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Jack Daniels Six Pack

Page 105

by J. A. Konrath

“Good. What else?”

  I stare at Alex’s cheek. “You also took her makeup.”

  “I needed a whole tube of concealer to cover up the scarring, and it wouldn’t have stood up to close inspection. But no one even bothered to look at me. They were all too jacked up about the tragic suicide. I found Panko’s car by pressing the alarm button on her key chain. She had this cute little gun in her glove compartment. A Freudian with a gun. I wonder if she ever thought about how ironic that was.”

  I steal a glance at Mom. She seems out of it. In contrast, Latham appears alert and determined. I try to tell him how much I love him using only my eyes.

  “So how did I convince the authorities that Dr. Panko was me?” Alex asks.

  I think about my earlier calls to Heathrow, how they insisted the dead body was Alex.

  “You somehow switched dental records.”

  “Wrong.” Alex holds up the revolver. “Who do you want me to shoot, your mother or your fiancé?”

  My stomach falls to my ankles. “Give me another chance. You’re smarter than I am.”

  “No. Choose.”

  I’m tempted to say please, but begging Alex won’t help the situation. She feeds off of weakness. I promise myself I won’t beg, no matter how bad it gets.

  I look at Mom. She doesn’t meet my eyes. I wonder if she’s being strong, or if she’s gone someplace in her head. Then I look at Latham. He nods at me. My sweetheart is giving me permission to shoot him.

  “I refuse to decide,” I say.

  “Fine. Then I’ll do both.”


  Alex points the gun at Latham and fires, then turns it on Mom and fires.

  Two empty chambers, but something inside me breaks. The panic worms its way to the surface, and a soft whimper tears loose. I don’t want to cry, don’t want to let Alex see it, but some tears make it out anyway.

  “Hmm,” Alex says. “What were the odds there? A forty percent chance one of them would die? Looks like you got lucky, Jack. Now try again. How did I convince the authorities that Dr. Panko was me?”

  I have no idea. My brain is mush, scrambled eggs. I’m being forced to watch the people I love get killed. Alex will keep going until they both are dead, then she’ll start on me. How am I supposed to be able to think?

  “The clock is ticking, Jack. You have five seconds.”

  I make myself focus, make myself reason it out. If Alex didn’t switch records, there’s only one other possible way to get a positive dental ID.

  “You…you pulled some of your own teeth, put them in her mouth.”

  Alex claps her hands together.

  “Bravo, Jack! But you make it sound so simple. It isn’t easy, yanking out your own teeth. Especially without any anesthetic. Those suckers are in there tight! I used a toothbrush. Rubbed the handle against the cement walls until it got sharp. Then I jammed it into my jaw and pried the roots out. Does this look infected to you? Be honest.”

  Alex sticks her pinky into her mouth, pulls her cheek back. I see red, inflamed gums where teeth used to be, and her breath smells like meat gone bad. I turn away.

  “Why did I do that, Jack? Why did I yank out my teeth? Why didn’t I just get the hell out of there and not care if they realized I was gone?”

  “For me,” I say, my voice small. I stare at my lap.

  “Exactly. I did it for you, Jack. Because if they knew I escaped, they would have warned you, and you would have gotten away.”

  Alex grabs me by my hair, twists my head until I look at her.

  “How often did I think of you, when I was locked up? Take a guess, Jack. Guess how often.”

  I don’t have to guess. I know the answer.

  “Every day,” I say.

  “Every hour of every day I was in that hellhole I thought about you, Jack. About this moment right now. It made things bearable. Knowing one day I’d have you, and the people you care about, at my mercy—that was the only thing that kept me going. That was how I could look at my ugly, scarred face and not slit my own throat.”

  She releases my hair, and I force myself to hold her gaze.

  “Tell me, Jack. Did you think of me?”

  I don’t know what she wants me to say. Rather than try to guess, I tell her the truth.

  “Only in my nightmares.”

  “And what did you have nightmares about, Jack? Of me escaping?”


  “Why didn’t you kill me when you had the chance?”

  “Because I’m not a killer.”

  “But I am. You should have taken that into consideration.”

  I don’t want her to ask another question, so I blurt out one of my own.

  “Do you think this is going to make everything right, Alex?”

  She narrows her good eye. The other one just twitches. “What exactly do you mean, Lieutenant?”

  “You can’t get the time you did back. You can’t get your family back. You can’t get…” I force it out, “…your face back. Killing us isn’t going to change anything.”

  Alex caresses my cheek, lets her fingers linger.

  “I know that, Jack. I’m not doing this to make things right. The past is the past, and can’t be undone.” She winks her good eye. “I’m doing this because it’s a lot of fun.”

  I don’t want to provoke her, but I can’t help whispering, “You’re a monster.”

  Alex sighs. She looks at Mom, and Latham, and then at the ceiling, perhaps gathering her thoughts. When she speaks again, her voice is hard and even.

  “Life is all about cruelty. You know that. You’re a cop. You see it all the time. Nothing on this planet lives without something else dying. You call me a monster because I choose to accept my nature. I embrace it, rather than deny it. Here’s a bonus question, since your moral compass is so true, since you’re so sure you know right and wrong. Where has your morality gotten you, Jack?”

  “Hurting others is wrong, Alex,” I say.

  Alex laughs, a harsh, cruel laugh. “Look at history. It’s filled with atrocities. War. Murder. Torture. Rape. We call that kind of behavior inhuman. But maybe the terminology is backward. Maybe being human means hurting others. That seems to be what humans do best.”

  I shake my head. “Our species is successful because we nurture, not because we harm.”

  Alex spins the cylinder again, then twirls the gun around her finger like a cowboy.

  “Let me clue you in on something, Lieutenant. Nothing is black and white. There are no universal standards that determine what’s good and what’s evil. It’s subjective. You can’t kill for money, or recreation, but you can kill during a war. Why is there a difference? Dead is dead. I set someone on fire, I’m bad. The state fries me in the electric chair, and people sell T-shirts and toast champagne. Right and wrong is a matter of perspective.”

  “Your perspective is warped. Killing is wrong.”

  “Yet you’d probably give up everything just to have a shot at killing me right now, wouldn’t you? Let me enlighten you about something, Jack. Human beings are just animals, and all animals are selfish. Every single thing an animal does is selfish.”

  “People can be unselfish,” I maintain.

  “How so? Feeding the starving? Adopting unwanted babies? Sending aid when there’s a natural disaster? Giving blood? Donating to charity? People do these things to feel good about themselves. They’re all selfish acts, and pretty goddamn stupid as well. If you’re going to be selfish, it should benefit your life, not take away from it. Now I’m asking you again—where has your morality gotten you?”

  I know the answer, and hate the answer.

  “Answer the question, Jack.”

  “Here,” I whisper.

  “Exactly. Your high regard for life, and justice, and the path of righteousness, has gotten you here. You’re dead, and the people you love are dead, all because you’re so sure that there’s a right and a wrong. Be honest. Don’t you wish that you had killed me after you tore off my face?”

  I nod slowly and speak the truth. “Yes.”

  Alex half smiles. “Good. I’d hate for you to die without any regrets. And let me tell you something, Jack. For all I’ve done in my life, I never put anyone that I cared about in jeopardy. Your loved ones are going to suffer, and it’s your fault.”

  Alex sticks her face in mine, lets me smell her rotten breath.

  “And you call me a monster,” she says.

  8:30 P.M.


  AS IF I’M NOT FEELING HORRIBLE enough about the unfolding events, Alex helps add guilt to the fear, pain, panic, and regret I’ve been drowning in.

  She seems to notice this, and I can sense it pleases her.

  “Are we done with the philosophy?” she asks.

  I don’t answer.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Moving on to the next question. And let me tell you, Jack, this one is a hard one. I’ve done some clever things in my life, but this one was truly brilliant. Are you ready for it? Are you ready to see if you’re as smart as I am?”

  I’m not ready. I’ll never be ready. But I make myself nod. Alex smiles her half smile and comes in closer.

  “How did I find out where you live, Jack?”

  I don’t have a clue. When I moved to the suburbs from my Chicago apartment, I didn’t leave any forwarding address. All of my ID still lists Wrigleyville as my home. Except for Herb, Latham, and Harry, I didn’t tell a single person that I’d moved. All the utilities here are in Mom’s name. I pay my cell bill and credit cards over the Internet, using Mom’s connection. No one knew that I live here.

  But Alex knew. She came here directly after breaking out. How?

  “You hired someone,” I guess. “You had some money stashed, used a private eye to track me down.”

  “Wrong!” Her eyes twinkle. “Pick someone.”

  I can’t speak.

  “Hurry, Jack, or I’ll shoot them both.”

  “Me,” I croak. “Shoot me.”

  “Your turn will come later. And trust me—you’ll be begging me to shoot you before we’re through. But now you have to choose. Or we could do eenie-meenie-minie-moe.”

  I stare at Latham, my lower lip trembling, and somehow say, “Him.”

  The fact that Latham nods makes it even worse. Alex spins the cylinder and places the barrel up to his forehead. Latham closes his eyes. I want to close mine as well, but I owe it to him to watch.


  I taste blood. I’ve bitten my tongue.

  “Try again, Jack. How did I find you?”

  I throw out a guess.

  “You found out my mother’s last name, called up the electric company or some other utility.”


  Alex begins to pull the trigger, and I scream, “You have to spin it first!”

  “No I don’t. It’s the same question, so no new spin.”

  I cringe, my whole world imploding.


  “Looks like you get another guess,” Alex says. “There’s a one out of three chance that Latham will die if you get it wrong. Isn’t this exciting?”

  Latham’s forehead has broken out in sweat, but he stays stoic, stays calm.

  Think, Jack! Think!

  “You tracked the home loan somehow, knew my mother moved here.”

  “Exactly,” Alex says.

  I slump back on the sofa.

  “I just logged onto the Internet,” Alex continues, “because they give full Internet access to the criminally insane. We were allowed two hours a day, right after our massage.”

  She begins to squeeze the trigger.

  “Dr. Panko’s office!” I yell. “You used her computer!”

  “Sorry, Jack.”



  Alex pats Latham on the head. “Down to a fifty-fifty chance, loverboy. Better hope your woman gets this.”

  How did she find me? How did she find me? How the fuck did she…

  I stare at Latham, his eyes squeezed shut. Herb wouldn’t ever give my address up, even accidentally. He’s a cop, which means he’s paranoid. So is Mom. Harry is an ex-cop, plus he has just as much to fear from Alex as I do. Dumb as he is, he’s also naturally suspicious. Harry would know if someone was sniffing around for my address.

  Latham isn’t a cop. Latham is a nice guy. A trusting guy. He could have been manipulated.

  “It was Latham,” I say. “You got it out of Latham somehow.”

  Latham’s eyes open, and there’s so much hurt in them, so much betrayal, that I have to turn away. Alex begins to laugh.

  “That’s beautiful, Jack. Your fiancé has a gun pointed at his head, all because of you, and you’re blaming him?”

  I was wrong. Dear God, I was wrong.

  Alex swings a leg over Latham and straddles his lap, caressing his lips with the barrel of the revolver.

  “How does that make you feel, loverboy? Your fiancée must think you’re really stupid.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say to Latham. “I’m so sorry.”

  Latham says something, but the duct tape muffles it.

  “I just have to hear this,” Alex says.

  She yanks the tape off. Latham stares right into my soul.

  “After all we’ve been through, you still don’t trust me?”

  Alex couldn’t have hurt me any worse.

  “I figured you made a mistake,” I say, my voice pleading. “You know I trust you.”

  “How could you think I’d do that?”

  “She’s smart. She could have tricked you.”

  Latham looks away.

  “See,” Alex says, patting his cheek. “You should have fucked me when you had the chance.”

  She presses the gun to his forehead, and then my mother begins to moan.

  “Hold on,” Alex says. “Mom wants to say something.”

  Alex gets off of Latham and walks to Mom. She rips off her gag, and my mother says, “Shoot me, not him.”

  Latham says, “Mary…”

  I say, “Mom…”

  Alex goes, “Shhhh! Let Mom make her case.”

  Mom doesn’t look at Alex. She looks at Latham.

  “Don’t blame my daughter. She trusts you. She’s just making wild guesses so you don’t die. I’m an old woman. I’ve lived my life. I can accept this.” Then she stares at me and smiles. Her eyes are warm, moist. “Jacqueline, my little girl. I’m so proud of you.”

  “No…Mom…” My words are mixed with sobs. Then I turn to Alex and do what I told myself I wouldn’t do. I beg.

  “Please…please don’t do this. Do what you want to me, but let them go. Please.”

  Alex’s face twitches into a half smile.

  “The world-famous police officer Lieutenant Jack Daniels is asking me for mercy. But she didn’t give me any mercy. She tore off half my face, and left me to rot behind bars. And now she’s crying like a little girl, and I haven’t even cut off her ears yet. I have to say, Jack, that I’m disappointed in you. I thought you’d be stronger.” Alex cocks the hammer back. “Now pay attention while I kill your mom.”



  Alex laughs. “Wow! Can you believe the luck? If I were you, I’d go out and buy a lottery ticket.”

  I’ve got nothing left. All of my hope has been sucked out. My eyes wander around the room, and I try to fathom that this is it, my last few hours alive, and I’ll have to watch Mom and Latham die before I meet my own horrible death.

  “The next chamber has the bullet in it, Jack,” Alex says. “No more odds. When I pull the trigger again, the gun will fire. It takes out some of the surprise, but it really does amp up the suspense. For the last time: How did I find you?”

  I can’t look anymore. I can’t handle it. If I could have willed myself to die right then, I would have.

  “I love you, Jacqueline,” Mom says.

  I want to say it back, but only sobs come out.

  “Five seconds, Jack.”

bsp; Alex hums the theme to Jeopardy! I decide to rush at her, try to get the gun away. My hands are cuffed and my feet are bound with tape but I have to try. I scan the room for a weapon, something that I could get to in time. A lamp on the end table, next to a stack of magazines. The TV remote control. A cat scratching post covered in carpeting.

  Wait a second…

  “Magazines!” I say, finding my voice. “I transferred my subscriptions here. You were at my apartment, you noticed I read fashion magazines. You called one of them, impersonated me, got my change of address.”

  Alex stops humming. She stares at me with her head tilted to the side.

  “Nicely done, Jack. Very nicely done.”

  I know the relief will be short-lived, but every extra minute I have is like a gift.

  “Now tell me which magazine it was,” Alex says.

  I subscribe to half a dozen magazines. I have no idea which one.

  “Hurry, Jack. Answer quickly.”

  “I guessed right. I guessed it was a magazine.”

  “And now I’m asking which one.”

  It doesn’t matter that I’d been correct. This isn’t a game that Alex will let me win.

  “Vogue,” I say.


  She aims at Latham and fires.

  8:38 P.M.


  THE LITTLE .32 BURPS in my hand and I hit what I’m aiming for. Latham’s arm. He moans, and Jack throws herself on him, as if that will prevent me from shooting him again.

  What actually does prevent me from shooting again is the simple fact that my gun is empty. If Jack were thinking straight, rather than having an emotional breakdown, she could have taken that opportunity to charge me. It wouldn’t have done anything. I still would have overpowered her. But she could have at least tried.

  I reload the gun, and the moment passes. I’m more than a little disappointed in Jack. She’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to an actual adversary, but this has all been cake so far. I’ve spent many sleepless nights staring at the ceiling, wondering how she caught me. Now the answer is crystal clear.

  She got lucky.

  Anyone can get lucky. The fat kid scores the goal at the buzzer. The trailer trash wins the lottery. The dumb cop catches the brilliant killer.


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