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Tin Universe Monthly #14

Page 2

by Brian C. Williams

  Chapter and page turn.

  Another effect of that days moments was it showed them briefly what variations of history might hold for their universe.

  The life The Pearl are now a part of is based on the fact that all we have to do to experience all things in existence is have a perception of external things and the knowledge that came with these things will slowly come to us.

  We can sense the world as much as we can live it. Our minds are in fact what gives these things order the same why our eyes give things color so we can comprehend them. It’s all part of The Sublime Harmony Of Apperception.

  The external environment is necessary for the self but not to experience the world in whole.

  But then again there is no real way of observing the self so just believe in chaos enough and things will happen.

  I never said I received my Philosophy degree.

  BREAKING NEWS: A NSA leak has spread across the internet like wildfire detailing how mining data has allowed the U.S. government to invade the personal lives of U.S. citizens as another way of finding out if they are Beyond Human…

  She’s a shapeshifting Beyond Human and was that way even before his book club touched the edge of The God Mark. Her first situation of finding out he could shapeshift to look like other people happen in high school and that is why he ran away from home and lived on the streets for her growing up years.

  Something totally new is his insisting on people calling him the Door Queen.

  It might be some kind of drag queen reference?... or not.

  I don’t know?

  All my drag queen friends have left social media because of assholes.

  Right now I think it’s probably a little appropriation on her part because of the whole shapeshifting gender switching thing but any time a person gives themselves their own nickname your guess is as good as mine to why they choose what they choose because that’s a egotistic thing to do anyways no matter what your choice is.

  D.Q. was hopping he would have the bus stop to herself before the bus arrived.

  Yes, this writer did regret naming a character something as stupid as Door Queen.

  D.Q. sounds better anyways.

  Unless someone else has copyrighted it, and in that case, this is just an accident and for the most part Door Queen will egotistically insist on people calling him Door Queen.

  D.Q. never gets her wish when it comes to having the bus stop to himself. No matter if it morning, lunchtime, or late at night it’s always someone there to make the experience of public transportation that much more irksome.

  And today is one of the crapper sort of no wish coming true because sitting beside him today is Ms. Sing.

  Ms. Sing.

  Ms. Sing is a regular on the bus routes that D.Q. also travels and well known as one of the people all the travels and most of the other passengers talk about.

  Known as the tall Asian lady who wears ball gowns and likes to talk about how slutty and terrible today’s young women are Ms. Sing is also known to have plenty of money to have someone drive her around but in her words “If all these lazy welfare whores can use transportation my taxes pay for so am I.”

  ‘What’s that?’ Ms. Sing pointed at a young girl walking by the bus stop and thus also passing by her and D.Q. ‘That outfit that girls wearing, what is that called?’

  ‘I think it’s a called a maxi skirt,’ D.Q. asked upset because she had hope someone had cut Ms. Sing’s voice box out the night before.

  ‘Something slutty girls wear?’ Ms. Sing

  D.Q. always tried to be as sarcastic with Ms. Sing as she could until she caught on and got angry.

  And silent.

  Then she won a little battle against the collective world stupid.

  ‘It’s a party in the back, business in the front dress,’ D.Q. told her.

  ‘What’s that?’ Ms. Sing

  ‘Like a mullet. But when I think about it, with that dress it would be party in the front and business in the back,’ D.Q.

  ‘Young lady,’ Ms. Sing

  ‘I’m a young gentleman today,’ D.Q.

  Ms. Sing huffed and then proclaimed very louldy, ‘You are as you were born to God and the world to be.’

  D.Q. wanted to keep his cool but she had just about had it with this old fucker.

  ‘People like you are destroying this country,’ Ms. Sing

  ‘People like me?’ D.Q. asked finally losing her cool.

  ‘Playing these games with your gender. I hear you every day referring to yourself in conversations one minute as a he and the next as a she. It’s a game to you. It’s a sin is what it is,’ Ms. Sing

  D.Q. stood and walked outside the little bus stop shed to ignore Ms. Sing.

  But she couldn’t.

  Without turning back to the old asshat, ‘My gender identity isn’t for anyone to define until I say what it is. That goes from this day to the next minute.’

  Not another word was said between them until the bus arrived and they both boarded. Ms. Sing sat in the front in the saved for old shits seats and D.Q. went to the back. A few minutes later Ms. Sing got off at the mall and two stops after that D.Q. got off at the new regular meeting place for The Pearl.

  BREAKING NEWS: Top political donor says assassination should be a part of the political mindset if someone is elected that doesn’t fit America….

  The rest of The Pearl are always kept waiting when Door Queen calls them together or they are having one of their scheduled meetings.

  The truth of the matter is the rest of the group had cars while only D.Q. had to catch the bus but she didn’t want them to know about that fact because it would have been be letting them too much into his personal life.

  Just about every time in their regular meet up location you’d find Cherry- the enforcer, Cut- the solider, Rub- the healer, and Lick- the talker waiting around to be told what’s the latest abnormal awareness exploration they will be taking part in.

  And sometimes they actually talk about books they’ve read of late.

  Though on most of those rare days they just drink too much coffee and talk about books of their own they are writing because most critics are writers without creativity.

  Yes, bitter much.

  When D.Q. isn’t around the leadership role falls to Cherry. A crossdressing N.S.A agent who has a thing for late 70’s working women’s pants suits with scarves and all.

  Cut is the backbone of the group and why the others follow D.Q. or Cherry. Cut being a man who is famous for being captured and going to trial as a serial killer but getting off on all charges after all evidence disappeared. His giving up of strength to give the leadership role to others when most are afraid of him puts him in a very powerful possession within the group dynamic.

  One of the group who will follow Cut’s lead out of fear is Rub. An always heavily armed Jewish doctor slash shaman who has Beyond Human healing abilities.

  And then you have the dwarf priest Lick. The talker. The negotiator. The planner. The schemer. The speech maker. The discusser. The manager. The silver tongued devil. The one who orders drinks for everyone. The heart of the group when things go shits up.

  BREAKING NEWS: Scientists say our sun might contain so many secrets that the lifespan of the universe isn’t enough time to explore them all…

  Space is the outback garden of any universe.

  Not the restaurant chain you crazy shit, which has made a lot of money on a very bad Australian stereotype.

  Plus they turned me down for a dishwasher job.

  I’m talking outback of the house outback gardens.

  An outback garden can either have flowers and beautiful things or it can be made up of brown weeds, broken bottles, and nasties left over by the previous residents.

  It’s not even a between place.

  The outback garden.

  It’s just a there place so maybe I should have said it’s the outback garden of any universe that is a place that most have neglected to notice until some stray is pi
ssing there making the whole area smell up.

  Could be worse though.

  The stray could be dropping one.

  On an interstellar space vessel no one is currently dropping one.

  Space vessel or space ship?….? I’m always going over that in my head?

  Let’s go with vessel here.

  On an interstellar space vessel travelling at very high speeds and to get a handle on these high speeds imagine very scientificey{sp} numbers that make you go- Was that English?

  Sort of like reading anything I write.

  I didn’t do the calculations of the speed they are traveling but it’s fast and within these speeds are a group of beings from a dying world who are in search of a friendly planet whose people might give gracious harbor to the last survivors of their race.

  The Wzzk were considered one of the most honorable races in the galaxy. Ever since their first contact with other planets and cultures they did everything they could to be a benefit to all the places and people they encountered.

  Even their bloodiest enemy sung songs about their honor and bravery.

  And there is one planet who had a Wzzk Museum Dedicated To The Most Swell Guys In The Galaxy.

  But when a time came when the Wzzk had to seek aid from neighboring planets they found nothing in the offering.

  The museum phones were taken off the hook.

  The enemies couldn’t be poked into looking this way.

  Said enemies saw the Wzzk dying out as an advantage opening up in their region. Sometimes the best way to defeat an enemy is to hope for something bad to happen and then when it does happen calmly watch it unfold.

  Allies saw them dying out as a chance to become the big horse for once in the most liked group category.

  They would get a chance at a museum of their own.

  With a gift shop.

  And post cards.

  And pencils that tourist would collect.

  The Wzzk were abandoned by adversary and ally alike.

  The almost whole story goes as such:

  The Wzzk home world was beautiful. It had six varying seasons each with their own sense of wonder. The skies were light blue with a variety of animals from large reptiles to small mammals living on its surface.

  Since Wzzk, which is what the Wzzk called their home world, had never previously had any sort of extinction event the history of life on it was still very much walking around together with the present.

  But then without warning Wzzk was hit by a series of black energy dumps from a nearby black hole.

  The very definition of the universe shitting on you after being the golden boys of a whole galaxy.

  I mean black holes don’t just happen every day to every planet.

  So saying the universe shit on them was a good way to describe what happen to them.

  Most of the Wzzk people died in minutes as the energy dumps hit all over the planet like bombs being dropped whipping out city after city in a matter of seconds.

  A world almost perfectly balanced between technology and nature, its past and its present was pounded to a point beyond ash.

  A few survivors lasted a few years but during those years they were living lives of insanity and pure continued existence with nothing more.

  Only one group was able to avoid the total occasion of extinction in search of a new home.

  The Heart String was the pride vessel of the Wzzk fleet and the only reason it wasn’t destroyed by the energy dumps was because it was off world when it all happen.

  The vessel was out investigating a series of pirate raids along trade lines the Wzzk had established to help poorer worlds.

  All Wzzk vessels were small but packed plenty of fire power and punch when it came to any situation they could encounter. They were always manned by a small group of highly trained soldiers and were the envy of just about every planet who have come into contact with them.

  Their technology was thought to be at a point that no race or intelligent being could breach it.

  They had medicine that could cure any disease.

  Wzzk philosophy was able to address any issue.

  If you look at it they had nowhere else to go but down so maybe they should have seen this coming?

  The shields on Wzzk vessels could allow them to get within eye sight of the core of a sun, flip it off, and then shoot it.

  But universal history has shown standing up too proud for too long flipping things off can attract all kinds of fucked up things that might turn its nose down on you. Fucked up assholes, fucked up natural phenomenon, fucked up fucked up fuck ups.

  The universe had basically looked at the Wzzk and shouted “No, fuck you!”

  The layout of The Heart String was comparable to the interior design layout of an Earth World War II era American bomber.

  That bit of strange random information has a lot to do with a visit to Earth by a Wzzk scientific exploration group during WWII.

  Nazis, aliens, and a search for Gods.

  That my friends would make a really good story for another time.

  The Heart String on the outside looks like stone drinks coaster so not so cool.

  The vessel has a rough surface touch and a dull gray look to it with no windows for romantic views. Windows aren’t really needed on advanced space vessels. Only humanity will insist on keeping that touch on its space ships as it explores the universe.

  Space ship sounds more human.

  The highly decorated and medaled crew members of The Heart String were rostered out in listing as the pilot and captain- Rainzbew, copilot and second in command- Sneilz, navigator- Icz, bombardier- Drzp, waist gunners- Zzit and Uz, and rounding out the crew was tail gunner- Tuzriz.

  Told you they ripped off Earth designs.

  All of them were fine soldiers, fine members of the Wzzk race, and would have been a benefit to any culture that offered them safe harbor.

  Their course was taking them towards Earth, probably for more design thievery, but a piece of time, a simple few moments of someone reading a book was travelling through space and it hit the vessel ripping it to shreds leaving nothing remaining of the Wzzk race except for a whispering about how honorable they were.

  Whispers from allies and enemies.

  They are gone forever.

  Their people wiped away by the ecosystem of creation.

  Their culture has stopped growing.

  Their generations have come to an end point.

  No more new tales to be read on freighters about their good deeds.

  Their stories are over.

  Well, until I get around to talking about the Nazis, the aliens, and the search for Gods but considering how slow I am at finishing a story that might never come out.

  BREAKING NEWS: Indian diplomat says he was attacked in his hotel by U.S. government agents who were questioning him about his countries Beyond Human policies and was only saved because of the intervention of his private bodyguard. White House denies allegations…

  Notes From The Author

  What I learned While Writing This: That I have a weird bit of insanity inside my brain that just flows out even if I’m not looking for it or wanting it and there really isn’t much I can do about it.

  Thanks for reading,

  Brian C. Williams

  Other Stories by this author

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series

  {Yearly middle grade series}

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #1

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #2

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #3

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #4 *COMING 2016

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #5 *COMING 2017

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #6 *COMING 2018

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #7 *COMING 2019

  Tin Universe Monthly

  {Monthly series that birthed the Tin Universe.
More adult stories on a sort of, not so sort of monthly basis}

  Tin Universe Monthly #1

  Tin Universe Monthly #2

  Tin Universe Monthly #3

  Tin Universe Monthly #4

  Tin Universe Monthly #5

  Tin Universe Monthly #6

  Tin Universe Monthly #7

  Tin Universe Monthly #8

  Tin Universe Monthly #9

  Tin Universe Monthly #10

  Tin Universe Monthly #11

  Tin Universe Monthly #12

  Tin Universe Monthly #13

  Tin Universe Monthly #14

  Tin Universe Monthly #14b 2014 April Fools Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #14c 2014 Easter Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #15

  Tin Universe Monthly #15b Extra Stuff In April Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #16

  Tin Universe Monthly #16b Memorial Day Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #17

  Tin Universe Monthly #18

  Tin Universe Monthly #19

  Tin Universe Monthly #20 A First Shot Fire, Part Two

  Tin Universe Monthly #21 A First Shot Fire, Part Three

  Tin Universe Monthly #22 A First Shot Fire, Part Four

  Tin Universe Monthly #23 A First Shot Fire, Part Five

  Tin Universe Weekly

  {A 2015 experiment in micro fiction. The series will return but for now these stories will be incorporated into Tin Universe Monthly… When it comes out}

  Tin Universe Weekly #223 *RETURNING 2017

  Tin Universe Tales

  {This series of full length novels will be self-contained stories focusing on a certain part of the Tin Universe}

  Tin Universe Tales #1 *COMING 2017

  Tin Universe Presents

  {A every other year Tin Universe story collection. Will feature stories set in the Tin Universe from all genres and all possible ways of storytelling.}

  Tin Universe Presents #1 *COMING 2018


  Tin Universe Monthly #1

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #1

  Tin Universe Monthly #2

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #2

  Tin Universe Monthly #3

  Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #3

  Tin Universe Monthly #4

  Tin Universe Monthly #5

  Tin Universe Monthly #6

  Tin Universe Monthly #7

  Tin Universe Monthly #8

  Tin Universe Monthly #9

  Tin Universe Monthly #10

  Tin Universe Monthly #11

  Tin Universe Monthly #12

  Tin Universe Monthly #13

  Tin Universe Monthly #14

  Tin Universe Monthly #14b 2014 April Fool’s Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #14c 2014 Easter Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #15

  Tin Universe Monthly #15b Extra Stuff In April Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #16

  Tin Universe Monthly #16b Memorial Day Special

  Tin Universe Monthly #17

  Tin Universe Monthly #18

  Tin Universe Monthly #19

  Tin Universe Monthly #20 A First Shot Fire, Part Two

  Tin Universe Monthly #21 A First Shot Fire, Part Three

  Tin Universe Monthly #22 A First Shot Fire, Part Four

  Tin Universe Monthly #23 A First Shot Fire, Part Five


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