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Page 14

by TK Lawyer

  “Tamara, I’m here. Open the door.”

  Oh, God, it’s Josh.

  She stepped off the machine and grabbed her towel, wiping her face while rushing to the front door. Along the way, she glanced at the clock and realized he was early. She threw open the door and faced a bouquet of sunflowers. The bouquet shifted down to reveal a wide, gorgeous smile. A large, white box with a clear, plastic window followed.

  He presented the box to her with a grin. “Ta-dah.”

  “A cake. You got me a cake? And sunflowers too.” She clapped her hands together in excitement. “But I’m a mess, and I’m all sweaty.”

  Tamara backed away from him, and Josh rushed past her. He zoomed straight into the kitchen while she stood, stunned, staring at him through the open doorway.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in amazement at his brush-off.

  Without responding, he placed the box gingerly into the freezer.

  “Oooh… it’s an ice cream cake? My goodness, did you really buy me an ice cream cake? I love them.”

  “I know,” Josh responded with a grin. He slid up to her with the bouquet of sunflowers. “It’s your birthday, and that means you get whatever you want. And I do mean whatever you want.”

  He winked with a mischievous grin, plastered to his face.

  She snorted at his bravado. “I’m sure. But…” She glanced down at her athletic wear, reached up to touch the headband she’d forgotten she was wearing and exclaimed over her shoulder as she ran for the bedroom, “I need to change.”

  Josh sat on the couch and said, “Honey, you look fine. Besides, no one’s supposed to look gorgeous when they’re working out. It’s impossible.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t see me so disheveled. How embarrassing.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m going to see you in all kinds of ways, at least I hope so.”

  She pulled a shirt off its hanger. “Just incorrigible.”

  “What was that?”


  Josh chuckled as he spoke to her through the bedroom door. “I’m taking you out tonight, by the way. But we’re supposed to be there in an hour, so hurry, my love.”

  She crinkled her nose. “An hour’s plenty of time.”

  “We have to drive a bit to get there.”

  His eyelids shot up as the bedroom door cracked open.

  She pushed out the bouquet of sunflowers with a rushed request. “Josh, could you put these in a vase for me, please? No peeking, now, just grab the flowers. Thank you!”

  He smiled. “Do you need any help in there?” He slid his fingers down her arm suggestively. “We could always postpone our dinner plans and eat naked in the bedroom if you prefer.”


  She shook his fingers off her arm and thrust the bouquet at him. He chuckled and grabbed it seconds before she closed the door.

  “I’ll let it go this once since it’s your birthday.” He walked into the kitchen, raising his voice so she could hear him. “But know I’m available in case you change your mind. Though, I do have to warn you that if you take me up on my offer, we might not make it for the surprise I had in mind for you.” She watched him turn on the kitchen faucet, filling the vase he’d taken from the top shelf.

  “I wish you’d take me up on my offer, though. I’m sure you’d be highly satisfied, and so would I, for that matter.”


  “Just saying.” He muttered the rest of his sentence which she didn’t hear. Then he finished off his sentence with a chuckle.

  After several more minutes, she walked into the living room, stepped in front of Josh, and turned in a circle, modeling her outfit to Josh’s whistles and catcalls.

  She twirled around to give him the full effect and giggled. “So, you like it?”

  His husky voice startled her, and she skipped out of her twirl. “Come here and let me show you how much I do.”

  He took her in his arms and dipped her, kissing Tamara firmly on the lips. Her mouth opened in surprise as he pulled her back to her feet.

  “Come on, Tamara, we’re late.” He grabbed her hand and rushed her out of the front door.

  “Where are we going?”

  Josh winked and said, “You’ll see. It’s a secret birthday girl.”

  When he opened the passenger door of his car, she eyed it with amusement when she saw the upscale hood ornament. “So, this is your new car? It’s really nice.”

  “I got it detailed just for tonight.”

  “Hmmm, okay. I have to ask though, what is a dog doing in a cat car?”

  Josh lifted his eyebrows in feigned offense. “Dog? I’m not a dog, Sweetheart.”

  “Yeah, I know, but it’s still a canine, right? They’re related to each other. I think it’s funny that you of all people have a car that’s been named after a giant cat. I mean, you have a Jag, and you’re a wolf. Don’t you see the irony?”

  Josh considered that for a moment and smiled. “I see what you mean. I guess I like it because Jaguars are strong and sleek. I like things that are strong and sleek.”

  His eyes roamed over her body and lingered a bit too long. He followed his perusal with a wink.

  She gave him a flirty smile, pulling her hair off to one side to expose the soft curve of her neck to him. “Are you trying to say something?”

  “You’re teasing me, Tamara, but you got my meaning. Good. Now get in the car.” He growled and patted her bottom.

  She burst into a fit of giggles and wriggled into the leather seat. Owning a luxury car wasn’t within her means on her meager public servant wages and being driven around in this dreamy car by an even more beautiful man was certainly something she hadn’t considered possible.

  On the way to whatever surprise Josh had in mind for her, Tamara commented on the heated seats, the lo-jack system, the built-in GPS, the satellite radio, the run-flat tires, and the many other luxury features of his car she didn’t own or even knew existed. She looked up at the moon roof and laughed. Anytime Josh wanted to howl at the moon, he could just open the roof. She giggled. Josh eyed her with curiosity.

  Tamara snuck peeks at Josh as he drove, marveling at how confidant and easy-going he was. Josh was pretty amazing. She still didn’t understand how he liked someone like her, but she enjoyed his company any time they were together. Josh pressed on the gas pedal and swooped into a parking lot, avoiding the valet attendants surrounding the entrance. Driving toward the back of the building, he maneuvered the Jaguar into a space, shifted the ignition to park and then got out of the car.

  All right, we’re here.” He opened her door, helped her out, and then slammed it shut before escorting her up a wide plank to a ticket booth.

  “Wait a minute. Where are we?”

  She looked up into the eyes of a young starlet who handed them their tickets and wished them a safe journey. Tamara’s lips opened to protest as Josh rushed her up another plank to a large boat.

  Her eyes shifted left to right. “Are we going on a dinner cruise?”

  Josh grinned as he pulled her toward the entrance. “Like your present?”

  She hugged him tightly in response.

  The evening was truly magical, and Tamara was pampered like royalty. She blushed as the staff cheerily sang out “Happy Birthday” amidst the large crowd of diners. One of the staff members lit a single candle on a slice of chocolate cake and urged her to make a wish. She snuck a peek at Josh, sucked in a deep breath of air, and blew out the candle to smiles, loud applause, and Josh’s amazing kiss. She split the cake with him, wriggled against his chest, and melted into his open arms.

  “May your wish come true, birthday girl,” he said with a forkful of cake dangling in front of his lips.

  She leaned over and ravished him with a sensual, open-mouthed kiss before he figured out what to do with the fork.


  Josh parked his car in the middle of her driveway when they arrived at Tamara’s home. “I have one more gift for you.”

sp; Her smile widened. “You do?”

  He threw open the car door and rushed to the trunk, where he lifted an elaborately decorated box.

  “What? What do you have there?” Tamara slammed the door and tried to make her way toward Josh, yet he scooped her arm with his free hand and rushed her toward the front door.

  “It’s a surprise. Let’s go inside,” he murmured in her ear. Waiting for her to open the front door, he ushered her inside and shut the door behind him.

  “What is it?” she asked when they settled on the couch. Tamara tore through the wrapping paper and shoved it aside, along with the two-tone colored bow. She lifted the top of the box and gasped, pulling out the set of chocolate-colored pearls. “Josh, they’re incredible. The color is beautiful, and the brown is so rich,” she told him merrily.

  Tamara gazed at them in wonder as she intertwined the strings of pearls around her fingers.

  Josh smiled in approval. “Want to try them on?”

  She nodded, handed him the necklace and then she swept her hair up from the nape of her neck. He slipped the necklace around her collarbone and fastened the clasp before sitting back to admire her. Tamara gleefully put on the matching bracelet and earrings, then rushed over to glance at herself in the bathroom mirror.

  “They’re gorgeous,” she said, returning to Josh’s side.

  She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Josh drew her in, crushing his lips over hers. Her tongue playfully teased his, stoking his desire before satisfying it.

  “I take it you approve?” he teased in a seductive tone. “Did you have a nice birthday?”

  Her fingers caressed the back of his neck. “Yes, I did. It was wonderful. Thank you.”

  “Now, how old are you again? You know I owe you birthday spankings,” he whispered in her ear. “We can go to the bedroom right now and get started on them.”

  “Josh...” she teased. “Stop that.”

  “What did you say? You said you’re one hundred? That can’t be right. Well, if you say so…”

  She grinned from ear to ear. “You’re horrible.”

  “I don’t think you’d say that after we’re done.”

  Tamara shied away. He was an amazing lover, but she worried about getting in too deep. On the other hand, Tamara worried she might already be there.

  He kissed her forehead and held her tightly in his arms. “It’s all right, I was just kidding. We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”

  She glanced up at him, a flirtatious smile curving up the corners of her lips. “But what if I want to?”

  The last thing she remembered was his narrowed eyes, his fierce growls and the tearing of fabric.


  Tamara awakened in the middle of the night. She tried closing her eyes, willing herself back to sweet slumber. Yet, the minutes ticked by as sleep evaded her once again.


  Her arms hit the bed with frustration as she lifted up and scooted her back against the headboard. She sat for a while with her eyes closed and pictured the handsome, incredible male who haunted her dreams and invaded her home, at times. She giggled with the observation. She enjoyed Josh’s company. Thinking about him when he wasn’t around was getting to be a bad habit, but one she couldn’t stop. She recalled the birthday spankings he offered her hours earlier, and she squirmed with excitement.

  Ah well…now I truly can’t sleep.

  She welcomed the mental image of his firm, warm, irresistible body molded to hers before she scolded herself for her randy thoughts.

  God, I want him.

  Could she ask him to come over? After the wonderful night they shared, Josh decided to give her some space to think about their relationship. She tried to get him to stay, but he was staunch and firm on his position. He wanted her to make up her mind without any added pressure. More than anything, Tamara wanted Josh’s strong arms surrounding her. Would he be okay with her calling him? At two-thirty in the morning, it was a tad bit early.

  She picked up her phone and dialed his number, waiting to see if he’d pick up and planning what to do if he didn’t. She could leave a message, but she didn’t want him to worry if he didn’t retrieve the message until later that morning. If he didn’t show up, it was okay. She only wondered if he was available and willing to come back. The last thing she wanted was for Josh to regret not answering his phone.

  At times, she still couldn’t believe that he truly cared for her. She was honored Josh wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. She hated to admit it, but she was falling for him, as surely as a skydiver plummeted to the Earth. It felt good to let go knowing he’d be at the bottom, catching her every single time. She sighed. She didn’t figure she’d fall this hard.

  She listed his unique qualities then worried. Was it okay—falling for a part human, part wolf? Was it unseemly? Was she doing something wrong? She didn’t want to think about it.

  Josh’s raspy voice came on the line. “Tamara? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. I’m okay. I was just thinking of you.”

  “Yeah? Were you thinking of last night?”

  She could’ve sworn she heard his grin, if that was even possible. “I love you, Tamara.”

  “I know. I care about you, so much.”

  “Still can’t say it, huh?”

  Oh no. Now she disappointed Josh. That was the last thing she wanted to do. Why couldn’t she say the words he wanted to hear? Yet something stilled her tongue anytime she thought she had the courage to tell him.

  “I’m sorry, Josh. Not yet.”

  He deserved to hear the words. Yet if Tamara said them, she’d leave herself vulnerable—bereft if one day he decided never to return.

  “Do you think you can come over and hold me?” Tamara asked. “I need you.”

  “Of course. I’ll be there in a little bit.”

  “If you want, you can bring some of your things and stay here as much as you’d like. That’d be okay with me.”

  “Tamara, are you asking me to move in with you?”

  Her heart fluttered. “I guess I am…kind of. It just makes sense for you to have a few things here. I like having you around, and it is so much more convenient. Is that okay with you?”

  “Sure. I’ll start moving some of my things over tomorrow. Right now though, I just want to hold you.”

  She smiled. “Well then get your butt back over here and soon.”

  He chuckled on the other line. “I like it when you’re demanding. You might get more than a hug from me if you keep that up, little one. I’ll see you soon.”

  Tamara glanced at the phone when he disconnected the call. She couldn’t wait to see him again.

  Less than thirty minutes later, Tamara dragged into her home a devilishly handsome wolf shifter with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. She led him to the bedroom where he plopped down next to her on the bed. His arms snaked around her waist and pulled her to him. She sighed, content within his steady warmth. They stayed in the same position for several minutes before she spoke.


  “Yes, my love?” he asked in mid-yawn. He lifted onto one elbow and looked down at her, awaiting her response.

  She turned to him and brushed her open mouth against his. Her tongue snaked through his open mouth, attempting to break his resolve down and tease him into repeating several of the sex acts they engaged in last night which, if she wore a panty would have been wet by now, from the vivid images flowing through her brain.

  As if suddenly aware of her intent, he moved over her, his kisses matching her passion in a game of sexual arousal and tension that had them both wanting and ready for more. He held her tightly, almost possessively, while he rolled her onto her back. She moaned when he brushed his lower half against her, her body reciprocating the wanted contact. What started as an innocent need to cuddle turned quickly to a desire for something much more intimate. Panting and trying to catch her breath, she broke off the kiss and looked up at him.
/>   “I want you, Josh. Do you want me?” She uttered the words between ragged breaths.

  He growled. “Are you kidding me? I always want you, Tamara.”

  “Have me then, please.”

  She caught his salacious smile before he kissed his way between her breasts, over the curve of her belly and settled himself between her thighs, once again.

  One swipe of his tongue had her arching her back. Oh god, what was she going to do with him?

  Her small fear of Josh breaking down her walls was becoming true. Besides that, Josh was, easily, the most amazing lover she ever had. She couldn’t fathom ever letting him go.


  It was six days until Thanksgiving, and Tamara wondered what Josh would think up next. After moving in with her, life with Josh was…well…pretty amazing. Tamara definitely had no complaints, and she knew there’d be none from Josh, as well.

  Already living together for four months, she knew they’d make it to five. It wasn’t as if their life was perfect, though. They had arguments and disagreements just like any other couple. The best part was they were able to settle them, amicably, with neither one running away nor breaking off the relationship. Tamara found the more she learned about him, the clearer the picture became of her future. She didn’t know how he did it but almost every image popping into her mind regarding what she wanted contained Josh in some manner.

  A rattle of keys at the door announced his entrance.

  As soon as he came inside, Josh threw his keys onto the kitchen table and then headed toward Tamara. “I’m home. I hope you’re ready because I’m taking you out.”

  She poked her head out from around the corner and said, “What was that?”

  Josh grinned and reached out to grab her. His soft lips molded sensuously against hers. Tingles zipped from her lips straight down between her legs, zinging desire into her most intimate of areas. Her knees weakened, and his grip tightened as she became a heavy weight in his arms. She swooned back toward the oven and had to brace herself against the counter. Her mitts surrounded and molded themselves into the base of his neck. Josh shifted them into the L-shaped corner. Then pulled Tamara impossibly closer, crushing their bodies together. Ravishing her lips thoroughly, he released her and started to walk away when Tamara slapped him playfully on the rear.


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