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Wanton Little Mermaid

Page 7

by Sandra Heath

  Suddenly he caught her around the waist, pulled her close and supplanted the caress of her lips with the carnal passion of his own. He couldn’t help himself, his blood was pounding, the urges of his cock were almost violent, and he needed all his willpower not to drag her down to the floor and give her the fuck of all fucks.

  She shared his fervor. Her little fingers slid down over his erection, and her tongue pushed gladly into his mouth. His breath was exotic with the tempting taste of cloves, and his ardor was irresistible. As was her own need.

  The tentative squeeze of her fingers on his pounding cock made him start and gasp. “No!” The need for control swept imperatively over him. She wasn’t to be used without thought, she was far, far too precious for that. He cared very much that their first joining had to be a sublime moment of sharing and adoration. Which meant trying to temporarily cool his blood. “I cannot and will not make love to you with my boots on,” he said gently. “Such things are important.”

  Were they? “I don’t know, I’ve never done this before,” she answered.

  He paused, for the statement was unexpected. “You haven’t?”

  “I’ve been waiting for you.” She smiled. “Ever since you bought this house I haven’t been able to desire anyone else.”

  He’d been on the pointing of removing his top boots, but halted in consternation, for it wasn’t his habit to take virgins.

  She read his thoughts. “Please, for I want you more than you can possibly realize. I have been waiting for this moment, truly. It will break my heart if you turn from me now.”

  Turn from her? He would almost rather die. He looked intently at her. “But I will be robbing you of your virtue.”

  She shook her head. “I had no virtue from that first moment. I saw you, and my chastity ceased to exist. I could not possibly think the things I did and still claim to be virginal.”

  His reservations slipped away, perhaps because he wanted her so very much. It went against his principles, but it was hard to cling to such things when she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  “I want to do the things I’ve thought of for so long,” she said softly, and with such seduction that he gave in willingly.

  “I think I will enjoy finding out what those things are,” he said softly.

  Her blue eyes shone.

  Balancing against the back of a heavy chair, he took off his boots and hurled them away before dragging down his breeches and then tossing aside his shirt. Then he came to stand before her again, utterly naked, his cock so needful that it moved to the racing of his heart. His balls were now so drawn up and urgent that he felt they would burst his scrotum, and his foreskin had peeled back to reveal his shining head. The little eye had become a tiny spring, shimmering with liquid desire, and his pulse was racing so much his heartbeats could no longer be counted.

  She feasted her eyes upon him. How perfect he was, how virile and exciting. His warmth drifted toward her, as hers did toward him. She already knew he tasted of cloves, but this was something else. Something on his skin that seemed to quicken her blood. Cinnamon? Yes, possibly. Whatever it was, it wound around her with invisible, relentless tendrils, binding her to him still more. As did the darkness of his eyes, which were now almost black with desire. Were hers black too? Surely they must be, because his desire could not possibly exceed hers.

  The moment hung as they looked at each other, and the air itself seemed to pulse with emotion. They moved together at the same moment, their mouths meeting again in a kiss more white-hot than the one before. Their lips burned, their flesh was ablaze and their hands seemed about to ignite as they explored each other’s body, smoothing, stroking, searching and adoring. Their tongues touched, and then touched again, before sliding sensuously together, imitating the act of love itself.

  He cupped one of her breasts, which fitted neatly into his hand, the hard little nipple pressing his palm as if to pierce his skin. He closed his fingers gently, and she moved against him, a moan low in her throat as they continued to kiss. Next he took the nipple between his finger and thumb, and rolled it in the way he knew would pleasure her.

  Unbelievably rich feelings flooded through her, reaching the secret places between her legs and suffusing them with a tumbling passion that made her feel weightless and more alive than it seemed possible to be. She had to touch his cock, to slide her longing fingers around the base of the shaft and then up, up to the wet, compelling head. Maybe even to toy with the tiny spring of moisture that heralded the semen to come. Something deep inside her wanted to taste that spring, to kneel to take his penis into her mouth, but she wanted it in her pussy as well. She had to achieve a peak as he came. They must come together, his seed to her womb, for nothing less would do.

  He pushed her back against the table and leaned over her, kissing her lips, her throat, her shoulders and her breasts, while his penis slid quite naturally between her legs. At first she closed her thighs around it, just to enjoy its hardness and length, and in a vain endeavor to control the torrent of little peaks that made her squirm with gratification. Then, slowly, she parted her thighs again, inviting him to enter. He pressed forward until his quivering head touched her threshold, and held his breath as untamed sensations rioted through his penis and then through the rest of his body.

  He raised her arms above her head and slid his hands up them until he clasped her fingers. She stretched beneath him, her skin warm and damp, the scent of water lilies further bewitching his already spellbound flesh. His cock was still pressed to her entrance, still held back from the moment of penetration, because he knew that once he entered her, the full flood of his desire would be released. His arousal was too raw, too new, too overwhelming for him to be able to hold back.

  “Oh Sabrina,” he whispered, his lips moving against her cascade of tawny curls. Her very name was a caress, and just to say it at this moment was to bring salt tears to his eyes. He was in ecstasy such as he’d never felt before, and the force of it threatened to finally breach the dam that needed to burst from his balls and surge up his shaft.

  She was far back enough on the table to lift her hips and wrap her legs around him. The action allowed her to feel the pressure of his balls, and the way the hair of his loins tangled with hers. Above all, it allowed his cock to glide against her most intimate flesh. She slid herself up and down against it, gasping as his lubricated head glided against the little bud that always increased her pleasure.

  He closed his eyes as his consciousness threatened to melt away. He was nothing but the spirit of fleshly delight in human form, and he knew that no other woman would ever impart this carnal joy to him. The tides of rapture flowing through his penis became just too much, and slowly, still with infinite consideration, he at last maneuvered his tortured cock to enter her.

  She gazed up into his eyes, knowing the moment had come when they would truly be one, and when she would receive his seed. His seed. Jake’s. She smiled. “Now, please, now.” She held her breath for penetration.

  He pushed gently, not wanting to hurt her, but there was nothing to obstruct his path. Her intimate flesh closed around him like a warm sheath, and the sensation was sublime. Again he pushed, little by little, until he could go no farther, and there he felt himself flexing with luxurious delight. He had surely been born for this moment. He didn’t care what she’d said of herself, just that he was one with her. It did not matter how fantastic or outrageous her words, only that the words she whispered now were of loving him.

  Her senses soared with delight, and with peaks that were no longer small, but swayed and undulated through her like unstoppable ripples on water. No merman could have satisfied her like this, or made her flesh ring with this happiness. It was more than she could have hoped, and well worth the years of yearning. To have him at all would have been reward enough, but to have him like this… She exulted in every movement he made, and especially the way he stretched her virgin flesh.

  He kissed her again, almost bruising her lips wit
h his passion, and then he withdrew his penis before driving it in again. He couldn’t stop the kiss, he needed to taste her, experience her in every way. Again he withdrew and then plunged in. The pleasure almost racked him. He tried to prolong the moments, but he was no longer his own master. His cock ceased to obey him, and had to be fully rewarded.

  They moved in unison, and then he felt his semen begin to rise. “I’m coming, Sabrina,” he breathed, and closed his eyes as the first pulse jolted through him.

  She clung, her legs still holding him, aware of the power of his peak. His body shuddered and his cock seemed to twitch with the force of its release. She felt his semen spurt into her, and her core convulsed in an orgy of voluptuousness. More spurts followed, each one as gratifying as the first, and the final one seemed to thrust him into more ecstasy than its predecessors. She cried out as her pleasure matched his, and her legs tightened as she feared he would soon withdraw.

  He sank down against her, seeking her lips in a more gentle and loving kiss, one that was free of the carnal urgency of before. Unlinking his fingers from hers, he slid a hand down to caress her buttocks. Her breast was within reach of his lips, and he sucked it deeply into his mouth. The intimacy affected his still-aroused cock, so that it swelled and then settled again, swelled and then settled yet again.

  The delicious motion thrilled her to another peak, and she writhed beneath him. “I love you, Jake, I love you so much,” she breathed.

  “And I you,” he answered, raising himself on his hands to look down at her. It was true, he did love her. There was no room for doubt. Tonight he had met the other half of his soul, and nothing would ever change his feelings. He smiled, and flexed his cock inside her again. The excitement told him he was ready to fuck her again. Sweet God, he felt as if he could fuck her all night without rest. But not here. The next fuck had to be in the comfort of a feather bed.

  Chapter Seven

  Jake wondered if his own eagerness to continue was all that considerate. Sabrina’s needs had to be thought of too. He drew back, and her thighs surrendered, allowing his cock to pull right out. It fell away heavily, and not without a pleasant sensation to him. He reached for his coat pocket and just managed to pull out an initialed handkerchief, which he held out to her. “Making love with such vigor is inclined to be a little messy,” he said, smiling.

  But she ignored the handkerchief, and instead sank her fingers into her vagina and drew them out again, thick with his semen. Then she licked them clean, before repeating the exercise.

  He had to grip his penis because her action was so erotic to him that he was already standing to attention.

  She watched and then looked up to his eyes again. “I have never been so happy and fulfilled in my life, or so sated, warm, desired and caressed. I’m so glad I waited for you, so glad you want me as I want you.”

  The love in her eyes was too much, and he sank down into her again. She sighed, as if the strength of his cock expelled the air from her lungs, and then she clung to him as he made love to her again. It was another urgent coupling, hot with new love, and when he came he felt as if his very life was being drawn from him. His prick ached and was so sensitive that it seemed to burn. Jet after jet came out of him and plunged into her, and he cried out as his entire body was overtaken with immeasurable pleasure.

  When he recovered sufficiently to look into her eyes again, he saw that she was crying. Fearing he’d hurt her, he pulled away and seized her hand. “Forgive me, have I caused you pain?”

  “No,” she whispered, smiling through the tears. “I’m just so happy.”

  “You know how to flatter a man’s vanity,” he said lightly.

  “I don’t seek to flatter.”

  He smiled. “I know,” he replied as he pulled her from the table and then led her to a sheet-draped sofa. Pulling the sheet aside, he sat down and then drew her down on to his lap.

  She immediately reached down between her legs, found his now flaccid penis, and pulled it up against her secret places. Then she closed her thighs around it again, so that the head, peeping from his foreskin, was just visible. When she moved, his soft shaft was against her bud, and she could steal more little pleasures.

  He leaned his head back. “Have you no shame?”

  “I may never see you again, so I must make of this what I can.”

  His arm move tightly around her waist. “You will see me again. You have my vow upon it.”

  “But I’m… Well, my mother was a mermaid. I know I don’t look as if that could be true, but it is true.”

  “It’s also true that I love you, and will never willingly let you go. Certainly I will never reject you.” She slipped her fingers between her legs and smoothed them against his penis, wanting it to respond. Just a little, so that she could glean still more gratification.

  He leaned his head back and smiled as his manhood showed itself more than willing. “I will die of exhaustion,” he murmured, arching just a little as she slid a finger inside his foreskin and then against the little hole through which he’d surrendered his entire soul. Or so it felt to him. He was so intensely sensitive that he gasped. “You only need to breathe upon me to have the effect you seek.”

  “Breathing is not enough.” She gazed down at the way his aroused cock had now emerged between her thighs, partly nudging into her thicket of hair. Her secret muscles contracted, and he felt it.

  “You are a very sensuous woman, Sabrina Winterleigh.”

  “Only with you, Jake Cranwell,” she answered, rocking on to him. Then she moved until he pressed to her entrance. “Be inside me again,” she begged.

  His cock needed no encouragement, and he sank sweetly within her again. With a sigh of contentment, she leaned to link her arms around his neck. “Will we both awaken soon?” she asked.

  “We are already awake,” he replied enclosing her in his arms as he moved his hips up and down to pleasure them both. Surely he couldn’t come again so quickly, but yes, he felt the familiar gathering in his balls. Not even in the first throes of his love for Evangeline had he come three times in so short a time. He gathered her closer and she wrapped her arms around him. Their lips joined again, but just for the taste and warmth as his motion imparted more and more delight. She moved too, riding upon him and tearing her lips away in order to offer her breast to him. As he drew her nipple deep into his mouth he knew he was close to coming again. His cock was ablaze with his passion, and his breath caught as he felt his semen rising.

  They clung together as if they were one entity with but one heart, and as he pumped into her again he knew that if he never made love again, this time with her would endure for the rest of his life.

  Afterward they sank back in the sofa, linked lovingly together, both fully sated for the moment. He inhaled her perfume. “Now, we must talk, for I know so very little about you.”

  “You know more than enough. I am someone you can be with like this, but can never take into your society.”

  “Sabrina, the society in which I’ve moved isn’t worthy of you. Believe me, I find you refreshingly different from any woman I have ever met before. You’re certainly much more fascinating than Evangeline likes to think she is. I love you—we love each other—and that is all that matters. Now, tell me about your world.”

  She knew he wasn’t patronizing her. He’d accepted all she’d said so far, and had a lover’s interest in her life away from him. “Well, you must promise not to tell anyone else,” she warned.

  “I promise.”

  She told him everything, omitting nothing, no matter how preposterous it seemed, and when she’d finished, he gave a wry laugh. “If your parents had made their church marriage known, you’d have inherited this house, you know that, don’t you?”

  “But they didn’t, and now Winterleigh Court belongs to you.” She paused. “I wish…”


  “I wish you’d look after it properly again.”

  He smiled. “I’ve already resolved to do that.
I intend to live here from now on.” With you as my wife. The hope shone through him like a beacon.

  “I’m glad. For myself as well as the house.”

  “And for the other merfolk? They’re welcome to continue using the clearing.”

  “I don’t think they will, not if your gamekeepers start walking the grounds again as they should.”

  Gamekeepers! Damn! The thought jarred through him that he’d sent the coachman to arouse the gamekeepers and bring the army! And heaven alone knew what Evangeline might have done since leaving.

  Setting Sabrina aside on the sofa, he leapt to his feet. “We must get dressed again. I’ve sent my coachman for the gamekeepers as well as an army detachment!”

  Fear lightened her eyes. “I have to leave!” He handed her the clothes again and began to pull on his shirt, breeches and boots. But even as they hastened about it, they heard voices and hooves approaching the house. Sabrina was still trying to do up her spencer and had to grab the bonnet as he ushered her toward the terrace door. Even then, when danger approached, she had the wit to retrieve the quizzing glass.

  “It belongs to Lord Neptune now!” she said imploringly, still fearful of returning to the god without it.

  “Take it. I’m sure Prinny already has another.” He went to open the door, which offered no resistance, and they were out in the cool night, but as they dashed across the terrace to the steps, figures and lanterns appeared around the end of the house as gamekeepers and soldiers spilled on the terrace.

  Someone shouted, “Hey! Stop!”

  Sabrina saw the lily pond in the garden below, and knowing she couldn’t escape pursuit, she flung herself into the water and dived down among the water lilies. There she kept still, and almost immediately the water ceased to churn and ripple.

  Jake hesitated. He didn’t even know why he’d run away. It was his house, damn it! How in the dickens was he going to explain to the army commander about a gang of thieves that no longer existed? Then his heart sank further as he saw red-coated soldiers, and Evangeline hurrying determinedly beside the commanding officer. Oh, with what joy she’d have related that Sir James Cranwell and his strumpet had stolen the Prince Regent’s quizzing glass. She was intent upon revenge, but he, Jake, was going to deny her any such victory!


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