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Doctor's Secret: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 9

by K. C. Crowne

  He placed his hand on the back of my head, guiding me down his length again. With his help I was able to fit another inch or so, sealing my lips around him and lashing his shaft with my tongue once my mouth was full. I repeated the process, building a steady rhythm as I took him into my mouth over and over, one hand on his cock and the other caressing his body, my fingertips grazing over the outlines of his abs, teasing that sexy-as-hell V of his waist.

  I wanted to make him come. I wanted to feel his cock pulse in my mouth as I brought him to orgasm. But it wasn’t what he had in mind. Duncan weaved his fingers through my hair, pulling my head back gently and letting his cock drop out of his mouth.

  “Turn around,” he said. “I want to see you on all fours in front of me.”

  Totally under his spell, I was happy to oblige. I hopped onto all fours and turned around, my breasts hanging down. His cock was long enough that even just standing there he grazed my ass. The sensation of his head against my cheeks made me crazy, made me want him to do what he wanted right at that moment.

  He stepped closer, grabbing my ass and giving me a hard squeeze. I pressed myself against him, begging him with my body to push inside

  “Please,” I moaned, unable to take it any longer. “I need it. Please.”

  “Fuck, Annie,” he growled, grabbing my hip and squeezing. “It’s so hot when you beg for it.”

  Him taking control like that…it made me crazy and turned-on all at once. Duncan dragged his head against my slit, and more pleasure flowed out. Then he placed the tip of his cock at my opening and slid himself inside. I closed my eyes and savored the sensation of his dick filling me full, of him burying himself to the root.

  Once he was deep inside, Duncan pulled back and drove into me again, then again. I lurched with each thrust, my breasts swaying beneath me. He reached forward to grab one of them, teasing my nipple as he thrust in and out of me.

  I gripped the cushion of the chair hard, letting the feeling of him being in control wash over me, allowing all my barriers to go down. I was in his hands, literally and figuratively, and nothing could’ve been better.

  Duncan moved into a steady, pounding rhythm, holding me by my haunches and keeping me in place as he relentlessly fucked me, the hard slapping of his hips against my ass filling the room. My body shook from each thrust, grunts shooting from his mouth as he bucked into me with wild, animal abandon.

  I felt like I was being rutted by a beast, like a caveman had dragged me back to his lair and was doing with me whatever he wanted. And I loved every second of it.

  “I want you to come again,” he grunted, his tone hard, lined with pleasure. “Come on my cock.”

  “O-okay,” I mumbled, my whole body seized by the wild ecstasy and making my voice tremble.

  “Come for me. Now.”

  I wasn’t in control in the slightest. My body reacted to him before my brain had a chance to, and total pleasure shot through me as my third orgasm of the night took hold. My arms buckled, my face falling into the seat in front of me, my moans and shrieks muffled. And right at the climax, Duncan came with me. He grunted hard, squeezing my ass and shooting himself deep into me, his cock pulsing and throbbing.

  After his seed had been spilled, his cock still twitching inside me, I fell into a heap on the chair. Duncan withdrew, leaning down and kissing me softly on the lips.

  “Come here,” he said.

  “I…I can’t move. I’m done.”

  He laughed. “Then let me do it.” Again, he scooped me up and carried me effortlessly to the rug in front of the fire. He laid me down and placed a pillow under my head. Then he laid on the rug next to me and held me close.

  Between the warmth of the fire and the softness of the rug and the feeling of his body against mine, I was beyond happy.

  The sex caught up to me. I was spent, and found myself drifting into an easy sleep, a smile on my lips.


  The fire was still going when I woke up that morning. It wasn’t raging – just a light crackle in the fireplace. I opened my eyes slowly, rubbing the blurriness away.

  Everything around me was perfect. The rug was soft, and at some point in the night, Duncan had slipped another pillow along with some sheets under my body, making it as comfortable as any bed. I sat up, the outside shimmering with newly fallen snow, the scent of coffee in the air.

  I stretched, blood flowing to my limbs and waking me up. The night’s sleep had been divine, and I felt totally refreshed and rested. And then, if the sights around me couldn’t have been any better, Duncan walked into the living room. He wore black sleeping pants and a white V-neck T-shirt that clung tightly to his muscles. A mug of steaming coffee was in each hand.

  “Morning,” he said with a smile as he put both mugs on the coffee table nearby.

  “Good morning.”

  He leaned down and kissed me slowly, our mouths lingering for several lovely moments. Part of me wanted to grab that amazing body and pull him down into the sheets.

  As if he was reading my mine, he broke our kiss. “As much as I’d like to,” he said with a smile, “duty calls.”

  “I had a feeling you might say that.” I was disappointed, of course, but understood. The man was a doctor and business-owner all in one – I was lucky he had any time for dating at all.

  He rose and glanced at the couch. “As much as I like the idea of you lounging around my place totally naked, I figured you might want to put something on.”

  I glanced down, realizing that my boobs were on display. A laugh from me followed, then I looked back at what he was referring to: a fluffy, white robe. He handed it to me and I slipped it on.

  “Wow,” I gushed. “Feels like I’m wearing a cloud.”

  “Glad you like it. I’ve been up for a little bit working, so I went ahead and threw your clothes in the wash, so they’d be clean when you woke up. They should be ready in a little bit.”

  “Appreciate it,” I said, getting up and cinching the belt of my robe around my waist before taking the coffee and sitting down on the couch.

  He left the room, coming back with a big plate of baked goods, croissants and bear claws and donuts and about everything else I could want. “Help yourself.”

  I moved my hand over the plate, plucking an apple fritter out of the pile. Then I took a bite and let my eyes roll into the back of my head in total delight. “Now,” I said as I finished chewing, “I appreciate it, but isn’t this a little…junky for a doctor? Or do you always have a pastry array for guests?”

  He chuckled. “You’re right – this stuff usually isn’t on my training table. One of the local places dropped them off at my office yesterday, but no one was around to take them. I figured I’d bring them in on Monday, but they’re all yours if you want them.”

  “Just the one’s fine,” I said, sucking the glaze off my finger after another bite.

  We sipped our coffee in silence, enjoying one another’s company, but a glance at Duncan revealed that there was definitely something on his mind.

  “What’s up?” I asked. A tinge of worry ran through me. Had he decided things had gotten too serious too quickly?

  “I have something I wanted to ask you, but feel free to say no if you’re not comfortable with it.”

  I smiled at him, though my insides were quivering. “Shoot.”

  “I’ve got a little something coming up this Saturday – a Christmas party, to be specific. I throw it for my company every year, and with all the new branches and staff, this year is looking to be the biggest one yet.”

  “Sounds exciting.”

  “It’ll definitely be something like that. But I wanted to ask if you’d be interested in being my date for the night.”

  Surprised, I asked, “You want me to be your date?”

  “I do. You’re good company, and I wouldn’t mind showing you off.” He grinned before leaning in and planting a kiss on my cheek. “But like I said, I don’t want to pressure you.”

  “No, not at
all. I’d be happy to go.”

  “Great,” he said. “It’s in Denver, and I’ll handle all the transportation and such.”

  Something occurred to me, something I was a touch embarrassed to bring up. “Thing is,” I said. “I don’t really have anything great to wear.”

  The truth was I couldn’t afford anything nice to wear. Between the move and furnishing my apartment and everything else, I was down to the last of my savings. I didn’t know how to bring this up without sounding totally irresponsible. And I didn’t want to sound like I was asking him for anything.

  “Don’t even worry about that. I can pick you up Saturday afternoon and we can find something for you to wear. On me.”

  “Oh, that’s too much,” I said, shaking my head. “At least let me pay you back or something.”

  “Nope, and I won’t hear another word about it. If you’re being so kind as to be my date, I’m going to take care of everything else. And that’s final.” His tone was stern, and part of me liked the way he was setting the terms and not giving me a chance to object.

  “Fine,” I said with a wry smile. I’d have to think of a way to pay him back, once I got my first paycheck, but we’d cover that later. “If you want to buy me a dress, I’ll let you buy me a dress.”

  He smiled before coming in for another kiss. And this kiss lingered. My hands moved to his body, and his did the same to mine. If he wanted to take me again, I would’ve happily let him.

  Instead, he pulled his lips away and offered me a sad look. “Unfortunately, I have to get to work.”

  I nodded. “Well, I look forward to the party.”

  “Me too. And I’d like to see you before that too. How does Wednesday work?”

  I smiled. “Wednesday works.”

  We sealed the agreement with another kiss before going back to our coffee and breakfast. When were done, Duncan went to the laundry and grabbed my clothes, giving me some privacy in one of the many guest bedrooms while he dressed. He came out in gray slacks, a white button-up, and black leather loafers – effortless class and style.

  “I’ll give you a ride back.”

  “I should hope so,” I teased with a grin. “Wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of you to make me walk in this weather.”

  He laughed, coming over to give me a kiss before we headed out. During the drive back I soaked up the incredible view. The Colorado landscape of tall pines and rolling hills all dusted with fresh, untouched snow was perfect, a reminder of why I’d come to live here.

  “So,” Duncan said as he pulled in front of my apartment. “I’ll come by Wednesday at seven. Sound good?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  He walked me to the door and with a kiss and a smile, I went inside. My head swam as I walked into my apartment.

  Something was happening between me and the handsome doctor. And I couldn’t wait to find out what the future had in store.


  I was lucky I had nothing but work going on that day because if I were free, I’d have been thinking about her non-stop. Even with work, it was hard to keep my mind from drifting to Annie.

  She was incredible, beautiful and smart and funny. On top of that, she was down-to-earth, a woman who was interested in more than just my money. Women like her were hard to come by. She was almost too good to be true.

  To be honest, she was too good to be true. After all, she wasn’t just some random woman I’d met at a coffee shop. She was my brother’s ex. I made sure to remind myself of that little fact over and over. It wasn’t something to take lightly. The more I saw Annie, the more into her I became – and vice-versa. And the more into one another we became, the more the odds increased that Andrew would find out.

  He would find out. It was only a matter of time. And when he did, a rift would be created between my brother and me that might never be repaired.

  “Alright,” I said, turning my attention back to the call in my office. “We’ve got the lease. We’ve got the staff. And we’ve got the patients.”

  “Yes, on all three counts,” Dr. Amanda Weller, the general practitioner I’d tapped to run the new clinic in Aspen said. “It wasn’t hard to enlist doctors to work in this part of the state. And there’s a lack of premium, private care here, believe it or not.”

  “But it’s not just about premium care, remember,” I reminded her. “Aspen’s full of rich clients, sure. But it’s also full of less well-to-do, the ones who actually keep that town running. I want to make sure we’re a medical option for them as well.”

  “Of course. I’ve been going over the books, and it won’t be a problem in the slightest to portion out care for upper-class and lower-class patients.” She sounded happy. “Dr. Pitt, we’re good to go. We’re just waiting on the green light.”

  And by that, she meant she was waiting for me to give the word.

  I considered the statement carefully, letting silence hang in the air. Opening a new clinic this soon hadn’t been part of the plan. But Dr. Weller had been something of a miracle worker, as solid of an administrator as she was a doctor. She’d been busting her butt to get the Aspen clinic set up, and her efforts had been successful – almost too successful.

  If I were to give the go-ahead it would be the first move in my years-long campaign to take over the state’s private medical industry. It’d set things into motion that would be impossible to stop. It all came down to that moment, to one word – yes, or no.

  “Yes,” I said, exhilaration filling my soul. “Get it started. When can you have the doors open?”

  “In a month,” she said. “Maybe even sooner. Almost all the insurances are on board already.”

  “Perfect. Start the process and keep me posted every step of the way.”

  “Of course, Dr. Pitt. I look forward to speaking with you again.”

  “Likewise. Keep up the good work.”

  I hit end and that was that. The clinic would be open soon, and I would no doubt begin to catch the attention of some powerful people in the state’s medical industry. Hell, I already had, but plans were one thing – actually putting those plans into motion was another.

  But I was excited. I couldn’t wait to start, to carve out my name. I filed away Dr. Weller in my mind as someone who’d more than proven herself. If all went according to plan, I’d need plenty of skilled administrators like her. If Aspen proved to be a success –which I was certain it would— I’d have big things in mind for her.

  As soon as the thrill of setting it off faded, I thought of her. I wished it was Wednesday already. And I couldn’t wait for the party on Saturday. Already I could imagine her in a tight, sexy little dress hanging on my arm. The only thing better than seeing her in that dress would be taking it off later than night.

  My cell rang and Andrew’s name appeared on the screen as if he had a sixth sense for me thinking about his ex. I decided to answer, figuring I’d already put my long-lost brother on the backburner enough.

  “Hey, bro,” I said. “What’s up?”

  “Not much. What’ve you got going on today?”

  Right to the point, as always. “Finishing up at the office, probably head home a little later. Why?”

  “I’m meeting with a client in Whites Pines and wanted to see if you’d be up for getting drinks. You know, since the last time didn’t work out.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  “No worries. Just haven’t seen you in a while.”

  I gave the matter a moment’s thought. Part of me wanted to reschedule. I’d just made one of the biggest decisions of my career and spending a little more time crossing T’s and dotting I’s might not’ve been the worst idea. But family was family.

  “Let’s do it. You want to meet at Marley’s at around seven?”

  “Sounds good. Looking forward to it.”

  “Same here.”

  I felt good about my decision as soon as I hung up the phone. Work was important, sure, but life was about more than living to work. It was about family, love –
all that good stuff.

  After finishing at the office at around six thirty, I got another text from Andrew.

  Still on?

  I grinned, knowing I’d earned that.

  Sure am.

  Just checking. See you there.

  I headed out of the office and drove to the outskirts of town. The bar, Marley’s, wasn’t exactly intended for people like me. It was a working-class joint, one of the favorites of the men and women in town who performed the blue-collar labor that kept it running.

  Marley’s looked like a log cabin done up in neon. Trucks and motorcycles were parked out front, and my Land Rover looked out of place. I threw open the doors, the scent of cheap beer and stale cigarettes greeting me, along with the blast of Motley Crue on the jukebox punctuated by the clack of pool balls. A few of the regulars nodded to me as I passed, and I nodded in return.

  The place was pretty packed, the regulars all there for a post-day shift beer or two. The men were dressed in jeans and flannel, the women in similar comfortable garb. I spotted Andrew at the bar, sticking out like a sore thumb in his recently purchased Italian suit. His dark hair was slicked back, a craft beer in front of him.

  His eyes snapped up as I approached, something like relief settling over him. “There you are,” he said. “This is an interesting venue.”

  “Not your cup of tea?” I asked.

  “Just not exactly where I’d pick for a drink.”

  Funny thing about Andrew – even when he was a student studying his ass off for the bar, he’d insisted on expensive cocktails and fancy wine. I never had a problem covering him, and now that he was actually making some decent money, he hadn’t wasted any time indulging and repaying the favor.

  “It’s a nice place,” I said. “Down-to-Earth. Good people here.”

  “You don’t feel out of place?” he asked.

  Before I had a chance to respond, a tall, wiry man with a long red beard, arms covered in tattoos, and an outfit that would’ve made him look at home in the local Hell’s Angels chapter approached. “Doc Pitt!” he announced, sticking his hand out.


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