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Choosing His Virgin (Club Lush Book 7)

Page 4

by Jamie Knight

  Struck by fear, I started to run. Not sure where I was going but knowing I had to get away from them. They gave chase though, catching up to me quickly.

  “We’re getting modeling contracts after this because he can’t see us,” Diana’s side-kick Victoria Beecham, “if you don’t want us to hound you after this you’d better keep your mouth shut if he asks.”

  “Now let’s fill those wet little holes,” another one smiled.

  I was terrified and helpless as they dragged me away. I could hear Kendra looking for me but was unable to speak. They got me into a bathroom and pushed me over the sink holding me down. The spanks come hard and fast. I want to cry but refuse to give them the satisfaction.

  “We’re going to fill up your wet pussy and little fucking asshole with anything and everything we can find,” Victoria sneered.

  They start with the handle on the plunger, trying to get it up my ass as other girls tried and shove a shampoo bottle up my pussy. I remembered that Darren said he had cameras in all the playrooms and hoped he was one of those rich guys who had cameras in every room. I wondered why he hadn’t seen anything or sent someone to help me. I got a queasy feeling like something bad has happened to him.

  “Lantern,” I whispered, gritting my teeth through the pain.


  Diana looked at one of the monitors, keeping what she saw there from him but smiles like a hyena.

  “You’re going to regret not giving me a contract.”

  “Why is that? You’d better not do anything to her, or I’ll have you arrested for everything you’ve already done. I don’t give a shit about my reputation, I only care about her. You obviously only came to get my money.”

  “Fine,” she said, but not before ripping out the disc for the bathroom and crushing it, “this isn’t over.”

  It was almost cute. Not least because there were two cameras in the bathroom, the other of which was recording fine.

  Chapter Twelve


  I’ve never been in more pain. They didn’t succeed in getting the things inside me, but it still hurts a lot and makes me afraid of what might happen next. Instinct kicked in and I managed to scratch two of the ones who were holding me down. Breaking free, I threw some punches, bloodying some noses, the time saying only one thing.


  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  I want to say it's my safe word, but I barely duck another attempt for them to grab me. One of them already holding a curling iron.

  “It’s not fair that you fell in love with a sick rich guy. We’re going to get lots of money out of him.”

  “I won’t let that happen. I’m a witness and my body is evidence as to how selfish and violent you are. The tabloids are going to love this and you’re going to need all your money for bail.”

  I ran from the bathroom with the enraged mob following me, suddenly even madder than before. Getting to the main hall from the bathroom, I limped as fast as I could toward the main room.

  Kendra was back with food and drink. The latter of which was in glass bottles.

  There was a gross crunch as one of the bottles ruined Victoria’s nose job. I hid behind Kendra as she smashed a second bottle on the edge of the table in front of the couch.

  “Fuck. Off,” Kendra intoned, all the fires of hell burning in her eyes.

  The gang scampered, not wanting to risk getting stabbed. Even with a broken bottle. Something Kendra looked more than willing to do. Only adding irony to what she said next.

  “We have to get out of here before someone gets killed by these crazy bitches.”

  I was still worried about Darren and what might be happening to him. Kendra won’t hear it. Making me leave my purse behind, not to mention our clothes. She grabbed two long coats from near the front for us to wrap ourselves in on the way out.

  The cold night air hit hard. Filling my lungs and making me feel reinvigorated. We start to run toward the gate. We moved as fast as I could, but it still wasn’t enough. Kendra saw her first. I couldn’t fathom where Diana would get a wedding cake knife but there she was, coming right for us.

  “You shouldn’t even be here! Neither of you belong but Darren has fallen for you, he’s protecting you but you’re nothing but a whore.”

  I knew I never should have gone to that party. I wouldn’t have gone at all were it not for my students. As bad as the situation was it could have been them in it and that would have been even worse. To think I’d worried about Darren being a dangerous criminal.


  I moved like a man possessed trying to get to the bathroom. Though when I got there it was empty. I went to the main playroom and found Diana’s acolytes having a great time. Though I couldn’t see Simone or her friend anywhere.

  “We decided we’d like the contracts written up now,” the Diana’s second in command said, “we want them done before everybody leaves.”

  “Not right now,” I said.

  I ran in the direction of the screaming and burst in the door just in time to see Diana stalking toward Simone and her friend with a knife.

  Chapter Thirteen


  She was slashing wildly. Diana’s firm, naked body looking like a wraith in the moonlight. It was mostly a matter of luck that it hadn’t hit either of us yet. Diana is really out for blood, and we are barely getting out of the way in time, though we kept tripping up.

  “My husband left me because of parties like this. He got addicted to all this kinky shit and porn because of Darren. I wanted nothing more than to marry him and then destroy him. Though I guess I’ll have to settle for destroying you since he loves you so fucking much.”

  She lunged again when I wasn’t ready for it and the point of the knife went into my shoulder.

  I couldn’t really feel anything. My body must have gone into shock. I hobbled back, the point coming up out of my shoulder. I was vaguely aware of Kendra trying to grab her, only getting a knife in the belly for her trouble. I could hear Diana laughing, like she was getting off on the carnage. I wished I could have done more. To help Kendra, to end the situation but I felt the strength going out of me.

  As I went down to my knees, I could have sworn I heard Darren calling my name.


  I was driven by blind terror. Burning in me like the coal of a locomotive. Simone was screaming as Diana stood over her. It took a second before I saw it. The drip coming off the tip of the knife. Blood. Diana had the knife raised, ready to stab Simone in the back.

  Simone’s friend grabbed Diana’s ankle as I slammed into her side, sanding the crazy, stabby bitch flying.

  “Get away from her you crazy cunt.”

  The voice sounded like mine though I didn’t feel my mouth moving. The sound seeming fairly distant. I was on top of Diana, holding her down as she thrashed and screamed. At least I assumed she was screaming. Her mouth looked like it. I wish I’d noticed she still had the knife.

  The bleeding wasn’t too bad. I had seen the strike coming and dodged as well as I could, the blade going into my shoulder instead of my heart. The pain reduced to a dull throb by the adrenaline already coursing through me. Simone’s friend hadn’t been so lucky, looking like she had a pretty nasty gut wound.

  “I’m going to ruin you,” I heard someone say, “for ruining my life, running my husband!”

  It was then and only then that I realized what she was on about. That was why I remembered her. Not her tabloid appearances or her repeated attempts to get into my party, though that certainly helped. She was the former wife of Archer Grayson. A major magazine publisher I used to play golf with. It caused a sensation at the time. Mostly because Grayson was 39 and Diana was barely in adulthood at 20. I hadn’t seen I’m in a few years. Not since he married an even younger trophy wife and moved permanently to Hawaii. I should have recognized her immediately and called detective Rios as soon as I saw her at my gate.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Simone />
  It came out of nowhere. Tearing its way up out of my guts and though my mouth. A banshee scream of panic and sadness at everything that’s happened. One followed by a burst of energy out of stores I didn’t even know I had.

  Despite everything. The pain of all my injuries and the spinning in my head, I sprang up and ran back toward the house. I remembered seeing my purse near the stairs as Kendra ushered me out. Kendra! I really hoped she wasn’t dead. The sound had been horrible when the knife went in. Through she was still trying to protect me as Darren came out. It played back through my memory like a blurry slide show.

  My fingers shook as I dialed the number. I didn’t want to stay where I was, Diana’s minions a few feet away in the main room. I also knew I couldn’t be outside, a much as I wanted to be. It was too dangerous.

  Thinking quickly, I went to the stairs, working my way up to the second floor before my gas ran out and I slumped against the wall on the upstairs landing.

  “911,” said the starkly chipped operator.

  “I need the police and an ambulance right away. Someone’s been stabbed and-”

  I had to take a breath, the pain in my shoulder starting to rage with a vengeance. I breathed slowly and told the operator my name and where we were. I had to stay on the line even after I made the call. My head and my body very much disagreeing about the best course of action.

  My head was making a compelling argument for going back out there, grabbing the knife from Diana and then kicking her until she didn’t move anymore. My body, on the other hand, was perfectly content staying right where it was, thank you very much. My treacherous body won. A lifetime passed in the time zone of my mind before I finally saw the flashing red and blue lights.


  I wasn’t sure what was happening at first. Just a sense of being lifted. Turned out that a particularly large cop was pulling me off Diana as another two cuffed Diana. Or at least they tried, one of them getting slashed along the way.

  “We got another one,” the cop holding me said to the approaching ambulance crew.

  “Her first,” I said, meaning Simone’s friend.

  Taking me at my word, they got her on the stretcher and wheeled her toward the waiting ambulance, applying oxygen as they went. They insisted on patching my shoulder wound.

  Then there was someone else holding me. I was surprised and pleased to see that it was Simone. Safe and sound, aside from the knife wound in her shoulder. Which the medics also tend to.

  “Are you okay?” we asked in unison.

  “Am I okay?” we similarly chorused.

  “Where did they go?” Simone asked.

  “Your friend is being taken to the hospital. Diana has been arrested and the cops are just rounding up her accomplices. There were two cameras in the bathroom. Diana destroyed one of them, but they are all going to prison for assault for what they did to a minimum. Diana also has aggravated assault and attempted murder and won’t be out for a while.”

  “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved.”

  “It doesn’t usually go like this. Even actually. I’ve had lots of parties over the years and nothing like this has ever happened before.”

  “I believe it,” she said.

  “Do you believe that I love you?”

  “I-I yes.”

  “Good, because I want you to marry me.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I couldn’t believe my luck or my ears. The treacherous bastards. Yet it seemed he was absolutely serious. Even if the proposal couldn’t have been what I thought it was.

  She was probably still in shock. He probably was too. They had both nearly been killed, after all.

  “You’re still in shock, right? I mean it’s understandable and-”

  “I’m not still in shock. I want you, Simone.”

  Taking me by the hand he leaned me back toward the house. Sneaking past the main room where the police are still taking witness statements from the studs, Darren took me up to a secret room that he has to push on the wall on the right place to get into.

  The house was just full of surprises. Much like the owner.

  Revealing a safe deposit box, he produced a ring with a massive diamond in it.

  “I bought this years ago even when there wasn’t a woman in my life. Waiting for when the right woman would come along. She has finally arrived.”

  “Is this a trick or a treat?” I asked.

  “No trick. I mean it.”

  He got down on one knee in front of me. What a picture we must have been. Both of us bleeding from the shoulder, me wearing nothing but a garish fur coat.

  “Simone Parrish, will you marry me.”

  “Yes,” I said, tears of joy forming in my eyes.

  He looked honestly happy. So much so, he swooped me up into his arms and carried me into the one of my many bedrooms.

  “This is my master suite,” he explained as he carried me through the door, “I am going to fuck you my darling. Just the two of us, no one else’s watching. Just you and me to celebrate our engagement.”

  “I’m a virgin,” I blurted.

  At least I hoped I still was, after everything I’d been through. I’d never had penetrative sex with a man, but it was possible my cherry was long gone.

  “I know, baby. I’ll be gentle.”



  I could feel her relax as I lay her on my bed. It was the first time any woman had been there since I bought the house.

  “Sure you’re up for this?” she asked when I took off my shirt.

  “The bandages should hold fine. I actually like the idea of fucking you while bandaged.”


  I slowly undid the awful coat she had covered herself with, revealing her beautiful body.

  “I am going to make you so happy,” I said, slipping two fingers into her already wet pussy.

  “Yes, sir,” she concurred.

  “I’m thrilled to make you my wife. I was actually ready propose before now.”

  Simone opened her legs even wider and I gently finger fucked her while sucking her hard nipples. She let out a soft moan and relaxed even more. Opening her body to me.

  Kissing my way down between her tits, I went over her belly and across her pelvis to her wet and ready pussy. Breathing in her sweet scent, which I’d only had a hint of before, I dove between her legs, giving her delicious little push long loving licks. Making my little darling moan in response.

  I felt so spoiled. Not only getting Simone but her being a virgin. I was going to be her first love as well as her only.

  My little sweetheart almost screamed with orgasm. As might quiver running through her as she ran her fingers through my hair. I felt very connected to her, my heart warm with sweet, tender love.

  Kissing my way back up to her mouth, I subtly mouthed her, getting my cock lined up it’s her pussy. I knew she had consented, but I still didn’t want to shock or intimidate her. She’d never don’t this before and I knew full well how nervous she could get.

  “Remember the safe word, baby?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Use it if you need to okay?”


  Kissing her softly, I stroked the head of my cock against her sweet little pussy. Making her gasp just from the contract. Kissing her gently on the neck, I slowly slid inside, starting with just the tip.

  “Are you okay, sweetie?”

  Simone just nodded, biting her bottom lip as she did so. Holding her tight in both arms, I stated to move, pumping her shallowly, so she could see how it felt. She was moaning loudly within seconds.

  “Good girl,” I said, as I fucked her virgin pussy.

  Getting her ready and relaxed. I knew it was time for the big push.


  It felt amazing. Everything he had done in the playroom was indescribably good, but this was somehow even better. Probably because it was all coming from him.

re was a sense of connection that just wasn’t there with the machines except when I was sucking his cock. The first bit of person to person sex I’d ever had, besides when he started touching me.

  I could have died when he started to fuck me. Not from pain but pure joy. I knew he was big but had no idea how good it would feel. His cock taking up every last centimeter of space in my tight virgin pussy. Still without actually breaking my cherry. He was masterful.

  “Yes, fuck me master!” I screamed, just to try it out. I liked the feel of it in my mouth.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Yes, master,” I said.

  Slowing down his thrusting see, my gentle master eased back a bit, to about half of what I was able to take. Then, kissing me tenderly, he pushed all the way in, busing my cherry on the way.

  It hurt but not as much as I had feared. More like a short, sharp pinch than anything else. Though it started to feel really good after he was through. My beautiful master continuing to fuck me to a sweet orgasm, as my pussy stressed to accommodate him.

  I was a little concerned that he wasn’t using a condom, but it felt so good I didn’t mind much. There was no one else I would have wanted to have a baby with. So, if I got pregnant all the better.

  He came super hard. His cum blaster inside me. Feeling like it was warming me up from the core. My own orgasm combing at the same time.

  “Turn over, sweetheart.”

  “Yes, master.”

  Without a moment’s hesitation, I turned over onto my belly revealing my full bare ass. Again, he got me ready, massaging my ass until I was nearly melting before going in with his tongue, giving me the same treatment as he did with my pussy.

  “Try to relax,” he whispered, before gently mounting me.

  It was much the same process as my pussy. I was a virgin in both places, so it made sense. Starting out shallow and gentle, he fucked my virgin asshole making me squirm and cry with pleasure. All my boundaries and inhibitions were completely gone, and I wanted him to use me however he saw fit. Giving me formerly unknown pleasures.


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