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Breaking Free

Page 2

by Alicia McCalla

  He yanked his hand away. “I’m not interested in what you’re offering.” The flat, emotionless words flew from his mouth.

  Brandon gripped the sides of the sink—trying to grab hold of something real. He looked at his reflection in the mirror above the sink, and his mind went back to Revolution TV … and XJ.

  XJ Patterson, Heather’s step sister, and the granddaughter of Dr. Gary Leonard Kates…. There were so many reasons for him to stay away from XJ. But so many more reasons why he wanted her. For one, she was gorgeous. XJ’s brown skin, curvy shape, and exotic hair turned him on….

  He felt Heather massaging his back. That wouldn’t work today.

  “Don’t you get that I don’t want you?” Brandon gave an exasperated grumble and turned to face her.

  Her heels clicked on the tiled floor, as she shoved her body closer to his. “You’ll want me soon enough. I’m the only one that’s a suitable mate.”

  “Haven’t you looked at the news today?” Brandon growled. “XJ and her mother are in trouble!”

  “You think I care about my stupid, jungle bunny, step sister and her lunatic mother? Please!” She tossed her blond curls and started rubbing him again. “We’re the next GEP power couple. We’re the same mate-designation type. We’re perfect together. You can’t say no.”

  Brandon moved back. “I’d rather go to jail than be your designated mate!”

  Heather went Scarlet O’Crazy. “Brandon, we’ve got to be together!” She crooned and whined in a tone that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. “I’ve already told my friends that you’d escort me to the Miss GEP High School Pageant! It’s televised!”

  Someone knocked on the door.

  Brandon’s jaw tightened. “I’m not gonna be your escort!”

  Heather’s voice cracked, her eyes widened and he saw a tick in the corner of her mouth. “Don’t you understand how important this is to me?”

  His eyes narrowed as they met hers. “I don’t care.”

  “You’re mine!” Heather’s nostrils flared and a growl slipped from her throat. “Can’t you see that?”

  Brandon whipped around to turn his back to her, and Heather stumbled off balance. Concerned knocks assaulted the door. “Is everything okay?” a voice called.

  Brandon raked his hands through his hair. He thought about his mom. Her warm healing smile, caring green eyes and her delicate scent of lavender. And then, the memory he’d repressed flooded him: his mother lying in a pool of blood, and a CAGE officer wiping his k-bar clean.

  Things were different before. He’d agreed to go on the Teen Sensation TV show his father bankrolled before her death. But after her murder, he grew angry because his dad refused to search for his mother’s killer. Everything changed and he no longer wanted the same life.

  He fast forwarded to Heather’s crazed phone calls in the middle of the night, and the constant threats. Before his mother’s murder, Heather was all he wanted.

  Now he wanted to be done with her and his old life.

  Brandon wanted to show the world that he was more than a rich, technopathic GEP brat. He wanted to be more than Todd Miller’s “son.” He wanted to help someone besides himself.

  Above all he wanted to further the Revolution. And he had a plan.

  Brandon gave Heather a nasty grin and shrugged. “You need to take one of your little, white nerve pills. ‘Cause I wouldn’t take you to Burger Palace.”

  Heather shot him a scheming smile. “Don’t! Don’t touch me like that!” She screamed, savagely ripping her form-fitting, hot pink dress. She puckered her lips and blew him a black widow’s loving kiss.

  Furious knocks and bangs assaulted the other side of the door. Brandon sauntered over and unbolted the lock. His father marched in to assess the situation, while Brandon stood back, crossed his arms and scowled.

  He truly despised his father.

  “Son, what’s going on?” Todd looked from him to Heather.

  Brandon hated that he looked so much like his father. He hated Todd’s big shoulders, blue eyes, blond hair and commanding presence. It made him feel good that at six foot four, he towered over his dad, but everything else made him feel inferior and angry.

  Heather hung her head low, and sobbed like a wounded animal. Her mother, Nadia, pushed into the men’s room. Brandon despised her, too. She was a phony and full of it. Brandon folded his arms tighter across his chest, and wrinkled his nose: still frowning.

  “Oh sweetie, what happened? Are you okay?” Nadia’s perfect, blond curls bounced as she turned towards Brandon, and gave him an accusing scowl.

  Brandon pursed his lips and ground his teeth, while Heather spurted out her story. He knew the female brigade would win. No one would listen to him. At least this time, it would turn out in his favor.

  His dad turned around and frowned. “Is this true?”

  Todd could be such a dick sometimes. Would it hurt him to take my side, just once?

  Brandon narrowed his eyes. “Of course it’s not true! But what does it matter? You’ve decided that she’s telling the truth! Never mind that she tried to rape me!”

  “That’s enough!” Todd waved his arms, already losing composure. Brandon chuckled inwardly. At least his father, the GEP Television Mogul, was showing some guts.

  Brandon saw Nadia’s face flush. Her expression was unreadable as she pulled Heather’s crying face closer, “She’s like three-fourths your size! I can’t believe you’d say such things about my daughter!”

  Heather lifted her face. It was tracked with lying tears and her eyes told a fake tale. Brandon smirked.

  His dad turned with unexpected ferocity. “I can’t believe you’d do something like this!”

  Brandon squared his shoulders and hit his fist into his hand. “I told you the truth! She tried to hurt me!”

  Witness’s eyes peered greedily through the door of the bathroom. This little squabble had the potential to make it on gossip news. Bad press was a bad idea for the owner of GEP TV.

  Brandon watched Todd shrink back and fold his arms. “Let’s not discuss this now. I’ve got business to take care of.”

  His father had no balls when his media flunkies were around. Brandon turned his back on him, dismissing him. “That’s fine dad. I’ve got business, too.”

  Brandon forced his way through Todd’s media butt kissers, and headed towards the elevator.

  He relaxed his shoulders. His plan to escape worked. On the way out the door, he saw Heather as she glanced up through her manipulative tears. Brandon gave her a “cat that ate the canary” smile, and boarded the elevator.

  In the garage he leapt into his convertible red and black Mustang. He relaxed back into the bucket-control seat, and used his technopathic ability to meld with his baby. The car shot off.

  He patted the console. He had everything he needed to broadcast an episode of Revolution TV. He hoped he could convince XJ to tell her family’s story. But more than that, he hoped that he could get close enough to her so she’d be his girlfriend.

  He swore under his breath that he wouldn’t be a slave to the network, like his dad. I’m gonna tell people the truth about CAGE and the GEP Revolution.

  Chapter 3

  “This is Brandon Miller, your hardworking reporter. I’m here at the home of Revolutionary Dorothy Kates-Patterson, where there’s a showdown between her and CAGE. Does CAGE really need 20 officers to take down one woman? It’s insane! More details to follow!”

  —Breaking news, Revolution TV

  Hide, sweetie, hide! She heard her mother inside her head.

  No. I want to help! XJ pulled out her gun. She was ready to shoot.

  Her mother’s power heated the gun metal and she dropped it.

  Not yet. Soon. Her mom said telepathically. You’ll accomplish nothing if you get in this battle. Hide!

  XJ tried to send her mother another message but the link closed. She grappled with her confused anxiety. She found a small section of short trees and kneeled down to peer throug
h an opening. The fight moved back and forth like a tennis match. The water-ability officers closed in with a mixture of hail, ice and salt water to combat the electric fire streaming from her mother’s fingers.

  As the officers drew closer, her mother took another one down. XJ wondered how long her mom could hold on. The odds felt impossible. She inched closer and stuck her head further out. One of the officers saw her and moved with lightening speed.

  She froze with terror. She heard her mother screaming, but all her awareness was focused on the face of death. Finally, her survival instincts kicked-in and she took off running—scratching and scrubbing her legs on the bush. She turned back to look for her mother.

  Red and blue, electric fire balls flew from her mother’s hands in frenzied motion. Her mother was trying to save her.

  XJ slid and squeezed underneath a large, downed tree into what she thought was a safe place. The officer stopped, his face still. He seemed to be participating in a hive-like telepathic communication. She rolled flat on her belly into a prone position. She tried to focus her telekinetic ability like a sniper rifle, but nothing happened.

  Her power was spent.

  The young woman breathed slowly, trying to figure out what to do. Her mother had told her to hide and now she had exposed both of them! She felt stupid. He shifted his legs and headed for her.

  XJ rolled out and dashed to the opposite side of her house. If she could make it into the neighbor’s yard, she’d get away. Her legs pumped harder. As she reached the clearing a cold caress from the officer’s water ability rushed up her leg and dragged her down.

  She fell—shaking from the biting cold. The arctic frost inched up her thighs. She faintly heard her mother screaming as the frozen, cold water spread over her.

  Her teeth chattered. She looked up at the pale, white CAGE officer. “I—Is T—T—his H—H—ow Y—Y—ou G—G—Get your kicks from freez—zing a k—k—id?”

  The CAGE officer smiled a nightmarish grin, as the icy water continued to drown her shirt and jeans.

  XJ’s body convulsed. Her skin turned a chilly, midnight shade of blue. Hypothermia loomed. She’d lost feeling in her legs and arms. And she was scared. She turned her head to see her mother still furiously fighting.

  A voice over a loud speaker said, “Stand down Dorothy Kates-Patterson or we will freeze your offspring to death!”

  XJ whispered frosty breath, “Bastards…!” before the unmanageable cold forced her insides to do the shakes. Her eyes froze shut. She’d let her mother down and now she was going to die a frozen mess.

  Suddenly, her body warmed. Her eyes popped back open and she saw blue fire shoot from each of her mother’s hands: one to warm her and the other to scorch the backs of the officers. Her mother had called forth a maternal wrath that sent charred flesh flying. Soon, no one stood in her mother’s path. Once Dorothy saw that XJ was warm and safe, she collapsed.

  XJ’s body was thawing and moving slowly. She yelled within her mind. Mom, get up! Get up!

  She realized that there were more CAGE officers coming to finish them. In a moment of clarity, her eyes met her mother’s.

  Her mom mouthed, I love you. And then she turned into an electric, fire bomb that seared everything except XJ.

  Panicked, she rolled over still sluggish. Her mind readjusted. Nothing moved including her mother. Silence ensued. Seared and singed bodies lay motionless in the yard. The smell made her sick, but she was more worried about her mother. She crawled to her mother and tried to get up. Her body was still weak.

  She crashed back to the ground. She had to get to her Mom! That’s when she heard someone screaming and realized it was her own voice. “Mom! Mom! Answer me!”

  XJ squeezed her eyes shut. Tears flowed down her cheeks. Her teeth ground into her bottom lip. A strong metallic taste filled her mouth. Her stomach lurched. She opened her eyes to the backyard battle zone. She knew that she should feel pain, but her mind was focused on her mother’s still form. She tried to stand, dizziness smashed her back to her knees. But she would not be deterred.

  She stood with strength of mind, and walked towards her mother.

  Male arms engulfed her and pulled her back.

  “No!” Her voice sounded foreign, hoarse. “I’ve got to get to my mom!” She tried to push pass the soft barrier. Her face found his chest…. He smelled good. She let his warmth soothe her.

  His muffled voice consoled her, “It’s too dangerous. CAGE is everywhere. Let’s get you out of here. Your mother wouldn’t want you in the middle of this.”

  Slowly, XJ’s sanity crept back to her. With her eyes closed, she took a deep breath. She heard mechanical swoosh and thumping noises moving closer … and closer.

  What the heck is that?

  XJ’s eyes popped open, and she whipped her head around when she realized what it was. She watched as a pack of CAGE officers funneled down from a black helicopter. Her stomach tensed. She tried to pull away from the strong arms and run to her mom but he held her. His strong arms covered and protected her from the scene.

  But she could still peek through. The CAGE officers pulled out black handguns and opened fire on her mother’s still form. She couldn’t catch her breath.

  Her eyes widened and she screamed, “Oh God! They’re killing her!” XJ collapsed into his arms … deep, heavy sobs followed.

  “It’s just tranqs.” The voice soothed her. “They’ve only tranquilized her.”

  Her mind stilled and her mother’s faded whisper telepathically filled her mind. I love you. Don’t worry about my sacrifice. Focus on your mission. Free GEPs forever.

  The link snapped shut.

  XJ closed her eyes and her body relaxed against the man. She heard tires crunch on the gravel up her driveway and come to a squeaky stop. Her eyes opened again and a large, black vehicle blocked her view.

  She took off and this time almost reached her mother, but stumbled and skidded down on the ground.

  The male arms pulled her back up, hugging her from behind. “No! It’s too dangerous!”

  Spent, XJ watched as CAGE officers dispassionately threw her mother’s fallen form into the backseat of the vehicle. Her shoulders slumped and broke down again.

  The gentle arms held her tight while she sobbed.

  Chapter 4

  “This is Blake Cooper, reporting from the home of Dorothy Kates-Patterson. It appears that CAGE has pulled no stops in subduing her! This is a battle zone!”

  —Breaking News, GEP Network News

  Brandon held XJ close. He stroked her braided hair. The texture and consistency felt different from his, but he liked it. He liked her brown skin too.

  “Shh … It’s okay. I’m so sorry.” He could sense her vulnerability and his heart went out to her. Something deep inside wanted to protect her—to care for her; to make sure she was alright.

  XJ seemed defenseless—helpless—as he rocked them both back and forth. He realized that she was a couple of inches shorter than him and fit comfortably in his arms. He took a deep breath and smelled the soft scent of strawberries.

  Tenderness and empathy washed over him. He had no idea how he would help her, but he would find a way. Her sobs subsided and he gazed into her eyes. Deep compassion and heartfelt warmth flowed between them.

  “Brandon? Brandon Miller?” XJ pulled out of his embrace.

  He lost his ability to speak for a moment. He knew he’d come to see about her. Since the summer, he’d come to love XJ more and more. But he knew he messed up and he wanted to fix it.

  He couldn’t tell her that. “I—I was coming to see if you needed help….” He stuttered. He wanted to touch her hand and pull her back into the embrace.

  “I don’t need any help from you.” XJ crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. Although she was only a few inches away, it seemed like a wall was erecting between them. Brandon didn’t want that.

  He cleared his throat. “Well, I finally started Revolution TV and I came to get the story. But when I saw….”

  “You’re here to get a story?” He could see the hurt on XJ’s face.

  He wanted to tell her that he was here for her; that he was sorry about what happened before. He wanted to tell her that he’d made a mistake, choosing Heather over her. But now it seemed too late.

  “I just thought that I could get the exclusive and….” Brandon’s heart pumped faster. He was losing her, again! How could he be so stupid? He just wanted to get closer to her.

  “Are you kidding me?” XJ blew out her breath and pointed her finger at him. “You just don’t change do you? Always concerned about what’s in your best interest!”

  “I just wanna help…. Let me use my influence to help you.” He reached out to touch her face.

  XJ dodged his touch and moved back. “Don’t you ever get tired of using your dad’s money and power for your own benefit? Don’t you get tired of trying to use other people for your own purposes?”

  Brandon saw a camera flash in his peripheral vision. This would be all over the news. His stomach somersaulted. Should he care? A match between him and XJ was illegal. But he knew other GEP’s dated outside of their mate-designation type all the time.

  I wanna tell her it doesn’t matter, but it does! He shouldn’t be seen with her in public until he could figure out how to use Revolution TV to change this.

  XJ continued to let him have it. “I just watched my mother almost die! What do you really want?”

  “I just want to work with you to tell your story on Revolution TV. I think I can help change perceptions and put pressure on the government to….”

  “You’re asking me if I’ll be your paparazzi gossip for the day?” XJ waved her hands in fury. “How dare you try to use me like that!”

  Reporters started to fill out along the tree line and cameras flashed like crazy. This wasn’t going the way Brandon planned at all.

  He lowered his voice. “I know that we had some issues. I was thinking that we could join together and….”


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