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All My Tomorrows Are Yours: LUNA MOON SERIES BOOK 1

Page 9


  Me: I feel great, fantastic in fact!

  Colt: Good, me too! I missed you so damn much. You know when you were gone.

  Me: I missed you too. More than you will ever know!

  Colt: Do you regret it? It’s just, I really hope you don’t. I meant what I said, about it being the best fucking thing I’ve ever experienced. I just want you to know that I’ll never forget it, ever!

  Colt: Are you there? Have I upset you? Come on Lune, don’t leave me hanging.

  Me: Sorry, I just got a bit emotional. I could never regret it Colt, because I love you. I loved you as a child and now I love you differently.

  Colt: Differently how?

  Me: Not differently I suppose, just deeper.

  Colt: I know what you mean Lune, me too. I’ve got to go, speak to you soon. x

  Me: Okay xx

  Reading through them again makes me feel all warm inside. He loves me! Yeah! I fist pump the air, like a weirdo.

  In a giddy mood I jump out of bed, grab a shower really quick and get dressed for the day. Choosing skinny jeans and an old grey band t-shirt I make the decision to spread my news!

  Me: Hi. Are you busy?

  Talia: Bitch! What time is it? Fuck, it’s only 10am on a non-school day. Have you pissed the bed?

  Me: Ha! No, to pissing the bed. Just felt like a chat, is all. I’ve got some news!

  Talia: Spill

  Me: Might be better in person

  Talia: Fuck! Is it good? Give me a clue at least!

  Me: Okaaaay. Well, I kinda slept with Toby and I’ve had my first O!

  Talia: Say WTF now? Are you making this up, cos bitch I’ve gotta tell you, I will murder you if it aint’ so?

  Me: I know, I know. Defo not making it up.

  Talia: Fuck! Fuck! Fuckity Fuck! Pick you up in an hour?

  Me: See you soon xxxx

  We decide on a late breakfast at The Reef. I don’t really want to run into anyone but I’m feeling pretty darn good at this point. So much so I say ‘fuck it, bring it on!


  We settle in a booth way in the back. I know I’m going to blow Talia’s mind and I’ve a feeling she’ll get a bit loud! Hence, the sitting out of the way.

  She’s chomping at the bit, dying for details but so far, I’ve made her wait until were settled, orders delivered, and a line of menus strategically placed, to block us from prying eyes.

  “Bitch! You’ve made me wait long enough. Come on, spill! And don’t leave anything out, I want it all.” She’s rubbing her hands in anticipation, bouncing in her seat.

  “Shhh, you need to whisper.” I remind her. We huddle together while I start telling her about Toby, and how he helped me with my groceries. Then how he dropped the bombshell of knowing me, from before.

  Talia was in awe, but she kept forgetting herself and shouting out “go, bitch, yeah!”. Then how we fell asleep, spooning etc. She was a bit disappointed nothing happened between us though.

  “So are you telling me that Toby, sex God Glory Toby, spooned you, fell asleep with you, and did not make a move. Really?”

  “Well, yeah. He was really nice, a gentleman in fact.”

  She spits her coffee out when she starts laughing. “No fucking way is he a gentleman.” Then she cocks her head in thought, “well, I didn’t think so, but, huh. What about the big O then, how’d that come about?” She looks so disappointed, probably wishing she’d stayed in bed after all. I give her a sly smile.

  “Well, that was the next day. I kinda ran into Colt!”

  Her eyes widen, “Who the hell is Colt?”

  “Colt is Dante’s older brother.”

  She jumps up in excitement, shouting out like a lunatic. “Shut the fuck up bitch! His brother?”

  I grab her arm to pull her back down. Peeking over the menus I can see other customers looking at us. “Be quiet. Everybody’s looking at us.” I urge her.

  She covers her face with her hands, peeking at me. “Sorry, sorry, it won’t happen again. But fucking hell, his brother? Tell me he’s as good looking as Dante.”

  She grabs my hand, squeezing, while I nod and laugh at her. “Please continue, I will be on my best behavior. Honestly though, I think I’m going to die. This is the best thing I’ve heard in fucking ages! I can’t believe you’re still a virgin, that’s just, wow.”

  I laugh because she is so damn adorable. So, then I do…… tell her I mean.

  I give her every tiny detail, what he said, what I said, what I felt, did, everything! And like a good sport she listens intently, she refrains from shouting out by clamping her hand on her mouth, she just does really well. Well, that is, until I’ve finished…

  Because then she jumps up and stands on her seat, shouting at the top of her lungs, while circling her arm above her head like she’s throwing a lasso. “Woo, woo, all aboard the fucking Luna train. Too late bitches, this girl is fully fucking loaded up! No tickets left; she has left the motherfucking station!”

  Oh, My Fucking God! What the fucking hell!! She stops suddenly, looking at me with a face of pure shock. She jumps back down beside me.

  “Luna,” she whispers, “I’m really, really, sorry, but the fucking Glory’s are sat in the window. I think I’ve just kinda made a mess of that huh?”

  “Tell me you are joking. Please?” I plead, sliding down in my seat. They must have come in while I was telling my story. No way were they here when we came in.

  She shakes her head. “Do you think they heard me?”

  “What? Well, let me see. Fucking obviously. Even Miss Fucking Margaret heard you!” I’m whisper shouting, probably the loudest my voice has ever been.

  Then I surprise myself and start laughing. Like, belly laughing, tears running down my face laughing. She joins in and all feels well again, for now. I show her the texts between me and Colt, which she gets emotional about.

  “Luna, I know I’ve not known you long but, well, I’m just so happy for you. From what I know of your life, you deserve this. But where does this leave Dante? Or rather your feelings for him?”

  I shrug, not knowing what to say. “I don’t know. I can’t even think about him at the moment. I’m just blocking him out of my mind. I still love him though... who knows, what if I end up with them both, like I used to dream about?” I waggle my eyebrows at her.

  “You greedy bitch. Look at you, you have your first O and there’s no stopping you. Fuck, that would be awesome though, wow, just think, you could have a man sandwich!”

  She makes a movement and I just know she’s itching to jump up.

  I grab her arm, “do not even think about declaring Luna’s fucking man sandwich to the world! I will, seriously, kill you!”

  She pouts at me, then laughs. “Spoilsport.”

  I smile at her but inside I’m in turmoil. I’m trying my best just to not think about Dante for now. I’m not naïve enough to think there won’t be any issues when he finds out about Colt but, at this moment in time, I haven’t got the mind space to care.

  Taking a peek behind the menus, because I can’t resist, I can see the Glory’s. Dante is there, with fuck face Serena draped around him. He appears to be pushing her away though.

  Huh! Toby’s there too, talking to a guy with dark hair and olive skin. He’s wearing shades too, inside! He’s got muscles for days and is very handsome. I’ve not seen him before, but I’m guessing he’s a Glory. “Who is the other guy, talking to Toby?” I ask Talia.

  Taking a not-so-subtle look, “that’s Dolby. He’s dark and mysterious. Nobody knows much about him, apart from the fact his family are obscenely rich and maybe a bit shady. He’s not very approachable though, he gives me the heebie-jeebies to be honest. The other 2 girls are Serena’s friends, Sally and Monica. They’re just as brainless and bitchy as she is.”

  “Do you think they’re in couples? I mean, 3 guys and 3 girls?”

  “I don’t know but Dante keeps looking over here. Bitch, he’s searching for you. Move the menus.” She puts he
r arm out to do just that, but I manage to stop her.

  “No, leave them there. I don’t want him seeing me!”

  “Look, I know you don’t want to talk about him, but…. I can’t believe he’s the same boy you told me about. He’s always so angry, never speaks to anyone or anything.”

  “He’s changed then. He was the sweetest boy when I knew him. I don’t know Talia; it just breaks my heart to see him with her.”

  “I’m sorry, I really am. For the record she’s got nothing on you. Okay. Oh, oh, shit, Toby’s on his way over.”

  I jump! “Noooooooo. Really?”

  “Princess! What are you doing hiding over here?” He takes a seat next to me, pulling me in to a side hug. He’s so cute.

  “Nothing, just having a chat.” Whilst blushing, shit, what’s with the blushing?

  “So, Luna, what’s this train and how do I get a ticket?” He smirks at me.

  I cringe inside. Of course, they heard. “Ah, Talia was just messing about. You know how she is.” Fuck.

  “Excuse me, really? You make me sound like I go about making things up all the time. Well, I don’t, actually Toby….” I cut her off with a look, a proper death stare.

  She blanches, “yeah, I was just messing about. You know me, joker!”

  He doesn’t look convinced, but he lets it go.

  “Toby, you need to get back here. Mon’s missing you!” Is screeched from across the room.

  He ignores it but I side eye Talia, both of us aware who that was.

  “Toby, come here!”

  I look to him, I can feel he’s uncomfortable, unsure what to do.

  “Toby, just go back. It’s okay.” I murmur.

  He shakes his head, “it’s not okay though is it? Look, I’m sorry but I do need to go back. It’s not what you think Princess. I promise I’ll explain when I can.” He kisses me on the cheek and heads back


  Me and Talia finish our food then chat for a while, after ordering another coffee each, from the waitress. I feel very aware of the Glory’s presence but am doing my best to ignore it. I just need to rise above and be braver.

  I cringe when I think back to how naïve and vulnerable I was, when I was younger, how I still was when I was first sent to Switzerland. It wasn’t until my 2nd year there when I met Max, a student who’d arrived from New York, when things changed. Max was a hulking 6 feet of pure muscle. He smoked weed constantly and was the resident bad boy, and the school’s unofficial tattoo artist.

  We became friends after I offered him guitar lessons in exchange for a couple of tattoos. He taught me how to roll a joint like an expert and some self-defense moves too. He was also the one who brought me out of my shell, made me a braver person. He was a bad boy to look at, but underneath he was an absolute teddy bear, with a heart of gold.

  I wish I were in touch with him still, but he left suddenly during the night, 2 months before I left. I might see if I can try and locate him somehow, someday. He was the only friend I had at that school.

  My phone beeps. Talia jumps up, clapping. “OMG. Whose it gonna be?”

  It’s Prince. I don’t miss the pang of disappointment in my heart.

  Prince: Luna. How are you? I don’t know if I can find you another school at the moment. It may take some time. Will you be okay, for now?

  Shit, I’d not even thought about it today. Then I realize I’m not really that bothered at all, anymore. I think it’s because I’ve got Colt back in my life.

  Me: Yeah, I’m okay. No worries about the school, for now.

  Prince: Really? Why?

  Me: No reason, I’m just okay for now.

  Prince: Okay, good. What are you doing?

  Me: I’m at a diner with my BFF.

  Prince: Any problems?

  Me: No problems. Well, unless you count that someone’s gonna get herself slapped for being a skanky ass bitch!

  Prince: WTF! Are you making this up? Luna do not slap anyone. I am responsible for you!!

  Prince: Luna!!

  Prince: Luna answer me!

  Talia has been following the conversation, over my shoulder.

  “Who are you slapping? Bitch, what’s gotten into you?” She hisses. “I’ve gotta be honest and tell you, I’m no good in a fight. I’m more of a…. I’ll watch your handbag while you do it…… kinda girl. You feel me? I just don’t want you thinking you’ve got backup cos you're gonna be seriously disappointed. I’m too delicate to fight. Luna, pleeeeease, don’t start a fight!” She pulls her lip down, pouting at me.

  I chuckle. “Relax, I need the bathroom and I’ve got to pass the Glory table on the way. I’ve really got to pee. But I’ve decided if she starts with me, then I am gonna slap her! I never retaliated when I was younger because I was afraid. Well, I’m not afraid anymore.” And the strange thing is, I really don't feel afraid. I feel like I've woken up and a whole new Luna has emerged!

  Talia’s eyes grow huge. “Bitch, I gotta get myself a big bad biker boy all of my own, if this is what happens. You go girl!” She jumps up, arm in the air, “woo, woo.”


  Composing myself I stand from the booth. To be completely honest, I am very fucking nervous. But I need to do this for myself.

  If I’m to stay here, then I need to prove to myself that I can handle it. If not, well that could mean that I do need to change schools. And that means I may not get to see Colt again. No! I’m going to do this.

  Averting my eyes from the Glory table, I manage to walk towards the bathroom, without tripping and falling on my face. I hear a screechy voice call out “weirdo” which I choose to ignore and carry on.

  After finishing up I prepare myself (by putting my hair in a high pony, you know, for the possible fight, and taking a few deep breaths) and make my way back into the diner. And what do you know? Bitch face Serena fucking Davenport is stood right in my path.

  She’s chosen to stand at the side of the Glory table, arms crossed, waiting for me. God, she is one ugly ass bitch. Black, straight hair, smooth and glossy. It’s quite lovely really if you ignore the face it’s sat on. Her eyes are small and close together and her teeth stick out. I never realized just how ugly she is.

  Yeah, she might be wearing a designer dress and had her make-up expertly applied but come on, really? I feel quite ashamed of my younger self for not doing this before.

  Walking up I stop in front of her, crossing my arms in reflection of her pose. I pop a hip out and lift a brow in question., (never popped a hip before, but you know...).

  A quick glimpse to the side shows Talia stood on her seat, chewing her knuckles. It also shows Blaze sat there too, in our booth. Serena taps her foot on the floor, kind of like a horse would. I have to refrain from laughing.

  “Well, look who’s back, the whispering weirdo!” She declares loudly, looking around the diner as if she’s going to get an applause for her comedy. Her 2 friends do laugh, but I don’t count them.

  Here goes… “My God Serena, you really are as ugly as I remember.” I shoot back. Fuck! I sounded badass.

  She startles, face flushing. “I am not ugly. My outfit cost more than everything you own.” She sneers, in her screechy whine.

  Wow, just wow. “Oh, are you really so fucking dumb? Really? Who gives a fuck about what you’re wearing? You are ugly, inside and out. It doesn’t matter what you dress yourself in. I don’t care what you think about me, or the way I speak, because I’m quite happy in the knowledge that I will never, ever, be as nasty or vindictive or ugly as you. Now back the fuck off, out of my face, witch!” Wow, I’ve impressed myself.

  I see the moment she moves; I am prepared for it. I see her arm lift, her palm angling to slap me. But I’m so much quicker! In the blink of an eye my arm shoots out and I throat punch the bitch, wham! She drops like a stone, clawing at her neck. Fuck! It worked! I really wish Max were here to see that.


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