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Desire (The Desire Series Book 1)

Page 3

by Ava Alexia

  “Yes, that’s fine,” she managed to say calmly.

  He smiled.

  “Good. Do you mind if I shower?” he asked.

  “No, of course not. There’s a new toothbrush in the vanity drawer,” she said.

  “Thanks,” he said.

  He strolled into the bathroom. Jaime watched the muscles of his thighs and buttock ripple as he moved. He closed the door behind him. Damn he was sexy. Jaime sighed deeply as she rose from the bed. She cringed in soreness as she put on her dressing gown. Jules told her she would be sore and he’d been correct. Oh well, the temporary pain was worth the pleasure she had experienced. Last night had exceeded all of her expectations. She has known that Jules was the perfect man to give herself to. He had used his extensive expertise to give her the experience of a lifetime; and she would always be grateful to him for that. He had proven to be a marvelous lover whom she could easily sleep with time and time again. She wandered to the large window. She gazed out at the rushing Hudson River and the Brooklyn skyline beyond. The shower water was running and she could hear Jules humming. He had a nice voice. His voice was a tenor; rich and resonate. She would love to play for him as he sang. He wondered if he knew any jazz songs. His voice was perfect for them. She had a feeling he wouldn’t want to sing. She would have to talk him into it. She smiled. And she knew the perfect way to do it. Jaime abruptly stopped her wayward thoughts. She had begun to think that this thing they had last night would turn into something of lasting substance. And she wasn’t at all sure that it would. And was that what she wanted after her last boyfriend? That relationship had ended in disaster and there were still lingering effects from it. Had she been able to put those horrible memories to bed? She wasn’t sure that she had. The pain had cut too deep. The bitterness still haunted her. She heard the shower water stop. It wouldn’t be long before Jules came out of the bathroom. She decided to make him some coffee. But first she would go into the other bathroom and to perform her morning rituals. As she walked through the living room she saw his clothing on the floor. She picked them up along with her red dress and shoes and walked back to her bedroom to lay them on her bed. She then went into the kitchen to prepare the coffee. While it was perking she scrambled some eggs and cooked some bacon. Jules timing was perfect when he arrived in the kitchen. She had just finished scrambling the eggs and was dishing them into a platter beside the bacon.

  “Hmm, something smells good,” he said as he sat on the island stool.

  She grinned.

  “I thought of your stomach even if you didn’t,” she chuckled.

  “I appreciate it,” he grinned. “I do need to eat… that is.”

  She chuckled as she set out a serving spoon and fork for the bacon and eggs. She’d already laid out the plate settings.

  “The toast will be ready in a minute and the coffee has perked. You can pour yourself a cup,” she said.

  She turned to wash the skillet as he moved to pour his coffee. The toast popped up and he buttered it.

  “You look at home buttering that toast,” she smiled.

  “I’ve had plenty of practice. If I don’t cook I’ll starve,” he replied.

  “You cook? I didn’t see that coming,” she returned.

  “Of course I do. I’m pretty good actually,” he said.

  He moved to sit on the stool.

  “Really?” she asked doubtfully.

  “Really. I’ll cook dinner for you to show off my mad skills,” he grinned.

  “I accept. No way would I miss a meal by the cook extraordinaire,” she teased.

  “That I am. And I’ll happily prove it,” he said as he bit off a piece of bacon. “This is great. Thank you.”

  His praise warmed her soul.

  “You’re welcome,” she said.

  She came to sit beside him and helped her plate. The chatted and laughed about various things. Jaime found him to be intelligent, funny and well versed. He was interesting and knowledgeable which Jaime found intriguing. She was drawn to him like a moth to light. It felt natural to be having breakfast with him; almost like he belonged in her home. He drained his coffee and then stood up. He pulled her up and embraced her waist loosely.

  “I’ll see you tonight. Think of where you would like to go for dinner,” he said.

  “Alright,” she smiled.

  “Thank you for last night. You gave me something very precious to you and I will cherish it,” he said earnestly.

  He cupped her face and kissed her gently.

  “See you later,” he said.

  She walked with him as he picked up his jacket from the back of the couch and strode to the elevator. The doors opened and he stepped inside. He waved.

  “Goodbye,” she smiled.

  The doors closed. Jaime spread her arms wide and spun around in happiness. Her heart was filled with unexpected joy.


  Maddie waited in the lobby of Jaime’s building and watched the people come and go. She smiled broadly when she spotted Jaime stepping out of her private elevator. Maddie thought that Jaime had a fabulous life and she wasn’t envious in the least. If anyone deserved the life she was living it was Jaime. She had earned her success and Maddie was proud of her. Jaime stopped at her side and hugged her.

  “Hi, Maddie,” Jaime said cheerfully.

  “Hi, Jaime. Ready to shop?” Maddie asked.

  “Always,” Jaime giggled.

  “Let’s go,” Maddie said amicably.

  They left the building and walked down to the corner then turned left. Soon they were approaching all of the chic boutiques and department stores.

  “So, I bet you were surprised to see Jules,” Maddie said casually.

  Jaime knew that Maddie would bring up Jules. She had seen how much attention Jules had given Jaime at the party last night. No way would she not ask about him.

  “I was. I never thought to see him again after he went into the Navy,” Jaime replied.

  “You never saw him when he was home on leave?” Maddie asked.

  “No. Remember, I was accepted into the Juilliard School of Music and I lived in the dorms. He was never around when I visited you on my breaks,” Jaime said.

  “Hmm. I guess you haven’t seen him in years then,” Maddie said.

  “It’s been ten years,” Jaime said.

  “Well, you guys spent a lot of time together. What did you talk about?” Maddie asked curiously. “Will you see each other again?”

  Jaime looked at her friend closely. Just how much did Maddie know?

  “We hit it off fine,” Jaime said. Jaime thought that comment was an understatement.

  They entered a popular boutique and began browsing.

  “Come on, Jaime. Spill the real beans. I know you had a huge crush on him back in the day. Tell me how it really was to see him again,” Maddie insisted.

  Jaime laughed. Maddie was her best friend and she had always shared everything with her; even the feelings she had for her cousin.

  “Okay. But promise you won’t judge me,” Jaime insisted.

  “Of course not. You know I wouldn’t,” Maddie said indignantly.

  Jaime breathed deeply.

  “He came to my penthouse last night,” Jaime said hurriedly.

  “He did? What happened?” Maddie exclaimed.

  “Oh Maddie! He’s a frickin’ god. He’s gorgeous! And he wanted to be in my company,” Jaime said excitedly.

  “Well, of course he would. You’re frickin’ beautiful,” Maddie laughed.

  “Well, he didn’t ten years ago,” Jaime said.

  “You were twelve years old. What nineteen year-old would want to hang out with a kid?” Maddie asked incredulously. “But now is an entirely different story. So what happened?”

  “We talked and laughed and kissed,” Jaime said.

  “Kissed? You kissed? Oooh la la! He really likes you. How far did the kissing go?” Maddie asked. Her green eyes were gleaming.

  “You know how much I’ve always lik
ed him,” Jaime said.

  “Yes. What are you saying” Maddie prompted suspiciously.

  “We had sex,” Jaime said in a rush.

  “Sex!” Maddie exclaimed.

  Jaime grabbed Maddie’s arm.

  “Shh, Maddie!” Jaime hushed her as she smiled self-consciously at the people staring at them. “You want to tell the whole store?”

  “You had sex with him? How was it?” Maddie asked excitedly.

  “It was fabulous!” Jaime giggled.

  “And it was your first time. How did he feel about that?” Maddie asked quietly.

  “I didn’t tell him until I had to. He was already in position….well, you know what I mean,” Jaime said sheepishly.

  “OMG! Jaime, he probably wanted to throttle you,” Maddie said. Her eyes were as round as dinner plates. “Jules does not deal with virgins.”

  “He was surprised but he didn’t seem mad,” Jaime said in reflection.

  “And he obviously didn’t stop,” Maddie said sagely.

  “No. And I didn’t want him to. Maddie, I have wanted to be with him for so long. I saw my chance and refused to let it slip away,” Jaime said. “And I’m glad that I didn’t. It was wonderful.”

  “I’m so glad for you, girl. What a guy to have for your first time. I have to admit that he is a hottie. Too bad he’s my cousin,” Maddie said. “So where do things stand with the two of you now?”

  “Well, I thought that last night would be a one night fling but he wants to see me again….tonight in fact,” Jaime said.

  “That’s great, Jaime. We have to find you a sexy dress,” Maddie exclaimed. Jaime was quiet and Maddie noticed. She peered at her. “You do want to see him again, don’t you?”

  “I do but…..”

  “But what?” Maddie asked.

  “What if he wants this thing to develop into a relationship? What then?” Jaime asked.

  Maddie was baffled.

  “What do you mean ‘what then?’ That is what you want, isn’t it?” Maddie was confused.

  “What I don’t want is another Cory Larson debacle,” Jaime scoffed.

  “Oh Jaime. You’re not still pining over him? He was a jerk of the lowest class,” Maddie said.

  “I’m not pining over him. I just don’t want to go through the same awful nightmare. It was too painful,” Jaime said.

  “I know it was. But Jules is not Cory and he wouldn’t hurt you that way,” Maddie said empathetically. “Jules is twice the man that Cory is. There’s no comparison.”

  “He seems like a great guy but so did Cory until I became involved with him,” Jaime said doubtfully. “I know he’s your cousin and you love him. But you have to see my point of view. Jules has been a playboy since he was a teenager. Has he changed?”

  Maddie was in a tricky position. She didn’t want to rag on her cousin but he had been a playboy while in his twenties. And from all accounts he hadn’t changed. She loved him with all of her heart but she also loved her friend and didn’t want to see her hurt again. Could she honestly say that he was now monogamous?

  “I have to be honest with you. I’m not sure, Jaime,” Maddie said regretfully. “But he knows your standing with our family and he wouldn’t take advantage of you. He just wouldn’t.”

  “I led him to believe that there would be no strings attached. So I can’t fault him if he sees our relationship as sexual only,” Jaime sighed. “And maybe that is all that I really want.”

  “My advice is to take it as it comes and see what happens. Enjoy his company and let tomorrow take care of itself,” Maddie suggested.

  “That’s good advice that I will take to heart. Now let’s find a sexy outfit that will send him crazy,” Jaime teased.

  “I see the perfect outfit from here. Come on,” Maddie grinned.

  Jaime was soon caught up in dress shopping and all thoughts of tomorrow were put on hold.

  Chapter 3

  Jaime looked in the full length mirror and twirled slowly. The shimmering green silk skirt and matching crop top was chic and sexy. The short skirt was a flirty A-line design while the short puff sleeves of the top came off the shoulders. Bone colored high heeled strappy sandals on her feet completed the ensemble. She tossed her long satiny brunette hair over her shoulder and smiled. Her makeup was artfully done and she could smell a hint of the Tresor perfume that she dabbed behind her ears and on her wrists. She had just walked out of her bedroom when she heard the elevator beep. She looked in the wall monitor and could see Jules riding up in the elevator. She trotted to the living room floor to ceiling window and stared out at the view. This was how Jules found her when he exited the elevator. She pretended she hadn’t heard him arrive. He walked slowly toward her. Jaime fought the urge to turn and face him. Finally she felt his hands on her shoulder and his mouth on her shoulder. His hands slid down her arms and around her waist.

  “You know you heard me approach. What game are you playing, lady?” he murmured as he kissed her shoulder.

  “Well. A lady can’t appear too eager,” she whispered.

  He ran his hands down her waist and under her short top to fondle her breasts through her bra.

  “Ah! You’re walking on my ego,” he asked.

  “It could stand a bit of deflating,” she teased.

  He pushed her bra up and massaged her nipples. Jaime moaned. He spun her around.

  “And you need a kiss to remind you of who’s really in charge,” he murmured.

  Jaime smiled as his mouth captured hers. Jaime reveled in his kiss. She had forgotten just how sweet it was. She raised her hands to his shoulders then slipped them around his neck. He deepened the kiss and tantalized her with his tongue. She groaned when he pulled back.

  “Has your memory been restored?” he quipped.

  “For now,” she smiled devilishly.

  He grinned as he adjusted her bra. His finger glided over her nipples one last time.

  “Are you ready? Did you think of a place to dine?” he asked.

  “Yes and yes,” she answered. “I thought we could go to the Sultry Blues. Do you know it?”

  “I do. Food critics have given it great reviews. It has a fabulous view of the water and they play soulful jazz music. I like the place very much,” he smiled. “Excellent choice.”

  “Let’s go then,” she said excitedly.

  “After you,” he said.

  Jaime picked up her black lace shawl and beige clutch from the couch. They then entered the elevator. Jules grasped her hand.

  “You look beautiful,” he said sincerely.

  She looked at him and smiled.

  “Thank you. And you are very handsome,” she said.

  “Thank you but I know,” he laughed.

  “Smart ass,” she scolded him. “I imagine you receive tons of compliments from more than willing women,” she said shrewdly.

  “No more than you receive from eager men,” he said.

  “You would be surprise of how few I receive,” she said thoughtfully.

  “Are you fishing for more?” he grinned.

  “No!” she exclaimed, “It’s just that when I’m not performing I’m pretty much a homebody. I’m not around a lot of men.”

  The elevator doors open and they stepped out and walked through the lobby.

  “Have a good evening, Miss Harrison,” the concierge said cheerfully.

  “Thank you, Marvin,” Jaime smiled.

  Jules opened the outer door and Jaime passed through it. He gave his ticket to the parking attendant who ran to fetch his car.

  “So why don’t you go out?” Jules asked.

  “It’s easier to stay in,” she said.

  “That’s a cop out,” he grimaced.

  “But it’s true,” she grinned.

  A young girl of about thirteen years of age approached them.

  “May I have your autograph, Miss Harrison?” the girl asked hopefully.

  “Of course,” Jaime said. ‘What’s your name?”

Tammy,” the girl answered. “Spelled with a Y.”

  “Okay,” Jaime chuckled.

  Jaime took the pen and pad that the girl extended to her and wrote a brief comment and signed it. She handed the pen and notepad back to the girl.

  “Here you go. Have a good evening,” Jaime smiled kindly.

  “Thank you, Miss Harrison. You too,” Tammy grinned gratefully. “Bye.”

  “Goodbye,” Jaime smiled.

  Tammy ran off to her waiting parents who smiled and waved. Jaime waved back.

  “I hadn’t realized just how popular you are,” Jules remarked.

  Jaime shrugged.

  “I guess. But it’s one of the reasons why I don’t go out very much. The fans can get a bit forceful at times and it becomes hard to extricate myself from the situations,” she said.

  “You don’t have a bodyguard?” he asked.

  “No. I don’t want one. I’m not that self-important or arrogant,” she said.

  “It’s not a matter of being egotistical. It’s about your safety,” he said sharply.

  She looked at him in surprise.

  “Are you angry?” she asked in shock.

  “No. But I am annoyed that you are not taking this matter more seriously. You need protection. A bodyguard would do that,” he said flatly.

  “Well, I’m not getting one,” she replied stubbornly.

  “Well, you have one tonight and every night that I’m with you,” he said curtly.

  She smiled at him.

  “I rather like that idea. It gives me wicked ideas,” she said seductively.

  He looked harshly at her but couldn’t resist her flirting. He smiled ruefully.

  “What am I going to do with you?” he asked.

  She leaned against him.

  “You can feed me,” she said suggestively.

  He cupped her cheek.

  “Oh, you will be completely satisfied when I’m done with you tonight,” he promised.

  “I’m very, very hungry,” she whispered.

  “So am I, darling. So am I,” he grinned.

  His Maserati arrived and he helped her into the car. He then went around to his side and got in and drove off. They discussed their day. Jaime mentioned her shopping spree with Maddie but excluded repeating her conversation regarding him. He told her about his construction projects that he was having built.


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