The Broken Leg of Doom
Page 8
And then Seb leaned towards Jodi and whispered, “And I also promise not to tell anyone that you
appendicitis to get admitted on to the ward because THAT’S a serious thing to do too and I don’t want YOU getting into
And that’s when Jodi’s eyes went WIDE.
And she said, “How did you know?”
But Seb just smiled and said, “You’re not the only one who wants to be a
when they’re older.”
And then Seb leaned back and put his hands behind his head and said, “So … does your
allow new members? Maybe you could all visit me here sometimes and we could have a
There are a
of strange things that happen here, you know. I could use your help solving some of them.”
And that’s when Jodi smiled and said, “Maybe we will then. And we’ll make sure we bring our
It was a bit tricky writing a book set in a hospital during a pandemic. I’d like to thank my editor, Kirsty Stansfield, and my agent, Becky Bagnell, for helping me try to get it right.
TOM! I know I say it EVERY TIME but I think this is my NEW FAVOURITE COVER! You are a genius. Thank you so much for all the time and hard work you put into the Izzy books.
Thanks also to Nic Theobald who designs the books. You. Are. Awesome.
And finally, I’d like to thank my wee boy, Albie. The original Extreme Dancer. You make Mummy want to write more and more books. I love you.
I used to think that ghosts were the scariest things EVER! At our school we even have our own ghost, and she haunts the school dinners because that’s where she died a hundred years ago when she choked to death on the shepherd’s pie. And now she haunts the dinner hall and the dinner ladies, but they still make shepherd’s pie. So I suppose she must not be that good at haunting people.
Most people think it’s only houses, and castles and schools that can be haunted but it’s not; ANYTHING can be haunted. For example, you could have a haunted shoe on right now and you wouldn’t even know it. And there’s not really any way to know for sure until your shoe flies off your foot or something. And then you know.
One time me and Jodi (that’s my friend) found out that loads of stuff can be haunted when we were staying in a caravan with Jodi’s gran, and Jodi’s gran was sleeping, and Jodi was bored so she said, “Caravans are boring,” and then all of a sudden Jodi’s fold-away bed folded up with her inside it!
And I had to pull her out and it took ages because Jodi was tangled up in all the sheets and she kept screaming,
And then the next morning the toaster burned Jodi’s toast. Then when Jodi was having a shower the water kept going hot then cold, then cold then hot, and Jodi kept screaming, and we both knew that the caravan ghost was annoyed at her because she’d said that caravans were boring. And it was obvious because all of the stuff was only happening to Jodi and not me, and not to her gran.
But this isn’t the story about the Caravan Ghost, or about the Shepherd’s Pie Ghost, or even about any ghosts at all. This is the story about the time that the weirdest and scariest thing EVER happened. And it happened at our school.
First published in the UK in 2021 by Nosy Crow Ltd
The Crow’s Nest, 14 Baden Place,
Crosby Row, London, SE1 1YW
Nosy Crow and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Nosy Crow Ltd.
Text copyright © Pamela Butchart, 2021
Cover and illustrations copyright © Thomas Flintham, 2021
The right of Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham to be identified as the author and illustrator respectively of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved
ISBN: 978 1 78800 787 0
eISBN: 978 1 78800 788 7
A CIP catalogue record for this book will be available from the British Library.
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