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Outer Ragna: Volume 2

Page 4

by Kasugamaru

  Her black horse fears no vampire. It bears down upon enemy after enemy, almost as if enacting a violent dance itself. And they’re not alone. Red-black shadows appear to fight alongside them.

  Strong. Lady Kuroi is strong. She’s stronger than she was before, and she’s still trying to get even stronger. Lady Kuroi, what is it that you seek to destroy after throwing yourself without conceit into your training? What is stronger than Golden? The Demon? The Dragon? Or possibly... No, more like...

  It is awe-inspiring. An Apostle’s presence is heroic beyond comparison. She is still just a human, of course, so she performs reckless actions and suffers wounds, but... it’s as if her duty is to become a blade.

  We cannot lag behind, then. There is no honor or glory in letting our great leader fight alone. I flash a hand signal—bending my thumb, I sweep it through the air. Two hundred cavalry split into four groups. Fifty cavalry become a single sword. All along the perimeter, my men follow suit, forming twenty small blades. The vampires, forced to pay attention to Lady Kuroi, are easily shredded. Sharply and swiftly, we exterminate them. From the inside, a raging inferno; from the outside, twenty rings of fire. We will not let these beasts, too used to tyrannizing the weak, escape.

  Five hundred vampires destroyed and turned into ash... and not a single man lost. Lady Kuroi is unharmed, as well. Now, she begins her usual rounds. She’s been doing this ever since we started our hit-and-run tactics. She patrols the battlefield, her feet turning white with ash. She seems to be trying to find something, and refuses to get on her horse.

  Another step. Yet another step. What is going on? In this way, she descends even further into—no, ascends the stairs to glory.

  I send out scouts, set up patrols, and have those who will be resting here do maintenance on their horses and equipment. We cannot let our guard down, but we can take a small breather. We have been in dozens of battles so far.

  The horrors of the western side of the Frontier are almost too much to bear. Based on messages alone, it would be impossible to estimate just how deeply the vampires have invaded our territory. The liberated towns were all ravaged beyond repair... they are unrelenting savages.

  The five hundred vampires we just defeated were the largest force in the area. This should buy us the time we need to evacuate the citizens, but regardless, the situation is unsettling. The vampires’ actions were extremely systematic. Normally, considering their beastly nature, one would expect them to attack humans in a more scattered fashion. Such highly coordinated tactics...

  Furthermore, the expected follow-up to multiple invasions by smaller forces would be to charge clean up with a larger force, yet there’s no trace of a great army approaching. Are they just testing the waters? Or perhaps disturbing the frontlines to see how we react? If that was it, then their retreat tactics really need some work. We have Lady Kuroi’s power—what’s the point in having all of their forces destroyed? In fact, I don’t believe they have the strength to attack the fort any longer.

  What is the vampires’ goal? Until we find that out, our hit-and-run strategy will not end. Hm, Lady Kuroi has gotten onto her horse.

  “Wait a second—” I was going to suggest we eat.

  “Mmgh?” Something fills her cheeks. A dried potato? Lady Ange must have given it to her. Whoa, she’s stuffing another one in.

  “Be sure to chew well. Those can sit heavy in the stomach,” I warn her after a pause. She nods and speeds up her mastication, then tilts back her water flask. Finally, she swallows. What a strange way to eat.

  Her dark steed’s horseshoes echo against the ground. The wind tosses her raven hair. In her eyes, two fires burn as she looks at me.

  No, these battles are not ending yet. I understand. If it is your next enemy you seek, then I shall lead you to them.

  God positioned Lady Kuroi not on the Frontier or the Hell Expanse, but here on the western front. Perhaps I should think more about what that means.

  I set off, my horse cantering forwards. On to the next battlefield. And then the next battlefield.

  45 MP Control in DDR / The Girl Volunteers to Spread the Word

  If I could describe God’s presence, it would be like a bonfire that lights up one’s back.

  Warm, reassuring, bright... and popping every now and again.

  -DDR Stream/VOD Part 3-

  I thought my company called, but it was just someone trying to sell me cryptocurrency. They were really enthusiastic and suspicious.

  Hey everyone, PotatoStarch here. My motto is to work hard without shortcuts. Even in games, this doesn’t change. Vampire hunting with the hot knight and his men! Scouting the land for every last one! I’m the type that likes to clear every last enemy marker from the map in Dynasty Warriors games. Full steam ahead!

  Then again, monster hunting games are not my thing. It was too hard for me to even hunt the herbivore family in the tutorial. They cry when you hit them! Just, no.

  But when humans hunt vampires it doesn’t pain my heart, which is lucky. They treat humans like food, after all. They remind me of raiders in post-apocalyptic games, or hunters in creature crisis games. It feels great to beat them.

  Sorry, I know I’m going on and on about other games. I must be tired from playing DDR for so long. My PC is in perfect condition as usual, though. Phew, another town freed. Kill vampires, save the townspeople about to be enslaved or used for food, direct them to evacuate, and it’s mission clear. All towns get abandoned. I mean, they’re soaked in blood and covered in ash now.

  Even if it’s a game, it still pains my heart to see parents being eaten as they defend their children. Honestly, this is why people call the devs a criminal organization—by “people” I mean the PTA, the online purists, and the American Army. It’s common among DDR fans to jokingly say, “Why?” to the last one. Seriously, why?

  I guess the hot knight and his boys are going to be saving towns for a while. I’ll have them on auto and let Kuroi rest to recover her MP. Frequent breaks are the key to success. In our previous event battle, she ended up in trouble because of her lack of stamina and inability to continue fighting. However, that’s also the reason Kuroi was able to defeat Golden, by taking advantage of the enemy Apostle’s manaless state. It’s tough to say whether Summon Daemon would have ended it all.

  In that respect, traveling with the cavalry makes Kuroi near invincible. They’re fast and strong, so it’s easy for her to recover mana. They even receive supplies every now and again.

  Now then, how’s observation mode going... still unstable, huh? I’m so used to this. I guess I’ll take this opportunity to check in on other locations. Heh heh heh! This is my chance to use a system I’ve never used before.

  By that, I mean servant view.

  It’s literally a system that allows you to spectate your servants in third-person... probably. I haven’t used it, so I’m a bit nervous. I’ve never played as an Apostle before! The closest I ever got was a servant to an elven Apostle. It was an unbearable job full of crunch, so I died quickly. Absolute is really scary.

  Click. Oh, I changed views. Sira’s sure eating a lot of udon. Wait, this isn’t the Frontier. Where is she... oh? The fort? When did she move there? Aw, and she’s got her rabbit companion Shirokuro with her.

  Oh, Sira’s looking around. So cute. Now she’s suddenly walking. Ha ha, she’s carrying Shirokuro on her back! It’s like one of those cartoon backpacks. Down the fort’s hall she goes to... the chapel? Some business to attend to after dinner?

  -Sira I-

  Shirokuro twitches on my back. I know why, too.

  It’s because God has arrived. God is right here, watching us. It’s okay. That doesn’t mean something’s happened to Lady Kuroi. God doesn’t seem to be angry or sad. Maybe God came because I was eating something warm.

  What good timing.

  “Oh? Done eating already?”

  Thank goodness, the Crimson Flower Company lady is still in the chapel. Ever since she came here for work, she’s been i
n the back and I haven’t been able to see her. I begged her to let me ride with her down here so I mustn’t get in the way of her work or be selfish.

  “Let me introduce you. This is Sira. She was asleep when we arrived,” the lady says to a woman in a white hat. A very pretty woman. She has long, wavy red hair that sticks out in places. It reminds me of fire.

  “Sira, this is Acolyte Hikurina, from the Church. She’s helped me with my business and... hey, what’s with you?”

  The acolyte lady’s eyes and mouth are wide open in silence. I know what it is. You can sense God’s presence, can’t you? His great, great presence.

  “O-Oh, God...” she mumbles.

  “Hm? Oh, I see. Is that it, Sira?”

  “Yeah. He arrived moments ago.”

  The Crimson Flower Company lady isn’t adept at sensing God. She’s not good at magic, either. But she’s always praying fervently. She must be praying for someone she’ll never meet again.

  “Oh... Deus Ex...” the acolyte continues to mutter.

  “Sira. Could this be...”

  “Don’t worry. I think it’s because I ate something tasty.”

  “Ah, I see. Like that other time. Perhaps I should offer a drink.”

  God’s blessing is a strange thing. Its strength differs completely depending on the person, place, and time. It’s similar to light and shadow. Just like when you look up and see the sun, God is always there when you pray to Him, but you don’t feel uneasy when He leaves. Even so, everyone wants to make sure that He’ll stay, so we pray.

  So many people pray to Him now. God has gotten so popular, which means I can work even harder. Praying makes you stronger. Curling up and crying for help doesn’t get you anywhere; you have to get up and take action. You have to move forward.

  “You... you are the Apostle?” asks the red-haired lady, grabbing my hand. It hurts. But Dad didn’t interfere, so she must not mean me harm. It still hurts, though.

  “No,” clarifies the Crimson Flower Company lady.


  “What are you asking her? I told you, the Apostle is Kuroi, Hare of Flame. This girl is her servant. I guess she’s, like, second in line to God’s blessing.”

  “An Apostle’s servant... God’s servant...”

  “Let go of her hand.”

  “Huh? Ah! I-I-I’m so sorry!”

  The place where her fingers were is turning red. If I were anyone else, I would have been injured. This woman might be a warrior as well.

  “Forgive me. My name is Hikurina. I serve the Church as an acolyte. In regards to you, Lady Sira, I...”

  “Stop. I understand you’re elated, but Sira’s still a child. Keep grown-up formalities away from her.”

  “R-Right... my apologies. My deepest apologies,” she bows over and over, her eyes fixed on the space behind me. She can sense God. And God... is looking at her? “Now I understand everything. Ange, thank you for calling me here.”

  “Oh yeah? Well, one experience is worth more than a thousand words.”

  “Indeed. Now I also understand Father Felipo’s crazy actions. ‘God exists, and He is great. Why must we be fettered by conventions?’ he proclaimed.”

  “Crazy bastard. Has he been talking to the papers and creating nursery songs as well?”

  “And delivering the Sorcerer’s Guild’s letter to the Church, as well as the north’s complaints against the nobles.”

  “Oh, seriously. He really is crazy. The nobles aren’t even on our side yet.”

  “No, a power struggle would just be a roundabout method. Perhaps it’s the approach we should avoid the most. Everything could have crumbled down around us before the war even began if he hadn’t spread the story far and wide.”

  “You talking about the vampire loyalists?”

  “Yes. The declaration of a final battle became a tailwind for the Starlight Band. Many citizens have joined them, rejecting us.”

  They’re talking about difficult things, but I understand some of it. The red-haired lady is trying her best at something, but it’s hopeless. Yet she won’t give up, which is why she came here. I can tell from the look of her eyes, and the fiery color of her hair. Oh, maybe that’s why God came. Maybe he’s here to say it’ll be all right.

  “Listen, you two.” At least, I hope that’s why. But even if it’s not, I’m glad He came anyway. “I think I can do a lot more now,” I declare.

  Dad, come out. Not just your hand; all of you. God’s watching over us, so it’ll be fine. Ah, see? It’s been so long since we last hugged. Even longer since the last cheek rub. I’ve been hoping to see your smile for so long.

  “I’m going to talk to everyone in the fort,” I continue. “I’ll tell them that I know it’s scary, but we have to try our best.” The two of them have started praying again. I smile. “I want them to know that God is with us, so it’s going to be okay. I have to tell them.”

  46 The Strategy Meeting Within the Pentagon and About the Parallel World War

  It is my pride to be human.

  I was born human, so that is only natural.

  -***, the Dragon God I-

  The slightly fruity scent of cacao; milky, enveloping sweetness.

  The members filling the meeting room all have coffee, so it was the right decision to remain resolute and put out three cups for myself. Our time outside of the strategy room is limited, so I want to enjoy it to the fullest without anybody ruining it.

  “It’s time. We hereby commence the 57th strategy meeting.” The Colonel’s voice is always so deep. It speaks to how tense he is. “First, let’s go over the situation in the parallel world. For that, see the military diagram of the central plain. The large-scale invasion force of over five hundred thousand led by Thunderstorm has, as we expected, been distributed unevenly across many points, allowing us to plot a breakthrough of their defensive line.” Seven large arrows stretch out from the vampires’ territory. From there, they branch into various smaller arrows, almost like lightning. “A deep operation, then. Its ferocity and multi-layered nature remind me of Operation Bagration from World War II. Truly, the vampires’ stamina and ability to continue fighting are astounding. Unfortunately, we do not know of a clear weakness...” All of the lines are colliding with a massive, cracked blue line. This represents the elves’ waterway network that they excavated as a nation. “As you can see, the Baptism Lines are quite effective, but ultimately it is just a defensive tactic. We have no way to predict a great offensive. As stated in the annexed table, we are suffering casualties from foot soldiers on a local level. We must act before they can mount a second attack.”

  The Colonel’s eyes seem to ask if I have something to add, but I shake my head. Everything at present is as he described it, and we are having this strategy meeting because now is the best time to mount a counter-attack.

  “I have a few things I wish to confirm.” A first lieutenant from the Air Force Cyber Command raises his hand. Will this technological genius unveil yet another keen idea? “Absolute is keeping Thunderstorm busy in a stalemate. Deep Sea is on reserve until Crumbling Mountain appears. Meanwhile, our bluff card, Ten Thousand Bells... is she not going to do anything?”

  “Someone more directly involved with this should answer... Captain?” the Colonel looks at me. Hm. I suppose I cannot rely on him to explain the details regarding the unique units. So much for enjoying my hot chocolate. “I expect great things from the leader of the IT department.” Yes, yes, of course, sir. Here we go.

  “You are correct. We assumed there would be some sort of sudden movement after the unexpected defeat of Golden, but other than the declaration of a final battle, no moves have been made,” I state.

  “No scouting from the vampires?”

  “No. Everything seems to be peaceful.”

  “Speculation, then... since the connection has dramatically improved, can’t we change our point of contact from Absolute to Ten Thousand Bells? That way we could gain a much more detailed look at the situation.”
  “It is technically feasible, but risky. The connection could suddenly worsen, and even if we did update it, there is the possibility that the change could not be reverted.”

  “That’s quite rough... Are there any other difficulties that would prevent us from fully using our greatest asset, Absolute, to his fullest extent?”

  Absolute is the elves’ greatest trump card. Not only is he capable of taking on unique units, but he’s also strong enough to take on the Demon God. We must use him in the most effective way possible. Unfortunately, there is a vexing system in place. We can only speak to them in the form of an oracle, and we must focus entirely on one unit at a time, so it is difficult to get a sense of the whole picture. Things get confusing due to the difference in time flow, not to mention our differing languages and ideals.

  Hm... perhaps that is why Dragon Demon RPG was sold as an action video game. It would never have passed as a flawed strategy game.

  “First Lieutenant, is there something on your mind?”

  “Yes, Colonel. The lack of caution towards Ten Thousand Bells doesn’t make sense. She is stationed on the southern battle lines. She could be considered a reinforcement, even if nothing happens.”

  “That would be easier to accept if not for the destruction of Golden.”

  Is he saying we are being neglectful? Yes, he has a point. I’m well aware of Ten Thousand Bells’ immaturity as a combat asset. Perhaps I have lost my sense of objectivity.

  “In fact, I still find the reason for Golden’s defeat odd. The squabbles among the small fry in the subhuman territory... Even taking into account Ten Thousand Bells’ defensive abilities, it’s hard to believe it was a sudden bout of exhaustion.”

  This was the topic of two previous strategy meetings. I hate to be interrupted, but it’s clear no one truly believes this explanation.

  “U-Um, Colonel...”

  “What? If you have something to say then speak up, Petty Officer.”


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