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Always Love You (MacLarens of Fire Mountain Contemporary series Book 5)

Page 14

by Shirleen Davies

  “Did you tell him your thoughts earlier?”

  “Oh, yeah. Guess he couldn’t cut her loose. He’s a pretty loyal guy, which is good and bad. Anyway, this may be just what we need to push her out and open the door for someone else.” His eyes lit up at the thought. “And mom is going to love it.”

  Mitch pushed the door open and walked in, followed by Kade. “Sorry to interrupt, but Heath’s called a meeting and wants you in it.” He glanced at Amber. “Acquisition stuff. I’m sure you’ll be brought in later,” he said, switching his eyes to Eric. “We’ll see you in his office.”

  “I’m right behind you.” Eric grabbed his notebook. “Dinner?” he asked as they stepped into the hall.

  “Your mom’s. She called this morning and I told her about Dana.” She shrugged, knowing Eric wouldn’t have turned down her offer to make dinner either. “I’ll pick up Dana and head over.”

  “Let her follow you.” He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “You’re staying with me, remember?”

  She watched him walk down the hall, noticing again how well he filled out his jeans. A shiver ran through her as she remembered the feel of his legs entwined with hers. Had it been just days since they’d given it another shot?

  “Did he like the changes?” Jillian asked, coming to a halt next to Amber.

  “He sure did. Come on, I have a new project you can help with while he meets with Heath.”


  “Close the door, Mitch. Kade, you want to bring us up to date?” Heath asked.

  “I’ve heard from Agent Montalban. Robbie Morgan and three of his men left Appleton, Texas this morning. They’re traveling west.”

  “Where’s Appleton?” Eric asked as a knot formed in his stomach.

  “Far east side, near the Louisiana border.”

  “Montalban have any idea how long it will take for them to get here?” Eric leaned forward, arms resting on the table.

  “If they take a direct route, stopping to sleep and eat, about three days. J.D. will keep me posted, but we need to plan for the possibility he’s coming here. Wish I had better news.”

  “It’s not your fault, Kade.” Rafe had made the decision to stay in Fire Mountain until the threat passed.

  “If I hadn’t met Brooke, married her—”

  “Don’t go there,” Eric cut in. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to her. Besides, we deal with what we have and right now we have a heads-up. What do we do with the information?”

  “J.D. already spoke with Sheriff Andrews and Chief Towers. They’re working together to set up road blocks if Morgan does come this way. J.D. and Clive Nelson are on their way here. Ernesto Salgado is trying to get some time off, but I can’t count on it. The Marshal Service is short-handed right now. The soonest Morgan will arrive is Thursday. He’ll need time to formulate a plan. My guess is the first opportunity Robbie will have to make his move is early next week.”

  “The women?” Eric asked.

  “Getting them to leave for the valley is a wasted effort.” Heath shook his head in frustration. “I’ve been told to not even ask again.”

  “Then we have to find a way to protect them while keeping watch for Robbie.” Eric knew how stubborn his mom could be. In fact, none of the women were shy about sharing their thoughts, and all were firm in their decision to stay. “Amber is the only one with an apartment away from the ranch. I can get her to stay with me, but now we have a new issue. Her friend, Dana, drove in last night from Denver.”

  “Jesus, Eric—” Mitch started.

  “Nothing I could do, Mitch. Amber didn’t even know she was coming.”

  “We’ll set her up in another cabin while she’s here. How much should we tell her, Kade?” Jace asked.

  Kade looked at Eric. “How do you think she’ll handle what’s going on?”

  “First impression? She’ll do fine. We can give her a choice—stay or head home. Of course, I’d rather she leave. One less woman to worry about.” Eric tossed his pen on the table.

  “All women will be staying on the ranch. We’ll close up all roads except the main entrance. Women come and go in a group of no less than two, and one of us accompanies them. No one drives out alone and we know where everyone is at all times. No exceptions. J.D. and Clive will be here tonight and will stay at the ranch.”

  “All right, it’s decided,” Heath said. “We bring the women up to date at dinner tonight. Eric, you and Kade talk to Dana. Try to get her to leave but offer the cabin. The one next to Mitch is available. If she stays, Mitch, we’ll look to you to help her if things blow up.”

  Mitch muttered a curse but nodded.

  “We keep normal schedules as much as possible. The goal is to draw them to me.” Kade glanced around the table. “Questions?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Come on, Dana, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Amber took her by the arm, entering the great room to find people huddled up in small groups, talking. Annie saw them and moved to greet them.

  “This must be Dana. I’m Annie MacLaren. Soon to be Amber’s mother-in-law.”

  “I’ve heard a lot about you, Mrs. MacLaren.”

  “Call me Annie. Let’s get you a drink then introduce you to the others.” Annie took Dana’s elbow, leaving Amber to find Eric.

  Mitch spotted Dana right off, his irritation at having another woman to watch over hadn’t lessened. In his mind, they should ship her home, get her out of danger, and spare themselves one more person to guard. Besides, she was a spit of a thing. Probably had no idea how to handle herself in a tough situation.

  “And this is Cam and Mitch,” Annie said. “Boys, this is Dana Ballard, Amber’s friend. If you don’t mind, I’ll leave you three for a minute while I check on supper.”

  Cam extended his hand. “Dana, it’s nice to meet you. Let me grab my wife, Lainey, and introduce you.”

  Dana watched him leave, then turned toward Mitch.

  “So big guy, are you part of this tribe?” Dana smiled up at him, impressed in every way. She’d noticed him the moment she’d entered the room. Tall, muscled, with overlong hair, and what appeared to be a semi-permanent scowl on his face.

  Mitch had never met anyone quite like Dana. Deep red hair framed a face sprinkled with freckles, and her bright blue eyes seemed to see everything as they darted around the room, then focused back on him. The intensity of her stare almost had him backing away.


  “All right. Are you a Sinclair or MacLaren?”

  Mitch groaned. Nothing he hated more than small talk. Especially with a female he didn’t care to get to know. “MacLaren.”

  “I met Cassie already. You must be her brother.”

  “Cousin.” He focused on his beer, trying to find a way to pass her off to someone else.

  “Oh. The one from Montana. The surly one.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Not my words, of course.”

  Mitch groaned. “How long are you staying?” He had no problem with being called surly—it fit him just fine.

  She laughed. Not some simpering, giggly, girl laugh, but full-throated and genuine. “You are a straight one, that’s for sure.”

  “I see you’ve met our cousin, Mitch. Time to introduce you to his half-brother, Kade.” Eric rested a hand on the small of Dana’s back. For some reason, the gesture bothered Mitch, but damn if he knew why.

  He watched as Eric introduced her to Kade, then Lainey before guiding her toward Amber.

  “All right. Everyone grab a seat. Dinner’s ready.” Annie set the last of the bowls on the table, threw her apron on the counter, and took a seat next to Heath.

  Eric sat next to Amber on one side while Dana took a seat on the other side. The two immediately launched into a conversation as the food began to be passed around. Dana stabbed a small cut of steak, if you could call any rib eye small.

  “Grab me one of those, would you?”

  The rough-edged voice came from
right beside her. She looked over to see Mitch had taken a seat on her other side.

  “Guess you drew the short straw,” she joked as he speared a large steak and set it on his plate.

  “Yeah. Guess so.” There’d been other empty seats when he got to the table, but next to her was the closest, at least that’s what he told himself.

  The room drew silent, the clicking of silverware on plates the only noise.

  Something had changed, Amber thought, as she looked around at the faces of the men. She’d first noticed it when returning from lunch with Dana. The mood around the office had grown tense and she wondered if the meeting Eric attended had anything to do with it.

  Kade saw Heath nod at him, indicating the time had come to get down to business. He stood and tossed his napkin on the table. “We’ve got news.” Kade went over what the men had decided during their meeting, ending by asking for questions. He answered a few then glanced at Dana.

  “Dana, would you mind talking with Kade and me for a minute?” Eric asked. “You too, Amber.”

  Mitch watched Dana and Amber follow Eric and Kade toward Heath’s study, and stood, deciding he wanted to listen in. After all, Heath had put him in charge of Dana, assuming she decided to stay, which in his opinion would make her a colossal fool. He strode in behind Kade, closed the door, and rested his back against it, crossing his arms.

  “I know this is a surprise to you, Dana, and you need to know you don’t have to stay,” Eric said. “In fact, it would probably be best for you to pack up and head home to Denver. None of us have any idea how all this will play out and there’s no sense in putting yourself in danger.” Eric sat across from her in one of the large leather chairs, leaning forward and resting his arms on his legs, wishing all the women would leave the area.

  Amber touched her friend’s arm at the wounded look on Dana’s face.

  “He didn’t mean it quite like it sounded.” She shot Eric a stern look. “The truth is, no one wants you to get hurt because of something you walked into. We’re all concerned for your safety. The decision, though, is up to you.”

  Dana glanced around the room, trying to decide what to do. “Just so I’m clear, Kade used to ride with a motorcycle gang and now these guys are after him?” Dana looked at Amber then back at Kade.

  “That’s the basics, yes. I was an undercover agent with the DEA when I was a member of Satan’s Brethren Motorcycle Club. We took down their leader. That’s why they’re after me.”

  “I’m not sure how, but I’ve heard of them.” She sat back, blew out a stream of air, and looked at Amber. “Quite a family you’ve hooked up with.” Her light tone belied her concern for Amber more than fear for herself. “Of course, it’s my own fault for driving out unannounced. If I stay, will I be at Amber’s apartment?” she asked Eric.

  “No. You’ll be provided a cabin on the ranch. It’s just a mile or so from my place, close to where Mitch is living. If you don’t leave, it’ll be the safest place for you.”

  “And it’s for certain they’re after you?” Dana asked Kade.

  “As certain as it can be. Of course, we may be chasing something that isn’t there. We won’t know until it happens.”

  She thought it over for a moment, then let out a long breath. “The truth is, I’ve got nothing in Denver. I already gave notice on my apartment, put my furniture in storage, and I don’t have a job. I might as well stay.” Dana stood and walked over to a table where Heath kept his whisky. “This available for anyone?” She picked up a decanter full of golden colored liquid.

  Eric nodded his head and stood. “Be our guest.”

  She grabbed a glass, filled it, and downed the contents in one swallow. “Okay. Someone show me this cabin where I’ll be staying.”


  “This is it.” Mitch pushed open the door to Dana’s cabin, flipping on the porch light.

  He’d followed her to Amber’s apartment, waited while she grabbed her clothes, then drove back to the ranch. They made a brief stop at a convenience store for milk, bread, cereal, and fruit. As they turned onto a rutted dirt road, Mitch watched the old Jeep she drove bounce up and down behind him. It looked pretty beat up, but the engine sounded solid.

  She looked around, surprised how large and airy it seemed. Mitch told her each cabin had two bedrooms and one bath, yet she still wasn’t prepared for the comfy feel or beautiful view toward Fire Mountain. She turned in a circle, then faced Mitch.

  “This is fabulous. Is yours like it?” She headed toward the kitchen, peeking in cupboards, and opening the refrigerator.

  “An exact duplicate. It’s the one we passed before pulling into your place.”

  She liked the sound of it—her place. Perhaps someday she would have a home as nice as this one. First she needed to find a regular job and wondered if the MacLarens would allow her to pay rent until then. She decided to speak with Amber about it.

  “That makes us neighbors.” She tossed him a saucy smile as she walked into the hall and stopped at the first doorway. “This is unbelievable. I can’t believe they’re letting me stay here.” The bedroom contained a queen bed set in a pine frame, a pine dresser, desk, and chair.

  Mitch walked up beside her, intrigued by her enthusiasm. It didn’t seem like anything special to him, just a clean, furnished cabin for short-term use.

  “Yeah…well, I guess I’ll be going.”

  Dana followed him, then tapped his arm as he opened the door. “What is it you do for the company?”

  His eyes narrowed on hers. He didn’t have time for an inquisitive woman, not even one as pretty as Dana. “Whatever they need.”

  She watched as he turned his back to her and disappeared outside.


  “Come in, gentlemen. We’re glad you’re here.” Heath shook hands with DEA Special Agents J.D. Montalban and Clive Nelson. All family members who worked for the company were already in the room. “Good to see you again, Agent Nelson.”

  “Same here. Just wish it were under different circumstances.”

  Heath introduced them to the others, both agents nodding at Kade, who they’d met with late the night before. Unlike Clive’s last trip when he stayed at the ranch, the two agents would be in a motel not far from the ranch entrance.

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll go ahead and bring everyone up to date. Before I start, I want to stress that we believe no one is in immediate danger. If what we suspect is true, nothing will happen until Robbie Morgan arrives. And so we’re clear, we don’t have complete confirmation Kade is a target. All of it is based on input from various third-party sources.”

  “But you believe it’s accurate enough to bring you here,” Eric said.

  “True. As a precaution, we are here acting in unison with Sheriff Andrews and Chief Towers.” Clive glanced at his notes. “We understand Kade has provided each of you with basic self-defense training. It’s to be used to protect yourself. There are three groups of law enforcement participating in locating and capturing the men suspected of planning an attack on Kade—the sheriff and his deputies, the police chief and his officers, plus Agent Montalban and I.” Clive passed out envelopes to each person. “The information in the packets is to be used for identification purposes and to let you know where the various law enforcement groups will be located. Contact information is included. Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you see anyone matching the descriptions of the club members.”

  Clive continued to explain what they could expect, reiterating more than once his concern for those in the club’s path. “Being proactive, I would urge everyone except Kade to leave the area. If the club cannot find an easy way to pick up Kade, they will go after family. If you aren’t here, you cannot be used against him.”

  “That’s not going to happen, Clive, so what are the alternatives?” Eric asked, seeing the nods of agreement around the room.

  “My gut told me that would be your response, Eric.” Clive, the MacLarens, and Sinclairs had formed a bond the previous
summer during another situation involving Kade and Brooke. He knew them to be a hands-on family when anyone needed their help. He also knew they had no intention of closing down business operations. “I believe Kade has gone over this before, but this is how we’ll handle getting people to and from work, or other required destinations.”

  An hour later, Heath adjourned the meeting. “Eric, Kade, and Mitch, do you mind waiting behind a moment?” He shut the door, then took a seat next to Jace. “Blake is flying back to college tomorrow morning. Caroline and Annie are taking him to the airport and we’ve encouraged them to stay in the valley several extra days. Neither is happy about it, and they may just come home, but my hope is they’ll stay until this situation blows over.” He glanced at Jace, knowing the ire they’d caused with their request. “Cam, Lainey, and Cassie are flying to Cold Creek tomorrow afternoon. I’ve asked Cam to stay in Colorado until Morgan is in custody.”

  “I can imagine Cam’s response.” Eric leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.

  “It wasn’t pretty,” Heath replied. “That leaves us with Brooke, Amber, and Dana. Kade will keep track of Brooke. Eric, you’re to keep tabs on Amber, and Mitch, we’re asking you to keep watch on Dana.”

  Mitch leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. “My time would be better spent watching Kade’s back than babysitting Dana.”

  “Perhaps, but Montalban and Nelson will have his back. If the club is watching the ranch, they know Dana is staying here. Therefore, she could be a target. We need someone to make sure she doesn’t do anything—”

  “Stupid,” Mitch supplied. “We should’ve sent her away. She doesn’t belong here.”

  “Maybe not, but she’s here and you’ve got her.” Heath watched Mitch’s face move from irritation to acceptance. Rafe’s oldest son was so much like him it was as if Heath were talking to his own brother and not his nephew. He turned his attention to the others. “I want everyone to work from home as much as possible. No sense leaving the ranch unless it’s required.


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