tale ripped jeans and a black tank top. My thighs clench as I continue to act casual while sweeping the floor and watching him from the side of my eyes as he strides up to me.

  “Back so soon? Did you leave something behind?” I ask.

  His lips turn up, the whites of his teeth dazzling me like a deer in the damn headlights. “No, just didn’t want to leave it so long between visits.”

  I’m a little shocked. My heart races as I place the broom behind the counter and start walking toward my station, but he reaches out, grabbing my arm and halting me. A shockwave runs right up my arm as I spin to look into his eyes.

  He seems haunted, but it suits him. “I’m not here for a session today, Tomi.”

  I tilt my head in confusion as I slowly pull my arm from his grip, folding them over my chest. “Then why are you here?”

  “To take you to lunch.”

  I scoff, my mouth turning upward coyly. “That’s pretty damn presumptuous of you, isn’t it? I mean… I may have already eaten, I might be busy, I could have serious allergies—”

  “Do you?” he asks.

  I cock my brow. “Do I what?”

  He chuckles. “Have allergies?”

  I roll my eyes. “No, but that’s not the point here, wise guy. The point is—”

  “Have lunch with me?” This time it’s more of a question than a statement. I can’t help but melt a little at the uncertainty in his eyes.

  Everyone’s watching and waiting for me to answer like the nosey fuckers they are as I gnaw on my bottom lip. “What’s in it for me?”

  He shrugs. “Free tacos?”

  I let out a small laugh. “Well, why didn’t you lead with that? Show me the way.” I swipe out my hand, gesturing for him to lead. I dip my head at Hogtie to take charge while I’m gone. He winks at me as I grab my bag, swinging it across my body, my red heels clicking on the tiled floor.

sp; Butterflies swarm through my stomach while heading for the door. I know everyone’s watching me leave with Xander, but as we walk outside, all thoughts of that vanish as he leads me straight over to a powerful looking motorcycle. I think it’s a Harley, but I can’t be sure. I don’t know much about these things, but damn, it makes my breath seize in my throat.

  “How the hell am I supposed to ride this thing in these heels?”

  He raises his brow. “It’s not like you need to do anything other than hold on.”

  I gnaw on my bottom lip. “Oh… yeah.”

  Xander hands me a helmet. A flash of giddy excitement flows through me as I pull it over my head awkwardly. He turns, watching me, then leans in doing up the strap. The gesture is so sweet, it has me feeling all kinds of weird and wonderful things. Then he spins back to the bike without a helmet for himself. I have to admit the little bit of rebel in him has me weak at the goddamn knees as he slides onto the bike, then puts out his hand to help me. I take it and move into position behind him.

  Inhaling a deep breath, I slide right into place feeling like this is the most natural position for me to be in. I fit perfectly, and though I don’t ride on the back of bikes often, this is the first time I’ve truly felt like I’ve belonged on one.

  He turns over the engine, and the vibrations rattle through my body, making me let out a giddy, excited squeal.

  I’m going to lunch with Just Xander.

  On his freaking bike.

  Oh. My. God.

  So much for my rule of never dating a client.

  Yeah, that shit just went right out the window!

  He veers out onto the street with force while I let out another squeal as he pulls on the throttle, and we’re off, zooming through the streets of San Francisco. My smile is wide the entire way as I grip onto his torso like my life depends on it, though, I’m honestly holding on tight because I want to feel him.

  All of him.

  And boy, does he feel good.

  The muscles beneath his tank top are so hard it’s making it difficult to concentrate as he takes us to our lunchtime destination. We ride along the edge of the San Francisco Bay until he pulls up in front of a quaint little Mexican restaurant.

  My stomach growls, and my inner glutton dances the cha-cha in excitement. Mexican is my favorite food—it’s as if he knew. I slide off the bike with a pep in my step, Xander follows, then leans in slowly and undoes the strap of my helmet. His eyes meet mine, my stomach flips, and it’s as if time stands still. Everything around us fades out of focus as it’s just him and me alone and nothing and no one can burst this bubble we’re in. My heart leaps into my throat as my mouth goes dry. Goosebumps litter my skin, and it’s as if I’m seeing him for the first time—like I’m truly seeing him. I lean a little closer, his magnetism forcing me toward him—I’m being swept up in his wake.

  Suddenly, a car honks its horn breaking us from our moment. Xander clears his throat, reaches out to pull the helmet off my head, and he places it on the seat of his ride. Then he gestures for us to go inside. Taking a much-needed breath, we walk in. The place is quiet, but it’s a weekday, so I’m not surprised.

  We sit, the tension between us is comfortable but definitely there, we both know it. A waiter comes along quickly. The good thing is we can place our orders and not have to spend too long fussing about what we want.

  We order, then spend the time before our lunch arrives with small talk.

  It’s nice.

  It’s easy.


  But he’s not giving too much away. He seems closed off, and we’re spending most of the time talking about me.

  I don’t have a hell of a lot of time before I have to go back to work, so I’m going to eat like I always do—without a care about what people think. Taco sauce runs down my hands as I shove the tasty treat in my mouth while talking at the same time. “Levi’s doing all right in school, but if I have to give up the shop, I won’t have the income to keep him at the same place.” I stop chewing for a moment and swallow. “He’s settled, but any change can unsettle him for months. He’s all about routine. We have one… at the shop, the house, his school. Change isn’t something we accomplish well… neither of us.” I lick up the side of my hand as Xander watches my every move, a slight smirk appears on his face while he slowly and neatly eats his nachos.

  I’m beginning to wonder if I’m taking over the conversation, so I spin it around. “I’m sorry, here’s me blabbing on all about me and my worries. How’s your day going?”

  Xander shoves the last of his nacho into his mouth then wipes it with a napkin, tilting his head like he’s unsure of how to answer. “I’m having trouble with my father at our family business. We don’t agree on how things should be run… but, what can you do?”

  I take a sip of my margarita and shrug. “Leave. If you don’t have job satisfaction, do something else.”

  He softly laughs. “If only it were that simple. I believe in what I’m doing, I just don’t like every aspect of it. With every great thing, there always has to be a downside.”

  “Sounds like you’ve got yourself in a hot pickle.”

  His body wracks back in laughter. “Who the hell says hot pickle?”

  I scoff, picking up a diced tomato cube then throw it at him, hitting him square on the cheek, and I burst out laughing as he sits there shocked.

  “You threw food at me?”

  I tilt my head. “What ya gonna do about it?”

  His eyes narrow as his hand moves up, and he dips his finger into the guacamole. Before I have a second to think, he reaches across the table, swiping straight down the center of my nose, the creamy substance smearing all over my face. I let out a half-scoff half-laugh as I glare at him. His face is alight with humor, and he sits back, arms folded over his chest like he’s king-fucking-dick.

  Well, I’ll show him.

  I pull my leg back, then fling it forward, kicking his shin not very hard with my red heel. He jolts in the seat, his face contorting in an exaggerated shockwave of pain while I fling myself back in my chair, laughing.

  He dips his head with an exhale. “I deserved that,” he murmurs as a waiter steps up to the table looking a little concerned. He peers at me, then to Xander, then back at me. “Everything all right here, miss?”

  I stop laughing as a drop of guacamole drips from the tip of my nose. “Yes, everything’s just fine.”

  The waiter glances at Xander, who can’t seem to hold in his smirk as he tips his head at the waiter. “It’s fine, we’re good,” Xander confirms. The waiter turns to walk away with an obvious huff.

  I pull my lips in by my teeth as Xander picks up some napkins handing them over. His eyes glance up as he peers at me with a cheeky demeanor. “It’s a shame I wasted good guacamole on your face. I need to spend my money more wisely than smothering you in it.”

  I snort out a laugh. “Who says it’s wasted? You can still eat it. I’m sure your tongue is quite skillful.”

  His eyes widen as his hand stops over the middle of the table like I’ve stunned him to the spot. I burst out laughing as I grab a napkin from him, wipe my face, then pick up my other taco and start eating. I waggle my eyebrows at Xander who seems to snap out of his catatonic state.

  “Who the hell are you, Tomi?” he asks.

  I grin through my mouthful of food and shrug. “I’m just me,” I reply.

  He smiles while leaning forward, taking a nacho into his mouth, finally seeming able to function again. “Well, I like just you.”

  My chest tightens in happiness as I continue to eat my lunch with him in easy comfort.

  I’m so full I can hardly walk as Xander leads me back out to the bike after not only a fantastic lunch but paying for it like a gentleman as well. I told him I’m a strong, independent woman who could at least share the cost with him, but the stubborn idiot wouldn’t have it. He said ‘free tacos,’ and he meant it. At least, I have to appreciate a man who can stick to his word.

  He leans in doing the strap up on the helmet, his eyes lingering on mine again. A burning sensation runs down my spine as I stare back at him.

  It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

  It’s intense.

  He’s intense, but I like it.

  Xander finishes with the strap, then looks at his watch. “I have another half hour or so before the hounds are called. Feel like going for a ride?” he asks.

  I gnaw on my bottom lip.

  I shouldn’t.

  I have a tattoo studio to run. Probably clients waiting. But what’s another half hour, right?

  “Half an hour, no more.”

  “You’re a bossy little thing, aren’t you?”

  I stand taller puffing out my chest. “You have no idea.”

  He grins. “You up for going somewhere we’re not supposed to be?”

  Excitement builds inside of me. This whole bad boy thing he has going on is really working for me. “Hell yeah, I’m all for breaking the rules.”

  The cheeky, excited look on his face tells me he has something up his sleeve, but I won’t find out until we’re there. He turns, sliding onto his bike as I follow behind him. He starts the engine sending a deep rattle through me. It’s almost sexual, the way the bike’s rumble feels against my body.

  With my arms wrapped around Xander, the purr of the engine, the whole experience is kind of rhapsodic. I could fast become addicted to this.

  He takes off at a rapid pace, the wind whipping at my face only making me happier as he heads toward the Oakland Bay Bridge. Anticipation rumbles through me as I can’t help but wonder where on earth we’re heading. We start crossing the bridge, the beautiful water lapping and moving beneath us. It’s a calm day, the waves are gentle with a twinkling from the sun, so it’s still a beautiful sight to behold as we cross over.

  Suddenly, he takes a turn off the I-80, and it confuses me. I didn’t even know you could do that on this small island. He takes another turn, and just like that, we’re off the highway. I grip on tighter as we make turns like we’re heading back toward the way we came. I’m so freaking confused as we glide in the direction of the corner of the island.


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