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Grim (King's Harlots MC Book 3)

Page 3

by J. M. Walker

  “I don’t want to go to this meeting,” Jay muttered a couple hours later. It was supposed to have been at the club, but Asher had asked for us to show up at his place. So we were all on our way, much to my fiancé’s disapproval.

  “I know you and Meeka need to work through your shit, but we all need to be together on this,” I told her, kissing her knuckles before letting them drop in her lap. “I need you in on this with me.”

  “Why do I have to go? I deal with this shit much better at the club.”

  That sentence bothered me. She didn’t say it was her club, and it hadn’t been the first time. “Jay.”

  She sighed, her shoulders slumping but she wouldn’t meet my gaze.

  “Jay,” I repeated, my voice firm.

  She huffed but finally looked my way.

  Vega messed with her head. And it destroyed me more than her. When she was taken, I lost a part of myself. We both did. Somehow, she came out stronger in the end, and I was the one who became weak.

  I pulled her into my arms, cradling her head against my chest.

  Her back stiffened.

  Holding her at arm’s length, I searched her face.

  When she raised an eyebrow, the hint of emotion that was there seconds before disappeared when the darkness took over.

  Jay pushed out of my hold.

  Giving her the space she needed, I stood back and watched her. But it would be over my dead body before I ever let her deal with this shit on her own.

  Chapter 4


  YOU WOULD THINK AFTER getting my sister back, I would spend every chance I could with her. That I would make sure she was safe or have someone watching her every hour of every day. But I didn’t. Something had changed in her. She became hard, falling into herself until she was trapped. She never talked about what happened during the years she was missing. A part of me didn’t want to know the torture she went through for fear that I would turn into the mere monster we were chasing.

  Violet and I chatted on the phone as often as possible. Texted, emailed, and so on. But things had been uncomfortable. I blamed myself for her disappearance. I knew the only people to blame were the ones who took her, but I should have been there for her. I should have been there like Tyler was there for me. It was the only thing I had been truly thankful for when it came to him.

  “Tyler,” I cried, falling against him. “My sister … Violet …”

  “What happened?” he asked, cupping my cheeks. “Tell me.”

  “She’s … she’s missing,” I sobbed, no longer having the strength to hold back my tears.

  “What do you mean she’s missing?”

  Memories of that God awful day would always have a permanent place on my heart. Tyler was an abusive asshole, but he was also the only person who believed me.

  As if she could hear my thoughts, Violet’s picture showed up on my phone. It had been on silent but having that twin vibe, I didn’t need it to ring to know when she would call.

  “Hey,” I answered.

  Angel took that as his cue to leave the SUV and walk around to my door. Opening it, he reached for my hand.

  I had almost forgot that I wasn’t alone. Sliding my fingers in his, I let him pull me from the vehicle.

  “Hey yourself,” Violet said softly.

  “How are you?” It was the same conversation we had every single day. Small talk. Forced questions. It became robotic and scripted.

  “Good,” she answered automatically. “How are you?”

  “Good,” I repeated. Violet had been brought back to me. It had been weeks since her safe return, but a part of her was still missing. “Listen, Violet. We … I …”

  “I know,” she whispered. “I’m selling my house.”

  Well, that was new. “You are? Why?”

  “Too many bad memories. My therapist suggested it. It’s to help me start over.”

  “What about the apartment?” She had been staying at my place for the past couple of weeks.

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Her breath hitched. “I’m thinking of renting my own place. I found this cute loft that’s affordable. I just … I need to start over.”

  “I understand that but the security Dad set up will keep you safe.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Well, I’m not,” I snapped. “I need to know that you’re safe. I lost you for years. I thought you were fucking dead.”

  “Jay,” her voice shook. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” My hand tightened on the phone. “Just don’t make any rash decisions. Let’s talk about this first,” I suggested, my heart jumping.

  “Okay,” she paused. “I am sorry.”

  “I know, Violet. Life has fucking sucked these past couple of years, and I need you to be happy,” I said as my throat burned. “I need my sister back, but I also need to know that you’re safe.”

  “I know.”

  It was a given that things would be different. She had been taken from me, from us, for years.

  We said our goodbyes, and all I could do was stare at the phone in my hand.

  “Are you okay, princess?” Angel wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

  “No,” I whispered. But I refused to cry. I was sick of this shit. I would help Violet find herself again. I would get back my sister, and I would put an end to the motherfuckers who threatened to destroy the lives of innocent girls.

  “You will get through this.” He cupped my jaw, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip. “I promise you. And I will be here every step of the way.”

  I wasn’t a woman who depended on a man. I never had been and never would be. But with Angel by my side, I felt like the strongest person ever and that I could take on the whole fucking world. He didn’t complete me. He complemented me. We were strong apart but even more powerful when we were together.

  “Remember who you are,” he told me, brushing his mouth over mine. “You’re Genevieve Gold, and you’re the strongest woman I know. I don’t tell you that often. You inspire me, Jay. To be a better man. To be a better fucking person. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for you.”

  His sweet words slid over my skin, piercing me straight in the heart and forcing it to skip several beats. “I’m not strong,” I admitted.

  There was a battle raging inside of me. So many things needed to be said. I wanted to rip off Meeka’s head for keeping Violet from me and for using me as fucking bait. I got in her face once, but it wasn’t enough. She didn’t fight me. I wanted her to fight me. I wanted her to yell back that it was needed. That all of this shit was needed. That there was a reason for all of our mistakes. I needed to hit something. “Angel.”

  “Yeah, princess?”

  “Let’s get this meeting over with. I need to hit something, and I need you.”

  He kissed my head. “You have me. Whatever happens, you will always have me, and I will give you anything that you need.”

  Angel loved me. I knew he felt guilty for not telling me often how he felt about me but I didn’t need him to say the words. He showed it, and that was enough for me.

  He never knew how to love, and now that something had been opened up inside of him, he couldn’t stop the words from leaving his mouth every chance he could.

  When we stepped into Asher’s house, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Meeka was standing with him, talking amongst themselves. He glanced at her with affection in his eyes. Her cheeks would redden. There was something there, and they didn’t even know it yet.

  “You need to talk to her, princess.” Angel brushed his hand down my back. “Before it’s too late.”

  “It’s already too late,” I mumbled, crossing my arms under my chest.

  “You know you want to talk to her.”

  “What am I supposed to say, Angel? Should I tell her how mad I am? She already knows that. Should I tell her that I want to forgive her but I can’t?”

  “You will forgive her,” Angel said gently. “You just nee
d time. I know you two have never been close, but I also know that you need her. Just like you need the other girls.”

  I huffed. “Why do you always have to be right?”

  He chuckled, kissing my head. “I don’t expect you to forget or even to forgive right away but it’s been weeks since Violet was brought back to you.”

  “They used me as bait, Angel. Aren’t you pissed over that?”

  His jaw clenched. “You have no fucking idea.”



  I knew Asher meant well. I knew the situation involving the girls forced everyone to become desperate. We were all driven with the need to save them, and we all had our own personal reasons as to why.

  There was a force behind this operation and whether it was human or the business itself was yet to be determined. Either way, we would end it.

  We had been looking into who was the front runner, the leader, the fucking Master of this shit but all roads led to nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. It was beyond frustrating, and it was putting a wedge in our group. Of course, Vice-One brushed it off like it was nothing but our eyes told all. Especially Coby’s. My brother had been through shit, seen shit, and lived to not talk about it. He was a vault.

  The fact that Asher, a man I trusted, took the woman I loved to bring home her sister forced a rage inside of me I had never felt before. It was consuming, and if I didn’t unleash it soon, it would take over. I knew it. He knew it. Every time he looked at me, I could see the questioning glance of if I would hit him or not. I wanted to. I wanted to drive my fist into his face and demand for him to tell me what the hell he was thinking. But instead, I told him to go undercover to bring Charles Brian down. And I convinced him to bring Meeka into it as well. What did that say about me? I was an asshole. I lived up to that name, but at that moment, I didn’t care.

  “What are you thinking about, Angel?” Jay asked, raising an eyebrow. She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

  “I’m thinking about how much I love you.” I brushed my mouth along hers, igniting a soft purr to leave her lips.

  “Funny.” She pulled back. “Too bad I know you and know that you were thinking about this … about everything.”

  “We’ll talk later.” Because in all honesty, I didn’t want to discuss our shit in front of our friends. I didn’t want anyone knowing that there was a problem. That I was so pissed off I forced my brother into this mess.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Meeka said, approaching us. “Can I talk to you for a second, Jay?”

  “No.” Jay frowned, turning back to me.

  “What the hell was that?” I demanded, my brows narrowing.

  “I’m not ready,” Jay cried.

  “Meeka,” Asher grit out, leaning against the wall. “Come here, hummingbird.” He reached a hand out to her.

  She walked into his outstretched arms, curling against him.

  They talked amongst themselves, with Asher consoling his best friend.

  “What was that, Jay?” I asked, lowering my voice so only she could hear.

  “What, Angel? What do you want me to do?” Her eyes darkened. “I’m not ready. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready.”

  “You need time,” I reminded her, earning a hard glare. I chuckled, cupping her nape, and pulled her against me.

  She sighed. “How come I can’t stay mad at you? You say shit that gets on my nerves because I know you’re right but yet … I’m happy.”

  “I don’t know …” I kissed her head. “Maybe it’s because we’re in love. I’m new at this, Jay. I don’t have much relationship experience but I do know women. And I know you.”

  “Yeah. You do.”

  “Listen, before Asher kicks us out so he can have his way with Meeka, I need to talk to him.”

  “Have his way …? They’re a thing now?” Jay looked behind her over her shoulder. “Huh.”

  “You haven’t noticed the way he looks at her?”

  “Oh, I’ve noticed,” Jay turned back to me. “I just didn’t realize that you have as well.”

  “Practice, baby.” I kissed her hard on the mouth. “All fucking practice.”

  “Whatever you say.” She patted my arm.

  Sass. So much fucking sass.

  I whistled, silencing the room. “I know we haven’t met up in a while. We’re going to change that.” I looked down at Jay. “Right?”

  She rolled her eyes but nodded.

  Not caring in the least who was watching, I cupped her nape in a rough hold. “The next time you roll your eyes at me, I won’t care who is watching. I’ll bend you over my lap, rip down those sexy as sin leather pants, and slap that beautiful ass of yours until you’re begging me to fuck you.”

  A flush of pink caressed her cheeks.

  And that was exactly where I wanted her.



  After we left Asher’s, I couldn’t stop thinking about the chat I had with Meeka.

  “I’m still pissed at you. I probably will be for a while. But I have a boyfriend who loves me and wants me to be happy and not having my sisters at my back makes me very upset.” I raised my hand, stopping Meeka from interrupting me. “I love you. I love all of you. You’re my life, and now Angel is a part of this life as well. You have told me over and over why you did what you did, but I still don’t forgive you. You used me. Even though you brought my sister home to me, you still used me as fucking bait.”

  Meeka nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

  “Have we ever been close, Meeka?” I asked her, staring straight ahead.

  “No,” she replied, automatically. “Why am I in the King’s Harlots?”

  “Because you’re best friends with Brogan.”

  “That shouldn’t matter. That shouldn’t …”

  “What?” I turned to her. “What do you want me to say? That we can be all fine and dandy, go shopping and do each other’s hair after what you did?”

  “I never meant for it to go down that way,” she pleaded with me. “Please believe me.”

  “God, I feel like such a bitch,” I said later that evening, pacing back and forth.

  “You’re not one, though. You try to be but it’s not you.” Angel leaned against the headboard, crossing his arms under his chest.

  “And who made you Mr. Know It All?”

  He raised an eyebrow, challenging me.

  I huffed, opening my dresser drawer. Grabbing a pair of pajamas, I slammed the door closed. “I can’t deal with her right now. I love her, yes. Of course I do. But right now, I can’t stand to be in the same room as her.”

  “That will change,” was all Angel said.

  But it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I wanted him to tell me that everything would be okay, that it was normal for me to feel this way. Even her voice grated on my nerves. Maybe I had been too harsh. Maybe I should have understood. What if I was in the same situation? Would I have done the same thing as her? I didn’t know. I couldn’t know. Meeka was an only child. She didn’t understand the sibling bond. Violet and I were twins. Twins! Our bond was stronger than anyone. But as each day passed, that bond slipped away into nothing. While Violet remained holed up in her house, I spent my time with Angel. He was all I wanted at the moment.

  Chapter 5


  I CRAVED HER SCREAMS. My name leaving Jay’s lips left me open and undone. Skin slapping against skin. Bodies moving as one. Slick and spent. Exhausted and aching. Jay was who I lived for. And fucking her was just an added bonus.

  Her body was made for me. She handled my cock like we had always been connected. I couldn’t get enough of her, and I didn’t want to.

  I loved this woman. So damn much. I would make her my wife, and I would spend the rest of my days showing her just how much she meant to me.

  “Scream for me. Louder. Harder. Open your sweet body to me. Show me how much you want me. You like my marks on your pale body.”

  Words left my mouth of their own ac
cord. Dark. Possessive. Dangerous. And all she did was moan in response.

  Jay liked it when I took what I needed from her, knowing she would get what she craved in return.

  We worked well together. We were made for each other.

  “Angel, please,” she panted. “Fuck me harder.”

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll forget your name.” Sinking my teeth into her shoulder, I held her against me.

  She whimpered, shaking beneath me and unable to move. She couldn’t leave. She was right where I wanted her to be. And I would never let her go.

  An hour later and I was standing in front of the punching bag in my basement. But everything hurt. My dick felt like it was going to fall off but giving Jay the pleasure she craved was well worth it in the end.

  For whatever reason, I couldn’t get enough of her. As each day passed, the sex became more and longer. Not that either of us were complaining but even I knew that we needed to talk. We masked it by fucking hard and often.

  I sighed, landing my fist against the heavy bag in front of me.

  Everything was turning to shit in a hand basket. I had no idea what the fuck was going on, and it was starting to piss me off.


  A hot shiver raced down my back at the smooth feminine voice coming from behind me. My dick jumped. Adjusting myself, I turned slowly.

  Jay caught the movement, her gaze zeroing in on my crotch. “Um …” She coughed, clearing her throat. “The phone is for you.”

  I smirked, closing the distance between us, and took the phone from her hand before capturing her mouth in a hard kiss.

  She sighed, leaning into me.

  Placing another soft peck on her lips, I grumbled at whoever was on the phone. It had better be damn important. “Yeah.”

  “Well, don’t we sound fucking cheery?”

  I frowned. “Who is this?”

  “Your worst nightmare.” The deep voice laughed. “How’s that for a cliché?”

  “If you don’t tell me who this is, I’ll trace your call and find you.” I did not have the patience for this shit.


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