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by Roland Barthes

Picon, Gaëtan, 248, 336n40

  Piel, Jean, 339n101; Critique and, 156–57; letters to, 156–64, 323n58, 326n129

  Pingaud, Bernard, 259

  Pinget, Robert, 85–86, 316n39

  Pinguet, Maurice, 339n116, 340n126; dedication to, 340n133; letters from, 280–81, 340n136; letters to, 276–80

  Plaisir du texte, Le (Barthes, R.), 201, 202

  Planchon, Roger, 99, 100, 101, 319n99, 319n101

  Planétarium, 316n46

  Plato, 66, 87, 144, 151

  Playboy (magazine), 203

  Pleasure, anthology and, 213

  Plekhanov, Georges, 104, 319n107

  Pleurisy, 26–27

  Pleynet, Marcelin, 160, 202–3

  Plon, 169, 326n133, 327n163

  Pneumonia, 26, 27, 31

  Pneumothorax, 68–69, 312n52, 312n76, 313n95

  Poetry, 5, 237; history and prose with, 112; language and, 81–82, 116, 183–84, 212; supernatural and, 113

  Poikilos, 306, 343n193

  Poirot-Delpec, Bertrand, 52

  Poland, 73, 315n9

  Politics, 329n188; cultural-political meeting, 318n81; with science in Romania, 118–23

  Ponge, Francis, 237, 330n23

  Pop Art, 281

  Popov, A. S., 120

  “Popular Songs of Paris Today” (Barthes, R.): “I am followed on the street” and, 117–18; love and, 117, 118; with music and proletariat, 115; with music and role of star, 115; Piaf and, 115, 116–17

  “Popular theater,” 91–92

  Porbus, François, 307, 343n195

  Portraitde l’artiste en saltimbanque (Starobinski, J.), 258

  Postage stamp, “mythology,” 209–10

  Posthumous time, vii

  Pothos, 341n158

  Poulot, Georges, 327n153. See also Perros, Georges

  “Pour une histoire de l’enfance, enfants-vedettes, enfants-copies, jouets” (Barthes, R.), 316n30

  Power, 177–79, 321n27

  Prelude à l’après-midi d’un faune (Debussy), 2, 5

  Preparation of the Novel, The (Barthes, R.), 298, 344n200

  “Preparation of the Novel, The” (lecture course), 141, 170, 297, 299

  “Prétexte: Roland Barthes” (Cerisy Colloquium), 285

  Prévert, Jacques, 109, 114

  Prigent, Christian, 205–6, 330nn22–24

  Prix de Mai, Le, 148, 320n10, 324n90

  Prix Renaudot, 338n86

  Professeur Taranne, Le (Adamov), 317n52

  Projet de Rév (Robbe-Grillet), 140–41

  Proletariat, 115–16

  Prophesy, 91, 110

  Prose, 5, 112, 183–84

  Protestants, 7, 10, 310n21, 322n39

  Proust, Marcel, vii, 303, 310n11; influence, 5, 209, 216, 234, 343n192; with names, 230

  Pseudo-Longinus, 331n37

  Psychoanalysis, 110, 111, 162, 235–37, 284, 337n60

  Public education, training course in, 314n6

  Puritanism, 7

  Pushkin, Alexander, 105

  Queneau, Raymond, 82, 157, 160, 315n12, 322n56; with “L’Encyclopédie de la Pléiade” project, 315n15; “incidents” and, 297; letters from, 73–75; novel and, 326n131; relationship with, 338n91

  Quintilian, 151, 152, 180, 248, 325n111

  Quinzaine littéraire, La, 320n13, 321n16, 338n91, 339n100; Nadeau and, 124, 128–30, 321n17, 321n20, 321nn22–23; Revel in, 320n14

  Racine, Jean, 5, 105, 109, 182, 257, 335n23. See also “Dire Racine”; Sur Racine

  Rancière, Jacques, 330n17

  Rebeyrol, Philippe, 114; with history exams, 311n36; letters to, 1–25, 68–73, 208–9; music and, 7, 189, 310n18

  Recherche de la base et du sommet (Char), 193, 334n1

  Régnier, Yves, 68, 69

  Reinach, Théodore, 341n150

  Religiosity, history and, 108

  Rembrandt, 323n66

  Renard and la Boussole, Le (Pinget), 316n39

  Répertoire (Butor, Michel), 144

  “Research on the Social Signs and Symbols in Human Relations (in the Contemporary French Domain)” (Barthes, R.), 335n11

  “Retiring,” from literature, 252

  Retour du tragique (Domenach), 315n24

  Rêve, Le (Béguin), 79

  Revel, Jean-François, 128, 320nn14–15

  Révelin, Noémie (maternal grandmother), 316n40

  Reversal, anacoluthon as, 226–27

  Révolution du langage poétique, La (Kristeva), 212

  “Revue internationale” (Gulliver) project, 149, 170–80, 238, 324n99

  Rham, Gilbert de, 35, 42, 312n59

  Rhetoric: classical language and, 110; criticism and, 103–4; historical method and literature with, 103–7; language and, 181–83; milieu and, 104–5, 106; silence and, 181; Valéry and, 180–88; with work of writers, 107–9; work on, 102, 151, 152, 248, 325n110. See also “Avenir de la rhétorique, L’”

  Ricardou, Jean, 157, 326n136

  Richard, Jean-Paul, 317n77

  Richie, Donald, 281

  Rimbaud, Arthur, 198, 315n12, 330n26

  Ring (Wagner), 290

  Ristat, Jean, 339n113

  “Rizières” (Roy), 91

  Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 76, 86, 148, 322n47, 322nn53–56; family of, 322n51; influence of, 157–59; letters to, 136–41; with Les Lettres nouvelles, 125, 320n3, 322n52; Le Prix de Mai and, 320n10

  Robert, Marthe, 128, 129, 148, 204, 324n89

  Roberte, ce soir (film), 331n30

  Robichez, Jacques, 96, 318n91

  Roger des Genettes, Edma, 334n83

  Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes (Barthes, R.), xi, 310n17, 321n22, 330n26, 337n67, 341n147; Allées Paulmy and, 310n16; interview for, 341n148; publication of, 340n146; “Vita Nova” and, 298, 299; work on, 340nn144–45

  Romania, 114, 118–23

  Romano, Ruggiero, 288, 341n157

  Romanticism, 4, 23, 39, 187

  Romantic period: literature in, 110–11; music, 244

  Rose des vents: 32 Rhumbs pour Charles Fourier, La (Butor, Michel), 155, 325n121

  Rosetti, Alexandru, 122, 320n118

  Rosolato, Guy, 327n153

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 60

  Rousset, Jean, 261, 338n78

  Rouvet, Jean, 317nn72–73

  Roy, Jules, 91, 317nn52–54

  Russo (Italian intellectual), 314n105

  Ruwet, Nicolas, 327n153

  Ruy Blas (Hugo), 93

  “Ruy Blas” (Barthes, R.), 93, 317n68

  Sade (Marquis de), 112, 156, 271, 338n79

  SADE (Societa Adriatica di Elettricita), 330n12

  Sade, Fourier, Loyola (Barthes, R.), 168–69, 191, 200–1, 272

  Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 134, 321n36

  Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry, 311n28

  Saint-Évremond, Charles de, 10, 310n25

  Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet. See Sanatorium des Étudiants de France

  Saint John the Baptist (Caravaggio), 175

  Sanatorium des Étudiants de France, Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet, 313n84, 313n86; Canetti, G., at, 28; departure from, 311n45; Douady and, 312n72; Existences, 31–32, 48, 58, 312n55, 312n78; letters from, 17–22, 26–34, 52–54; relapse and, 311n39, 312n51

  Sanatoriums, vii, 17, 64–67, 89, 269–70. See also Leysin Sanatorium

  Santini, Pierre, 209

  Sappho, 284, 341n150

  Sarcey, Francisque, 149, 324n97

  Sarduy, Severo, viii, 129, 180, 321n16

  Sarraute, Nathalie, 88, 296, 320n10

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 48, 247, 312n79, 315n12, 331n43, 333n62; on authors, 333n69; Genet and, 333n72; influence of, 58; letter to, 86–87, 190; Manifeste des 121 and, 329n188; in Les Temps modernes, 312n77, 313n101

  Satie, Erik, 206

  Saussure, Ferdinand de, 212, 331n49

  “Savoir et folie” (Barthes, R.), 102, 326n138

  Savulescu, Trajan, 119, 123

  Scénographie d’un tableau (Schefer), 129

  Schefer, Jean-Louis, 129

é, Georges, 95, 318n80

  Schema, 222, 234, 332n61

  Sciascia, Leonardo, 321n27

  Science: class, 120; Flaubertian sentence and, 217, 235; historical method and, 103–7; Romania and politicization of, 118–23; Soviet Union and, 118–19, 120; universal, 120

  Scripturire (desire to write), 299

  SDN, 10

  Séchan, Louis, 17, 311n37

  Section Française de l’Internationale Ouvrière, 310n5

  Seignobos, Charles, 103

  Séméiotikè (Kristeva), 268

  Semiotics, 269, 309n4, 340n142

  Sentence: antisentence, 218; Kristeva and, 331n39

  Sentence, Flaubertian: adverb and, 219; anacoluthons of two truths, 217–18; art and, 217; bêtise and, 211, 218, 224, 229, 232, 235; cleavage and, 228; closure, 224, 233; copy, 215–16, 229, 234–35; disappointment and, 230–31; disconnection and, 214, 215–16; disintegration, 233–34; Encyclopedia of knowledge and, 235–36; enumeration, 223, 230–32, 234; as envelope, 216–17; form and, 215, 218–19, 221–22; influence of, 210–11; mimesis, 234–35; research on, 211–13; science and, 217, 235; silence and, 217; stasis of, 232–33; stereotypes and, 220, 221, 230; truth and, 218, 233, 234; the Voices and, 219–21. See also Bouvard et Pécuchet

  Sentence-object, 214, 216, 235

  Séparation, La (Simon, C.), 267

  Serreau, Jean-Marie, 100, 319n101

  Servitude, 58, 123, 214

  Seuil. See Éditions du Seuil

  Sex, 225, 231, 235, 271, 330n26. See also Homosexuality

  Sextus Empiricus, 334n81

  SFIO, 4

  Shakespeare, William, 19

  Shumann, Robert, 8, 310n22

  Siegfried, André, 50, 313n83

  Sigg family, 314n109

  Signing: of Manifeste des 121, 329n188, 336n48; of work by writers, 180

  Signs, 61, 256, 268, 330n26, 335n11, 337n66; “empire of,” 276; Saussure and, 331n49; Valéry and, 183; work on, 253. See also Empire des signes, L’

  Silence, 256, 259, 261, 265, 280, 294; Flaubertian sentence and, 217; Perros, G., with cancer and, 337n68; rhetoric and, 181

  Silone, Ignazio, 318n81

  Simon, Claude, xi, 339n95, 339n97; letters from, 267–68; relationship with, 266–67

  Simon, Réa, 267, 268, 339n97

  Simonon, Georges, 137, 322n49

  Singevin, Charles, 68, 69, 314n2

  Singing, 116, 117; language and, 89; lessons, 89–90, 311n40

  Skira, 169, 258, 260–61, 267, 328n171, 330n8, 338n77

  Skira, Albert, 258, 338n81

  Socialism, 2, 4–5, 12, 72, 121, 142

  Social services, training course in, 314n6

  Societa Adriatica di Elettricita. See SADE

  Sociology, 73, 88, 135, 146, 185, 241; CNRS grant and, 76–77, 239, 314n4, 314n19, 335n24, 335n30; through language, 70

  Sollers, Phillipe, ix, 141, 160, 180, 273, 330n9; influence of, 342n180; Kristeva and, 339n103

  Sorbonne. See Groupe de Théâtre Antique de la Sorbonne

  Sorcière, La (Michelet), 40, 136, 268

  Sorrows of Young Werther, The (Goethe), vii

  Soviet Union, 122; in Hungary, 72, 314n8, 318n78, 323n62, 328n175; science and, 118–19, 120

  Speleostomy, 47, 51, 312n76

  Sport et les hommes, Le (film), 324n94

  Stalin, Joseph, 72, 121, 122

  Stalinism, 72, 121–22, 314n8, 315n9, 328n175

  Stamp. See Postage stamp, “mythology”

  Star, music and role of, 115

  Starobinski, Georges, 338n80

  Starobinski, Jean, 257, 337nn71–72, 338nn74–76; letters from, 258, 259–60; letters to, 258–59, 260–61

  Stéfan, Jude, 206, 330n26

  Stendhal, 311n44

  Stereotypes, Flaubertian sentence and, 220, 221, 230

  Stoics, 212, 341n153

  Structuralism, 146, 164, 180, 196, 236, 245

  “Style de L’Étranger, Le” (Barthes, R.), 312n78

  Subjects. See “Void of the subject”

  Subordinate clause, 215

  Suez Canal, 314n7

  Sulger-Buël, Romaric, 342n164

  Supernatural: art and, 103; literature and desupernaturalization, 106–7; music and, 114; poetry and, 113

  Sur Racine (Barthes, R.), 79, 164, 325n113, 329n180, 335n23; with Althusser, letter from, 196–97; influences on, 258; publishing of, 337n72; work on, 143, 161, 243–44, 318n85

  Surrealists, 106, 114, 315n12

  Sursis (Sartre), 312n79

  Swiss banking system, 24, 311n48

  Symbolisme au théâtre, Le (Robichez), 318n91

  Syntax, 211–12, 331n39

  Synthesis. See Analysis/synthesis split

  Système de la mode (Barthes, R.), 157, 248, 269, 319nn94–95, 324n88, 327n162, 337n63

  S/Z (Barthes, R.), 164, 337n65; with Bosquet, letter to, 199; with Derrida, letter from, 275; with Foucault, letter from, 198; with Leiris, letter from, 198

  Tableau de la France: Géographie physique, politique et morale (Michelet), 333n73

  Taine, Hippolyte, 103, 104

  Tastes, 224

  Tchernov, D. C., 120

  Tchirkovski, 119

  Téchiné, André, 272, 295, 342n173

  Tel Quel, 200, 321n18, 326n137, 339n100, 339n110

  Temporal, 20, 311n42

  Temps modernes, Les (journal), 48, 74, 264, 316n44, 322n49, 338n87; Sartre in, 312n77, 313n101; writing solicitations from, 86–87

  Temps présents (weekly publication), 48, 312n77

  Tersina, La (Spanish dancer), 5

  Text, history and, 111

  “Texte Japon, Le” (Pinguet), 276

  Thaïs (France), 5

  Theater, 239, 247; piano, writing and, 141, 238; “popular,” 91–92

  Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui, 319n101

  Théâtre de la Comédie, 319n99

  Théâtre des Ateliers, 319n102

  Théâtre des Nations, 318n93, 336n46

  “Théatre grec, Le” (Barthes R.), 315n15

  Théâtre National Populaire (TNP), 95, 242; Amis du Théâtre Populaire and, 317n73; Vilar and, 90, 317n72, 318n83, 336n34

  Theatre of Bertolt Brecht, The (Willett), 318n90

  Théâtre populaire (review): Amis du Théâtre populaire, 317n73; Brechtism and, 90, 96–98, 318n82, 318n88, 336n46; editorial committee, 317nn50–51; editorial content, 317n52, 317n67, 317n76, 318n83, 318n85, 319n96, 319n102, 321n31, 323n68, 336n46, 337n71; editorial work with, 90–99, 319n96; Mère Courage photographs in, 96, 97, 318n88; Voisin and, 90, 94–99, 318n87, 320n10, 321n31

  Thérèse d’Avila, 280

  Thermopyles, 11, 311n28

  Thévenin, Paule, 273

  Thiers Foundation, 284

  Thoracoplasty, 31, 38, 312n76

  Time, posthumous, vii

  Times Literary Supplement, 268

  Tito, Josip Broz, 121

  TNP. See Théâtre National Populaire

  Todorov, Tzvetan, 161, 163, 180, 327n146, 327n153

  Tomographies, 31, 38, 41, 312n53

  Tour de France, 126, 320n6

  Tour Eiffel, La (Barthes, R.), 309n4

  Tournier, Michel, 203–4

  Training course, in social services and public education, 314n6

  Traité de la comédie et des spectacles (Conti), 309n1

  Traité sur la Thoracoplastie (Rham), 312n59

  Trapenzentzeva, K., 119

  Trenet, Charles, 115

  Tricks (Camus, R.), 281

  “Triomphe et rupture de l’écriture bourgeoise” (Barthes, R.), 315n12

  Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine (Messiaen), 313n81

  Trotsky, Leon, 121

  Truth: anacoluthon between two types of, 217–18; bêtise and, 218; Flaubertian sentence and, 218, 233, 234

  Tuberculosis, 9; with bed rest and confinement, 311n41; cures, 314n103; first attack of, 310n23; inclined position and, 33, 312n56; Institut Pasteur and, 312n58; Perlemuter with, 313n93; pneumothorax with,
68–69, 312n52, 312n76, 313n95; relapse, 311n39, 312n51; speleostomy and, 47, 51, 312n76; thoracoplasty and, 31, 38, 312n76; tomographies and, 31, 38, 41, 312n53. See also Leysin Sanatorium; Sanatorium des Étudiants de France

  Twombly, Cy, 281

  Ubu (Monnet), 95, 96

  Ubu roi, 318n83, 318n86

  Understanding/hearing, actors with, 272–73

  United Nations, 311n27

  United States, 179, 264, 323n69, 324n79, 324n98

  Universal science, 120

  Université de Paris 7, 211

  University of Rabat, 199, 260, 325n120, 339n106

  Vaccari, Oreste, 278, 340n129

  Valéry, Paul, 106, 249; influence of, 2, 3, 5, 23, 309n2; origins, family, 3–4; Pascal and, 182; poetry and, 112; rhetoric and, 180–88; on writers and language, 184–85

  Vandervelde, Émile, 310n6

  Van Gogh, Vincent, 133

  Van Humbeeck, 55, 56, 60

  Van Roleghem (doctor), 36

  Vautel, Clément, 11, 311n30

  Vauvenargues (Marquis de), 91, 123, 317n54

  Veil, Hélène, 27–28

  Veil, Jacques, 25–27, 311n50

  Velan, Yves, 140, 148, 322n58, 324n90

  Vermeer, Johannes, 335n25

  Vernant, Jean-Pierre, 327n153

  Verrocchio, Andrea del, 342n166

  Verstraeten, Pierre, 160, 326n141

  Vialleneix, Paul, 321n19

  Victory (Conrad), 319n98

  Vie, mode d’emploi, La (Perec), 261

  Vie en fleur, Le (France), 5

  Vie littéraire, La (France), 5, 309n3, 310n10

  Vilar, Jean, 93, 99, 317n68; criticism of, 94; TNP and, 90, 317n72, 318n83, 336n34

  Vinaver, Michel (Grinberg), 98, 99, 143; friendship with, 323n72; letters from, 100, 101–2; letters to, 100–1; plays of, 319nn102–4; Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui and, 319n101; Théâtre de la Comédie and, 319n99; Théâtre populaire and, 319n102

  Visage, Bertrand, 283–84, 341n148

  “Vita Nova”: viii, “incidents” and, 297–98; with other titles, 298; transcription of, 299–308

  Vitez, Antoine, 319n103

  Vittorini, Elio, 175, 328n177

  “Vivre avec Fourier” (Barthes, R.), 325n122

  Voices, the, 219–21

  “Void of the subject,” 260

  Voie lactée, Le (film), 163

  Voisin, Robert, 133, 315n19, 335n22; letters to, 90–99; Perros, G., and, 243; Théâtre populaire and, 90, 94–99, 318n87, 320n10, 321n31

  Voltaire, 5, 105, 111

  Volupté (Sainte-Beuve), 321n36

  Voyeur (Robbe-Grillet), 322nn55–56

  Wagner, Richard, 290, 342n163

  Wahl, François, viii, 160, 272

  Walser, Martin, 329n177

  Warhol, Andy, 281

  Wilhem, Danile, 330n17


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