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Operation SEAL: Book Two Trident Brotherhood Series

Page 23

by Cayce Poponea

  “Uh-uh, good try, Aunt Val, but my personal life with Harper is private. Not for you to write about.”

  “Who said I was talking about the two of you?”

  Her pursed lips are covered by an impeccably manicured nail, a single eyebrow raised in challenge as she drifted her eyes toward Bruce Kincaid. I returned with a raised brow of my own, adding a tip of my head in question.

  “What? He’s single, I’m single. And you,” pointing the manicured finger into my chest. “Haven’t decorated that beautiful girl with anything other than a mediocre kiss and a show of force to a Neanderthal.”

  “Shows you how perceptive you are.” I teased, puffing out my chest like a goddamn rooster. “I’ve been sending her charms for her bracelet.”

  Aunt Valerie waves her hand in defiance. “What, are we in middle school? Harper is a beautiful, successful, and by all accounts, single woman. You better up your game before someone serious comes along.” I fucking hated how right she was. Harper wasn’t the type to run around town bragging about the boyfriend no one could see. Actions always spoke louder than words, and I was about to scream Harper Kincaid was my girl.

  “Now, be a love and introduce me to your future father-in-law.”

  Bruce Kincaid stood dead in his shoes as Aunt Valerie laid on the charm. Had we been in a more private venue, I would bet the pair would have arranged themselves in a compromising position. When he offered to show her the tent where the cake and punch were located, I took it as an opportunity to go find Harper.

  The cleanup crew has started their duties, breaking down the platform where the speeches were held, and winding up the fallen ribbon from the cutting ceremony. Josh and my parents spoke with the roaming reporters, giving insight into the next project on their lists. Harper stood to the side, Avery handing her a tiny white envelope, a shy, but enthusiastic smile on her face. Harper tucked the envelope into the pocket of her dress, as she enveloped the excited girl into a hug.

  Drawing closer, I was able to catch the end of their conversation. “I wouldn’t dream of missing it.”

  “What aren’t we missing?” I interrupt, not giving two shits if I’m not invited. I’m about to do everything in my power to erase any doubt in Harper’s eyes about us. I'll make sure everyone who sees us together walks away with envy and a dream of having a love like ours.

  “Oh, Avery is getting married in a few weeks. Nothing too big, but she invited me.” Avery is much like Harper in the modest way she dressed and carried herself. If I had to guess, Avery would be going to her marriage bed a virgin.

  “Congratulations. When is the big day?” Slipping my arms around Harper, not waiting for her to melt into my embrace.

  “Three weeks from tomorrow.”

  Pulling out my phone, keeping Harper caged in my arms,I bring up my calendar app. I can feel her quick intake of breath as she sees my screensaver, a photo I snapped on Skype and then downloaded to my computer. I had told her a funny story involving Ross and a pile of camel shit. Snuggling in closer, I let my chin rest in the space between her neck and shoulder. I begin typing in the words, wedding date with my incredibly, beautiful girlfriend, who I hope wears a dress that takes my breath away. “Okay got it.”

  Just as I’m about to put my phone away, it rings with a number I don’t recognize, I press the ignore icon and place it back in my pocket. Avery has her eyes locked on my uniform, something I've grown used to in the years of wearing it. This time it's different, she isn’t sizing me up for any fantasy or revenge sex.

  “Can I ask you about your medals?” Her voice is reverent and soft, much like Harper’s. She points to the spot on her own shirt as to which medal she is curious about.

  “Of course,” placing a kiss on Harper’s cheek, standing to my full height. “Anyone in particular?” It’s a redundant question, most people who recognize my Trident shield instantly know what I am. The intimidation is instant based on stories of missions and Hollywood’s wild imaginations.

  “The one that looks like a pitchfork.”

  “Ah,” framing the metal with my thumb and index finger. “This is my Trident shield, it lets the world know I’m a trained SEAL.” Avery takes a step back, as a flash of fear crosses her face.

  Harper reaches out grabbing her retreating form. “Easy, Avery. Logan is a doctor, you have nothing to fear from him.”

  “I-I'm sorry. Cole wanted to become a SEAL, but he couldn’t pass the mental portion of the exam.” Avery’s voice trembles and I have a suspicion this Cole has shared with her more than he should.

  “And Cole is?” Prompting an answer from her, a diversion attempt to chase away the fear. A huge smile grows fast across her face, her features relaxing and it is my hope my name has the same effect on Harper.

  “Cole is my fiancé. He’s in the Navy, a Corpsman.” The pride in her voice mirrors my own for being a member of the military. Avery has effectively secured a place in my world as the loved one of a shipmate.

  “Is he stationed locally?”

  “Yes, at Norfolk.”

  Knowing this is my perfect opportunity to surprise Harper, including her in the secret no one except my father knows.

  “What’s his last name? I’ll keep a lookout for him when I report for duty.”

  It takes her a minute, longer than it does for Avery to answer. Harper looks up at me through confused eyes and attempts to take a step away from me. I’ve waited far too long to hold her, to be with her the way I want. Turning Harper to face me, “I was sick of being away from you, so I called in a favor.” The need to touch her is too much, my hands crave the softness of her skin, the curve of her jaw and the way her hair feels like silk between my fingertips. Without much thought, I run my thumbs over the apple of her cheeks as my fingers disappear into her hair, engulfed by the luxurious feeling of the strands between my digits.

  “I’m here,” I whisper loud enough for only Harper to hear, placing a kiss on the corner of her mouth.

  “In Virginia.” Applying a kiss to the opposite side.

  “To be with you.” Rubbing my nose against the side of her cheek, losing myself in the essence of her.

  “Forever.” Unable to resist any further, I cover her lips with mine, losing myself in the softness of her mouth, the sweet taste of her tongue and how she exhales as she lets her body lean into mine. I should worry about the people around us, the judgmental eyes trained on the way I’m kissing her without abandon. But I want them pointing fingers, spreading rumors of what they have witnessed. Dispelling any questions as to what my purpose here is and how much I crave this perfect girl in my arms.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  When Meredith mentioned having dinner together as a family, I assumed she meant at a nice restaurant in town. I knew it would be a place with a name I couldn’t pronounce, a menu I couldn’t afford, and food I would need a magnifying glass to see on my plate. What I never, in my wildest dreams, imagined was the reality of sitting on the family jet to have dinner in New York City, at their home. But here I was, sitting beside Logan, his arm around me as I stared out the window, amazed at the bank of clouds creating a blanket, blocking my view of the ground below.

  After the cake had been cut and the press got into their cars and left, Logan excused himself long enough to change out of his uniform and into a pair of dark slacks, expensive dress shoes, and a button-down gray shirt. The color contrast did incredible things to the irises of his eyes, highlighting the lighter speckles swirling in the blue. He had overwhelmed me with the news of his transfer, leaving me breathless with his confession of how he used his connections to maneuver his way to a position closer to me.

  Logan had wanted me to ride over to his hotel room with him, but I needed a moment to compose myself, to wrap my mind around everything I’d learned today. Secluding myself in one of the available rooms at Horizon, I closed my eyes and tried to recall the time Ross had wanted to transfer to the UK and how he sat on pins and needles waiting for a call
from his detailer to determine his fate. In the end, my brother didn’t receive the assignment he wanted, instead he was sent on a three-month mission he refuses to talk about. According to Logan, he made a single phone call, and in a matter of minutes, he was handed the assignment he hand picked for himself. How big of a reach did the Forbes family have? Furthermore, what did Logan have to offer in exchange for the favor? Questioning the validity of why Logan was here cheapened the end result. I would remain cautiously optimistic until I was shown concrete evidence to the contrary.

  My father sat a few seats over, Valerie all smiles at his side. Part of me was concerned with the quickness of their friendship. After her visit to my store, I wanted to know as much about her as I could. She was a free spirit, adventurous and outgoing. She was also filthy rich with four of her books having been made into movies. How fast would she tire of him? He was far from a wealthy man, with simple beliefs and community ties.

  “Doctor Forbes, can I offer you a beverage?”

  As we were greeted when we first arrived, the redheaded stewardess showed a bit too much enthusiasm when she noticed Logan. I tried to brush it off as loyalty, but during the time it took to reach a cruising altitude the top two buttons of her blouse had come undone.

  “Melanie, I think we need a bottle of champagne.”

  Picking up my hand and bringing it to his lips, his eyes locked with mine. “We have so much to celebrate.” Logan may be a trained SEAL with honed skills to fight an enemy, but he was clueless when it came to the woman who was currently panting in his face, arching her back in hopes of him catching an eyeful of her tits. I didn’t trust this girl not to do something crazy.

  “None for me, Logan. I want to remember everything about tonight.” I wouldn’t put it past her to dump something into my drink, something disgusting and unhealthy.

  “Logan, I have an excellent bottle of champagne waiting at home. Pierre has it chilling for us.”

  Ten seconds ago I wanted to shoot daggers at Meredith, demanding to know why a local restaurant wasn’t good enough for this dinner. Somehow I knew she saw what I did, and now I wanted to kiss her. As Logan turns to answer his mother, the end of his nose brushes against the top of Melanie’s right shoulder, causing him to flinch back into the leather seat and grab my hand tighter. His face contorts in disgust, as if he has just gotten a whiff of something putrid and it takes everything in me not to burst out laughing at the embarrassed flirt.

  “My apologies, Logan.”

  “Doctor Forbes, Melanie.” Meredith words were coated with venom and rang with authority. I find it impossible not to shiver from the intensity of them.

  “Yes, Mrs. Forbes.” Melanie backs away in fear, disappearing behind the cabin door.

  Logan relaxes back into the seat, his grip tightening as he whispers his own apologies into my ear. The flutter of his breath does insanely wonderful things to my body.

  “You know, I should be angry at you for not telling me about moving to Virginia.”

  “But by the smile on your face and the way you kissed me back there, you’re far from angry.”

  His deep voice reverberates against my heated skin, and I want nothing more than to lean back and allow him to devour me right here in my seat. But I need answers, reasons as to why he made me worry about him, knowing my brother would be in contact with Amanda and she would tell me.

  “I was at first, but not anymore, not about that.”

  Logan adjusted in his seat, turning his body in my direction, his eyes locking with mine. “What are you angry about?”

  Letting out a deep breath, attempting to categorize the many questions floating around in my head. “Angry isn’t exactly the correct word. Confused is more like it.”

  Logan leaned over, placing a kiss on my forehead as his left hand caressed my cheek. “What can I clear up for you?” Pulling away from him, knowing I needed to have real answers for what was going to happen in the next few days. I had a business to run, a full schedule I needed to handle. How in the world would Logan fit into all of this?

  “Well, what are your plans? I know you said you were here permanently, but how? Do you have somewhere to live? What about a car and your furniture?”

  “Slow down, babe.” Logan soothed, stroking my face as he kept his voice calm and low. “My immediate plan is to enjoy your company during dinner, and then have a much needed conversation with your father.”

  My heart sank as he mentioned my dad. It was no secret, no matter how hard he tried, my dad never cared for Lance. I had been vague when discussing Logan, more for my protection than his. I was still in disbelief this incredible man wanted to have a romantic relationship with me. Not to mention having to deal with letting go of the final thread of my past, something I didn’t feel would ever happen.

  “After dinner, we will climb back on this jet, minus one stewardess if I know my mother at all, where I will escort you back to your front door, and I will return to my cold, lonely hotel room. Tomorrow morning I have to hit the gym,” patting his abs and puffing out his cheeks. “Where I will have to run twenty miles and lift ten tons of weights to get back into shape so I can keep my insanely beautiful girlfriend interested in me. After which I hope to take said girlfriend to a proper lunch.” I start to interrupt, make it clear how turbulent this time of year can be for me, and my shop.

  “Don’t,” he warns gently, gripping my index finger I’ve raised in rebuttal between his callused fingers. “I know you’ll be at work and if you're too busy, then I’ll occupy myself until you’re finished.”

  “It's Saturday, so we are open until two.”

  “So, I’ll hit the gym, call my realtor and make an appointment to see the property she has for me around say, four?”

  “Is this a question?”

  “I was verifying with you if four was a doable time for you?”


  “Because I want your input.”

  “Again, why?”

  A chill starting at the tip of my spine travels all the way to the bottom of my feet as Logan’s face changes into an almost animalistic expression. His intense blue eyes, drifting to a dangerous level of black, frightening me and intriguing me at the same time.

  “Listen to me, Harper.” His voice has always affected me in ways I refuse to admit, but the depth of it at this moment is sending me to an arena I’ve read about, but didn’t believe existed. “This isn’t a temporary situation for me. Being with you isn’t something I’m testing out to see if it fits. When I said forever earlier, I meant it, literally.” My breath leaves me as the implication of what he said registers in my brain. Forever means dates, exchanging I love you’s, and someday taking his last name. Rings and a church, kids and soccer, and trips to Disney.

  “I want you with me when I see these properties and celebrate with me tomorrow night when I can take you to dinner.” Leaning his mouth into my left ear, nipping my earlobe with the tip of his teeth.


  The soft ding of the captain's announcement saves me from the internal panic of where my thoughts were heading. Being alone with Logan, no computer screen or chaperone involved is something I hadn’t considered, at least not outside of my dreams. Logan Forbes started out as a name on a piece of paper, another friend I assumed I would add to my Christmas card list. Now, all six plus feet of him sat beside me, giving me tiny glimpses of what was going on in his head. Had I fallen into Alice’s rabbit hole? Filled with strange characters and roles which modern society denounced as ridiculous. This incredible slice of man should be taking a tour of open vaginas instead of asking me to choose a home with him.

  “Excuse the interruption, Dr. and Mrs. Forbes, we will be landing in twenty minutes. Mr. Berkley is waiting with the cars.”

  In the handful of times I’ve taken an airplane somewhere, I’ve never enjoyed the seemingly endless wait for the aircraft to open the doors and let passengers get off. Being pushed and shoved as the luggage is tossed down a metal escalator, only to
be outdone by the two-mile walk you have to travel to find a rental car kiosk. Had I taken a ride on a private jet first, where the wait time is less than five minutes and the walk to your vehicle is seventeen-steps, I might have lost my mind.

  The Forbes family didn’t mess around when it came to getting a job done. Four full-sized SUV’s lined up with men dressed in dark suits standing beside them, doors open and ready for us to climb in. Logan had intertwined our fingers before the door to the cabin opened, pulling me in the direction of the furthest Escalade after we descended the stairs.

  “I’m sorry about this. I wanted to have time alone with you tonight, but you already know how demanding my mother can be.”

  “It’s fine.” And it was, granting me more time to get used to in the flesh Logan, instead of the Skype version.

  “And I have to warn you about Pierre, my parent's housekeeper and chef. He can be inquisitive, to say the least. The man can gossip better than any of your Chatty Cathy’s, but he does make a mean Beef Wellington.”

  In my mind, I pictured a tall, slender man with dark hair and a pencil thin mustache, dressed in a starched suit with tails and shoe covers. His nose pointed to the ceiling as he ignored anyone whom he didn’t deem important. I nearly swallowed my tongue when a short, bald man dressed in a Chicago Cubs T-shirt, painter’s pants, with bright pink nail polish on his fingers and toes.

  “Corporal Captain,” Pierre shouted in perfect English, as he raced down the steps toward Logan. Meredith clucked her tongue, shaking her head at the calamity going on outside of her upscale Manhattan home.

  “How many times do I have to tell you its Lieutenant?”

  “As many as it takes you to remember I don’t care. What did you bring me?” Pierre stood in the middle of the sidewalk, his hand outstretched and his pink toenails wiggling against his flip-flops. He reminded me of a Chihuahua who had eaten too much sugar.


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