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Operation SEAL: Book Two Trident Brotherhood Series

Page 7

by Cayce Poponea

  “Then thank God I won’t have to find out.”

  Mitch disappeared into the back where my electronics were housed.

  “Sarah, I’m headed to the Post Office to mail this.” Raising the box from the counter, my purse resting on the top. “I’m going to stop at the cemetery on my way back.”

  Not waiting to hear her question if I wanted company, I practically ran out the front door and jumped into my car. Even with the early morning hour, the line at the Post Office was several people deep. Melvin, the same man who had taken care of me for years, stood ready to assist as my turn finally came.

  “Different address this time. Your friend get new orders?” Melvin was the biggest gossip in town, next to the Mayor's wife. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had an x-ray machine back there to look inside the box.

  “He did,” I admitted, withholding how this was the same base Ross had been assigned to according to Amanda.

  “Guess I won’t see you at the ceremony this year, with you getting married and all.”

  “Sorry to disappoint, but the wedding was canceled. Found Lance doing something he shouldn’t have and we are done. So, yes, you will see me at the ceremony.” I’d never been one to show rudeness on purpose, but with recent events, perhaps he could make up a better story to pass around.

  “I’ll get this out first thing,” he replied with a smirk. “Never did care for Lance, something about him didn’t add up.” Instead of breaking into the meaning behind his cryptic words, he tossed my box in the bin and wished me a good day.

  The bitter cold wind of this February morning stung my cheeks as it pelted my skin. Snow flurries danced on the air as I stood looking at Alex’s grave. A fine layer of snow covered the dead grass, and made the black leather of my boots stand out in contrast to the pure white.

  “Ross told me when we buried you here, you would be looking down on me and keeping me safe. He’s never lied to me, so you must already know what happened the other night.” Stepping closer, running my fingers along the letters of his name, tracing the crevices each one created.

  “I should have known he was full of shit when he said I could keep your photograph beside my bed, the one we took before you left.” I waited for the emotion to choke me, filling my throat and halting my ability to free my thoughts.

  “I think you would like the soldier I adopted this year, he’s a SEAL, like Ross.” Stopping short, feeling lost as for the first time as to what to say. “I’m sorry, you already know that too, don’t you?”

  The sound of a train off in the distance pulls my attention to the horizon; the creaking of an old oak tree as the wind tossed its dormant branches back and forth interrupts the stillness.

  “I didn’t love him, Alex. I’m not sure I have the ability to love anyone after you.” A strong gust of wind hits me hard enough to push me back a little, nearly knocking me off balance. The cold surrounding me pushes its way past the layers of clothes and into the depths of my bones.

  “All these years and I still can’t let you go, can’t move past what could have been and let myself live.” Sniffing as the cold air causes my nose to run.

  “Maybe one of these days you’ll send me someone to take over where you left off. Someone strong enough to live with the ghost in my heart.”

  The memorial ceremony for Alex was much the same as it was last year. New faces filled the seats of those we lost this year; a number of military uniforms came to honor the man they knew back in Kuwait. I’d heard the stories so many times I could tell them myself, of how he saved a dozen men before sacrificing himself. For years, I resented Alex for the heroic action he took, giving up his life—our life—for the men who sit in this room with me. But as I look at the face of the young person who was awarded the scholarship, I knew Alex would have been proud. It was enough to keep me going for another year.

  I pondered this year’s winner, a young man with the same spirit as my Alex. A smile brought to my lips as he spoke of honoring his memory by doing many of the same tasks he was noted as doing: volunteering with the younger children, helping with various charities, and being accepted to the University of Michigan. Rationalizing with myself this was Alex’s way of reminding me life went on without him.

  Sarah returned my smile as the bell rang above the door, announcing my return. The smile lasted long enough for my eyes to see Lance exiting the door of his car, sunglass sliding into place—something he never wore in the past. Thankfully he stayed away from the memorial service, keeping her from causing a scene by calling the police. Pretending as if I hadn’t seen him, I cross the threshold and shrug off my coat, the warmth of my store welcoming me with open arms.

  “Don’t think for one second I won’t call the cops. You say the word and I will hit the green button on my cell.” Sarah’s cell is in her hand, the face illuminated and I could see the three numbers on the screen.

  “He knows not to come in here.” My confidence was too much as the bell rang and the man I hated most in this world walked in. Sarah raised a single brow, waiting for me to say the word. Storing my coat and purse, I turned to see him standing beside the window display of a wedding dress, the one I purchased to marry his sorry ass, surrounded by red and pink hearts, tiny reminders of what today represented.

  “Harper, I deserve to be heard. What you saw the other night wasn’t what you think.”

  Sarah looks for confirmation, but I place my hand on her arm. “Let’s get a few things straight from the beginning, here in the light of day and absent of musicians singing about sex, and how many ways they can do it. Minus the two human lips enjoying the tiny as fuck dick you're carrying between those thighs. I do not owe you anything; my time, my attention or my affection. The minute you chose to let the first girl take your dick in her hand was also the minute you lost any right to have a say in anything I do. You’re lucky I was able to get the majority of my money back for this sham of a wedding you fooled me into; otherwise I would have taken your sorry ass to court. Now, for the last and final time, you are not welcome in my shop, or in the shop next door. Leave before I let Sarah call the police and have you arrested for trespassing.”

  Lance lowered his gaze, laughed thickly and then pointed his sunglasses toward me.

  “When you’ve come to your senses and can have an adult conversation, one not filled with juvenile threats, you know where to find me.”

  He left just as he came, with a new swagger and attitude to match. How long would it have taken for me to see this side of him? The man he truly was when no one was looking.

  “One thing always bugged me about that piece of shit.” Sarah watched him get into his car, both of our eyes fixed on his retreating form.

  “Just one?” I teased, bumping her hip with mine.

  “How does a man who makes a stitch over ten dollars an hour, shares a studio apartment with two other guys, and owns two pair of jeans, afford a car like that?”

  Sarah waited until he drove off down the street before she told me the internet was fixed and my new computer was ready for me to take a test drive. She had some alterations to complete and excused herself to the back of the shop. Excitement filled me as I lifted the lid of my laptop, the larger screen came to life and a picture of my three nephews greeted me.

  Signing into my email, I waded through tons and tons of junk until I came to one from Ross. I didn’t have to guess what he would say, most likely telling me he was sorry for what happened. I’d call him tonight, let him know I was fine and not to worry. I needed to send Logan an email, giving him a heads up a new package was on it way.

  TO: Logan .Forbes.LT@ OPS

  FROM: AlexGrl17


  SUBJECT: Heads up!!

  Dear Logan,

  I am so glad you got your package and are enjoying its contents. I can tell you over the years, I have had some strange requests for follow-up packages, but I do believe yours is the strangest. You want me to send what I would want in there...hmm. All right, but you should really be
careful what you ask for. However, I have to ask you not to tell Ross or make fun of me for what the box may contain. I mailed yours this morning and you should have it in a few weeks.

  Lisa James, huh? I knew a guy once who said she had legs all the way to her ass. At the time, I didn't understand what he meant as this is traditionally where your legs end. However, the first time I saw her on a runway, I understood what he meant. She is a seriously beautiful woman and has an amazing set of legs. I read something in People magazine where she hasn't been linked to anyone in Hollywood, so it would seem you still have a chance.

  You wanted to know something about me that no one else knows. Well, here goes. I found my fiancé cheating on me, with two women. Everyone, including Ross I suspect, is waiting for me to curl into the fetal position and cry. How can you mourn something you didn’t want in the first place? How can you pretend there is an emotion where nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, exists. Lance gave me what I needed at the time, allowing me to hang on to something I wasn’t ready to let go of. In the light of a new day, I feel exactly the same as when I woke up the day it happened, only twenty grand richer! Yes, I managed to cancel everything at the eleventh hour before I lost the right to a refund. There, now you know a secret of mine, something I haven’t even taken the time to write in my journal.

  Anyway, I’m glad I have the opportunity to get to know you and I am positive we are going to be amazing friends.

  Your friend,


  The ringing of the bell over the door jarred me from the smile I allowed myself to enjoy as I hit send on Logan’s email. I smelled them before I saw them; white roses. The bouquet was so big it hid the person carrying them. The poor delivery person barely made it to the counter where I stood gawking. With a moan of exertion, the vase slid across the counter in front of me.

  "I have a delivery for Miss Harper Kincaid." Standing like an idiot, recalling a time where I hoped Alex had remembered my love for roses. Instead, the men who stood on the other side of the door held the news which had shattered my world rather than of the joy I anticipated. The clearing of a throat, brought my attention to the man in a ball cap, with Holly Farm’s embroidered across the face. His outstretched hand with offered pen and clipboard, waiting patently with a smile on his face. Signing my name, I handed back the clipboard, reaching into my pocket for a tip.

  “No need, Miss Kincaid, everything was taken care of by the sender.” Tipping the bill of his cap at me, “I have two more for you, be right back.”

  Amanda appeared out of thin air, as I never heard the door to her shop open, "Harper, who are they from?"

  "Is there a card?" Sarah must have heard the door and came to see if I needed any help as she was now standing on the opposite side of the counter searching the stems for the missing card. Her perusal proved successful as she handed me what looked to be a business card. "Oh, my God! These are from Holly Farms." Sarah had lived a tough life, having several jobs at one point in her life just to keep her family afloat. She shared how one summer she worked for a nursery, helping customers pick out flowers for summer planting. She didn’t mind it so much, growing flowers being her second love next to sewing.

  The delivery guy returned with two more vases of flowers, each as enormous as the first. A sliver of anger reared its head as the thought of Lance sending these came to mind. I had to take a minute and remind myself he had never sent me flowers in all the years we were together, no reason for him to start now.

  Nestled in the sea of white petals was an elegant card on thick stationary, not the standard business card size you expect when receiving flowers such as these. A gold sticker, embossed with the image of a tree in the center of a circle, secured the flap of the envelope closed. Carefully, I lifted the edge of the flap, my curiosity nagging at the back of my mind, who would do this for me?

  Stacy had her nose buried in one of the open blossoms, taking in the scent, which filled the space around me. Looking closely at the edge of the petals, I could see what looked to be tiny raindrops and I assumed with the snowfall outside.


  Every beautiful woman deserves to have flowers surrounding her. I take great pleasure in being the man who gets to make it happen for you. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, a day set aside so millions of men can remind the women in their lives how special they are. You have given a stranger the gift of friendship, something not many people are willing to do.

  The first vase, and if you're reading this you’ve already noticed the crystals adorning the petals, are to remind you of the glimmers of hope and joy you have given all the other couples who’ve crossed your path. Uniting two souls, who may have been searching their whole lives for one another, needing a guiding hand to help them find their way. Enjoy the fragrance these flowers bless you with, sharing the only gift they have to give.



  Tucking the card back into the envelope, my heart races as I looked to the next vase. Amanda, enjoying the pearls springing from between the blooms, hands me the sealed envelope, a teary smile on her face.


  Pearls of wisdom, or at least that is what my aunt calls them. A tradition she started when she purchased Holly Farms from its original owner. In her younger days, she spent time traveling as a photojournalist, capturing the faces and exotic treasures all over the world.

  Here is my pearl of wisdom which applies to you: kindness isn’t always convenient, but it has the potential to change everything. You showed kindness to so many and it is my wish you receive some back.



  The third vase sat off to the side, and while the flowers were beautiful, they lacked any fancy additives to make them stand out. Stacy admired the blossoms, her chin propped up on her hands, eyes lost in a moment of admiration.


  The last vase was the hardest for my aunt to arrange. When I requested the final arrangement to be as plain as possible, she sent me an email chastising me for sending a girl something so lackluster. When I told her the story of why I was doing this, she reluctantly agreed.

  The last vase represents the future, one with a blank slate and endless possibilities. The world is ever changing and with change comes uncertainty. You have come into my world like a breath of fresh air, giving me a reminder of the good things in life. For the rest of the year, and as our relationship grows, we get to choose where our friendship goes. And who knows, maybe I will find myself standing in your shop one day, thanking you for leading me to the special someone I was destined to meet.



  No one had sent me flowers since Alex. Avoiding relationships tends to limit the customary gift from a man of interest. Lance preferred to bring me coffee, or a sandwich from around the corner.

  As I flipped the open sign to closed, twisting the lock on the door, I turned and leaned my body against the metal and glass. My heart felt full as I took in the gifts Logan had taken time to send. Mitch came by just before lunch, their two children in tow, with gifts in their hands. Sarah kissed her girls’ cheeks, giving Mitch a look lending suspicion another baby could be in the making.

  Ross and Ashton made their wives teary as balloons and flowers were delivered shortly after lunch. Love hung heavy in the air, marrying with the sweet aroma of my roses and Sarah's chocolate. The spirit of the holiday wrapped me in a warm feeling, giving me a new outlook on the world around me. And for the first time in several years, I didn’t hate Valentine’s Day.

  Chapter Seven


  TO: Logan. Forbes.LT@ OPS

  FROM: AlexGrl17


  SUBJECT: Thank you


  For the first time in a long time, I am speechless. I feel thank you somehow just isn't enough. You should know you have impeccable timing as your flowers came at a time when my world was really sucking. Valentine’s Day historically has not been my favorite d
ay, you helped to make the day, and what it previously stood for, a little more tolerable. Your advice on kindness is the truth, and the way I’ve chosen to live my life. Giving back as much as I possibly can. Thank you for taking just a few minutes out of your already hectic day and making mine so much better. You didn't have to, but I am so glad you did.

  Stay safe,


  I found myself reading her letters all too often, practically memorizing them and using them to bring a smile to my face. My Aunt Lila had been all too willing to help me with the delivery, she was also a big mouth when she called my mother and told her what I had done. Meredith Forbes waited all of thirty minutes before sending me an inquisitive email in regards to who Harper was. I gave the excuse of needing to go on patrol, something I should know not to even think about as the second the lie left my fingertips, the call came out. We were needed to go handle a situation where others may have failed.

  With barely enough time to grab all of my gear, I hadn’t been able to send Harper an email. The omission plagued me as we sat under a flea-infested brush for two days waiting for movement. Aarash Konar was on the move; the wires had come alive with chatter. I sat beside Ghost as he wrote frantically in his book, using the codebook buried in his head to tell us where the strike would happen. Ghost let me listen as Aarash chastised someone for acting like an idiot. His name, Ecnal, was one we heard a few months ago, but he held no threat to us. By the way Aarash was yelling at him, whatever he did warranted penance.

  Ghost was able to translate there was a scheduled attack on a village not far from our location. Composed of mostly women and children, he wanted to make an example out of them for their lack of cooperation during his harvest. When his trucks finally moved out, they were greeted with a few rocket launchers resulting in the destruction of the convoy. We returned to base haggard and tired, and ready to sleep for a week. In our abrupt departure, there hadn’t been time to check Kincaid into the team, he remained back at base with instructions to keep Ramsey motivated and to show him why we gave Kincaid the name Blaze.


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