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The Color Alchemist: The Complete Series

Page 112

by Nina Walker

  “I’m good. We’re good.” She motions to Tristan beside her. The two are inseparable, so I’m not surprised to see him here.

  I say hello to him and he to me.

  I have really grown to respect the man. Apparently, he and Frankie have been best friends for years. She credits him for saving her from my father the first time, when she was still a kid. Jessa keeps hoping they will get together and make it official, but they never do. As I watch them together now, I wonder if they are only putting off the inevitable, or if it simply isn’t meant to be.

  “How are things in America?” I ask.

  She sighs, a small smile playing on her lips. “Better than ever.”

  “Do tell.”

  “Well, you know how the president is also the infamous black alchemist? She’s been able to change some of the prejudices against her by agreeing to subdue powers for any alchemist who wants it, but they have to be at least sixteen to legally make that choice. And our training has been going better than I ever thought it would. Taking away the magic from everyone during the battle meant that it slowly returned. That ended up being a blessing in disguise.”

  “How so?” I question, interest piqued. Maybe the American President can make the same offer to our people. I would hate to see people give up their alchemy, but I also want them to have choices.

  “Well, if you think about how hard it is to train someone, imagine how much it helps not to have brand new people who were too powerful for their own good.”

  My mind flashes to Jessa’s first few months at the palace. I laugh to myself as I think of how she’d accidently knocked me out the first time we met. If only I had known then just how much everything was about to change, maybe I wouldn’t have made so many mistakes along the way.

  “It was almost as if we got to teach them from the ground up.”

  “And you’re okay with some of them choosing out of magic?”

  She nods. “Absolutely. I would never do it, and I don’t advise it. I think we should accept and embrace who we are. All of us, alchemist or not. But I also believe in choice. This gives them a choice. I’ve learned that some people truly don’t want magic. Who am I to judge that?”

  “It makes perfect sense to me.”

  My mind settles. I’ll reach out to the President first thing in the morning and find a way to get this offer available for our alchemists, even if I have to fly them out to America myself. Since I’ve made our own Guardians of Color optional and children are no longer being taken from their homes, there might be people who want this kind of option. As things stand right now, the GC is still housed at the palace, and people can board there if they desire. We also relocate families to the capitol and help them get new jobs so that their children can attend classes during the day at the palace, and be home in time for dinner.

  It is still illegal to hide alchemy. Everyone has to train since it’s far too dangerous to keep magic inside. But no one is forced into servitude anymore.

  And as for those whose alliances are still unclear, those people like Reed, Jax, and the Addington family, they’re on strict probation. They know that at the first sign of trouble, they’ll be questioned and likely arrested. So far, they’re laying low. With things working out so well for the kingdom, I expect it to stay that way, but I’m prepared for action just in case.

  I lean over to Tristan and point. “Are you keeping this one in line?”

  He grins, his white teeth flashing. “It’s the other way around.”

  “Yeah, right,” Frankie laughs. “You’ve always been the level-headed one.”

  She reaches out and wraps her fingers in his, bringing his hand up and pressing a quick kiss to his palm. The intimacy of the move is anything but innocent.

  From several seats down, Frankie’s mother pops up, eyes wide and hands clapping as she squeals. That woman doesn’t miss a thing.

  “Are you two finally together?” she gushes, climbing over legs and reaching out to quickly hug them both. She pulls away and watches them with anticipation. I imagine if Jessa was here right now, her reaction would be the same.

  The two share a sheepish look and then Frankie nods.

  “I can’t keep her away from me,” Tristan teases.

  Frankie slaps him in the arm. “Oh, shut up. You know you love me.”

  “I really do.” He meets her eyes and the air between them grows as thick as the magnitude of that four-letter word.

  The rest of us share looks of I told you so and it’s about time. Lacey bursts out laughing, a rosy blush spreading across her round face as she stares at her oldest sister. As Lacey grows older, she resembles Frankie more and more.

  The two lovers break their gaze, smiling at all of us.

  “Well, Jessa will be happy about this development,” I say. “She’s been rooting for this ever since the war ended.”

  “We’re really happy for you,” Christopher adds.

  “Does this mean you’re going to get married, too?” Lacey comes to stand next to her mom. “Can I be the flower girl?”

  Frankie’s expression turns guarded.

  Tristan just smirks, onyx eyes twinkling. “Absolutely.”

  “I mean, it probably won’t be for a while, we just started dating,” Frankie interjects, voice growing weak. “I’m barely twenty-two.”

  “But I’m an old man!” Tristan laughs, speaking directly to Lacey. “Don’t worry. We’re going to get married. I just have to convince her to say yes.”

  Frankie elbows him in the side. “Tristan!”

  He laughs. “I’ll wear her down eventually.” He winks at Lacey. “You’ll be dressing up for a wedding before you know it.”

  Lacey bounces back down into her seat and Frankie stares off into the distance, positively beaming.

  Oh yes, these two are definitely in love.

  The lights dim and everyone hurries to their velvety seats. The chatter falls away and the room surges with promise, the faint scent of perfume and floor polish wafting through the darkness.

  The nervous excitement I felt before returns as the curtains lift. In the center of the stage, Jessa stands, eyes closed, arms outstretched, body elegantly tall with one foot pointed to the side. Blue light surrounds her, as do the other dancers. They are dressed in a rainbow of color and she is the white goddess in the center.

  The orchestra music swells and she begins to move. The dancers are all incredible, but I only have eyes for her. Her every movement is perfect.

  She spins over to a dancer dressed in deep navy blue and touches her gently, pulling the color from the costume and tossing it into the air. Then she prances to the other end of the stage and does the same with a woman in red. The colors swirl above them, a shimmering dance of light and magic.

  And so, the dance continues.

  I think back to the first time I ever saw Jessa. She was on this same stage but things were so different back then. She didn’t know how to control her magic, was living in secrecy with her fears hidden inside. The accidental show of the purple alchemy that night started her on a path that would go on to change everything.

  For the both of us.

  And now she has come full circle.

  Once again, here she is, dancing center stage where she belongs. And once again, she’s using her innate talent and powerful alchemy to bring all of us in the audience to our knees. But this time is different. This time, as the magic grows around her, as the colors swirl and move, the radiant smile awash on her face is here to stay. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.


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  About the Author

  Nina Walker lives in Utah with her husband, two sma
ll children, and three fur-babies. She’s very active on Instagram and Facebook and loves to connect with other YA fanatics. She’s constantly writing, so be sure to check out her other books. Find her on instagram @ninabelievesinmagic or head over to:

  Prism Acknowledgments

  I am filled with gratitude. There are many people who are instrumental in my author career, and this book. I wish I could name everybody individually.

  First, let me start with you.

  You, my reader, are everything. We’re connected, you and I, by our love of reading and the stories that come to life in our imaginations. I wrote this book for you. Keep reading books and supporting authors. If you enjoyed this book, please share it with your friends and take a moment to write a review. As an independently published book, that is the fastest way Prism is going to get to more readers. We have to do this together. And do you know what I’ve realized? I want to do this together.

  I have to thank my wonderful husband, Travis. I’m so lucky to have met you all those years ago in High School Debate. Babe, you’re the Policy to my Lincoln Douglas. You’re my partner in everything and this accomplishment is just as much yours as it is mine. You know that I couldn’t have done this without you, right? I love you.

  Thank you, Mom. You’ve supported me in innumerable ways, from giving me free reign over the cabin to write when I needed a quiet place, to sending me random articles and success stories in the middle of the night. You’re the best!

  And thank you to all of my family for believing in me. I love you people more than you know.

  Thank you to all those friends out there who championed me. To Team Sisterhood for buying me a kindle, I blame you for my KU addiction! But seriously, you’re my best friends. Thank you for loving me as I am. Thanks to Team Forward Fitness, especially the TFF Diamonds and to our gracious leader Brigitte. You ladies are my soul sisters and have changed my life in ways you don’t even know.

  Thank you to my friends near and far. To everyone who asked me about the book, even if it was just to be polite, you made my day. Your support continues to blow me away.

  A huge virtual hug goes out to my incredible developmental editors, Nirmala Nataraj and Mary Kole. This book went through quite the journey because of your talent. Hats off to Madeline Dyer for the copy edit. A huge thank you to Kate Foster for helping me tie it all together in the development of the second book. And my ARC team, wow, your support and help means the world to me. Thank you!

  Molly Phipps, thank you for creating the most beautiful book cover. You took an abstract idea and created something truly magical. And my website? I have no words for that magical creation. You are gifted!

  And can I just mention my YA literary girl-crushes? Lauren Oliver, Maggie Stiefvater, and J.K. Rowling to name a few. Your stories are what made me want to be a writer. Please keep telling them.

  And last, but actually first, thank you to my Heavenly Father and to my Savior. Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. – 1 Corinthians 10:31

  Fracture Acknowledgments

  When I released Prism, it was with a lot of excitement and fear. As a new author, doing this publishing thing on my own, I was completely terrified. I have to say, the reception blew me away. To my readers, thank you very much. You have no idea how much you helped me. It took me years to find the courage to release Prism. You made the experience wonderful and I can’t thank you enough.

  Thank you to my husband for putting up with my crazy, for supporting me every step of the way, and for feeling every up and down with me. You are my world and I am so grateful to have you in my life.

  Thank you to my family for your support. I love you!

  I have to send a huge thank you to my developmental editor, Kate Foster, for not only believing in this series, but for doing such a fabulous job with the manuscripts. You helped me take my writing to another level with Fracture, and I am eternally grateful for you. I can’t wait to work on the next two books together.

  Thank you to the world’s best cover designer, Molly, at We Got You Covered. Your eye for design blows me away, not to mention your ability to work with picky authors. Thank you for all your help.

  Thank you to Madeline Dyer for the copy edit. And to Stevie, Ailene, and Kate for the proof-reads. I love you ladies!

  Thank you to my ARC team, to my readers, and to everyone who took the time to reach out to me or to write a review. I appreciate it more than you could know. To all my friends who share my books, even if YA Fantasy isn’t your thing, you are amazing.

  Stu Thaman, launch strategist extraordinaire, thank you so much for your help on Prism.

  Thank you to everyone in the Indie community who reached out to congratulate me, to answer a question, or to teach.

  And last, but always first, thank you to God. Thank you for carrying me through this entire experience and for answering my prayers.

  Blackout Acknowledgments

  As always, there are so many names that come to mind. My dreams have come true and I couldn’t have done it alone. I’ve felt support from heaven and earth, so thank you. Writing might seem like a solitary effort, and while there is some truth to that, it’s hardly a lonesome endeavor. If it weren’t for everyone in my corner, there would be no way that Blackout would have happened, let alone the entire Color Alchemist series.

  First, I must thank my handsome husband, Travis. Not only do you inspire these love stories, but you are my love story, and that’s better than anything in book. Without your help and belief, without your sacrifices, I could never do this passion of mine. Thank you. I love you.

  Thank you to my family, blood related and otherwise, you guys are amazing and I’m so grateful to have you.

  Of course, a gigantic thanks goes out to all my readers. Since releasing the first book in 2017, I’ve received hundreds of fan emails and reviews. I do a little happy dance each and every time! Thank you for reading, for supporting the series, and for getting all the way through book three. Haha! That’s an accomplishment, so thank you so much and I hope you continue on this journey with me.

  Hugs to the team! To every one of my arc readers, proofreaders, my cover designer, and my developmental editor, thank you all so much. Chelsea Moye, Ailene Kubricky, Kate Anderson, Travis Walker, Molly Phipps, and Kate Foster, you are all such rock stars and I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work and heart. I’m picky, you know that, so seriously, thanks for making my job easier.

  A huge shout out goes out to the team at Sarah Hershman Rights Management. Thanks for doing such an exceptional job representing the subsidiary and foreign rights. You’re all amazing communicators, everything I needed, and you’re doing wonderful things for indie authors. I am so grateful to have your agency on my side.

  I’ve been an Audible customer for twelve years, that’s how much I love audiobooks. I’m so excited to announce that the The Color Alchemist series has been bought by Audible, with the first two books releasing in April 2018, and the second two planned for later in the year. This is such a dream come true and I am so thrilled for this next step. Many thanks to the awesome team at Audible for not only believing in this story, but for all your hard work in producing the audiobooks. And of course, many thanks to the incredible narrators who’ve come on for the job. We couldn’t be happier!

  Thank you to all those who’ve helped create such an amazing writing community. To Dave Farland, for your amazing workshops. You have truly changed the way I write. To the authors over at An Alliance of Young Adult Authors, you’re my favorites! To my author friends and to everyone who has been kind enough to reach out in support, you’re the best. And many thanks to all the amazing vendors who offer assistance to indie authors, helping us reach our dreams. I’ve worked with so many awesome people as I’ve learned how to do this whole “marketing thing”, so thank you!

  And finally, a massive amount of love goes out to the dreamers, the writers
, the visionaries, and the brave souls who have come before me. You have inspired me. And I know many more of you are still to come. Keep telling stories, heartbreaking and uplifting, real or imagined, because in this crazy, messed-up world, we need your voice. I need your voice. So please keep speaking, keep writing, keep going.

  Collide Acknowledgments

  As always, I must thank my readers. Without you, none of this would be possible. Thank you for sharing in this world of color alchemy. It’s surreal to have completed the series and I’m grateful you came along. I hope you’ll continue to read my stories and fall in love with new characters and magics and worlds. I promise to keep writing!

  Thank you to my husband, Travis. I couldn’t do any of this without you. You’re my anchor and you and I both know how much my Aquarius-self needs a really solid anchor to keep from drifting into oblivion. I love you.

  Thank you to my Mom and writing buddy for all your support and encouragement.

  Thank you to all those who worked on this book, from my talented cover designer, Molly Phipps, to my amazing developmental editor, Kate Foster, to the many proofreaders, Chelsea, Kate, Ailene, Travis, and Sarah. And to my ARC team for being willing to go on the journey first, typos and all. You people rock! I am so appreciative to each of you. THANK YOU!

  And finally, thank you to anyone who’s given me any kind of support, especially to the one who’s behind it all, my loving Father in Heaven. The glory goes to you.


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