Book Read Free

Breaking Free

Page 13

by Alicia McCalla

  He found himself wishing again that he could take XJ to the pageant. But with everything going on and Heather being able to make CAGE abduct XJ, it was better for him to humor Heather and keep XJ safe.

  He’d just about made it to his car when he heard Heather’s crazy, crooning voice behind him. “Brandon! Wait up, dear! Brandon!”

  He’d thought he’d dodged the stalker’s bullet for the day. He groaned but kept his fast-paced walk. He wanted to get back to XJ. He was worried about her staying alone all night. So he’d decided to park outside her house, and watch from his car. He was so engrossed in his thoughts, that he didn’t notice that Heather had caught up to him.

  Is she talking? She’s like a giant tick.

  “Brandon! Stop!” Heather’s voice ground into his nerves. He shook her off.

  His phone sung. He flipped it and saw the text from XJ. She had new information. Good. He’d zeroed in on his car.

  “Stop! Or I’ll make you suffer!” She sounded serious.

  Brandon sighed deeply, and stopped. How can I get rid of her? He wondered if he could ignore her away. “What do you want Heather? I did what you asked,” he said, not hiding his intense aggravation.

  Heather snatched his phone. Before she flipped it, he used his technopathic abilities to block the screen; so she wouldn’t be able to see.

  “Who’s calling you?” Heather stammered, mad.

  Her hands are really, really shaking. Weird? Is she like on drugs? Brandon snatched his phone back. “Doesn’t matter.”

  Heather looked like she wanted to bite him. ”You will tell me. We’re together and you will respect me.”

  Brandon chuckled. What was she talking about? This chick was insane but he’d play along for XJ’s sake. “We have an arrangement that I’m honoring.”

  He saw the realization slide across her evil eyes. Her composure switched. She straightened her back, like a rattlesnake about to strike.

  “You’re right. We have an arrangement.” He could tell there was more behind her words. His phone sung again. He flipped it open. It was Brockman. Brandon began to text back when he noticed Heather’s glare.

  She pointed her finger at his face with an evil grin. “You have been receiving my calls and texts. But you’ve been ignoring me.”

  Duh. Brandon thought. “I’ve done everything you asked.” He said with casual detachment.

  She cleared her throat and walked closer to him. This didn’t feel right. He backed up.

  “When I call or text you, you will respond immediately. Or things will get very ugly for you and your little jungle bunny.”

  Yadda Yadda. He’d heard her threats before. But something about her was different this time. She seemed ramped up on something. What was it? He decided to wait. Let her finish her rant.

  “I’m thinking that I know something, Brandon.” She started singing her words in a creeped up tune. “It seems that you need more incentive to make me a priority.”

  Brandon stood up straighter. She’s trying to punk me!

  Heather continued singing her question. “Wouldn’t you like to know what I know about your mom?”

  She twirled around him like an evil princess, but her question stung deep. What did she know? She had his attention. He stood stock still, as Heather pranced around and played with his hair.

  “Do you know that I have access to all the information about you and your family?”

  Brandon’s stomach lurched. He pretended to be calm. “Tell me. What do you know about my mother’s murder?”

  He died inside by letting her manipulate him, but he needed to know. He’d tried so many times to hack CAGE’s firewall but always came up empty.

  Heather gave him her faux princess smile. “Will you do what I want? Will you be mine, again? Will you treat me the way you used to?”

  Brandon hesitated. He had to know. But he didn’t want to be any closer to her or cut any more deals. How long could he play with her? He could never treat her like he used to. His heart belonged to XJ now. But he needed the information about his mom. He needed to know to free his soul.

  “If the information is worth it. Maybe….” He felt like he was making a deal with the devil’s daughter.

  Heather smiled and grabbed his hand. She danced him back inside the mall.

  “Looks like we’ll be having dinner.”

  Brandon ground his heels and stopped. “Oh no! You haven’t given me anything to make me want to have dinner with you. I only have fake innuendos. How do I know that you know anything?”

  Heather smiled again. This time she looked like a pink princess with snake fangs.

  “You’ve been hacking the firewall for years—trying to get in and when you do—you can’t find anything. CAGE knows what you can do. I read the file. I can get it for you, but only if you play REALLY nice with me.”

  She stood up on her toes and gave him a sickening smooch on the lips. “Play with me, Brandon. I have everything you need.”

  He dug his fingernails into his palms. He needed the information about his mom. But he knew that he was falling for XJ. Could he play with the pink princess long enough to get what he needed? Would this ruin his relationship with XJ? It was a chance that he’d have to take.

  Resigned, he said, “Let’s get dinner.”

  Chapter 32

  “These experimental drugs are unstable, but have been shown to boost GEP abilities by leaps and bounds. I’m not sure, though, if there’s burn out or burn up for the GEP.”

  —Dr. Winfred Robinson, CAGE Medical Team

  Heather’s hands trembled, while she and Brandon walked to the food court. She made a quick move and locked arms with him so he wouldn’t notice. Now was not the time for her to come unglued. Finally, she had what she wanted. Touching him made her feel calm.

  I have my target … I mean my man, close.

  Her body relaxed and the hunter receded. She felt normal. She smiled. The disturbing images subsided. Being near Brandon helped her mind to knit or bond. He adored her. He just needed an incentive to get him back on track.

  God, he’s gorgeous and he belongs to me. I wouldn’t let that XJ steal his affection.

  “I’d love it if we could eat at Panini. It’s my favorite restaurant.” Heather rubbed her wobbly hand down Brandon’s back. She bit her bottom lip. She wanted to smack herself. How could she stop this shaking? Instead, she smiled wider and pushed her breasts out.

  Would one of my white pills help? But, she couldn’t take one in front of Brandon. She wanted a kiss.

  Her eyes went red. In a fast move, she pulled his face towards hers and put a wet, sloppy kiss on his cheek. His cheek? That’s not what she wanted. She could sense his anger. He’d turned his face.

  “Stop playing. What do you know?” Brandon could be so rude. He knew he wanted her. He knew he needed her. Why was he pushing her off? The distance made it hard for her to get her thoughts right. She needed to touch him. But he held her hands back. Would he notice the shaking?

  “Don’t rush me.” Heather fought back real tears. She needed him. Couldn’t he see? Her world became unhinged. Her neck tensed. She wet her lips, but found it hard to keep her emotions under control. She had to keep him. She made a plan.

  “I’ll sit over there while you get me my favorite smoothie. You do remember what I like?” Heather tried to make her tone steady.

  Had Brandon smiled? Heather knew he still loved her. He remembered.

  “Can you have them add extra protein powder?” She said in a syrup voice.

  Brandon was gone and her mind went wild. She needed to touch him. Her hunter-self could not be controlled. She sat back in the chair, trembling, sweating. Her hands were uncontrollable. She ransacked her purse and dug out her pills. She popped ten of them. She didn’t need water.

  Her body relaxed, a little. But it seemed like the pills only worked part of the time. Her abilities were growing so quickly. She felt like she was on the edge of burn-out. Memories streamed through her mind. Had so
meone given her a shot? She couldn’t remember and then those sweet lips crashed back. She heard another voice inside her head, but it was faint, small, whisper.

  “Let me out.” Heather leaned forward and grabbed her head.

  She wanted to scream. She wanted to yell, but her honey was walking up. Her abilities subsided. She needed to touch him. He was so sexy. Heather loved the way he walked. Her toes curled. She felt overjoyed. She’d won him back. He did want her. He did love her. He did care about her.

  She couldn’t control the excitement in her voice, “Thank you, lover.” She lifted up so he could give her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Here.” Brandon shoved the cup in her face. He seemed to have forgotten her little kiss. He’d remember soon.

  “What do you know, Heather? I’m on a schedule.” Was he irritated with her? She couldn’t believe it. He had to love her.

  “What?” Heather’s mind was still fuzzy. She hoped her pills would kick in.

  “Stop screwing with me! What do you know about my mom’s murder?” Brandon seemed to be gritting his teeth. Heather couldn’t understand why he seemed so angry. This used to be their favorite spot. They’d had so much fun here. He was making this date uncomfortable.

  “Calm down, lover.” Heather took the time to relish her smoothie and look deep into Brandon’s eyes.

  His voice was an angry, pleading whisper, “Heather, what do you know?”

  “Gosh. I know a lot.” Heather continued with a lover’s banter. “But I won’t tell you unless you agree to my conditions.”

  She watched Brandon plop down into the nearest seat, sit back and fold his arms. “What do you want?”

  That was more like it. She had his undivided attention. She loved how he focused on her. She loved how he made her the center of his universe. She loved how he gave her the attention she deserved.

  She straightened her back to lift up her breasts higher. She knew how much he loved them. Then she swung her hair back and gave him a pose that would bring him to his knees with undying love. It felt so good to be confident and together.

  “If you want my information, you’ll have to be my boyfriend again.” She said in the happiest, most loving tone she’d ever had. Her heart pumped with excitement. She’d get her man back and everything would be wonderful again. She’d be back at the top of the food chain. Her abilities snapped inside her mind.

  Here it comes! She thought. He’s mine again!

  Brandon leaned closer to her and looked into her eyes. Did she see love?

  “Let me think about it.” She watched Brandon scrape and scoot his chair back then walk away. He did it so fast, she didn’t have time to say something back. He’d be back. No way he didn’t love her. He’d be back begging for what she had. She knew it. But what if he didn’t come back? She had to convince him.

  Her mind tumbled. The further he walked away, the less she could control her hunter abilities. He couldn’t get away. He was her anchor. Heather leapt up from her seat and chased him down. He had to be hers and that was all to it. She had something that would make him belong to her.

  “Brandon!” She yelled. She’d do anything to make him love her. Anything.

  Chapter 33

  “Do you really want to know what’s hidden?”

  —John Brockman

  Brandon stormed down the walkway. He felt conflicted, angry, upset. Did Heather really have any information about his mother’s murder or was she just playing him? He heard her voice screech behind him, but he kept walking faster. The wound from his mother’s death struck him hard.

  Heather playing me like this just pisses me off!

  She caught him as he was headed out the back corridor. It was just him and her in the secluded hallway. He should keep walking. But what if she knew something for real? He’d been hacking into CAGE for two years trying to find something. Was what she knew worth it? He tried to keep cool.

  “I know you’ll want what I have.” Heather said breathless. “I’ll give you a little and share more with you but only if you’ll agree to be mine.”

  Is she pushing up on me again? Brandon couldn’t stand her. He clenched his jaw. He was sick of her manipulation.

  He looked her up and down. “You don’t have anything. If you did, then you’d have already used it.” He pushed away and continued his marathon walk down the corridor.

  “Wait!” She grabbed his sleeve and held him back. “I can prove it.” She pulled out her cell phone and scrolled down to the document.

  “I won’t insult you with something minor. But I won’t give you everything until you agree to be my boyfriend again.” Her voice was breathless.

  “Use your ability to tap into my phone, and check the authenticity of this memo.” Heather was trying really hard to convince him. He hesitated.

  I should walk away.

  Instead, he closed his eyes and hacked into her phone. He raided everything that he could and stored it in his memory. He found the document. It said:


  To: XXX

  From: CAGE Cleaner Patrol

  RE: Control Todd Miller by using deadly force against his mate.

  It has come to our attention, that Mr. Miller has repeatedly refused to comply with our direct order to add subliminal messages to GEP Network, to enhance our control over the GEP population. We’ve tried many tactics to encourage him to comply. All have failed. He must understand the seriousness of his decision not to comply. Herein are your orders. Create a special task force to eradicate his mate. And leave a calling card that his offspring will be next, if he continues further resistance. Make sure that this is done in secrecy, and cannot be traced back to CAGE.

  Brandon’s whole body lurched. He felt sick. The memory of his mother’s murder overtook him. He saw everything clearly. To think that she was murdered because of that stupid GEP network!

  He was conflicted too. His dad had taken a stand and look what it cost him. He had to know more. Who had the cleaner patrol sent this to? He had to expose CAGE for what it was. He needed the rest of the information from Heather.

  He gave Heather her phone and looked deep into her eyes. “Are there more like this?”

  Heather smiled and rubbed his arm. “Oh, yes. There’s a whole paper trail. But I won’t give it to you unless you become mine.”

  He had to have that information, but he felt something deep with XJ and he wanted to help XJ save her mom.

  Can I do both? He thought. “I need the information sooner. If you can give me more within the next couple of days. I’ll be your boyfriend.”

  He could see joy ripple through Heather. What had he just done? Would he still be able to help XJ?

  “Oh, I have more, boyfriend. I won’t give it to you until I’m ready. But first, give me a kiss like you mean it.”

  Brandon narrowed his eyes and his body shifted. He felt the revulsion. He didn’t want Heather. He didn’t love Heather. He didn’t care for Heather. She had what he needed, so he bent down and envisioned XJ’s face. He kissed her as if his life depended on it.

  He wondered how he’d be able to get out of this and get back to the love of his life. How would he explain this to XJ?

  Chapter 34

  “Things are not always as they seem but with GEPs you might see something that’s unreal and believe it.”

  —Xavier Patterson

  XJ skidded into the parking lot. She found a spot and pulled in easy. She loved to drive. She pulled the rear view mirror down and poked her new face. The flesh looked real enough.

  Grandfather does good work. This would fool anyone.

  XJ pushed her new body out of the car. Her breath rasped. She couldn’t seem to catch it. This extra weight is insane.

  She couldn’t wait until the effects wore off. Huffing and puffing, she made it inside the mall. The air conditioner hit her face and the coolness soothed her.

  Inside the mall, XJ felt odd. Her body was filled with new sensations. Awkward. Uncomfortable. Bloated … and oth
er feelings passed though her. She swallowed and gulped a huge breath. She could do this. But she had to get rid of the idea that she was a 17 year old, trapped in the body of a 40 year old woman—if she wanted to fool anyone.

  As she rounded the corner, she bumped into a white couple by the movie theater. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bump….” The words caught in XJ’s throat. It was Brandon and Heather!

  Brandon spoke to her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you, ma’am.”

  She leaned back with a dumb expression. The words stuck, but came, finally, “Brandon? Brandon Miller?”

  Her voice sounded odd to her. It was deeper, different.

  Brandon looked at her strange. “Yes, ma’am. Aren’t you the social worker at my high school? Um, Mrs. Chesimard?”

  XJ composed herself. She realized that she was in disguise. She’d have to play this game, but she was mad.

  “Yes. Yes. I am.” She gave a fake smile. She really wanted to punch him or cry. How could he do this to her? Her neck tensed and her lips trembled. She clenched her fists as she watched Brandon holding Heather with care. He seemed content, but she could see his discomfort. Maybe it was because he’d just bumped into an adult.

  “Is this your girlfriend?” She held her fake composure.

  Heather smiled at her with the happiest, most content grin. “Yes, he is, Mrs. Chesimard. We’re the same mate-designation type, and we’re going to get married someday soon.”

  Oh, how she hated her step sister! XJ’s heart pumped fast. The betrayal hit her head. Had Brandon been playing her this whole time? She thought back to that summer wedding with the three of them. How Brandon chose Heather over her. The pain of it still stung. The mate-designation type all over again. She hated it.

  She wanted to scream but she folded her arms together as she watched Heather give Brandon a kiss on the neck.

  Her stomach turned over. Disgusted, she watched Brandon stand there mute with a stupid half-smile on his face. What was he playing? She wanted to use her telekinetic abilities on them both. Maybe she could throw them across the mall like rag-dolls.


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