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The Mermaid's Pearl (Tears of the Deep Book 1)

Page 17

by Kennedy, Brooke

  “I’ll take that as a yes. I have never missed out on a treasure hunt before, and I don’t intend on doing it now.” I laughed. I wouldn’t tell him the part about wanting to help him.

  He huffed in irritation and sliced his sword into the lamia on my right. “Sounds like you’ve been hiding something from me, love. Are you sure you aren’t a pirate?”

  I smirked. Not even close. “I’ll be more of a help than you think I will be, let’s just say that.” At least, I hoped I would be. More than one occurrence over the past few weeks showed me I might just be too sure of myself.

  I reached behind me to search for a weapon. I felt the cloth of Aiden’s coat, the hardness and tenseness of his body, as he waited for more attacks. When I found the hilt of a sword at his hip, I slipped it from its resting spot and held it high.

  “Be careful with that thing,” he chastised.

  The lamia in front of me lunged forward with her spear and I jumped to the left, thankful Aiden got out of the way when the one across from him attacked. I swung my sword into the air like Aiden had taught me and it collided with her spear. My foot flew out to kick her to the ground, but as she fell backwards she grabbed ahold of my arm and pulled me down with her. I cried out as I hit the hard, dirt floor below. She rolled over on top of me, her fangs bared as she hissed in anger.

  As she raised her spear in the air, I stretched my arm out for the sword I dropped. It was only a few inches from my fingertips, but I couldn’t reach it. Fear swelled up in me as I looked back up at the lamia. She paused for a moment to look back at me, and I let her see the terror in my eyes, hoping she would have some sort of sympathy because I was a woman. She considered me for just a moment before raising her spear higher to gut me.

  “Please, don’t,” I whispered, but she wasn’t ready to have mercy on the one aiding a man.

  Suddenly, the edge of a sword cut through the front of her body, causing her to scream out. My scream was echoed behind hers as the tip stopped inches from my chest. Aiden’s hand adorned with all his rings appeared on her shoulder as the sword retreated and he pushed her off to the side. He looked down at me with victory in his eyes and blood on his shirt.

  “Thank you,” I forced out through large gulps for air.

  “It’s my pleasure, Rae.” He held out his hand for me. I took it and he pulled me to my feet, hard enough for me to fall against him.

  Aiden ran his hand down my hair, smoothing it out, and smiled that charming smile of his. “You are so beautiful, even covered in dirt.”

  I slapped his chest playfully. “Shut up, we have a job to do.”

  “But first…” His voice trailed off as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

  It took me off guard, but the rush of the battle and his warm hands on me increased the adrenaline racing through my body. In that moment, it was exactly what needed to be. What needed to happen. Somehow, the world still faded around us in the cave. There was no sense of danger, only the feel of his fingers in my hair and his lips on mine. I curled my fingers into his shirt and deepened the kiss, pressing myself up against him as warmth radiated through my body. There was no denying it, Aiden thrilled me. When he pulled back from me, his eyes were full of adoration, and I returned the heated gaze.

  “Sorry, love, we have to go. It was just so bloody sexy seeing you trying to fight those monsters. I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Just using the essence of everything you taught me,” I said with a smile as I stepped back from him.

  “That’s right you did. I’m glad my teachings didn’t go to waste, but please do be careful. You lost your weapon awfully fast.”

  I frowned.

  Placing his sword in its hilt, he motioned for me to follow him. He picked up my sword on the way out of this room and handed it to me. When he pulled one of the torches off the wall, I followed him into yet another thin tunnel. This one was just barely wide enough for the both of us.

  “How do you even know where you are going?” I asked.

  He tapped the side of his head and gave me a cocky smile. “It’s all in here, lass. When you’ve been a pirate as long as I have, you learn how to memorize a map.”

  “And you believe them to be honest when they gave it to you?”

  “Of course. They want their treasure and know I will retrieve it, especially when you have that contraption on your wrist.” He reached out to snatch my arm and look at the black cuff. I stumbled, but he caught me and laughed. “Watch your step.”

  I jerked my hand from him. “Don’t grab me like that then.”

  Stupid feet.

  “I’ve never seen anything like that before.” Aiden dropped my hand and started walking again with a contemplative look on his face. “I wonder where they found such a thing.”

  “Might be useful to use on your enemies.”

  “Perhaps,” he said with a chuckle.

  When we reached the end of the tunnel, he held out his hand to stop me from walking any further. He took a step into the room and held out the torch to look around. I sighed and pushed past him, surprised when my feet hit a puddle of water.

  “Put the torch down here, Aiden.”

  He lowered the torch and crouched down beside me. My eyes followed the path of the water, which seemed to reach across this entire room. There was nowhere else to go. We were stuck.

  “See, you don’t know where you’re going,” I accused and pointed to the other side of the cave. There was no exit to be seen.

  “Bloody hell.” He groaned and ran his hand down his face. “I was hoping the map was wrong.”

  “What is it?”

  “We have to swim underneath the water to get to the other side of the wall.”

  I stopped breathing. The last time I swam with feet, it didn’t work out well. I wasn’t looking forward to trying it again. “I don’t—I don’t know if I can.”

  “You don’t know how to swim?” He cocked a suspicious eyebrow.

  “No.” With just one word, I felt empty inside. I could swim better than any of those pirates on his ship but not now, not with my powers stripped from me. I had no idea how to navigate these legs underneath the water.

  “So how did you end up in the middle of the ocean?”

  “My boat capsized,” I lied. “I was trying to escape something dreadful.” That much was true. The squid was ready to devour both Tristen and I.


  I hadn’t thought about him in days. All my time and attention had been on Aiden, and I didn’t like that fact.

  “Capsized, eh? Well I suppose you’re lucky we found you then. Since you can’t swim and all…”

  “Yes, definitely,” I agreed quickly. “How do you propose we get to the other side?”

  He rubbed his chin in thought. “If we don’t go, then we will not get the stone. I have to get it to keep you safe, so I don’t have a choice. You can stay here if you’d like. I will return as fast as I can.”

  “No!” The panicked word escaped me before I could stop them. “I want to go with you.” Julianna’s words rung in my ear. Only another princess can remove it. I didn’t want to take that chance or be left behind.

  “That attached to me are you? Very well, let us swim.” He took ahold of my hand and looked down at me. “Do not let go of my hand, lass.”

  Before I could say anything else, he tossed the torch to the ground and dove into the water with me behind him. I barely had time to take in a large gasp of air before I was drug under. The water was cold, but familiar, the salt from the ocean flowing across my skin. I wondered where it came from, and if there were creatures lurking in the dark waters.

  I couldn’t see in front of me, but I held on to his hand desperately. If I were to let go, I had no idea if I would be trapped beneath the rocks. Not being able to see under water was foreign to me. It was difficult to hold my breath, and I feared I wouldn’t be able to much longer. Neither of us knew where we were going, and we would have to breathe soon. It was the way of the human

  I wish my night vision worked.

  At the thought, a bright light flashed in front of me, and I could see Aiden kicking along side of me. Then it was gone. I wasn’t sure what happened, but I wanted it to happen again. Focusing my vision on our grasped hands, I imagined what it would be like to see his hand. Slowly, the water lit up with light, my vision clearing to see everything around us. Excitement leapt in my chest. It wasn’t gone after all, just dormant in this human body.

  Aiden had no idea which way to go. The worry shown on his face, something he would not have done if he knew I could see his expression. He was always careful to hide his emotions. Trying to help propel us forward, I kicked my feet behind me. They were flimsy and flopped about awkwardly, but Aiden’s body moving forward helped me to balance out somewhat. Up ahead and slightly to the right, there appeared to be an opening.

  Pulling on his hand, I directed him that way. I could see the indecision on his face as he turned in that direction. I was thankful he listened to me, even though he couldn’t hear me ask him. He couldn’t even argue with me about it; he was trusting in me.

  Aiden’s body splashed above me, pulling me up through the surface with him. I gasped for air and clung to him; we made it, but we wouldn’t have without my ability to see in the dark. As he led me toward the shore, the panic in me settled, my lungs gladly accepting the air into them. Disappointment flowed through me when my vision changed, leaving me in darkness once again.

  I crawled up on the rock shore, coughing up the water in my throat and laid down to try and catch my breath. Aiden laid down beside me, his hand not letting go of mine, and I could hear his familiar deep breathing beside me. It was comforting to have his rough hand on mine in the darkness.

  I was in serious trouble.

  Chapter Twenty

  The sound of the flames crackling kept us company in the small room. Aiden had gathered sticks and rocks from around the room to create it. The fire helped to warm us as we dried off. He didn’t want to stop for a break, but we were both tired from fighting and swimming. Not to mention not getting any sleep. I wondered if it was daylight yet.

  “You’re awful quiet, love.”

  I shrugged and continued to fiddle with the string on my boot. There wasn’t a whole lot to say, considering the situation. It wasn’t ideal, and I felt as if I was suffocating in the cave. I longed for freedom from all of this and the feel of the open waters.

  He moved over to where I sat and wrapped his arm around me, tucking me into the bend of it. “What’s the matter, darling?”

  “I’m just ready to go home.”

  “I thought you liked adventure. Isn’t that what this is?”

  “No, adventure is something you do for your own reasons. We are being forced to do as others are telling us.” I turned my head and lifted my eyes to him.

  “That’s true. Although I would still like to think of it as an adventure. Besides, is there anyone else you’d rather be stuck in this cave with?” His eyes twinkled as he reached out to run his thumb down my cheek.

  My eyes closed on their own accord, my mouth falling open at his touch. For such rough hands, they were always gentle with me. Well, for the most part. His lips captured mine in a short, innocent kiss.

  “Is there?” he asked again, running his hand down my arm and taking my hand in his.

  “No.”. Honestly, I was glad Aiden was there with me. It made the cave less lonely.

  I sighed and leaned against him, burying my face in his shirt. Aiden smelled familiar now; I would remember it forever. The scent of rum, peppermint, and the sky after a rainfall would never again be the same.

  Aiden reached into his pocket and retrieved a flask. He popped the top off with his mouth and spit it to the ground. After taking a large gulp of it, he offered it to me. “To drown your sorrows?”

  Rum was not something I wanted anymore after the way it had made me act. Since we were alone and my mind kept focusing on the negativity, I saw no reason to say no. I took it from him and tilted it back. The liquid burned as it traveled down my throat but helped to ease my worries.

  “That a girl,” he said with a laugh before taking another drink himself. Leaning away from me, he laid down on the ground and propped himself up on his left arm. His eyes traveled over my form before settling on my face. “Would you like to play a game with me?”

  “What sort of game?”

  “One that will get us sloshed before we know what hit us so we can sleep in this dreadful place.”

  I giggled, curious what it was. Everything he taught me so far was interesting. “How do we play?”

  “We each take a turn telling a truth from our past lives. With each truth we take a swig of rum.”

  He wanted to know about my life and was trying to be sneaky about it. However, I was just as curious as to who he was before he became a pirate and what life was like for him back then. I nodded. “Alright. Go on.”

  Aiden's smile gave him away. He didn’t intend to play fair. “Before your ship capsized, what was life like for you?” There was mocking in his voice, as if he didn’t believe my story, but I ignored it.

  “I am the oldest of five sisters.” The information was innocent enough. I took a sip from the flask.

  He took it from me and drank before he spoke. “I was an only child.”

  “You missed out. Being a sibling is a wonderful privilege. I’ve taught them best I could about the ways of—” I stopped myself before I said mermaid and picked back up, hoping he wouldn’t notice, “the suitors.”

  “I’m sure there were a lot of them. You’re beautiful.”

  “So you say.” I took a drink of the harsh liquid before handing it back to him. “How old were you when you left your kingdom?”


  “What was it like there?”

  “You’ve never been to Ireland?”

  I shook my head.

  “It’s beautiful, love. Green land as far as the eye can see. We lived near the ocean in our castle. My family made their wealth on bartering fish years ago. Even though we had enough money that we didn’t have to work, every father through the generations taught their sons to steer a ship and fish the oceans. They feared the money would not last forever.”

  “Did you take any of it when you left?”

  “No. I thought it best to leave all that to the past.” He took a long drink of the rum and looked off into the other direction. The sadness returned to his face, and I hated to see it.

  The world was beginning to become fuzzy around me, but I didn’t care. I reached out to run my hand through his hair. He looked back at me and forced a smile to his face.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about our past anymore,” I suggested.

  Aiden shrugged. “Alright then.” He reached into his pocket and retrieved a small bag. He held it out to me in an offering. “Would you like some jerky? It’s not enough to fill you up but it could help your appetite.”

  “What’s jerky?”

  “It’s dried meat, love. How is it possible you don’t know what it is?” He eyed me curiously as he pulled out a thick piece and popped it in his mouth.

  As he chewed and looked at me expectantly, I gave in. He’d never tried to poison me before or get me to eat something wretched. I supposed it would be fine. I reached into the bag and took one for myself. It was delicious. It was rough but chewy, parts of it more than the others, and the flavor was of the sun and salt with meat mixed in. It must have been what I saw laid out in strips on the boat one morning.

  “What do you want the future to hold?”

  His question caught me off guard. I wouldn’t have taken him for the kind to think too much about his future. But I had done a lot of thinking about the future. I knew exactly what I wanted—love and the old ways back. I longed to return to Camilla. I wanted the merfolk to have their home again and the choice to live with fins or legs. It had been too long since humans had chased us from our home. It had been too long without
fighting back. Still, none of the merfolk even thought about taking their land back. They were too scared to do so, preferring to hide in fear.

  “I want things to be how they used to be.” I couldn’t give him the details or I would be giving my own secrets away.

  Aiden cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean, lass?”

  “My people have been wronged,” I said, choosing my words wisely. “I want them to have the life they used to when things weren’t so fearful.”

  “It sounds like you have quite the heart for others.”

  “I suppose. Most of the children don’t remember what it was like but I do. If I close my eyes, I can still see everything as it used to be.”

  “Things cannot go back to how they used to be, Rae,” Aiden sad sadly. “Things happen for a reason, I believe that. Even the worst of things do. Don’t waste all your time wishing for a past that can’t return.” I heard the bitterness in his voice and knew he wasn’t just talking about my past, but also his own. He had lost everything that meant something to him. I lost my home and my parents, but there were still those around who loved me. At least I still had a family and friends. He had none of that.

  “I’m so sorry for all you’ve lost,” I whispered and rose my hand to rest on his cheek. “If I had it in my power, I would return it to you.”

  Without a word, Aiden sat up and took my face in his hands. His kiss was slow at first, easy and delicate, as if he were afraid he would break me. My hands ran into his hair as I pulled myself closer to him. I didn’t want him to hurt. I wanted to savor the moments we had together in the cave while we were alone, even if it meant I was getting too emotionally close to him. I wanted to make him feel better.

  Aiden deepened the kiss and lowered me to the ground slowly. He held himself up with one hand as the other greedily moved down my body. I tightened my hold on his hair and pressed against him, yearning to fulfill this intense desire in me he elicited. I’d never felt it so strongly before him, and I loved it more and more each time it happened.


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