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Headhunter: An Extreme Horror Story

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by Barns Brothers, The


  An Extreme Horror Story

  Warren Barns

  The Barns Brothers

  Broken Barn Publishing

  Copyright © 2017 by Warren Barns

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental

  Cover art by Warren Barns

  Published by Broken Barn Publishing

  For my sweet angel, whose innocent eyes will never read the words on these pages. You make me a better man.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Mailing List

  About the Author

  Also By The Barns Brothers


  Pain. Unbearable pain. Shards of electric glass exploding through my body. Every nerve ending firing at once in terrifying unison. I can’t take it any more. Please, just let me die.

  Chapter 1

  Prey. That’s what he liked to call them. The innocent victims of his hunt. It was a metaphor, of course. He wasn’t a serial killer who went out every night scouting for pretty young things to do terrible things to in the quiet hours of the night before throwing their used bodies out into the cold before sunrise.

  Though perhaps that was the perfect description of what he liked to do. Except his weapon wasn’t a steel blade or a butcher’s knife, it was the weapon of destruction he'd been blessed with from birth that swung between his legs. Adam was the first to admit he had an addiction. He needed sex, or he’d go crazy. And porn wasn’t enough. He needed the real thing; a warm, wet pussy, or a tight, hot ass to sink himself into, so he could fuck away the misery that haunted him.

  It was always easier when he was out of the country on business trips. Foreigners found his accent intriguing, and no one could ever resist a man in a tailored suit. When he was away from home, he felt unburdened from the shackles of the expectations of others. He could be whatever he wanted to be, do whatever he cared to do, and fuck whomever he pleased. So what if that made him an asshole, he didn’t care, at least he was being true to himself.

  His job took him across the globe. One day he was in Paris, the next Shanghai. It was the life of a corporate headhunter. Adam used to do the job from behind a desk, sending hundreds of emails a day, trying to entice high level executives and CEO’s with extremely generous remuneration packages from new employers. But he grew bored. He needed more engagement. He preferred the face-to-face approach, even if that meant ambushing his potential new hire at the Country Club, or during their after work entertainment at the local strip joint.

  A few free drinks and it was surprisingly easy to persuade an executive to jump ship and go work for the competition. It also got him away from home. Not that he didn’t love his fiancée, Kate, but she would never understand his point of view or how his mind worked. It didn’t even seem worth the effort to try to explain it to her.

  He was in Prague, celebrating his latest victory. It wasn’t even a challenge poaching Alexander Kovar, Technical Architect of the biggest online gambling development shop in Eastern Europe. If the greedy man had held out another five minutes, Adam would have upped the offer another fifty percent, and thrown in an extra week’s holiday a year. It was his loss and Adam’s gain. The less he could get them to sign for when they scrawled their name on the dotted line, the bigger his finder’s fee.

  So he planned on celebrating. And he liked to celebrate big. That’s just how he rolled.

  He threw back another shot of vodka and nodded his head at the bartender. The tips he’d thrown his way earlier in the evening had proven to be another good investment, and he was serving Adam before any of the other patrons. The bartender poured him another drink and flashed a smile. Adam knew the bartender liked him about as much as any random stranger off the street, and his smile meant nothing more than a token gesture as part of a financial exchange, but it pleased Adam when people in the service industry smiled. They were usually so miserable in their overworked, underpaid, and in his opinion, hugely under appreciated employment.

  Adam’s phone vibrated in his hand as a call came through. It was Kate, his fiancée, calling. She liked to chat at least once a day when he was away. They usually Skyped, so he was surprised to see her name pop up on his phone at this time of night.

  Perfect timing as always.

  “Hey, baby,” he answered, grinning from ear to ear. He checked his watch and did the time zone calculations in his head. Something wasn’t right. “I thought we were Skyping tomorrow morning?”

  “Hi,” said Kate. “Can you hear me? The line isn’t very clear.” Over the international phone line her voice sounded like it was being filtered through a glass barrier, stilted and cold, although that was also how he sometimes described Kate when she was in one of her moods.

  “Hi, baby,” he said again. His eyes caught sight of a pair of hot legs walking past the bar. They followed the young waitress’s thighs up to her dangerously short skirt. The red-blooded part of him swelled at the sight. “You missing me?”

  She was silent for a second, followed by a long sigh. “Do you want an honest answer?”

  “Well, I miss you,” he said, watching the sexy waitress disappear through a revolving door balancing a tray full of champagne glasses on one hand.

  “So who is Laura?”

  A cold, sick feeling sunk in his chest.

  Who the fuck is Laura?

  “Laura?” he said in bewilderment. “I don’t… think… I know any Laura.”

  “Well, she seems to know you pretty well.”


  “Don’t fucking ‘babe’ me!” Kate snapped.

  An uncomfortable silence followed. He knew better than to incriminate himself further by making excuses. But deep down he knew he should have been prepared for this conversation. It was bound to happen someday, though he didn’t count on it happening so soon.

  “Kate,” Adam kept the timbre of his voice as calm as possible, “I promise you, I do not know anyone named Laura.” It was the truth. Even though he’d probably fucked a dozen girls named Laura, he never bothered to commit their names to memory. What was the point after they’d fucked and parted ways?

  “Don’t lie to me,” she hissed.

  The waitress with legs for miles pushed her way back through the revolving door.

  Damn, her ass is fuckable.

  There was silence on the other end of the line. Kate was really killing Adam’s buzz. Another reason he loved these little overseas trips was the break he got from the love of his life, and future wife. He planned to spend the rest of his days with her, but not every fucking minute of every day.

  She was a rare find. A girl he would have been proud to take home to meet his mother, who he knew she would have approved of, had she still been alive. And who let him fuck her up the ass a couple of times a week
not because he begged her for it, but because she liked it. She was as serious as a heart attack most of the time, but definitely marriage material. Sadly, she clung to the modern conservative idea of monogamy like it was the pinnacle of healthy relationships.

  “Babe, the phone line is real bad,” he said. “Can I call you back later? You really have nothing to worry about. We can figure out who this Laura chick is who is causing trouble when I Skype you tomorrow morning.”

  “I can hear you clearly, and I think this is something we need to talk about right now.”

  “What was that?” he said, louder than before, pretending not to be able to hear her.

  “Hello?” said Kate. “Can you hear me?”


  Could she tell I was faking it?

  Kate needed time to cool off before they continued their conversation. And Adam needed time to figure out who Laura was, so he didn’t get trapped in a web of lies trying to explain himself out of this one.

  “I love you,” said Adam.

  “Fucking hell! Goodbye, Adam.” Kate hung up.

  He kissed the air. “Night, babe.”

  Kate had the most amazing ability to suck all the fun out of the room when she wasn’t feeling great. He knew it was selfish of him to disregard her feelings, but he didn’t need her negativity bringing him down. Not when he was on a high from the day’s successes, amongst other things. Earlier in the evening, he’d indulged in not only the national drink of this beautiful, faraway land, but also white powders of the inhalable variety, and a couple of other local delights that his client shared with him while they celebrated. Adam was fucking high as a kite, and not entirely in touch with his emotions at that very moment in time.

  Guilt ebbed over him. He shouldn’t have been so callous with the woman he loved, but he wasn’t himself just then.

  After a moment, he shook it off, straightened his spine, and drew in a deep breath to unwind.

  Now, where had that waitress disappeared to?

  Wouldn’t mind her servicing me… I mean, serving me.

  All the success, booze, and drugs had gone to his head, the one up top and the one down below. He was sitting there with a bazooka in his pants, locked and loaded, drink in his hand, and he couldn’t stop smiling. He’d already forgotten about his downer of a conversation with Kate. That was something to worry about tomorrow. She’d still be there. She never left. Adam always made it up to her. He wasn’t usually this much of an asshole.

  Adam knew he wasn’t the best looking guy in the room, but he had the confidence to punch far above his weight. He kept in great shape and took care of his appearance. Crossfit was the closest thing in his life that he had to a religion. The first few gray hairs were starting to come through, but he’d made peace with that unfortunate rite of passage. It could have been worse; at least he wasn’t going bald.

  As he sat there, scanning the room, he picked out three brunette beauties from the crowd in the hotel bar. The first one was sitting all alone only a few seats away. She was tall, wearing a short skirt and high heels. Possibly an even sexier set of legs than the smoking waitress from earlier. She kept staring at the clock and had a glass of water sitting on the bar counter in front of her. So she was either not much fun, a high class hooker, or both.

  She glanced at Adam out the corner of her eye and looked away. Like a coy bird she turned her head in his direction and took another brief look at him. In an instant she turned away, her body language saying everything. Not interested.

  Not much fun. Definitely a hooker.

  The second girl was sitting with three girlfriends drinking cocktails. Czech girls were up there in the attractiveness scale, but this girl was simply stunning. Doe-eyed with plump lips that were made for blowing on a fat cock. Adam’s excitement grew the longer he stared at her. She caught him staring, and he smiled. She smiled back at Adam, and played with the small heart locket on the end of the gold necklace that she was wearing.

  This one had potential, but somehow he would have to persuade her to leave her friends, and sadly the night was still young. He had her attention though, so he planned to keep her as a reserve for later if his other options didn’t work out.

  The third girl was across the room, sitting at a table for two, all alone. She’d picked up her phone at least six times in the last half hour to check her messages, before impatiently putting it back down again. Her eyes were constantly eyeing out the patrons in the bar. Stood up by her date was Adam’s best guess.

  His loss.

  Adam rose from his bar stool and crossed the room, body feeling light as air, slipping past the elegant people holding their beverages and making polite chatter. A few yards from the table, the girl looked up and smiled in his direction. It wasn’t the welcome he had expected, but Adam was pleasantly surprised.

  Then a guy pushed past Adam and seated himself in the empty seat at the table. He started apologizing to the girl, and from the smile on her face she must have forgiven him for being so late.

  Fuck! If only I’d made my move sooner.

  Adam continued walking by their table, pretending to head toward the restrooms at the back of the bar. As he passed by, the girl glanced up at Adam. He had nothing to lose, so he flashed her his sexiest grin. She averted her gaze quickly. The guy she was with glared up at Adam, but he avoided making any eye contact with his competition.

  “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath as he stepped up to the urinal. He was so hard and horny he couldn’t relax enough to take a piss. A full minute went by while he waited impatiently to deflate.

  The restroom door opened with a creak, and Adam sensed another presence approaching from behind. A guy stepped up to the piss trough and unleashed a steady stream without hesitation. It made Adam feel like an old man with a prostate problem. A couple of desperate tugs and the urine started to flow. Adam avoided making eye contact, but he could see the other man’s shiny black leather shoes in his peripheral vision.

  Adam got the feeling that he was being watched. The other man finished up and walked away. Adam turned his head and took a look at his stalker as he left the restroom. It was the guy who was running late for his date with girl number three.

  Dirty bastard didn’t even bother to wash his hands before walking out.

  Adam made a point of washing his hands thoroughly before heading back into the bar. His old seat was taken, but the seat where the hooker had been sitting was now free, so he made himself comfortable and ordered another drink from his new best friend, the bartender.

  As he brought the spirit to his lips, there was a tap on his shoulder. He swiveled his head around and to his surprise it was girl number three standing there. She smiled seductively and brushed a few stray strands of hair behind her ear.

  “Do you like to stare?” she said in Czech.

  Well, this is interesting.

  Not wanting to give too much of himself away, Adam pretended that he couldn’t understand her. Though the truth was his grandmother was Czech and used to speak it to him as a child while she was still alive. He couldn’t read or write any of it, but he could understand reasonably well. He didn’t like to let on that he understood. It was always more fun to play the ignorant tourist.

  He shook his head gently. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  A twinkle flashed in her eyes. “Oh? You are foreign?” she asked in English.

  “Here on business for a few days,” he replied.

  Adam knew that the mistake most other guys made at this point was shaking the girl’s hand. It wasn’t a business transaction. It was sex. And the less they touched, the more explosive the chemistry would be when they finally fucked.

  “You like to watch,” she said. But this time it wasn’t immediately obvious if it was a question or an observation.

  “I do.” Adam smiled and his eyes traced the contours of her neck down to her cleavage.

  She lay a hand on her heart. “My name is Iva.”

  “Adam,” he replied. �
��You look lovely this evening, Iva.”

  It was an understatement. She looked fucking hot in her black dress with a plunging neckline that emphasized her big, beautiful, bouncy tits. All Adam could think about was burying his face in the gap and jerking off while he asphyxiated.

  What a great way to go!

  She sidled up close to him, knocking his knees apart to open his legs. She rested a hand high on his thigh, just touching the tip of his stiffening cock.

  She whispered, “My boyfriend and I like to be watched… and entertained.”

  Fuck, I’d forgotten about the boyfriend.

  “Would you like to join us?”

  How long had it been since he’d had a threesome with a couple? A few months? It wasn’t a deal breaker, but it still wasn’t first prize. She was smoking, and he was easy on the eye. Your typical tall, sandy blond Czech guy with a great jawline and cold, glowering stare.

  “We have an apartment not far from here in the city,” she said.

  Adam shook his head. “I’d rather stay in the hotel if that’s alright with you.”

  First rule about hooking up with complete strangers in a foreign country was having home turf advantage. He wouldn’t want to find himself in a sticky situation in a place he didn’t know. Adam could tell she didn’t like his suggestion, but after a moment she gave him a grin.

  “We go to your room then,” said Iva. “Let’s go.”

  She turned to walk away, but he caught her wrist and spun her around. She fell into his arms and they kissed. Adam subtly slipped his hand up her dress to feel her womanhood. She wasn’t wearing any panties and his fingers slid into her warmth.


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