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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

Page 19

by K E Osborn

  “I’m not drinking your expensive wine because I’m being a responsible parent, something you seem to know nothing about.” I turn to Ophelia. “Thank you for having me. Sorry I can’t stay. I seem to have lost my appetite.”

  I turn and start walking for the front door. My heels clicking on the tiles as I go, my heart thumping in my chest so fast I feel like I’m going to be sick. I swing the door open, a cool breeze rushes against my face instantly refreshing me. I step out onto the porch and close the door behind me, leaving the Scott family inside.

  That whole thing was a shitshow.

  I knew his father was going to be tough.

  What I didn’t realize was in the end he might just be a deal-breaker.


  Watching Tomi walk out, knowing she’s probably cursing my name right now is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I didn’t fight for her when she needed me. But fighting for her with her here would have made my father worse. Now she’s gone, I can say what I really need to.

  “She’s pregnant?” Mom almost whimpers from the other end of the table.

  I smile at her. “Yes, Mom, you’re going to be grandparents.”

  Dad throws his knife and fork onto his plate, the sound of the silverware hitting the porcelain sends a high-pitched twang through the enclosed space as he exhales loudly. “You need a DNA test, Alex. I mean look at her… that baby could be anyone’s.”

  I start to pace the room as I run my fingers through my hair, trying to keep my shit together. “You don’t get it, do you, Dad?”

  He scoffs out a laugh. “No. No, son, I don’t. How you could be with a thing like her?”

  I turn to face him. “A thing? Can you hear yourself? She’s not a thing. Fuck! She’s a woman, a woman I love, a woman I intend to make my wife. She’s the mother of my child. And I know, believe me, Dad, I know you struggle with letting me go. But you… doing this shit is only pushing me further away.”

  He scoffs. “You’re free to go whenever you want, boy. You want out of Scott Enterprises, you fucking go. But don’t expect a payout or your inheritance—”

  “Fucking hell! I don’t care about the money, Dad. That’s what you care about. I want a family. I want Tomi, our baby, and Levi, all of us together, as a family. You can’t understand that because you lack the capacity to love unconditionally.”

  He scoffs, rolling his eyes.

  “It’s true, Aldwin,” Mom mumbles from the other side of the room.

  Dad glares at her making her eyes fall to the table like she knows she spoke out of turn.

  I hate she feels like that.

  “You’re blinded by her charm or lack thereof. I don’t know what’s so special about her, son, but you need to make a choice. Her or us.”

  I stand taller as I shake my head. “Then there’s no choice. I’m sorry, Mom, I love you.” I look back at Dad sternly. “I’ll hand in my resignation on Monday.”

  “Alex,” Mom gasps as I turn, walking out of the dining room.

  “Alexander Scott, you come back here right this instant,” Dad calls out.

  I turn, looking at him as he glares at me. “I’m not your whipping boy anymore, Dad. You show my partner some respect, or you don’t get to see me, her, or your grandchild. It’s as simple and as complicated as that. Thank you for dinner, I’ll see myself out.”

  Mom lets out a soft sob. Hearing her breaks my heart, but I have to stand firm on this. Tomi is my priority and my future, and I need to go now and make things right with her. I hope she isn’t too fucked off with me for not standing my ground with Dad in front of her. I hope she understands why. I know she’ll be hurt, but it was for her own good. I just have to get that across to her.

  Walking out of the house, I glance over to her car to see her leaning against it waiting with her arms folded across her chest. Exhaling some relief, I wasn’t sure she’d still be here, to be honest. She’s the type to start walking home. I’m glad she waited for me. I slowly edge toward the car, waiting to see if she’s going to turn and hurtle abuse at me. I can’t blame her if she does.

  But nothing.

  Her head’s down, and she’s quiet.

  Too quiet.

  She’s seething.

  This is worse than her yelling at me on the street, the silent treatment is far more painful. As I approach, she side-eyes me, and I press the button to unlock the car. She doesn’t say anything, just opens the door and gets in.


  I walk to the driver’s side and slide in, putting the keys in the ignition, but I don’t start the car. Instead, I turn to face her. Her arms are crossed over her body defiantly as she stews in her own mind. “Tomi, I—”

  “Don’t talk to me—”

  “But I—”

  She holds her hand up to stop me, and I purse my lips knowing I need to let her cool off before I attempt to settle this with her again.

  “Just so you know, I’m resigning on Monday.”

  Her head snaps around to look at me as I start the car, but she doesn’t say anything as she shakes her head, then turns to look out of the window.

  I pull out onto the street to drive us home in awkward, tension-filled silence.

  The car ride was so tense it was hard to deal with. All I wanted to do was talk to her, but I knew she would shut me down at every possible avenue. So I kept my mouth shut. The one thing I’ve learned about Tomi is she’s a stubborn, headstrong female, and when she sets her mind on something, she won’t shift until she wants to.

  Pulling up her mini at home, I exhale as she yanks off her seatbelt and escapes the car before I can even turn off the engine. Shaking my head, I slide out of the car and walk behind her as her heels stomp so hard on the pavement, I wonder if it must be hurting her dainty feet.

  She walks to the door and opens it storming in without me as I stroll in behind her. The smell of cakes baking and leftover chicken pot pie wafts through the air, making my stomach rumble as I close the door behind me.

  “You’re home already?” Greta calls out from the kitchen as the sound of Levi’s video games come from the family room. I walk in not seeing Tomi anywhere as I furrow my brows wondering where the hell she went.

  I stroll into the kitchen, glancing at Levi who isn’t paying any attention to our arrival. “Hey, yeah, we’re back early. Didn’t go so smoothly.”


  The sound of a door slamming echoes down through the house making us both turn in that direction as Levi groans. “Loud!” he grumbles.

  “I know, buddy.”

  He nods as I wince at Greta, who pats me on the shoulder. “Better to deal with whatever it is now than let it fester, I say.”

  Stiffening my shoulders, I prepare myself. “Wish me luck.”

  She chuckles. “Good luck.”

  Inhaling sharply, I head toward our bedroom where I can hear her moving about. I have no idea what she’s doing, so I slowly creak the door open. “Tomi?”

  She doesn’t answer, so I open it fully to see her packing a bag.

  The sight knocks me almost off my feet as I rush inside the bedroom, closing the door behind while I watch her packing my clothes into a duffle bag. “Tomi, what the fuck are you doing?”

  She slams a tank top into the bag, then turns to look right at me, no tears in her eyes only steely determination. “Alex…” she calls me by the name I thought she’d never even utter.

  Shit, this is bad.

  “… I know I’m pregnant with your child, and I’m not going to stop you from seeing the baby, I’m not that kind of person, but this, us… it’s not going to work.”

  My face scrunches as I step closer to her. “This is bullshit, and you know it, Tomi. Don’t let my dad scare you away. You’re stronger than that.”

  Her eyes narrow on me like she wants to rip me a new asshole. “Scare me away? No, Alex, he didn’t scare me, he showed me a simple truth.”

  My stomach lurches as I see the intensity in her face. “What truth is th

  She swallows hard, faltering a little. “That we’re not meant to be.” She turns to keep packing.

  I step forward grabbing her arm to stop her.

  She swings around. “Family means everything, Xander.”

  She called me Xander, there’s still hope.

  “He can’t accept mine, I won’t let you lose yours.”

  I scoff. “That’s what this is about? You’re kicking me out because you don’t want me to walk out on my family?”

  She stiffens her posture as I stand taller in mine. “Well, what do you think walking away from the woman I love is? Walking away from my child is, Tomi? You are my family.” I place my hand on her stomach, she doesn’t flinch, but I see her soften slightly as I stare in her eyes. “You two, and Levi…” I pause for a second thinking about the right words. “If I lost you three… that would be losing my family. Tomi, can’t you see that?”

  Her eyes soften as her hand moves to mine on her stomach. She exhales like it’s sinking in. “I don’t want you to stop talking to your parents because of me. I don’t want to be the reason you quit your job, and you have a rift that’s so large between you and your father that you’ll never be able to step over it.”

  I move in, wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her to me. She finally gives in, her hands snaking up around my neck as we hold onto each other.

  “The rift was there long before you came into my life. He’s the one making this an issue. Mom loves you. If he’s the only one with the problem, then he’s the problem… not you.”

  She grimaces. “It doesn’t change the fact that there is a problem, though. I can’t have him anywhere near Levi if he’s going to talk about him that way. I mean, Xander…” she blinks a few times, “… that was horrible.”

  My chest squeezes as I think about the way my father spoke about Levi. He doesn’t deserve that, Levi’s far from an idiot. He’s one of the brightest young people I know, he just has a hard time dealing with his emotions, and that most definitely does not make him stupid. I hate that my father is so prejudiced in that way. He’s a stubborn old bastard, and he finds it hard to change his mind once it’s made. “I know, and I’m so sorry he spoke to you like that, Tomi. I can’t…” I pause, trying to find the right words. “I can’t defend why he’s the way he is. All I know is that he is trying to keep me in his life the only way he knows how.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do, keep you in his life, Xander.”

  I shake my head. “By forcing me out of yours? No, not going to happen. If he’s the one making me choose between you and him, then he’s the one who’s going to suffer. Because it’s you, Tomi, it’s always going to be you.”

  Her eyes begin to mist up as she leans her forehead against mine. “I don’t want to be the reason you stop seeing him, though, Xander. I can’t be the reason.”

  I lean in planting a quick kiss on her lips. “You’re not, baby… he is.”

  She weakly smiles and leans up, placing her lips against mine again. I feel at home every time her lips touch mine. This is how we’re meant to be—not at each other’s throats, or in deafening silences, but locked together kissing each other. Sure, life with Tomi’s never going to be all sweet and flowery every second of every day, she’s far too feisty for that, but I live for moments like this when we’re alone, locked in each other’s arms and kissing like we mean it.

  My tongue collides with hers, and I pull her body against mine further. My cock hardens slightly in my jeans. I can’t help it, she does that to me so easily as it presses against her abdomen. Her fingers lace through the hair at the nape of my neck, just the way I like it as she whimpers into my mouth. I feel like I want to take this further, but I know Greta is out in the other room and doing anything with her here feels off to me.

  So, I pull back and slow the kiss, looking into her eyes. “I’m not going anywhere. Understand?”

  Tomi nods her head as I caress her cheek. “Now, let’s go out and have some of that leftover pot pie because it smells amazing, and I can assure you Greta’s dinner is so much better than the food we were going to have anyway.”

  She bursts out laughing as she pulls away from me, taking my hand in hers. “What the hell was that on my plate?”

  I shrug. “I think it was quail.”

  Her eyes widen as she snaps her head back at me. “Jesus Christ, thank God I didn’t eat it. That’s way too fancy for me… the poor little birdy. Let’s go hang out with my amazing brother and his nanny. As a family.”

  I can’t think of anything I’d rather do right now. “Sounds fucking perfect.”

  We walk toward the door, and I can’t help but wonder what Monday will bring. I know I’m quitting Scott Enterprises, but with doing that, it will put the new Hope & Faith Ink in jeopardy. I don’t think Tomi’s put that part of the equation into her thinking just yet, but I have, and if I know my father like I think I do, the minute my resignation goes through, Tomi’s studio will be pulled from the design schedule.

  I have to find a way to stop that from happening.

  And I have one day to figure out how or find a different direction.


  Sunday Afternoon

  Having Xander here all weekend has been amazing. He’s been so attentive and caring, not just to me, but to Levi as well. It’s plain to see Levi loves having a man around the house to share things with. They simply get along. Though, I can tell Xander has something on his mind. Whether it’s the argument with his parents or his resignation moving forward tomorrow, I’m unsure, but he’s not talking to me about it. I wish he would. We’re a team, and I want to help him with his problems even if I’m what caused them.

  We’re all sitting in the family room, Xander’s running over some business terms with Levi seeing as how Levi loves watching the finance reports. Xander seems to think Levi will have a keen eye for the same kind of work Xander does, and that he will be able to mentor him once the time is right. I don’t really understand the shit they’re going on about as they chat amongst themselves. I just sit back watching them doodling on a notebook. It’s important that they have common ground.

  The house could do with a clean, there’s still some of Xander’s boxes in the hall. It’s organized chaos in here at the moment, but we’re making it work. Levi seems to think of it as an obstacle course, and he rushes through the pathway too fast sometimes in his excitement. The joy he has in his eyes now that he has another person in the house is almost overwhelming. I’m so glad he’s ecstatic about Xander being here, but it also makes me a little sad thinking perhaps I wasn’t enough for him. A double-edged sword. But I’d rather see him happy and full of life like he is right now, prospering and doing well, and me feeling like a little bit of a failure than having him falling behind and miserable like he was.

  “Do you think when I go college and learn everything, I can work with you, Xander?” Levi asks making me look up from my notebook.

  I’m not sure how Xander’s going to handle this one.

  He exhales. “I’m not sure what I’ll be doing by the time you finish college, buddy. But I swear, if I have anything to do with it, and if I am the CEO by then, you will definitely come to work for me. But I will, no matter what, help find the right job for you.”

  I smile. He handled that well.

  Levi grins. “You will. You’re good at this. You deserve to be a CEO.”

  I nod my head matter-of-factly making Xander smirk at me.

  He exhales. “I work very hard at my job, Levi, but sometimes you need to start over. I might have to do that tomorrow.”

  Levi’s brows knit together. “Why?”

  Suddenly, the doorbell rings, making us all glance at the front door.

  “The doorbell rang,” Levi announces as he stands from the sofa rushing toward the door.

  I stand, wondering who the hell it could be on a Sunday afternoon.

  Xander’s obviously thinking the same. He stays on the sofa as Levi opens the doo
r before I can get to it, and he shrugs.

  “Hello, who are you?” Levi simply states.

  Opening my eyes wide, I jump over a box and pull the door wider to see Aldwin and Ophelia standing there both looking a little confused. Aldwin looks at me, in my bare feet, black leggings and a gray slogan tee that says ‘I legit don’t care’ printed on it and my hair is up in a messy bun.

  I’m virtually standing here in shock, not saying anything.

  Why are they even here?

  I look like a freaking mess as I run my hands down my tee to try to straighten out the wrinkles as Ophelia smiles at me. “You look beautiful, dear, just as I’d imagine a pregnant woman would look on a Sunday afternoon, spending quality time with her family.”

  Aldwin grunts as I wrap my arm around Levi, pulling him close to me. He tenses under my hold but doesn’t move out of it.

  “You look sad. You shouldn’t be sad. Xander is here, and he makes me happy. He can make you happy, too,” Levi blurts out to Aldwin who seems to soften his stance a little.

  I swallow as I hear Xander walking over to us. “Dad? Mom? Why are you here?”

  Levi turns to face Xander. “These are your parents? Then they are family. Family is important. Isn’t it, Tomi?” Levi asks as he reaches out for Xander who shifts to his side as well.

  “Yeah, family means everything, Levi. Even those who aren’t as fortunate or seem as ideal as others. Wouldn’t you agree, Aldwin?” I look from him to Levi and back again. I need Aldwin to realize he isn’t stepping a foot inside this house if he’s going to say anything shitty about Levi.

  I will not have it.

  Ever again, and especially not in Levi’s home.

  Aldwin steps closer to Levi, assessing him closely. “You have autism, correct, boy?” he asks, making me want to punch him in his stupid face. He knows that fact. Why does he need to rub it in Levi’s face?

  Levi stands taller. “I have Autism Spectrum Disorder and Klinefelter Syndrome. The two combined make it hard for me to communicate. This is me. It is what I am, but it is not who I am.”


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