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by Jessica Coulter Smith


  Ashton Grove MC #1

  Jessica Coulter Smith

  Copyright © 2015 by Jessica Coulter Smith

  All rights reserved.

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Chapter One

  The gun was cool against his palm, his heartbeat steady and sure, as he trained the weapon on the Prospect in front of him. He watched the man sweat, the pulse pounding in his throat, as he held his hands up in surrender, pants still around his ankles. Viper wasn’t satisfied. He didn’t just want him to be afraid; he wanted him to taste death. The Loup Garous M.C. members, Ashton Grove chapter, weren’t saints, but they also believed in a swift justice when it came to rapists.

  The girl cowered in the corner, her clothes torn from her body, bruises forming on her arms and thighs. The fingermarks on her pale skin were enough to set off Viper all over again. He’d walked into the boardroom, intending to find a little quiet time, but instead had walked in on a nightmare. The girl was the responsibility of the Loup Garous—his responsibility—until they could figure out what to do with her. She’d been won in a hand of poker, but she knew too much to release her, and yet they weren’t sure she fit in with the club.

  Viper held out his free hand, motioning for her to come closer. “I won’t hurt you, Scarlet.”

  She moved swiftly, keeping an eye on the Prospect, as she zipped around him and hurried to Viper’s side. Scarlet stood beside him, her gaze fastened on her would-be rapist. Her slight frame trembled, but Viper doubted it was from the cold. He knew a little of her story and knew she’d been abused at the hands of the Red Devils MC, the bastards he’d won her from in a lucky hand of poker. He was glad he’d gotten her away from the outlaw scum, but he hadn’t a clue what to do with her. He wasn’t ready to settle down with an old lady, and after the trauma she’d suffered, she’d never make it as a party girl for the club.

  “What do you want me to do with him?” Viper asked.

  Scarlet licked her lips, and with a shaky hand, she reached for the gun. Curious, Viper let her have it. The worst she could do was kill the Prospect, which was what he’d intended to do anyway. He watched as she leveled the gun at the asshole, but as her finger squeezed the trigger, she dropped her aim, sending three rounds into the jackass’ dick. Viper winced at the justice, but he wasn’t about to stop her. If she wanted to beat the asshole while he was down, Viper would let her. It was the least she deserved.

  Wordlessly, Scarlet handed the gun back to him, staring dispassionately at the Prospect writhing on the ground. The gunfire had brought several of Viper’s brothers into the room, each halting in their tracks when they reached Viper’s side.

  “What the fuck, man?” Scorch said. “You should have just killed the bastard if you were going to shoot his dick off.”

  Viper shrugged. “Wasn’t me.”

  Scorch eyed Scarlet and took a step away from her. Viper fought a smile. She might not realize it, but she’d just earned the respect of every man in the club, and possibly the hatred of every party girl. She now had something they all wanted, something those sluts would never be able to earn.

  “What happened?” Digger asked.

  “I wanted to get away from the party for a while and came in here for a quiet glass of whiskey,” Viper said. “Except I found the Prospect with his pants around his ankles, tearing the clothes off Scarlet.”

  “The broken nose and black eye your doing?” Scorch asked.

  Viper nodded. “I was going to put a bullet in his brain, but Scarlet had other ideas. I have to admit, I like her brand of justice. I don’t think he’s learned his lesson though. Why don’t you boys take him out back and make sure he suffers a little more before he dies? I have little doubt he’ll bleed out.”

  “Consider it done,” Digger said, hauling the Prospect to his feet and shoving him out the door.

  Once they were alone, Viper turned to Scarlet. She trembled and had folded her arms around her stomach, as if she were trying to hold herself together. He slowly reached for her, not wanting to scare her more than she already was. Tipping her chin up, he stared down into liquid blue eyes, watching as a tear fell from her lashes and splashed onto her cheek. Ah hell. There was a lot of shit he could handle, but a weeping female wasn’t one of them. He should probably get one of the old ladies and let her take care of Scarlet, but…Viper couldn’t explain this sudden urge he felt to wrap his arms around her and tell her everything would be all right.

  “Thank you,” she said softly. “I didn’t know what he’d planned to do to me or I never would have walked off with him. He’d seemed nice.”

  “I’m guessing nice men were in short supply with the Red Devils.”

  She nodded. “No one’s been nice to me for a while. I let myself get carried away by the moment and dropped my guard. It won’t happen again.”

  Viper jerked his knife free and handed it to her. “Keep this on you at all times. Anyone does something you don’t like, you threaten to cut off their nuts with it. Then you come tell me what happened and I’ll see they learn from their mistakes.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Despite the fact I don’t know what the fuck to do with you, you’re mine, Scarlet. I won you fair and square. Some of the guys say I should fuck you and then send you on your way, but knowing all that I do about you, I could never do that. You’re too dangerous to our way of life to set you free, and yet, after everything you’ve been through, you don’t really fit into a specific role within the MC. I could force you into the position of a party girl, but we both know that would be a mistake. You’re strong, but even I know that would break you.”

  “Why do you care if I’m broken?” she asked softly.

  “I don’t know.”

  And the fuck of it was, he really didn’t know why he cared. She was nothing to him, and yet he wanted to take care of her. If his brothers even had a clue, they would give him some serious shit. Feeling strongly about a woman just wasn’t done, unless she was your old lady. Viper supposed there were worse things in life than having a willing woman in your bed every night, but he worried he’d get tired of the same pussy day after day. There were always a few party girls ready to service him, sometimes two and three at a time.

  Scarlet shivered again. Viper took off his cut, pulled his shirt over his head, and handed it to her before putting his vest back on. She accepted it, but stared at it a moment. When she didn’t move, he reached out and removed the torn remnants of her clothes, then helped her into the shirt. It fell to her knees and covered everything important.

  Fuck! What the hell did he care if she showed her ass? Because it’s our ass, his wolf growled. He supposed the beast had a point. He had won Scarlet, which made her his in every way that mattered. But he had a feeling the wolf meant to keep her for other reasons, and Viper wasn’t ready for that. He’d seen the way the old ladies looked when their men went off with the party girls, and he knew he never wanted to be the one to put that look of disappointment and sorrow on a woman’s face. They always knew the score up front, that it was a one-time deal.


  Scarlet smoothed the T-shirt down her body, feeling the heat from Viper seep into her skin. If he’d been even a minute later…no, she wouldn’t think about it. She’d weathered so much already, but she wasn’t su
re how much more her mind or her body could handle. She needed out, a way to go back to a normal life, but even if the opportunity presented itself, she wasn’t sure she would know how to live a normal life. The Red Devils had taken her off the street, kidnapping her on her way home from work, and that had been six months ago. They’d delighted in humiliating her and causing her pain, making her service any and all of the Red Devils.

  That was behind her now though, and while she’d landed herself in another M.C., the Ashton Grove chapter of the Loup Garous M.C. seemed different from the Red Devils. Oh, she’d seen the party girls, watched them do drugs and drink themselves under the tables, and they definitely screwed anything that moved. But no one had touched her. She slept at Viper’s house in the guest room, and for some reason, he hadn’t brought home a woman in all the time she’d been with him. She doubted he was celibate, having watched him carry a party girl toward the men’s room more than once, but he’d never tried to force himself on Scarlet and had treated her as a guest.

  He was different. And different was bad. It made her want things she shouldn’t. The scent surrounding her now was Viper’s and it made her want to burrow into him, ask him to hold her again. She’d felt safe with his arms around her, even if it was an illusion. There was no such thing as safety in an M.C. What happened when he gambled again and ran out of money? Would he use her like the Red Devils had? Would she belong to another MC a week from now?

  Despite the horrors she’d faced, his touch did things to her. Every time he touched her, she felt like she’d come home. It was like she was supposed to belong to him, in all ways, but she knew he’d never make her his old lady. And even if he did, it didn’t mean he’d be faithful to her. She’d seen with her own eyes just what it meant to be an old lady. Yes, you received a certain respect from the club, but you also had to learn to turn a blind eye to your husband’s infidelity, and that was something Scarlet didn’t think she could do. The first time she saw some skank on her knees in front of Viper, she’d yank the slut up by her hair and beat her ass all the way to the door.

  “I can take you home,” Viper offered. “It’s getting late anyway.”

  Home. Her apartment was long gone, as well as all of her possessions. Would she ever have a place of her own again? Would she ever know freedom once more? Or would she forever be someone’s property? Not that being Viper’s property was horrible, he treated her well, but if she was going to belong to him, she wanted it to be as his woman and not just some hapless waif he’d won in a game.

  “I could use a shower.” Or several. She hoped Viper didn’t need the hot water tonight because she planned to scrub her skin until it was red and the water ran ice cold. Even then, she knew she’d still dream of that man’s hands on her.

  “Come on, Scarlet. I think after the events of tonight, everyone will understand why I need to get out of here. Other than a shower, is there anything you need?”

  She shook her head and stared down at her boots, the only thing that remained of her outfit other than her undies. Scarlet needed more clothes, but she wasn’t going to ask for them. Everything had a price and she wasn’t sure she was ready to pay it, no matter how wonderful his touch felt.

  Viper herded her through the clubhouse and outside to the waiting row of bikes. Moonlight reflected off the chrome and she thought they looked rather beautiful. Viper handed her a helmet and she put it on. As he straddled the bike, she admired the hard lines of his body. His biceps bulged and she knew he could snap her like a twig if he wanted, but he’d been gentle with her so far. She climbed on behind him, wrapping her arms around his trim waist. Viper started the bike and it thrummed between her legs, reminding her there was only a scrap of fabric between her and the seat now that her clothes were gone.

  They zipped out of the parking lot, gravel flying, and took off down the highway. The clubhouse was on the outskirts of town, an agreement the M.C. had made with the local alpha, Gabriel Andrews. Scarlet had picked up a lot about the club just by listening. She was practically invisible, and when she wasn’t, Viper growled at anyone who dared look her way for too long. He was possessive, and yet he didn’t seem to want her. She didn’t know what to make of the big biker.

  Viper lived in a small, two-bedroom bungalow in the heart of town. After he unlocked the door, he went in first, sniffing and checking things out. He never let her enter the house until he was sure it was secure, which she found rather touching. Scarlet handed him her helmet and went straight to her room, snatching her pajamas off the bed and a clean pair of undies out of the drawer, she dashed into the bathroom.

  She scrubbed herself until she thought her skin would bleed and the shower went from steaming the mirror to leaving icicles on the curtain. Scarlet heard the door open and froze, barely breathing as she waited to see what Viper would do.

  “Scarlet, you’ve been in here for over a half hour.”

  “I’m almost done.” Her teeth chattered and she stuttered the words.

  With a curse, Viper jerked open the curtain, making her fold her arms across her body and shrink against the wall. He had every right to look at her, but he’d never seen her naked until now. He scowled as he reached for her, his face fierce and his gaze angry. Viper lifted her out of the shower, then lightly caressed her red skin.

  “Damn, Scarlet. If you’d stayed in any longer, you’d have made yourself bleed.”

  “I’m not clean.”

  His gaze softened. “Darlin’, you’re as clean as you’re going to get. What happened to you…it can’t be erased with soap and water. If you need to talk to someone, I can arrange that. There’s a shrink in town that owes the club a favor. I’m sure she’d see you if you want to go.”

  “To counseling?” Her teeth were still chattering to the point she thought they’d shatter.

  “It’s an option, if you think it will help. I should have offered it the moment I brought you home. I’d imagine you face your share of demons every time you close your eyes.”

  She nodded, but she wasn’t sure if she was nodding because she wanted to go, or just to acknowledge his offer. Talking about what happened to her was a frightening thought, but maybe if she shared some of it with someone, then perhaps she could begin to heal.

  Chapter Two

  Viper tossed back a shot of whiskey and stared at the closed door down the hall. He’d finally gotten Scarlet out of the shower, dried off, dressed, and tucked into bed. She’d been so damn cold from the icy water in the shower that she’d shivered the entire time. His offer of counseling, while out of character, had been genuine. It bothered him that he cared so much what happened to Scarlet. He’d been different since he’d brought her home though, and his brothers were starting to notice. He’d taken a few willing women up against the wall in the bathroom, or let one suck him off under the table, but he hadn’t been able to enjoy it. When it was over, he felt like he’d betrayed Scarlet, which was fucking ridiculous. They didn’t have a relationship! He owned her ass and that was all. If he told her to fuck ever member of the M.C., she’d have no choice but to do it.

  His wolf growled at the thought of someone touching their woman. Whoa! Holy fuck! No way in hell was she their woman. His wolf had been chomping at the bit to take Scarlet to their bed, acted damn near possessive of her when other males were around, and it was starting to freak Viper the fuck out. He could lock the house up, set the alarm. She’d be safe. Then he could hightail it back to the clubhouse and get all the pussy he wanted.

  Viper threw back another shot and slammed the glass down. Standing tall, he marched down the hall, threw open Scarlet’s door and sought her form in the dark. She flicked on the lamp and blinked at him with wide eyes.

  “I’m going out. Don’t try to escape because the alarm will be on.” He folded his arms. “My number is programmed into the cell by your bed. But don’t use it unless it’s an emergency, like the house is burning down around your ears or some shit like that. Got it?”

  She nodded.

; Viper stared at her for another moment before slamming her door shut and stalking out of the house, pausing only long enough to set the alarm and lock up. Swinging his leg over his bike, he turned the key and revved the engine. In a squeal of tires and the acrid scent of burnt rubber, he peeled out of the driveway and zipped down the streets toward the clubhouse. There was still a row of bikes out front when he arrived and he parked at the end. It looked like Scorch, Digger, Reaper, and Switch were still around, as well as a few Prospects. From the sound of the music blasting inside, the party girls were still there and things hadn’t slowed down.

  Viper stomped up the steps, shoved open the door, and stepped inside. The smell of cigarettes and liquor hit him as he made his way over to a table. Reaper was kicked back with a party girl hanging on his arm and another unzipping his pants. With a quick nod, Viper claimed an empty chair and scanned the room. Two party girls were hanging out by the bar and he pointed to the buxom blonde, motioning her over. The wiggle in her walk sent her boobs bouncing as she strutted toward him.

  He crooked his finger then pointed to the floor in front of him. She smiled as she dropped to her knees, her hands sliding up and down his denim-clad thighs. He’d seen her around the club a few times. Sasha—that was her name. If he remembered right, she gave pretty good head. Viper didn’t remember fucking her, but he knew she was a favorite. He’d never cared much for fucking the same girl as everyone else in the club, so he usually snagged them when they first walked through the door. There were always new girls, all of them hoping someone would make them an old lady. Fuck if he understood why anyone would make a party girl an old lady though. They were just one step above a whore. Or maybe they were one step below, since they did it for fun and not for payment.

  The rasp of his zipper filled his ears as she eased it down and pulled out his cock. He was still hard from seeing Scarlet in the shower and a bit of pre-cum pooled on the head. She looked at him from beneath her eyelashes and flicked her tongue out, capturing the drop. She rubbed her lips together and gave him a sultry smile before flicking that tongue out again and licking the shaft.


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