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The Exchange Student: Complete And Uncut

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by Anya Merchant

  The Exchange Student: Complete And Uncut


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2014 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers.


  The storage room was small to begin with, but the grinding bodies of Zack and his homeroom teacher, Ms. Wade, generated enough heat to make it seem like sauna. He pushed his cock inside her, hard, feeling himself dangling on the verge of exploding.

  Ms. Wade had to stifle her moans, totally lost in ecstasy, almost to the point of forgetting that she was being fucked and defiled by her own student. Her cunt felt amazing against Zack’s cock, and he pumped his dick into it firmly, knowing that he wasn’t going to stop until he blew his load deep inside of her.

  Zack had already suffered more than enough sexual teasing at the hands of his host mother, and was dead set on following his primal urges through to fruition. He thrust into Ms. Wade with all the urgency and intensity of a man that needs to cum, and to get a proper release, however illicit it may be. His teacher was pushed up against the wall and he was fucking her roughly, giving little thought to the chaotic events that had led to the situation.


  The salty ocean waves lapped meekly against the side of the boat. Zack Harmon leaned over the railing, looking down about twenty feet into the water below. It seemed to be a strange contrast, such a large boat taking him out to such a small island.

  Zack was 18 years old, in his senior year of high school, and part of a several month exchange student program. Many of the more scenic and exciting locations had been snapped up by the students with more money. It was just the way things went, and given his modest, scattered upbringing, it also really wasn’t much of a surprise.

  Easthaven sounded good on paper. It was a small, remote town on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. Until Zack actually started doing some research on the place, he was holding out hope for a picturesque ocean vacation.

  The town was just off the coast of eastern Canada. It was tiny in both size and population, with only about 5000 active residents, with more bleeding away each year. Unfortunately for Zack, it was his only option, and between that and staying in upstate New York with his newest foster family, the choice was clear.

  The tip of Easthaven was beginning to poke out over the horizon. The air was cold this far north, even in the early fall. He shivered, wishing that he’d brought a heavier jacket as goose bumps began to prickle up on his arms.

  Next to him were a suitcase and a duffel bag, which carried the entirety of his belongings between the two of them. Packing had been a strange experience. He had only a small amount of possessions that he could really call his own, and wasn’t even sure that his room in the foster home would still be his when he got back. He stuffed away everything into his luggage, and set off, not sure of what to expect.

  The engines of the boat were loud, and seemed to clash against the water in the way they fought against the sea’s natural equilibrium. He walked from the front of the boat, along the railing, towards the side. There was a girl not too far down the way from him, and he smiled at her as their eyes met.

  “Hey there,” he said. “How’s it going?”

  “Good, thanks,” she replied.

  There was a momentary silence, and she returned the smile. The girl had the foresight to wear warm, heavy clothing, Zack noticed. She had on a pink, feminine looking winter hat, and a thick wool jacket that still managed to cling to her in a way to show of nice breasts underneath it. She had a trim waist and very slender hips, and was wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants.

  “Are you part of the exchange program, or just visiting?” he asked.

  The girl’s eyes lit up at the question.

  “Yeah, the exchange program. I take it you are too?”

  “Yep, unfortunately I am,” he replied, smiling. He meant it as a joke, but the truth in his words seemed to almost come back on him.

  “Why unfortunately?” asked the girl. “I had to fight tooth and nail just to get a chance at this, I would think you’d be glad to get the experience.”

  “It doesn’t sound like Easthaven is really the center of, well, anything,” he said. “Actually, it doesn’t sound like the town has anything to do at all.”

  “Well…I’m sure there will be something or another to do for fun,” she said, her eyes beaming at him. “I’m sure we can find something…to past the time.”

  There was a spark of chemistry between them, Zack could feel it clearly. He slid further down the railing next to her, and leaned in a little bit.

  “I see you had the sense to actually bundle up for the cold,” he said.

  “Yeah. You must be feeling it in that sweatshirt, do you want me to help warm you up?” she asked.

  Zack opened his mouth slightly, unable to tell entirely whether she was joking or not. As if to enhance his dilemma, the girl slid one of her cloth gloved hands over and ran it across his fingers. He felt his cock begin to get a little excited, even despite the cold.

  A large blow horn sounded towards the front of the ship. Zack turned his attention forward and saw that they were pulling into the port. He could see the town behind it, and got a good sense of just how small and rural it was from a single glance.

  “Sorry, I have to go grab my luggage from below deck,” said the girl. “But was nice meeting you, uh…”

  “Zack,” he said, reaching his hand towards her.

  “Alex.” She shook his hand, and then walked over to a stairway near the center of the ship. Zack watched her walk away, noticing the slight, feminine wiggle of her hips with every step. He smiled. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all, he thought to himself.


  There were only about ten passengers disembarking, including Zack. Alex was a few steps ahead of them as they walked onto the wooden pier, but his attention was drawn to something else. A woman was standing at the edge of the shore next to a car, holding up a sign that read, in big letters, “ZACK HARMEN”.

  The exchange program that his school ran operated off an old fashioned model in which each student would be placed in a household with a host family for the duration of their stay. The arrangements were determined without any input from the students, and as such, Zack had no real idea what he was getting into when he signed up.

  The woman holding the sign was probably in her mid-thirties and absolutely gorgeous. She had a petite figure, but with large breasts, a thin waist, and curvy hips. She was dressed in a warm looking woman’s overcoat, with a pink scarf wrapped around her neck and a pair of sunglasses on.

  He put down one of his bags and waved to her before walking over. Her reaction when she realized who he was involved clapping and hopping up and down slightly, as though she was encountering a lost loved one.

  “Hello!” he yelled as he walked up to her. “I’m Zack.”

  The woman instantly pulled him into a tight hug, and he dropped his bags in surprise. He hadn’t been sure exactly what to expect on this island, but this was far from it. After a moment, he wrapped his arms around her and returned the embrace, slightly bemused, but enjoying the feeling of her soft breasts against his chest.

  “Zack, it’s so nice to meet you,” she said. “I’m Quinn. I’m…I’m going to be your host mother for your stay.

  She let go of him, and flashed a broad smile.

  “I’m so excited, I can’t wait to show you the town,” she said. “But where are my manners, you must be exhausted. Hop in and let me take care of these.”

  “Oh no, it’s fine, I can-“ Quinn interrupted him, moving to grab his bags.

  “Sweetie, please, I insist,” she said. “Let me welcome you onto our little island properly.”

  She threw his stuff into the backseat of the car. Zack couldn’t help but admire her butt as she bent over, which seemed to be perfectly toned and just the right size. She quickly turned back to him after loading his bags into the car, and for a moment, he thought she might have caught him.

  “Alright, hop in,” she said, walking to the driver’s seat. “The town is small, it’s just a quick drive to my place…or should I say, our place?”

  “Okay,” he said. “Thanks Quinn, you are really making me feel welcome.”

  “It’s one of my skills.”

  She smiled at him, and he climbed into the passenger seat of the car. Quinn started the engine, and pulled the car out of the dock parking lot and onto the road.

  “So tell me about yourself, Zack,” she said. “What made you want to take the opportunity to be in the exchange program?”

  Zack looked ahead at the town as they drove into it. There were only a few people on the streets. The buildings seemed to be well maintained, for the most part, and it gave the area a very homely feel.

  “It was pretty much the only option for me,” said Zack. “My situation back in the states is…complicated, to say the least.”

  “You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to,” said Quinn. “I have my own household issues to deal with. My husband works in the oil fields, usually for months at a time. We don’t really talk all that much, not anymore.”

  Zack wasn’t sure how to respond to her confession. They passed a car in the other lane and it honked. Quinn smiled and waved her fingers on the wheel towards the driver.

  “Sorry, I don’t mean to dump all of my baggage on you,” she said. “I guess, part of the reason I agreed to be a host mom was just to have a slightly more active home. That’s terrible, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t think so,” said Zack. “Though it is a little, well, different from what I was expecting. Aren’t most host families usually like, an entire family.”

  “I fudged a couple of the questions on the application,” said Quinn. “Can you keep it a secret?”

  Zack smiled at her.


  They pulled into Quinn’s driveway after another minute. The house was small and seemed to be one of the more recently built ones on the block. The area they were in might have been called the suburbs if it wasn’t for the fact that the city was so small. All of the stores and places of interest were easily within walking distance, and Zack found himself being glad for it.

  “Alright, come on in!” said Quinn.

  This time, Zack managed to successfully grab and take responsibility for his bags, though he almost had to hip check Quinn out of the way in order to do it. She laughed, and jokingly squeezed one of his muscles.

  “Oh wow, are you already trying to show off your guns to me, sweetie?” she said. “Trying to make your host mom proud?”

  “Am I that transparent?” said Zack. He caught her eyes for a moment, and saw a flash of something behind them. Quinn coughed, and turned towards the house, walking towards the door and opening it.

  “It’s, uh…not locked?” asked Zack. “Is that really safe?”

  “You’ve obviously never lived in a small town before,” said Quinn. “I have many things to teach you.”

  “Apparently so,” said Zack. Again there was a small, electrically charged pause in their conversation.

  “Let me give you a tour!” said Quinn.

  The house was essentially a modest cottage. Downstairs, there was a comfortable living room complete with a fireplace, a kitchen/dining room that looked to be filled to the brim with every cooking accessory a person could need, and a bathroom.

  The upstairs had two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a small set of stars that could be pulled down leading to a tiny loft (which Quinn insisted had never been used).They stopped outside of Zack’s room, and he brought his stuff inside.

  “You must be exhausted,” said Quinn. “I know this is probably a lot to take in.”

  “I’m okay, Mrs. Piper,” he said. “I’m just excited by how different everything is here.”

  She followed him into his room and sat down next to him on the bed.

  “Please, call me Quinn,” she said. “I’m going to be your host mom for a while. We should get comfortable with each other. Treat me like you’d treat a step mom.”

  “Okay, Quinn,” said Zack. “I can manage that.”

  There was a moment where neither of them said anything. The cottage was silent, and Zack could hear the gentle rhythm of Quinn’s breathing, and see the rise and fall of her chest.

  “I’m glad to have you here, Zack,” she said. “This program is fun for you, but it’s fun for me as well,”

  She smiled, and reached her hand over and began gently rubbing his thigh. Zack instantly felt his cock begin to stir in his pants. He knew she meant it as a motherly caress, but something about this woman was getting him incredibly worked up.

  “Thanks, Quinn,” said Zack. “I’m sure it will be fun for…both of us…”

  Zack’s words trailed off as Quinn continued rubbing. Her hand slid further and further up his thigh, coming closer to dangerous territory. His cock was incredibly excited, and he found himself pushing his hips up ever so slightly in her direction.

  “Let me know if you need anything else, tonight,” said Quinn, finally standing up from the bed. “I’ll make you some food before bed.”

  “Thanks Quinn,” said Zack. She turned and walked out of the room, and he took a moment to breathe and react to the situation he had been placed in.


  “Wake up. Sweetie,” said Quinn. “It’s time for school.”

  The rest of the night had gone by relatively uneventfully. Quinn had made dinner, and on his way to bed Zack had stolen a glance at her wearing a skimpy night robe that showed off all of her major assets, but she hadn’t noticed. He went to bed early and slept easily.

  “…What time is it?” asked Zack, half asleep.

  “Time for you to get up!” said Quinn.

  He opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of her wearing even less than she had been the night before. Quinn had on a tiny night robe that just barely cut down to her thighs. It was too small for her, and her breasts pushed up clearly against the fabric, giving him a little show as the outline of her nipples poked out.

  “It’s your first day at Easthaven high,” she said. “It’s probably a smaller school than what they have back in New York. I hope it’s still good for you.”

  Zack realized that he was sporting a terrible case of morning wood. He hunched over as he slid out of bed in an attempt to hide it, but given that he was wearing only a thin pair of boxers, it was somewhat futile.

  “Thanks!” he said. “I’ll be downstairs in a minute. I just have to get changed.”

  “Alright!” said Quinn. “Zack…I meant what I said last night. I really am genuinely happy that you’re here.”

  She stepped towards him, and curled her arms around him in a hug. He hesitated for a moment, embarrassed at his own situation, and then returned the embrace.

  “I know, Quinn,” said Zack. His cock pushed forward against her, and he could feel the cloth of her nightgown against his bare chest.

  “I want you to tell me all about your first day,” said Quinn. “I’m your host mom, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, too.”

  “I will,” said Zack. She tightened the embrace, and Zack felt his dick push even harder against her stomach. There was no way she didn’t feel it. His cock was on the verge of slipping out of the co
nfines of his boxers, but all he could focus on was how good Quinn’s body felt against his hardness.

  “Well, I better go make you some breakfast,” said Quinn. She released him, and then turned and walked out of the room. Zack breathed a sigh of relief, feeling his cock pulse with guilty desire.

  He pulled some clothes out of his suitcase, deciding to wear layers to avoid the mistake he had made the day before, and got dressed. He did feel slightly nervous thinking about the prospect of being at a new school, as a senior in high school. But it was worth it for the escape it had given him.

  He stopped by the bathroom to brush his teeth, and then made his way downstairs. Quinn was finishing up a fried egg and some toast. She slid the food onto a plate and brought it over to him. Zack was surprisingly hungry, and he devoured the food in short time.

  “Alright, it’s time for me to get going,” he said.

  “Have a good day, honey,” Quinn replied. “Any dinner requests for tonight”

  “Food,” said Zack. Quinn laughed and rolled her eyes. He stood up, and made his way outside.

  One of the upsides to Easthaven being such a small community was that it allowed Zack to walk to school in a doable amount of time. At home, he had been forced to take this bus, and that entailed waking up early to get to the bus stop. He found getting there with his own two legs to be much more convenient.

  The school was similar to the town itself, small and old fashioned. He made his way through the front doors, and then after searching up and down a couple of hallways, he found his home room. Everything seemed a little unfamiliar, but the inside of the classroom was almost a carbon copy of what he was used to.

  “Hello, come on in,” said the teacher. She was in her mid-thirties, attractive with a slim build, and had a pair of very academic looking glasses on. “You must be Zack, I take it?”

  “Yeah, I’m new here,” he said. “With the exchange program.”


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