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Central Asia in World History

Page 21

by Peter B. Golden

  Communists, 131–32, 138

  Constantinople, 38–39, 58, 65, 108

  Cossacks, 128

  Crimea Tatars, 117

  Crimean khanate, 101, 112

  cuisine, 88

  Curtius, Quintus, 16–17

  Cyrillic, 135, 137

  Cyrus, 23, 25

  Da Gama, Vasco, 100

  Dadu, 85, 86

  Daghestan, 9

  Dalai Lama, 105, 110–11, 155n14

  Damascus, 96

  dancing, 52, 70

  Dandânqân, 74

  Dâr al-Islâm, 69

  Darius I, 25

  Darius the Great, 17

  Delhi, 97, 115

  Demchukdongrob, 138–39

  desertification, 137–38

  desiccation, 4

  Dêwâshtîch, 54–55, 59–60

  dihqân, 71

  Dîwân Lughât at-Turk, 73

  Dmitrii Donskoi, 93

  Don River, 93

  Dravidians, 9, 21

  Dunhuang, 40, 48

  East Turkestan Islamic Movement, 138

  Edigei, 100–101

  Egypt, 11

  Elam, 9–10

  Eltüzer, 115

  Enlightenment, 115

  Erdeni-yin Tobchi, 111

  Esen Khan, 102

  Eucratides I the Great, 27

  Eurasia, 84

  Europe, 6, 9, 21, 37, 104, 115–16, 129

  famine, 41, 48, 74, 132–33

  Ferghana, 25, 29–30, 58–59, 71

  Finland, 21–22

  Finno-Ugric peoples, 50, 108

  Firdowsî, 72

  fishing, 4, 10, 14

  flintlock rifles, 105

  fur trade, 33, 63

  Fusûl al-Hikam, 67

  Gabdennasïr al-Kursavî, 129

  Galdan, 118, 119, 121

  Galiev, Mirsaid Sultan, 132–33

  Gandhara, 32–33

  Gansu, 3, 27, 29–30, 37, 47, 50, 62

  Gaochang, 46

  Gawhar Shâd, 98

  Gelupga sect, 110–12

  Gerard of Cremona, 68

  Ghaznavid dynasty, 71–72, 74

  ghulâm, 64

  Ghûrak, 59–60

  Girey, 103, 105

  Gobi Desert, 3, 36

  gold, 4, 5

  Golden Horde, 91–92, 100–102

  golden peaches of Samarkand, 16, 42

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 136

  Graeco-Bactria, 25–26, 27, 29, 31–32

  Graeco-Macedonians, 25

  Graeco-Roman language, 67

  Great Horde, 117, 120

  Great Wall of China, 3, 26, 110, 113

  Greece, 30, 75

  Greek language, 32, 52

  Güchülük, 82

  gunpowder weapons, 104, 116

  Han Dynasty, 26–31, 35

  Haqq Nazar Khan, 117

  Harappans, 9–10, 21

  head-binding, 37

  Hebrew, 47

  Henry the Pious, 84

  Hephthalites, 35, 38, 52

  Heqin diplomacy, 27–30

  Herat, 98

  Herodotus, 24

  Hidâyat Allâh, 121

  Himalayan Mountains, 3

  Hindi-Urdu language, 6

  Hinduism, 36, 58

  History of Bukhara, 20, 53

  Hö’elün, 79

  Homo sapiens, 9

  Hong Taiji, 109

  horizontal migrations, 14

  horses. See steppes

  Huhanye, 31

  Hui, 28

  Hülegü, 84, 86

  Hungary, 3–4, 21–22, 38, 63, 84

  Huns, 31, 33

  hunter-gatherer, 10, 11

  hunting, 17, 23, 24

  Husayn Bayqara, 98

  Huvishka, 32

  Ibaq Khan, 101–2

  Ibn al-Athîr, 70

  Ibn al-Faqîh, 47

  Ibn Battûta, 89

  Ibn Khaldûn, 96

  Ibn Sina (Avicenna), 67

  Ibrâhîm Altïnsarin, 130

  Ibrahim Tamghach Bughra Khan, 70

  Ice Age, 9

  Ili river, 29

  Ili River, 118, 126

  Ilkhânids, 86, 88

  Ilterish, 42–43

  India, 25, 36, 52, 71–72, 100, 107, 116

  Indo-Aryans, 21

  Indo-Europeans, 6, 11

  Indonesia, 90

  Indus River, 2

  Indus valley, 9

  industrialization, 128

  Inner Mongolia, 38


  Alexander the Great conquest, 25

  Arab conquests, 44, 58, 61–62

  Ashina Türks, 37

  Brahui, 9

  and Byzantium, 40

  Chinese hegemony, 42

  Ghaznavid dynasty, 71–72

  Indo-European language, 6

  Kushan Empire, 31

  Manichaeism, 36

  map, 2

  and the Medes, 23

  migration, 10, 75

  and the Mongol Empire, 83–84, 86–87

  naming of, 21

  oasis city states, 18–19

  religion, 18, 22

  revolts, 131

  Sâmânids, 65

  Sasanid Empire, 33

  Seljuks, 74

  Shibanids, 114

  Silk Road, 16

  Sima Qian, 24–25

  Siyâvûsh, 57

  Sûfîsm, 105

  textiles, 4

  trade, 24–25

  women, 24

  Iraq, 86

  ironsmiths, 37

  irrigation systems, 9–10, 25, 26, 33, 71

  Irtysh River, 77, 83

  Ishâq Walî, 121

  Ishtemi, 37–39

  Isker, 109

  Islam. See also Muslims

  ancestor worship, 70

  branches of, 69–70

  Bulghars, 70

  in Central Asia, 1–3, 61, 67–68, 114–15

  Chaghadaids, 93

  and Chinggis Khan, 81

  Dâr al-Islâm, 69

  East Turkestan Islamic Movement, 138

  expansion of, 75

  Golden Horde, 91–92, 100–102

  Ivan the Terrible’s conquest, 108

  Jihâd, 69

  Khwarazm, 61

  Kyrgyz, 121

  madrasa, 67–68

  Moghulistani, 103

  and the Mongol Empire, 91–92

  Naqshbandiyya, 106

  pagans, 69

  Qarakhanid dynasty, 70

  religious fanaticism, 125, 129

  in Russia, 126–28

  Sâmânids, 67–68

  Seljuks, 74

  and shamanism, 92, 116, 124

  Sharî’ah law, 95, 128

  Shi’ites, 69–70, 105, 134

  under the Soviet Union, 135–36

  Sûfîsm, 69, 92, 99–100, 105, 114–16, 128, 152n6

  Sunnîs, 69–70, 137

  and Tamerlane, 95

  Transoxiana, 60–61

  Turfan, 103

  Turkic peoples, 70, 74

  Wahhâbis, 137

  and Zoroaster, 23

  Ismâ’îl Bey Gaspïralï, 130

  Ismâ’îl ibn Ahmad, 66, 105

  Issedones, 24

  Istanbul, 2

  Itakh, 64

  Ivan III, 93

  Ivan IV (the Terrible), 108, 114

  jade, 52

  Jâmi’ at-Tavârîkh, 88

  Jadîdism, 130, 132, 134

  Jamûg, 53

  Jamuqa, 79

  Jand, 74

  Jânî Muhammad, 114–15

  Janïbeg, 103, 105

  Japan, 7, 85, 86, 130–31, 138–39

  Java, 90

  Jenkinson, Anthony, 114

  Jesuits, 110, 119

  Jihâd, 69

  Jin Dynasty, 75, 77, 81–82, 109

  Jizhu, 28–29

  Jochids, 83, 85–86, 91, 105

  Judaism. See religion

  Juluhui, 35–36

  Jungaria, 83, 117–18
, 120–21, 126

  Jurchens, 75, 109

  Jürki, 87

  Kalmyks, 6, 117, 120

  Kamâl al-Dîn Bihzâd, 98–99

  Kamikaze, 85

  Kangju region, 31

  Kangxi, 119

  Kanishka I, 32

  Karimov, Islam, 137

  Kashghar, 2, 52, 121, 126

  Kashkath clan, 53

  Kashmir, 107–8

  Kazakhs, 105, 112, 114, 117, 120, 124, 131–32

  Kazakhstan, 1, 2, 5, 33, 63, 93, 103, 116, 128, 136–37

  Kazan, 101

  Keluo, 37

  Kemijkath, 63

  Kereits, 77, 79

  Kerenskii, Alexander F., 131

  Kerulen River, 4, 77

  Kesh, 95

  Khanate of Khoqand, 115, 123–24

  Khangai Mountains, 45

  Khara Khula, 117

  Khazar Qaghanate, 64–65, 70

  Khazars, 58

  Khiva, 115, 122, 125

  Khô Örlökh, 117

  Khojas, 123, 126

  Khökh Ordung, 45

  Khoqand, 125

  Khotan, 40, 52

  Khotanese Saka, 24

  Khudâyâr, 125

  Khurâsân, 74

  Khwarazm, 24–25, 50, 53, 57, 59, 61, 67, 74–75, 82

  Kiakhta, 110, 113

  Kimek Qaghanate, 63

  Kirakos Gandzakets’i, 84

  Kitâb al-Mûsîqî al-Kabîr, 67

  Kocho, 41

  Koguryo, 41

  Kök Saray (Blue Palace), 95, 154n10

  Korea, 3, 7, 36, 82, 85–86

  Koryo, 82

  Kucha, 40, 41, 52, 113

  Küchüm, 109

  Kujula Kadphises, 31–32

  Kül Tegin, 42

  Kulja, 118

  Kushan Empire, 31, 33, 52

  Kyrgyz, 47, 63–64, 81, 92–93, 103, 109, 121

  Kyrgyzstan, 1, 2, 13, 93, 133, 135, 137

  Lake Baikal, 30, 36, 40

  Lake Issyk Kul, 45

  Lamaistic Buddhism. See Buddhism

  languages. See linguistic history

  Latin, 110, 135, 137

  Lattimore, Owen, 14

  Levshin, Aleksei I., 116

  Liao Dynasty, 49

  linguistic history Altaic language, 7

  Arabic, 61

  Aramaeo-Syriac script, 47

  Aramaic, 61–62

  Bactrian, 52

  Bulgharo-Turkic, 101

  Burushaski language, 9

  in Central Asia, 2, 7, 62

  Chaghatay Turkic, 107

  China, 6

  Cyrillic, 135

  Daghestan, 9

  and ethnic identity, 6–7

  Finland, 21–22

  Hephthalites, 36

  Hindi-Urdu language, 6

  Hungary, 21–22

  Huns, 33

  Indo-European language, 6, 21

  Japan, 7

  Kalmyks, 6

  Khwarazm, 61

  Korea, 7

  Latin, 110, 135

  Manchu language, 6, 155n9

  Medes, 23

  modern reforms, 137

  Mongol Empire, 88–89

  Mongolia, 31, 49, 138–39

  Mughal dynasty, 107

  and nationalism, 130

  oasis city states, 53

  Pakistan, 9

  Persian language, 61–62, 66, 91, 98

  Punjabi language, 6

  Qazaq, 154n16

  Russia, 6

  Sanskrit, 72

  Sogdia, 50, 54–55

  Soviet Union, 134

  Tamerlane, 94

  Tatars, 81

  Tibet, 2, 111

  Tokharian, 52–53

  Turkic language, 62, 64, 72–75, 91, 98, 100, 148n12, 149n4

  Turkic-Slavic language, 65

  Turko-Persian, 107

  Ugric languages, 148n12

  Uighurs, 138

  Uzbekistan, 134

  literacy, 55

  literature, 47

  Lithuania, 100

  Little Horde, 112, 117, 120

  livestock, 12–14, 47, 49, 53

  Lop Nor, 4

  Luoyang, 35, 40, 42

  madrasa, 67–68, 98

  Mahmûd al-Kâshgharî, 62, 71, 73

  Mahmûd ibn Walî, 121

  Majapahit, 90

  Mamai, 93

  Mamlûks, 84–85, 92, 100

  Manas tale, 120

  Manchu Empire, 105, 109, 119–20

  Manchu language, 6, 155n9

  Manchuria, 2, 3, 4, 11, 31, 36–37, 40, 49, 75, 86

  Manchus, 47

  Mandukhai Qatun, 103–4

  Manghïts, 115

  Manichaeism. See religion

  manufactured goods, 19

  Manzikert, 74

  Margiana, 25

  maritime trade, 100, 115–16

  Massagetae, 24

  Mas’ûd, 74

  mathematics, 67

  Mazdaism, 23, 55

  Medes, 23

  medicines, 67, 73

  Mediterranean, 6, 60

  Merkits, 77, 79, 82

  Merv (Mary), 2, 59, 112, 125

  Mesopotamia, 36, 61

  metallurgy, 10, 12, 19

  Middle East, 9, 11, 61

  Middle Horde, 112, 117, 120

  Middle Kingdom, 29

  migration. See also nomads

  Ashina Türks, 37

  Avars, 38

  Avar-Wei wars, 37

  Central Asia, 9

  Great Calamity, 120

  Hun incursions, 33

  Indo-Aryans, 21

  Iranians, 10

  linguistic history, 7–8

  Merkits, 82

  Mongols, 102

  Oghuz, 75

  Oirats, 117

  Pechenegs, 63

  from Russia, 128

  Sogdians, 61

  Tai people to Burma, 89

  Torghuts, 117

  and the Turks, 49, 63

  vertical nomadism, 13

  Xiongnu, 29, 31

  Ming dynasty, 96, 98, 102, 104, 109–10

  mining, 19

  Mîr ‘Alî Shîr Navâ’î, 98–99

  Mirza Haidar Dughlat, 103, 107–8

  Modun, 27–28

  Mogao Caves, 48

  Moghulistani, 93–94, 103

  Möngke, 84–85, 88

  Mongol Empire

  Buddhism, 110–13, 126

  Chinggis Khan, 79, 80, 81–83

  conquests, 81–85

  defeated by Mamlûk soldiers, 84–85

  extent of, 86

  fall of, 89

  Islam and, 91–92

  Jâmi’at-Tavârîkh, 88

  and the Jin, 81

  linguistic history, 88–89

  migration to Mongolia, 102

  Mongol-Oirat Code, 118

  political organization, 77, 83

  rise of, 77

  Secret History of the Mongols, 77

  Tamerlane, 93–94, 97, 104, 137, 154n10

  Tibet, 87

  warfare, 81, 84, 89–90


  Altaic language, 6

  Aramaeo-Syriac script, 47

  Avars, 35

  Buddhism, 2

  Chakhars, 104

  and China, 86, 138–39

  Gobi Desert, 16

  Indo-Aryans, 21

  Jin Dynasty, 77

  Khökh Ordung, 45

  linguistic history, 31, 49, 138–39

  Manchu Empire, 109

  map, 3

  Mongol Empire, 81

  political organization, 102, 104, 139

  population of, 122

  Qitan, 49

  and Tibet, 120

  and Touman, 27

  Uighur alphabet, 82

  Uighur Qaghanate, 44, 63

  Moscow, 93, 112, 117

  Mt. Mugh, 55, 59

  Mughal dynasty, 107, 115

  Mughan, 37

  Mugulü, 35–36

  Muhakamat ul-Lughâ
tayn, 98

  Muhammad, 58

  Muhammad al-Farâbî, 67

  Muhammad Khwârazmshâh, 82

  Muhammad Shîbânî, 105–7

  Muhammad Yûsuf, 121

  Muscovy, 105, 108

  music, 6, 7, 17, 40–41, 52, 67, 88–89

  Muslims. See also Islam

  Alpamïsh tale, 120

  Catherine the Great, 124

  combat elephants, 72

  and Communism, 132

  education under the Soviet Union, 135–36

  and European civilization, 129

  Ittifâq al-Muslimîn, 131

  Khazar Qaghanate, 65

  Kimek Qaghanate, 63

  and the Mongol Empire, 89

  Ottoman Empire, 130

  power struggle with China, 60

  religious fanaticism, 122–23

  revolt against Qing, 126

  in Russia, 125

  scholars, 67, 73

  slavery, 64, 95–96

  Muzaffar ad-Dîn, 125

  Nâdir Shâh, 115

  Naimans, 77, 82

  Naqshbandiyya, 100, 106

  Narshakhâ, 20, 53

  National Delimitation, 132–33

  nationalism, 129–30, 134, 138–39

  Nazarbayev, Nursultan, 137

  Nestorians. See religion Niyazov, Saparmurat, 137

  Noghai Horde, 101–2, 109, 112, 117

  nökürs, 79


  Buddhism, 110

  clothing, 17, 28

  decline of, 122

  empire building, 15–16

  fishing, 14

  flintlock rifles, 105

  gunpowder weapons, 116

  horizontal migrations, 14

  and Islam, 70, 106

  livestock, 12–14

  migration, 31

  military organization, 27

  Mongol Empire, 81, 84

  music, 6

  paganism, 93

  patriarchal society, 12, 14

  poetry, 6

  political organization, 15

  Scythians, 22

  slaves, 12

  and the Soviet Union, 135

  stringed instruments, 17

  succession systems, 39

  trade, 14–15, 17

  vertical nomadism, 14

  war-chariots, 22

  warfare, 12, 97

  Xiongnu census, 30–31

  Northern Wei Dynasty, 35, 37

  Nûh ibn Mansûr, 67

  Nurhaci, 109

  oasis city states, 1, 4, 17–20, 24, 29, 46, 50, 52–53, 61, 64

  Oghur, 37

  Oghuz, 63, 75

  Ögödei, 83–85, 87

  Oirats, 77, 81, 102, 109–11, 113, 117, 120

  Okhotsk, 109

  On Oq, 40

  Onan River, 77

  Önggüt, 81

  Orda, 83

  Ordos, 27, 40

  Ordu Balïq, 40, 45

  Orkhon River, 4, 42–43, 45, 77

  Osetins, 33

  Otrar oasis, 71

  Ottoman Empire, 74, 89, 96, 107–8, 112, 125, 130–31

  Ötüken Highlands, 43

  Oxus River, 58–59, 85

  Özbeks (Uzbeks), 92–93, 102

  Pâdishâh-i Islâm, 95

  Pagan, 89

  pagans, 65, 69, 74, 93, 108

  ‘P’ags-pa, 87

  Pakistan, 2, 9, 21, 31

  Panjîkand, 54

  Pannonia, 34, 38

  paper currency, 87

  paper making, 60

  Pashtun language, 6

  pastoral nomadism, 10–11, 43

  patriarchal, 12, 14

  Pechenegs, 63

  Penjikent, 19

  Perovskii, 125

  Persian Empire, 4, 6, 16, 21, 23, 25, 58, 61–62, 66, 72, 91, 98


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