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The Last Armada

Page 39

by Des Ekin

  Culture of Honour: My view. For more on C of H, see notes to Ch 25; dispute over precedence, A4M

  Soon after… the prediction: Mor Itin v3 p82; pac O’G v2 pp62-63

  Nora Hickey quote: Hickey p19

  Of course… last stand: rec silke p144; rec, Thuiller Hist. of Kinsale p29; rec Hayes-McCoy p147 and p164

  In 1916…: Slaughter: F. O’Sullivan, History, pp67-70

  Damian Shiels: Shiels, Damian, (2007) The Kinsale Battlefield Project, in IPMAG newsletter, Vol VI, Winter 2007

  Chapter 32: ‘Honourable Terms, or a Thousand Deaths’

  In a two-hour sortie… big guns: Mor Itin v3 p83 and p110

  ‘a volley…’: Mor Itin v3 p83

  Zubiaur reported…: CSPS 840 f714, Jan 29 1602

  Blount wasn’t…: CalCarew p195

  Ho’N had 4,000-5000: My rough estimate, based on original force of 6,200 to 6,500 less Kinsale deaths and deserters. No-one knows for sure

  Return to your…: CSPI p284

  Ho’N switching: pac O’G v2 p96

  ‘Ill luck…’: O’Cleary p317

  ‘Many very brave…’: PdZ-King, Jan 15 1602; rec, Epistolario p99

  Led by Donal Cam: OSB.

  Honour sacrifice, guard territories: O’Cleary p321

  My brother… : OSB

  ‘Rage and anger…’: O’Cleary p321

  Survivor Guilt: See DSM-IV, ‘Associated Features and Disorders [of PTSD]’ which refers to ‘painful guilt feelings about surviving when others did not survive…’ Also rec, Neeb, Kathryn (2005) Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing Philadelphia: FA Davis, p191; Valent, P (2007) Survivor Guilt in Fink George (ed) (2010) Stress of War, Conflict and Disaster Oxford: Academic Press p623-625; and Leys, Ruth (2007) From Guilt to Shame Princeton: Princeton University Press pp 100-106. For symptoms, see UK National Health website

  accessed 30/01/2014

  When O’Donnell finally… Innishannon: All O’Cleary p321 and a4m

  Returning with 20,000, CSPI p284.

  ‘With reluctance’: a4m, also see pac O’G v2 p96

  Ho’D at Castlehaven: CSPS 840 f718, Feb 21 1602; pac O’G v2 p64

  PdZ ‘encouraged them’ etc: PdZ to King, Jan 15 1601; rec Epistolario p99; rec, Silke p148

  Donal Cam ‘courage’: OSB

  Ho’N’s bid to submit, CB’s reaction: pac O’G v2 p96 and pp98-100; also rec, Silke p147; I am willing, pac O’G v2 p96

  Meanwhile George… he ordered: My analysis. Report with Boyle, see ch 1

  March home, Sheale: CSPI p285 Rivers in flood: Mor Itin v3 p103

  ‘A troop…’: CSPI p275

  Five days after… force us out: All Bust. Oviedo concedes that hunger was the greatest killer in Kinsale (letter to King, Jan 27). However, García Hernán (p8) believes the evidence shows that the Spanish did not have a problem with provisions.

  900 sick, wounded: CSPS 840 f718, Feb 21 1602

  ‘They rail…’: CSPI p240

  ‘The poor Spaniards…’: Philalethes, Andreas (1602) An Answer Made By One Of Our Brethren

  Águila asked, etc.: Bust; supported by CSPI pp 641-642; CalCarew pp 195-196

  ‘I pray…’: CSPI p272

  Godolphin had excelled…: Stow, John (1631), Annals, cited in Gibson p86

  Cornish raid: CSP Domestic, 1595-97 pp 78-81; Monson Vol 1 p313, pp 323-324; Duro pp 92-93; rec, Rowse, A. L. (1941) Tudor Cornwall London: Jonathan Cape; rec, Ward, Alastair (2004) Espana Brittania Shepheard-Walwyn p83+; rec, BBC Radio 4 documentary, Things We Forgot To Remember; rec, website, accessed 29/12/2013

  JdA’s, CB’s quotes in negotiation: CalCarew pp195-197; CSPI pp641-642; Mor Itin v3 pp 88-92

  JdA had 1,800 effectives: CSPS 840 f714, Jan 29 1602 (but CalCarew p197 says 2,000). Insurgent force now <5,000: See earlier note in this chapter

  He had been deserted…negotiations: CSPI p642

  It was important… in the town: Mor Itin v3 pp109-110; CalCarew p195 footnote

  Weak, indefensible: CSPI pp641-642, and Bust; like Blavet, CSPI p243

  Despite all… miserable town: pac O’G v2 pp83-84; CSPI p276

  One week later… own expense: Mor Itin v3 p95; pac O’G v2 p91

  Cecil reaction to deal: CalCarew p216

  Oviedo reaction: Ov-King, Jan 26; rec, McBride pp113-114

  1,800 and 5,000: See earlier note in this chapter

  Archer, Mansoni reactions: Archer to Whyte in Jones Indictment p218; Mansoni Report, ibid p223

  Donal Cam quotes: CSPS 840 f717 Feb 16 1602; CSPI pp 301-302

  Chapter 33: ‘A Barbarous Nation for Which Christ Never Died’

  An officer named… in their flesh: CSPS 840 f714, Jan 29 1602 NS

  Young King… and thanks: CSPS 840 f715, Jan 30 1602 NS

  Venetian report: CSPV f1048 and f1049, Jan 22 1602 NS

  French invasion: CSPV f1035, Dec 24 1601, Marin Cavalli to Doge; CSPS 840 f713, end Dec 1601

  As O’Donnell… relieve Don Juan: pac O’G v2 84-85; CSPS 840 f718, Feb 21 1602 NS

  ‘Good friends’: pac O’G v2 pp 84-85

  ‘Kind friendship’: CSPI p272

  ‘Truly… worse place’: CSPI p292; also Bacon, op.cit., p527. For more on JdA’s disenchantment see CSPI p438 and p642

  Maudling quote: BBC News website, (Jan 6 2006) The Politics of Drinking in Power. Accessed Dec 29 2013

  JdA suggests peace: Mor Itin v3 p139

  Stolen letters episode: All pac O’G v2 pp101-103; CSPI p643

  ‘Don Diegos’: CSPI p276

  Morejón’s roots: Mor Itin v3 p134

  Gold chain: rec, Morgan BoK p130

  Harvey-Lopez de Soto: pac O’G v2 pp129-134

  Cecil doubted it: CalCarew p272

  Gift of book: pac O’G v2 pp 248-249

  Bullets in mouths: e.g., see Davis, Edward (1619) England’s Trainings, in Gleig, George (1832) Eminent British Military Commanders London: Longman

  It was Feb 20… entire ordeal: CSPI p328; Mor Itin v3 p141; pac O’G v2 p136

  Separate tally: Carew in CSPI p300

  60-70 pc: My estimate. Original force was 4464 (CSPS 840 f712 Dec 17 1601) Returning survivors: 1400 or 1880 in Feb + 1200 in March = 2,600 to 3080. Separately, Silke (p156) estimates 2,200 + 440 = 2660 returned. Report by Spanish Council (CSPS 840 f714 Jan29 1602) says JdA had 1800 + 900 sick = 2,700 in January

  Ho’N lost…: See note ‘Irish deaths’ to Ch 30

  Spanish deaths: OSB reckons 500 and Oviedo (Jan 27 to King) says 400-500, but see my statistics above. More dying daily, CSPI p297

  English deaths: OSB reckons 8,000; ‘eminent historian’ reckoning 10,000 is Standish O’Grady, see footnote to pac O’G v2 p256; PdZ reckons 3,000-4,000 ‘killed’ as opposed to died (CSPS 840 f714)

  Carew was… winter siege: pac O’G v2 p256

  Chapter 34: Dossier of Treason

  CB under suspicion (generally): See p lxxiii of J. S. Brewer’s Introduction to CalCarew; CalCarew p221; Spedding, numerous references (see CB listing in Index) especially pp 170-171; CSPI Introduction pp xi-xii; CSPI p220; Mor Itin Volume Two pp354-355; Maclean Letters p85 footnote; and pp90-91; Bruce, multiple references, especially page xviii, and xxi to xxv (also see CSPI Preface lxxiii)

  Essex-Ho’N truce: Camden History… p571-574

  Carleton letter: CSP Domestic 1601-1603 pp134-135

  Lords’ criticism: Mor Itin v3 p97

  Even Secretary… heartbeat: CalCarew p216

  CB negotiations with HO’N: pac O’G v2 p96 and pp98-100

  CB bared soul: Letter to Cecil Feb 15 1602 in Mor Itin v3 p120

  The childless Elizabeth… once and for all: Camden Annales (1635); threat to Cecils from James, rec Connolly p241

  Penelope wrote to James: rec, Wilson p108; rec, Rickman p119

  Blount firmly… Privy Council: rec, CB entry in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

  ‘We that… negligence’: Rare let
ter printed in p330 of (1663) Cabala, Sive Scrinia Sacra London: Bedell and Collins

  Halfway… claim: Spedding, p168-170; rec, Strachey pp 228-229; rec, CB entry in Oxford Dict. Nat. Biog.

  Essex in Queen’s chamber, disgraced: Camden History… p574; rec, Strachey pp137-138

  Vanished to Portsmouth: CSPI pp368-369

  Blount who was… business ended: Declaration of Charles Danvers reproduced in pp333-337 of Spedding v2 Also see Spedding’s damning comment pp170-171

  Penelope at court: rec, Wilson pp99-100; rec, Falls Mountjoy p114; ‘violating’ Camden Annales p535; courtiers fawning, rec, Rickman p119

  Penelope letter, power of press: From Proceedings of the Earl of Essex (1601) in p178 of Spedding. Also see p199. Quotes, letter reproduced in (rec) Rawson p226 and Wilson pp101-107

  This stuff… little finger: rec, Wilson pp 101-106; rec, Rickman p119; rec, P Rich entry in Oxford Dict. Nat. Biog.

  Southampton visit to CB; ‘utterly rejected’: Testimony of C. Danvers; Spedding v2 pp171-2 and p171 footnote; Strachey pp229-230; rec, Falls, Mountjoy, p135.

  Foppish etc: rec, pp 85-86 of Bryson, Bill (2007) Shakespeare London: Harper; ‘fair youth’, rec, Boyd, William (2005) Two Loves Have I in The Guardian newspaper 19/11/2005; courageous soldier, rec, Falls, Mountjoy p135

  Essex’s financial plight: Letter from Essex to Elizabeth 22/9/1600; going mad, journal of Sir John Harington, cited in (rec) Dawson, Ian (1993) The Tudor Century Cheltenham: Nelson

  Essex revolt: A Declaration Touching The Treasons [etc] in 1601; Camden Annales; Camden, History… v4 pp604-612; Spedding v4 pp244+

  ‘Stood for a while…’: Ross (1652)

  Penelope dined with ringleaders, vacillating nobleman: rec, Rawson p244; rec, Wilson p112; rec, Rickman p119; rec, P Rich entry in Ox. Dict. Nat. Biog. Rawson (p222) says she was probably aware of CB’s ‘troops to Scotland’ plot too

  ‘Coward’ quote: Letter to CB from Nottingham 31/5/1601 cited in p17 of Goodman, Godfrey (1839) The Court of James I v2; also see Spedding pp236-237; and Wilson ch 9

  ‘Slave than sister’: Letter to Nottingham from P. Rich cited in Goodman p18 and Rawson pp 252-253

  Before his execution… design: Ross; Camden Annales p35; Goodman p17; rec, Falls Mountjoy p153; rec, Rickman p121

  CB mentioned, damning parts suppressed: Spedding v2 pp 291-292 and footnote; and pp325

  On Feb 22… he admitted privately: Mor Itin v3 pp353-355

  ‘Dissembled, concealed’: Camden Annales p35

  ‘Lord Mountjoy… of the matter’: Camden, History… v4 p629

  ‘I am confident… this conspiracy’: Letter CB to Cecil Feb 24, CSPI 1600-1601

  Private cook, beddings: rec Rickman p121; rec, Falls Mountjoy, p155

  Fortunately… black eyes: Letter to CB from Nottingham, op. cit.

  By March… by Essex: Mor Itin volume two pp356-357

  Conspire and collude: See first ref in this chapter; also following refs

  Dark allusions: Maclean Letters p90 footnote

  ‘Unworthy friends’: Letter Cecil-Carew Aug 13 1601 in CalCarew p124

  Gentleman or devil: CSPI p85

  ‘It is sad… at home’: CSPI introduction, page xii

  ‘Kitchenmaid’: Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts 1589-1600 item 494, from Lambeth Palace Dec 3 1600; she uses the nickname again in July 1602 (Qu-CB letter from Greenwich 15/7/1602)

  Wreck peace deal: CalCarew p215

  Scandalous, Portsmouth: CSPI pp368-369

  ‘The emulation… removed’: CSPI p279

  Chapter 35: A Dead Juan Walking

  Irish schoolbook: i.e., Gwynn, Stephen Lucius, Mrs. (1904) Stories from Irish History, told for Children Dublin: Browne & Nolan. Thanks to (rec) Morgan’s BoK, p30 for drawing this to my attention

  Pleasant passage, March 21: CSPI p363; pac O’G v2 pp247-248

  His return to Coruña: Duro p221, Cordoba p140

  Águila stepped… turn at Ireland: CalCarew p217; CSPI p363

  Cordoba diary: Cordoba p140

  Merchant claimed: CSPI p362

  Venetian report: CSPV f1068, March 28 1602. Also see Coroba p136-137 and Duro p221

  Mightily railed, great credit: CSP Domestic 1601-1603 p176

  Carew intelligence: CalCarew p225

  Men dying, dead: CalCarew p249; pac O’G v2 pp252-253; CalCarew pp324-325. Separately, JdA’s report to King in April said he returned with 1,500 fit soldiers and 700 sick (= 2,200) plus Lopez de Soto’s 400 foot soldiers = 2,600

  ‘Some few’…: CalCarew p217

  End of Irish-bound Armadas: Historical fact. Also, rec, Silke (p161) who says Ireland was ‘written off’ in mid-1602

  Two months beforehand… as a Spanish colony: O’Cleary p323; a4m; CSPS 840 f716, Feb 13 1602. ‘As colony’, also see Watson, Robert and Thompson, William (1792) The History of the Reign of Philip III Vol 1 Basle: Tourneisen, p92

  5K, 10K, 13K troops: CalCarew p289; CSPI pp439-440; other port, CalCarew p324

  Cecil reaction: CalCarew p272 and p324

  Biron plot: Mor Itin v3 p174; background, rec, Biron entry in Encyclopaedia Brittanica

  ‘Another report… desperate’: CSPS 840 f732, Florence Conroy to King, Jan 13 1603

  Ho’D’s anguish, death: O’Cleary p327

  Blake: CalCarew p241 and pp350-351

  ‘Serpent’: CalCarew p370

  10k ducats: CSPS 840 f730, Nov 2 1602

  The Duke… move on: My analysis; see notes to Ch 4; also rec, Silke on Lerma’s attitude, p158 and pp170-171

  ‘These people… may be’: CSPS 840 f732 Jan 13 1603

  ‘I would… Majesty’: Count de Olivares in CSPS 840 f735 March 2 1603

  Mansoni claim: Report to Rome, rec, Jones, Indictment p219

  The Spanish had… depositions: CalCarew p220; rec, Silke p158

  ‘To say the truth…’: pac O’G v2 pp247-248

  Flung into prison as some histories assert: eg, D’Alton p182. This is a persistent myth. JdA was merely ‘restrained in his lodgings’ pending inquiries (CSPI 1603-1606 p8). He wrote letters from his home near Avila – see AGS E 3145 and AGS GA Leg 3145, both March 1603 (rec, García Hernán pp532-533). Also, rec, Silke p167

  Águila was not… to the King: Monson letter to Cecil Oct 4 1602 in p417 of (1910) Calendar of Ms of Robert Cecil London: HM Stationery Office. Also (rec) James Archer entry by C. J. Woods in Dictionary of Irish Biography (2009) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Archer’s criticisms, rec, Jones Indictment and Mangan Comment

  ‘God many times…’: Mor Itin v3 p144

  Gifts, JdA letter: pac O’G v2 pp247-248

  CB illness: Mor Itin p142; pac O’G v2 p139

  Carew wanted share: CalCarew p243

  ‘The bearer… sending’: CalCarew p248

  Carew was not…kindness: CSPI p427

  I render… myself: pac O’G v2 pp217-218

  ‘By Don… dream’: Mor Itin p140

  Edney episode and his quotes about trial: CalCarew p333, p356; pac O’G v2 pp248-249 and pp251-252; CSPI pp 643-644

  Chapter 36: The Trial

  General note: An entire book could be written on the JdA trial alone: there are reams of complex accusations and rebuttals. I have tried to summarise the main charges based on the following documents, in order of importance: (1) Cristobal de Moura to War Council, April 1, 1603, listing 12 counts; (2) Ibarra to War Council, Sept 2 1602, listing five unanswered questions; and (3) Oviedo’s complaints to Ibarra on August 6 1602. JdA’s main defence is in his letter to the King on January 18, 1602. Silke (rec) presents a good brief analysis on p163; also rec García Hernán, p534, p498, p495 and p275. I have also incorporated Oviedo’s, Archer’s and Mansoni’s accusations from other sources and included relevant documents from CSPI, pac O’G v2 and CalCarew

  The five topics: Ibarra-War Council, Sept 2 1602

  Failure to capture Cork: also see CSPI p442

  Failure to defend, cowardice: also see Archer letter to Whyte and Mansoni
Report, rec Jones Indictment pp 217-220; Oviedo letters, rec McBride pp111-116

  The twelve charges: de Moura-War Council, April 1 1603

  JdA’s defence document, great bravery: JdA to Ibarra from Avila, March 29 1603; JdA to King, Jan 18 1602

  PdZ ‘worst place’: PdZ-King, Jan 15; rec Epistolario p99

  Destination: War Council ruling July 12 1603. Also, rec, Silke p171

  If Águila had marched…: CSPI p442

  JdA hadn’t enough men: CSPS 840 f712, Dec 17 1601; also see CSPI p467, ‘12,000 needed’

  Shoreline: pac (1810 ed) pp 342-343

  ‘The Irish… saddles’: CalCarew p263

  ‘Harnesses… horses’: CSPS 840 f696 Nov 28 1600

  Oviedo quote: Ov-King, Jan 27; rec McBride p115

  Archer quote: Letter to Whyte op. cit.

  JdA’s quotes in defence: JdA-King, Jan 18 1602

  Dereliction of duty: War Council ruling, April 12 1603. Also see Cordoba p137, CSPS 840 f719 Feb 22 1602.

  Donal Cam letter: CSPS 840 f719

  Lopez de Soto, timing: CSPI p441

  ‘I waited… to escape’: CSPI p641

  ‘One puff’: Quoted in Carleton, George (1624) A Thankful Remembrance

  Ho’N explanation: In letter to King, Jan 16 1602; rec, García Hernán p37

  Council verdict, JdA exonerated, minority opinion: War Council ruling from Valladolid, July 12 1603, with five points and a summary. Rec, García Hernán p564. Also see CSPI p573; Mor Itin v3 p313; CalCarew p316, p249; rec, Silke pp 171-173

  PdZ was accused… he had trained: CSPI p573; CSPS 840 f714 Jan 29 1602; War Council report to King, Aug 3 1602; rec, Epistolario p104

  Heredia: Carew ms, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 607 p203

  ‘Don Juan… of the King’: CSPI p573

  Leading another mission: Mor Itin v3 p313; CalCarew p316 and p249; rec, Silke p172

  Retired to El Barraco; quotes from Gil Gonzáles Dávila (1578-1658) pp 246-247; and Duro p221

  He died: Gonzáles Dávila p247; Duro p221;

  ‘of grief’: pac O’G v2 p251

  ‘August 1602’: This date seems based on pac O’G v2 p251 and is probably a misunderstanding of ‘shortly after’

  English records: eg, Mor Itin v3 p313

  Writing letters: eg JdA to Ibarra from Avila, March 29 1603

  JdA funeral, interment, chapel and bequests, ‘Juana’: Gonzáles Dávila p247. I am also grateful to (rec) Professor Juan Carlos Bermejo de la Cruz, who reproduces JdA’s Will in his website (Accessed 01/01/2014). Summary and interpretation mine


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