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Desire (The Desire Series Book 1)

Page 1

by Ava Alexia


  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  About the Author


  Desire Series Part One

  Ava Alexia

  Copyright © 2014

  Brazen Romance

  First Edition, July 2014

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written consent of the author.

  Chapter 1

  From the day Jaime Harrison laid eyes on Julian McClain she wanted him. She was only twelve years old and he nineteen. But age didn’t matter to Jaime; she knew she had to have him. And one day she would. She sat on the swing in the park with her best friend Madison McClain and stared at Julien. He was playing football with Madison’s brothers and a group of friends. He was so handsome with his black hair and green eyes. It was his beautiful eyes that drew her like a magnet. His eyes could see straight to your soul. Jaime felt that he should somehow sense how she felt about him. But obviously not. When he paid her any attention he treated her like a kid and most times he simply ignored her. He saw her as his young cousin’s friend and that was all. She was not on his radar but he was definitely on hers. Jaime knew that she probably shouldn’t have the feelings that were racing through her body. But she couldn’t help it. She could feel the stirring of desire coursing through her every time she saw him. Sexual urges should be the last thing that a twelve year should be feeling. But they were a part of her. Jaime was physically maturing at an early age and at a rapid rate. Her breasts were filling out and she had started her period. Her hips were taking shape and her buttocks were rounding out nicely. It wouldn’t be long before her body appeared as a young woman even if her age was that of an adolescent. She wished she had someone she could talk to about what she was feeling. But she was too embarrassed to speak to her mother and her older sister by three years would probably think her a freak. So she borrowed two adult books from her married sister, without her consent, of course and read about sexual escapades after everyone had gone to bed. The books were very enlightening and arousing.

  “Hey Jaime, let’s go down to the lake for a swim,” Maddie suggested.

  Jaime pulled her attention away from Julian. She smiled at her friend. Maddie was a very pretty girl with her unruly red hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had a small straight nose with high cheekbones that were sprinkled with a few freckles. There was always a ready smile on her full lips that reflected in her sparkling green eyes. It was apparent that green eyes were a familial trait. Jaime would have preferred to remain where she was and continue staring at Julian but knew that Maddie would have thought her insane.

  “Sure. But I need to go home to get my swim suit,” Jaime said.

  Maddie had stopped swinging and stood up.

  “I have to get mine too. I’ll meet you at the lake in ten minutes,” Maddie said.

  Jaime stood as well.

  “Alright,” Jaime said cheerfully.

  The girls left the park and ran to their homes which were just down the street from one another. That afternoon was one of many days that they spent together. They were lifelong best friends who would share many experiences in the years to come.


  Jaime, now twenty- two years old smiled at the audience as she took her bow. The New York Schaefer Theater was packed to capacity of cheering, applauding guests. It still amazed her that people would actually pay big money to see her play the piano. It was simply extraordinary that she would garner that kind of fan base. But her manager, Eddie Dupree had no trouble booking her all over the country. Jaime was a rising star and Eddie knew how to promote her. She looked over the footlights of the stage into the first row and saw her parents, Allison and John Harrison; her sister Julie and best friend Maddie. They all were cheering for her like crazy and their support warmed her heart like nothing else could. Jaime lifted her arm and turned slightly to the side to indicate the orchestra behind her. She clapped in appreciation of them. The conductor and orchestra as a whole bowed. The audience cheered boisterously for them. Jaime took another bow, waved to the audience then left the stage. Just as she was about to enter her dressing room the stage manager, Jimmy stopped her.

  “They’re demanding an encore, Miss Harrison,” he said hurriedly.

  “Really?” Jaime said in surprise. It was not often that an audience wanted an encore.

  “Yes. You were terrific and they want more,” Jimmy replied happily.

  Jaime smiled broadly.

  “Okay,” she said as she started walking back to the stage.

  Jaime waved to the crowd as she returned to the stage to thunderous applause. She paused to speak to the orchestra conductor then took her seat at the piano. She began playing the popular tune, Happy by Pharrell Williams. The orchestra fell in and the audience was standing and grooving to the music. When she ended the song with a resounding finish the crowd went crazy. She laughed delightedly as she took one final bow and waved as she left the stage.

  “Great job, Miss Harrison,” Jimmy called after her.

  “Thank you, Jimmy,” she grinned.

  Jaime went into her dressing room to change. It wasn’t long before her family and Maddie were pounding on her door. Jaime hurriedly put on her pink satin robe and quickly tied the sash. She then opened the door. Her family poured into the room heaping praise and congratulations on her.

  “You were fabulous,” Allison Harrison exclaimed.

  “Thanks, Mom. I’m glad you and Dad could make it,” Jaime smiled.

  “We wouldn’t be anywhere else,” John said. Her dad gave her his customary bear hug.

  “Okay, Dad. I can’t breathe,” Jaime giggled.

  John released her good-humoredly.

  “We’re celebrating at Tony’s. Hurry and get dressed,” John said.

  “I will as soon as you get out of here,” Jaime said.

  “I’m not going anywhere until I get my hug,” Maddie grinned.

  Jaime laughed and hugged her longtime friend tightly.

  “Whenever I got nervous I just looked at your happy face of encouragement and the jitters went away. Thanks for being here,” Jaime said earnestly.

  “As if I wouldn’t be,” Maddie said in mock annoyance. “I am your biggest fan. And I love you a whole bunch.”

  Jaime smiled.

  “I love you too. Now go so I can get dressed…..all of you,” Jaime said as she shooed them through the door.

  “I’ll wait for you and we can go over to the restaurant together,” Maddie said. “Oh! Logan attended your concert and he brought a few friends with him. They will see you at Tony’s,” Maddie said.

  “Okay. I’ll see them there,” Jaime said.

  Everyone trooped out of the dressing room and Jaime began to change into a red form fitting mini dress. She put on black high heeled sandals then sat at the vanity to touch up her makeup. She thought about what Maddie had said. Logan was Maddie’s brother. She wondered who the friends were that he brought with him. She shrugged. It was of little consequence. She would find out soon enough. She batted her naturally long eyelashes that framed her clear, luminous grey eyes. Jaime then applied a little more blush and red lipstick. The deep lipstick color made her lovely e
yes pop. She ran a brush through her long brunette hair and sighed. She decided that she looked as good as she was going to. She stood, packed up her makeup and hairbrush then grabbed her overnight bag. She was ready to go. She met Maddie in the hallway and they walked to the stage door where a limousine was waiting. The drive to the restaurant was short despite the heavy Manhattan traffic. Soon Jaime and Maddie were being ushered into the restaurant and escorted to the private terrace where the party was in full swing. People crowded around Jaime the moment she entered the terrace. Jaime accepted the praise and congratulatory comments graciously. She laughed and talked until she thought her face was permanently molded into The Penguin’s smile. She finally excused herself and moved to the far end of the terrace where a bar had been set up. She ordered a glass of white wine.

  “Sure you don’t want something stronger?”

  Jaime spun around to see who spoke. She was a bit irritated for she had wanted a private moment to herself.

  “What?” she replied tersely.

  She caught her breath as she found herself looking into the face of the man she had yearned for since she’d been twelve years old.

  “Perhaps you might want something a little stronger after fielding all of the comments and questions,” Julian said smoothly.

  Jaime could only stare at him numbly. She had never thought that she would see him again. At nineteen he had gone off to join the Navy and when his commission was finished he had gone to London, England to start a developer’s business. Maddie had said that he’d become extremely successful and enjoyed living abroad. Her childhood dreams of jumping his bones had died years ago. Now here he was asking if she wanted a stronger drink. Looking into his gorgeous face, she was beginning to feel that a stiffer drink was in order. Maddie hadn’t told her that he would be here. She was totally off-kilter.

  “Jules!” she gasped. She involuntarily used his nickname.

  “In the flesh,” he smiled lopsidedly.

  “I’m surprised you know who I am,” Jaime returned. She had finally composed herself.

  “Of course I do. You and my cousin, Maddie were inseparable. It appears that you still are,” he returned.

  The bartender pushed her glass of wine toward her. Jaime nodded her thanks and picked up the glass to take a sip.

  “Maddie is still my best friend. She always will be,” she said. “What are you doing here?”

  “I attended your concert with Logan. Congrats. You are an extraordinary pianist,” he complimented. “I recall hearing you play at the McClain’s house but never dreamt you would become a famous pianist.”

  So he was the friend that Logan was bringing to the party.

  “I’m not famous but I enjoy playing…and the money is pretty sweet as well,” she smiled. “But I’m shocked that you remember me. Most of the time you ignored me back in the day.”

  “Not surprisingly. You were only ten years old then,” he said.

  “I was twelve,” she corrected.

  “It’s all the same. The age difference would not have made us best pals,” he smiled. “But a friendship between us now would be quite intriguing.”

  Jaime’s heart was beginning to race. He was implying the very thing she longed for ten years ago.

  “What makes you think I would want our association to change,” she challenged.

  “Do you?” he countered.

  Jaime sipped her drink and looked at the people dancing. She would like nothing better than to engage in a ‘friends with benefits’ relationship with him. The hotter and more erotic the friendship the better. He still was the most handsome man she had ever seen. The past ten years sat well on him. He was a little taller, more muscular and fit and he carried himself with a confident, casually elegant swagger. He was all male and she itched to get her hands on every part of him.

  “Perhaps. What’s in it for me?” she asked boldly.

  He raised his eyebrows in surprise. She had definitely changed from the quiet, tongue-tied child of ten years ago. She had grown into a beautiful young woman who was daring enough to ask for what she wanted….just his type of woman.

  “I think I can make it worth your while. Are you interested?” he murmured.

  Jaime knew exactly what he intended. Here was the opportunity she had longed for. Was she courageous enough to take it. He was not offering anything else but possibly a one night stand. But it would probably be the greatest night of her life, with the man she had always wanted. She slanted a seductive glance at him as she put her glass down.

  “They’re playing my song. Let’s dance,” she said softly.

  She led the way to the dance floor and he grasped her waist and pulled her to him roughly. Jaime exclaimed softly as she looked up at him. He lent his lopsided smile and began slowly moving side to side. Jaime relaxed into his embrace and laid her head on his broad shoulder. He caressed her back in smooth long strokes in rhythm to the languid music. His hand felt so good when he gently cupped her bottom. Jaime pressed into him and felt his arousal. She brazenly rubbed against it. She heard him suck in his breath. She smiled. Jaime knew what her answer would be to his earlier question. And she was letting him know as well. She wanted him and she wasn’t about to let this chance slip away. She had been searching for the right man to relinquish her virginity to and he was the perfect candidate. At twenty-two she was more than ready to become a woman in every way. She wanted to feel a man’s penis inside of her. She wanted to receive his thrusts in wild abandon and experience that long awaited climax. She wasn’t expecting any commitments from him. She didn’t want any. All she wanted was a highly erotic, passionate sexual interlude. And instinctively she knew that he could give it to her. He pressed her tighter against his erection. She could feel his throbbing cock straining against his pants.

  “I want you,” he whispered.

  She smiled.

  “Down, boy. It’s way too early for me to leave,” she giggled. “But I look forward to the time when I can.”

  He groaned as he kissed her neck.

  “You realize what you are agreeing to? This is just one night of two consenting adults indulging in carnal activity,” he murmured.

  “I know what this is. It’s what I want,” she murmured.

  “Then it’s what you shall get,” he promised.

  The music changed to a fast tempo and they began to free style. Logan came and pulled her away to dance with him while Maddie grabbed Jules to dance. It turned out to be a fun evening. Jules came up behind her while she was talking to friends and whispered in her ear.

  “I’ll call you. Text me your address. I’ll meet you there,” he murmured.

  Jaime nodded and he walked away. She was able to slip away to a quiet corner for a few minutes and send the text. She wondered briefly how he got her cell number but dismissed it. It didn’t matter. Jules was more than adept at getting what he wanted. She smiled as she thought that he was about to get her. She remained at the party for another thirty minutes then graciously took her leave. Her parents had left long ago and Maddie was claiming weariness and was ready to leave too. Jules was nowhere to be seen so she could only assume that he had left as well. Jaime and Maddie got into the limousine and dosed. The driver dropped Maddie off home first.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” Maddie said sleepily.

  “Alright. Sleep well. Goodnight,” Jaime said.

  “Goodnight,” Maddie said as she got out of the car.

  The driver closed the door then drove to Jaime’s home condominium. He dropped her off and waited for her to enter the building before driving off. Jaime went up the private elevator to her penthouse and had just kicked off her shoes when the door buzzed. She looked at the door. The time had come.


  Jaime looked at the monitor and could see that it was Jules. She pressed the intercom button.

  “Come on up,” she said into the intercom. “Use the private elevator. I gave you the code.”

  “I’ll be right there,” he answered

  Jaime moved to the bar to pour a glass of wine. She needed the libation to calm her nerves. After all, she wanted this; had wanted it since she was twelve years old. She gulped her wine and thought about what was to come that night. She could feel her breast nipples hardening at the thought of his tongue caressing them. A fire was beginning to burn in her loins as she imagined his fingers playing in her pubic hairs. She was tingling all over with desire and only Jules could satisfy her want. The elevator doors open and he walked into her apartment. She stared at him in open admiration. He truly was magnificent. He stood in the foyer big, powerful and masculine. His green eyes were glistening with anticipation.

  “Come in,” she said softly. She clutched the stem of her wineglass.

  He entered and the elevator doors closed silently. He stepped down into the sunken living room and roamed around.

  “Very nice,” he said appreciatively. He walked to the wall of glass that afforded a stunning city view. “This view is magnificent. It suits you.”

  “How would you know?” she asked.

  “Because you are just as magnificent,” he said quietly.

  Jaime was taken aback by such a fulsome compliment. She didn’t know what to say.

  “Thank you,” she said in a low tone. She finished her wine in a single swallow.

  Jules knew that he had confounded her by his over the top compliment. But he realized that he meant every word of it. And that actually was a surprise to him. It was very common for him to pay a woman lavish flattery to end up in her bed. Those accolades meant nothing. They were a simple means to an end. But somehow his praise to Jaime was sincere. She was spectacular in every way. She was beautiful beyond measure with a rockin’ figure that would knock a man flat. And she had the loveliest pure grey eyes he had ever seen. They were simply flawless; open, sincere and honest. He sensed they reflected her personality. Jaime had only been a child when he last seen her. It would be fascinating getting to know the young woman.


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