Book Read Free

Without Fear

Page 3

by Reese Knightley

  Crap. It seemed Justin had remembered more than he’d like.

  “Yeah, except my last name isn’t Finch.” His mouth grew dry and he took a sip of coffee.

  “Okay…so,” Justin responded slowly. “What is your last name?”

  “I can’t tell you that.” At Justin’s hurt expression, Macy hurried on. “I want to and I will, but I can’t right now.”

  “So, what can you tell me?”

  “I can tell you that I’m helping some people put away a really bad guy.”

  “The FBI?”

  He slowly nodded, and since Justin had overheard him on the phone, Macy kept it as close to the truth as possible.

  “Why you?”

  Macy wrapped his hands tightly around the mug and brought it to his lips to swallow down the last of his coffee. Understanding that he wasn’t going to answer, Justin sighed.

  His friend tried another tactic. “How did you get into this?”

  “Honestly? I was hanging out with the wrong crowd. Petty theft, vandalism, things like that.” He darted a look at Justin, but didn’t find any judgment in the younger man’s gaze, only concern.

  “One night, they decided to vandalize a corner kiosk near the mall and I was the lookout. It was raining like hell and I didn’t see the unmarked law enforcement car until too late. I was caught by Frank Spelling. He gripped me by the back of my shirt and shook me. He said I resembled a wet rat.” He snorted and hid his stinging eyes.

  Justin reached out and closed a hand over his.

  Macy turned his hand over and clutched Justin’s fingers. After a moment, he continued. “Frank didn’t turn me in to the cops. Instead, he took me to an all-night diner and bought me food. He introduced himself as an FBI agent. He talked all night, and for once in my life, I listened.”

  “What happened?”

  “Frank scared me straight,” he said, smiling softly. “I owe him everything. He’s the reason I am the man I am today.”

  “He sounds like a great guy.”

  “He is.” He swallowed past the lump in his throat.

  “So…” Justin cocked his head to the side as if something had dawned on him. “When you showed up at my café last year, had you been abused by your boyfriend?”

  “No.” He looked away. He’d just returned from a grueling training exercise that Frank had insisted he attend.

  “But you led me to think you were.” Justin sounded hurt.

  “I’m sorry.” He turned back to Justin and fiercely said, “I can’t tell you how sorry I am about that. It just seemed safer.”

  “So, what were the bruises from?”

  “Let’s just say, I was learning to kick some ass.” He gave a small smirk and rubbed at his jaw.

  “So, you could kick Tony Siegel’s ass?”

  Macy sighed. “Sort of.”

  “You’re hiding here in Crumpet, aren’t you?” Justin demanded.

  He stared at Justin. Damn it. “Yeah.” The word seemed like a safe one. Telling Justin more wasn’t a good idea. His friend already knew too much.

  “Why here?” Justin sighed and sat back in his chair.

  “I knew that by assuming my Finch name again, I could lay low here.”

  “And you’re positive you can’t tell me why?”

  “Not yet,” he said firmly. “I’m sorry I misled you, but the less you know, the better.”

  “I wish you could tell me everything.”

  “I’m not even supposed to be telling you as little as I have and if you hadn’t overheard me on the phone, I wouldn’t have told you any of it,” he admitted, squeezing Justin’s fingers when his friend gave a sad sigh.

  Shoving away from the table, Macy rinsed his mug under warm water and placed it in the drainer before drying his hands.

  “From what I can guess, you’re undercover in the FBI and your stepfather, Tony Siegel, has something to do with the reason you’re hiding.”

  Shit! He whirled around and gaped at Justin.

  “I’m not stupid. I took a guess about the Tony Siegel part.” Justin gave him a smug look and then suddenly squinted. “You’ve got your bachelor’s degree in criminology.”

  Justin pointed to the desk in the corner off of the kitchen where Macy had proudly displayed his degrees. So much for being stealthy.

  Justin stood and walked over to the display. “With what you just told me, it was easy to put two and two together. The date on your degree says you were what, twenty-three at that time? That’s a good four years to do something with your life.” Justin tossed him another look.

  He wiped his hands on the dish towel, carefully watching Justin.

  “Do you know self-defense?”

  “Bitch, please.” Macy slapped the towel down and placed his hands on his hips. “I could take down Logan if I wanted.”

  “Seriously?” Justin’s eyes bugged out.

  “Well, he might give me a run for my money, but I have my ways,” he laughed with a brow waggle.

  “I knew it!”

  Macy put a finger to his lips and Justin nodded with a grin and whispered, “Does Logan know that you work for the FBI?”

  “No,” he hissed just as quietly and his eyes went wide. The last thing he needed was a nosey bodyguard all up in his undercover business. Although, having Logan Cobalt all up in some of his things didn’t sound half bad at all.

  “And you need to keep this to yourself.” He tossed a look out the kitchen window because he was paranoid like that and turned back to his friend.

  Justin held up his hands when he glared.

  “I will! I just wondered if you’d told Logan more than me.”

  “I haven’t told him anything. You know more than anyone.”

  Justin’s smile grew. “So…you’ve been hanging out with Logan every time he’s in town.”

  “I have, haven’t I?” He smiled. And he didn’t regret it.

  “Yes, you have.” Justin smiled back.

  Once this undercover case with Siegel was settled, he honestly planned on telling Logan everything. He just needed a little more time.

  “Which reminds me, I have a date with Logan tonight!”

  “So then, let’s find you something to wear.”

  Justin jerked his head in the direction of the bedroom.

  “It’s hours away,” he complained, but followed the small blond.

  “So?” Justin yanked a few things from the closet and tossed them his way.

  What was Logan’s favorite color? Hell, he didn’t know. He pulled on a pair of skinny black pants with a shear shirt that clearly showed his nipple rings.

  He twirled around in front of the mirror debating about the outfit.

  “It’s perfect,” Justin said from where he’d perched on his bedspread.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course, you look gorgeous. And wear your hair loose.”

  He rushed to the bed and hugged his friend tightly before turning back to the mirror. “I can’t believe after all this time we’re going on a date.”

  “Wait…Logan’s been coming here for months and you haven’t gone on a date?”

  “Normally, he just finds me in the park, gym, or coffee house. We chat for maybe a half an hour and then he leaves.” He twisted this way and that in front of the mirror. It was nice to put away his work and just act normal for a while.

  Justin tipped his head. “Is he the hold up?”

  Macy sighed and sank to the bed. “No, it’s me.”

  “Well, no more of that.” Justin shook a finger at him.

  Macy plopped back on the bed with a long sigh. “He gives me butterflies.”

  “That’s a good thing.” Justin moved next to him.

  He turned his head to meet his friend’s gaze. “I’m scared to get involved with him until after everything is over. So, I’ve kept him at arm’s length all this time.”

  “Tell him you want to take things slow.”

  “Hey! Why didn’t I think of that?” He gave an exaggerat
ed eye roll.

  Justin laughed. “Okay, so you’ve told him that already.”

  “Yeah, and telling a Cobalt to take things slow is like trying to stop the wind. I fought it, but he finally got me to commit to a date tonight.”

  “Sometimes, fast is better.”

  “Like you and Elijah?” The pair had met and gotten engaged in only a few months.

  “Yeah.” Justin’s smile grew dreamy. “Sometimes, it works out like that.”


  “You don’t want to wait two years like Spencer and Liam,” Justin said.

  “Yeah, and from what Ashley said, Liam was chasing Spencer the whole time,” he snorted on a laugh.

  Liam was Logan’s twin brother. Altogether, there were four siblings in the Cobalt family: Logan and Liam, the twins, Elijah, the younger brother, and Ashley, the baby sister.

  “How long has Logan been pursuing you?”

  “Since last January.” He pulled on his bottom lip. “And he hasn’t tapered off.”

  “So, his perseverance paid off!” Justin giggled.

  Macy grinned and jumped up before catching his reflection in the mirror, and then he snatched up his phone.


  He eased out of the car just as his cell phone rang and answered it with a smile, rubbing at the warmth filling his chest.

  “Well, hello there.”

  “I can’t find anything to wear!” Macy’s sexy whine washed over the phone and Logan pictured those pretty pink lips pouting.

  “Just put on jeans and a t-shirt.”

  “What?” Macy gasped, bringing a grin to his lips. “I can’t do that!”

  In the background, Logan imagined he heard giggling laughter. “Who’s there with you?”

  “Justin.” Macy sniffed.

  “Doesn’t he have something you can borrow?”

  He knew for a fact that his brother, Elijah, indulged every one of Justin’s whims, and that had included a recent New York shopping trip.

  “Oh!” Macy paused, then his voice grew muffled. “Justin? Logan suggested I wear something of yours. I mean, after all, your husband did just buy you a new wardrobe.”

  “Of course.” Justin’s laughter came through the phone.

  “I’d buy you a new wardrobe if you’d say the word,” Logan said huskily into the phone. Hell, he’d buy Macy the world if the guy gave him the green light.

  “No, you won’t!” Macy scolded him, but he could tell by the softening of his voice that he’d caused another smile.

  “Hurry up and get here,” the man said instead.

  “I’m on my way,” he returned, but the snarky sprite had already hung up on him.

  He laughed, a deep belly laugh, one that he hadn’t done in a long time. Tucking away the phone, he adjusted his crotch and groaned under his breath.

  The walk across the terminal was brief and he boarded the plane that would fly him from Colorado to Washington.

  Flying first class with Echo sleeping in the aisle seat, he sat his head back and took a nap during the short flight.

  It was drizzling when they landed, and he hurried across the tarmac with his overnight bag until he reached the overhang and doors that took him inside.

  He scanned the area looking for Macy. Which was crazy, because he hadn’t asked Macy to pick him up. But what if he had come anyway? His gut rolled as he walked through the tiny terminal looking for any signs of the dark-haired beauty. He knew Echo was searching as well. The dog made it his mission to find Macy whenever they came to Crumpet.

  Instead of Macy, he caught sight of his own brother and his stomach settled back into place.

  Echo tugged on the leash and Logan let it go. The big dog trotted over, tail wagging. Elijah crouched and gave Echo a pat before picking up the leash.

  “Hey.” Elijah grinned and yanked him into a one-armed hug. Hugging Elijah was like hugging a bear. While they were the same height, his baby brother had gotten the bulk in the family.

  “Can’t…breathe,” he said jokingly.

  Elijah’s booming laughter rang out and his brother smacked him on the shoulder. The pain was instant and piercing.

  “Oww, fuck!”

  “Oh shit! Sorry, bro.” Elijah steadied him. “I completely forgot!”

  Logan sucked in a few quick breaths, trying to work through the piercing throb. His language drew a scathing look from a woman with two children.

  “Sorry,” he muttered to her before heading for the doors.

  Elijah plucked his overnight bag up into his large hand and followed.

  Fifteen minutes later, fresh out of the shower, he put his stuff away in Elijah and Justin’s spare bedroom. Echo was reacquainting himself with Justin and Elijah’s young dog and older cat. Logan wasn’t worried, they’d all shared this space many times.

  Tucker came barreling into the room and jumped on the bed. He gave the one-year old Golden Retriever a scratch beneath one ear. Echo trotted through the door and sat on his haunches.

  “You two be nice to Monty,” Logan ordered both dogs. While Justin’s big orange cat didn’t mind the dogs, he usually disappeared into the master bedroom when there were visitors.

  “Want some food?” Elijah rumbled from the doorway.

  “Nah.” He turned, shrugging on a clean shirt. “I’ve got a date.”

  “How come I don’t know about that?”

  “Because it’s on a need to know basis,” said a teasing voice behind Elijah.

  Because of Elijah’s size, he couldn’t see who was behind the man, but he knew that voice.

  “Honey, you’re home!” Elijah said and tried to snatch up Justin.

  The slim blond laughed and darted around his much larger husband and gave Logan a hug instead.

  “Careful, he’s wounded,” Elijah said, and with an exaggerated sigh, he dropped his arms.

  Logan returned Justin’s gentle hug.

  “What?” Justin gazed up at him, worry in his eyes.

  “I’m good,” he assured his brother-in-law.

  “He got shot doing a job.”

  Logan sent his big mouthed brother a frown.

  “Oh no! Perhaps you should cancel tonight and rest.”

  “No fucking way,” he growled.

  Justin giggled and danced away to hug his husband.

  He snorted at the teasing little brat and watched as Elijah tenderly folded Justin to his heart. His brother dipped his head down to brush a kiss against Justin’s lips. Justin’s fingers thrust into Elijah’s hair. The move was so romantic, it made his heart hurt.

  He wanted a man to kiss him like that, and not just any man. He wanted Macy to kiss him like that.

  Macy was all he thought about and damn it, not even a bullet was going to keep him from his date. It had taken him months to get the elusive, snarky beauty to say yes. He wasn’t going to blow it now by not showing up.

  Tucker leaped from the bed and joined the couple, all wiggles that Justin was home.

  “See ya.” He snatched up the keys to his brother’s SUV and gave the pair a wave.

  “Be a good boy,” he said as Echo followed him from the room. “You can see Macy tomorrow.” He scratched Echo behind one ear and left, locking the door.

  August in Washington was beautiful. The clean, crisp air with a faint hint of the ocean swept through the sleepy little beach town. It was the month before the trees really started turning, but every so often in the sea of green, a burst of orange and red showed through.

  He stopped at a flower shop along the way and selected something simple. A few small, purple petals that he had no clue what they were and some white stuff the lady assured him made it look great. He had to agree.

  Reaching Macy’s apartment, he lifted the flowers and approached the door. His palms were sweating and his stomach was flipping in all kinds of crazy ways. Fuck, he hoped he wasn’t going to pass out. It must have been from the bullet wound and not from the sight of the gorgeous blue-eyed man who’d just opened the d

  Macy was a vision.

  The first thing that caught his full and complete attention was a pair of cornflower blue eyes outlined with dark eyeliner. The look gave Macy a mysterious air. Colored pink lips pursed and there was a tiny tilt to the man’s chin. Slim hands perched on equally slender hips and one hip was cocked with attitude. The black pants Macy wore appeared to be poured on and the shimmering lime green shirt sparkled. The tiny glimpse of nipple rings sent the heat slithering through his gut into a full raging fire. Delicate hands lifted and…Was that nail polish?

  “Are those for me?”

  Yanking his gaze from the translucent, pale pink polish, he found one perfectly manicured eyebrow arched and blue eyes filled with humor.

  He swallowed and thrusted out the flowers. Some of the petals popped off and drifted to the earth.

  “Shit, sorry,” he muttered, releasing the flowers into Macy’s tender care.

  “They’re lovely.”

  Macy turned and headed back into the apartment and Logan slowly followed. He shut the door and stood near it. Cupboards slammed in the kitchen. He couldn’t remember a time he’d been so fucking nervous or so stupidly awkward.

  Macy came back into the room with a crystal vase and the flowers arranged inside. The scent of sugar drifted on the air. It reminded Logan of the cotton candy he’d eaten as a small boy at the local fair. His mother and father had taken him and his siblings every year without fail. The scent reminded him of family, of home. Call him crazy, but someday, he was going to find out what lotion Macy used and buy stock in the company.

  “See? No worse for the wear.” Placing the vase on the table, Macy admired them. “So? Where to?”

  “Um…” He blinked, startled.

  Macy giggled. “Just kidding. Come on, you dork.”

  “Dork?” He squinted.

  Macy laughed and grabbed his keys and sashayed to the door. “That’s what I said.”

  “Why are you calling me names?” he grumbled, trailing after Macy.

  “Because you’re acting weird,” Macy said with a grin, locking the door and then skipping down the steps.

  “I am,” he agreed, rubbing at his jaw with a quiet laugh.

  He made his way to the white SUV with the baby blue license plate cover.


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