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The Whale Has Wings Vol 3 - Holding the Barrier

Page 16

by Row, David

  Despite their losses, by dawn the Japanese Assault Unit that landed near Balikpapan has occupied the airfield. Their advance southwards slows as the bridges on the coastal road have been destroyed and the unit does not reach the northern outskirts of Balikpapan City until the night of the 25th. The Dutch garrison troops had been withdrawn and the unit entered the city without a fight. While the main body of the unit was advancing along the road to Balikpapan City, it ran into a Dutch military column attempting to escape from Balikpapan. After defeating this Dutch column, the Surprise Attack Unit proceeded to Balikpapan City. The city was completely occupied during the night of the 25th.

  This leads to considerable anger in the Imperial command. They expect the Dutch to at least fight for their territories if they and the Americans are to expend their own people helping them, and the withdrawal in the face of an already badly hit Japanese unit is seen as defeatist. The plans to hold part of the Dutch East Indies to protect Singapore by defending Sumatra are given precedence over those to hold Java itself as a consequence.

  Chapter 11 - Pillar arrives at Singapore

  Jan 26th

  An advance party from 8th Australian division arrives in Java. It is expected that the rest of the division will soon be committed either to Java or to Sumatra; however the planners are also looking at the possibility of using them further east if necessary to protect Australia.

  On Bataan, the Philippine II and I Corps complete their withdrawal to the final defence line on Bataan in the morning, closely followed by the Japanese.

  HMS Audacious is formally commissioned. The first of a new class of large fleet carriers, she has been rushed as fast as possible due to the needs in the East (her sister ship Courageous will not be ready until the late summer as a result). She immediately starts her sea trials; it is hoped to have her on her way east in a few weeks. Her air group has been training for some time in readiness, and in order to speed her workup an unusually high proportion of experienced crew from Glorious (currently being used to train crews as well as pilots) have been assigned to her.

  Jan 27th

  The long-awaited Pillar convoy reaches Singapore. This brings badly needed supplies and replacements, in particular over 100 tanks and replacement aircraft and spares, as well as men - a complete infantry division (the 51st), and two commandos from the Middle East along with their landing craft. It had originally been hoped that this force would allow an attack north to attempt to recover northern Malaya, but the deteriorating position in the DEI and Borneo mean this might not be possible. The convoy also strengthens the Far East Fleet; the fleet carrier Ark Royal is now at Ceylon, and some of the cruisers and destroyers which escorted the ships will remain to strengthen the fleet. The transports will head back as soon as they have been unloaded; they will also carry some non-essential personnel and civilians back to Ceylon as well as supplies of tin and rubber. The troopships will head back to Alexandria, where additional forces are readying to move east.

  The Far East Fleet now has four fleet and two light carriers available, and this will allow Somerville to send an aggressive force into the DEI while still retaining enough air power to protect Singapore. While the light carrier Colossus has an experienced aircrew, up till now all their work has been on antisubmarine duties and her aircrew will receive a few weeks training in the local training and tactics before being assessed as fully operational. He also asks if the Australian air wing (currently enjoying Ceylon as their carrier is having her hull mended) could be made available for use from Darwin - this would give a useful defence and search capability over the local sea area until their carrier is fixed. He is also now prepared to release his reserve squadron of Cormorants to be used from land bases - he now has spare aircraft if needed to replenish his airgroups.

  Jan 28th

  It is decided to make the remaining two brigades of 18th Division available for use in the Dutch East Indies/Borneo area, as they have completed training in the local conditions. The 51st Division will undergo similar training while acting as Alexander's emergency reserve. Given the difficulty in moving around Borneo, mainly infantry will be used, but it is hoped to quickly build up the Imperial force on the island up to some 5,000 men. Given the small size of the Japanese landings it is hoped this will be sufficient, so long as sufficient coastal transport can be obtained. Alexander also allocates them half the landing craft that came with the commandos, to use as coastal transport - in order to supplement this, available coastal shipping and vessels are being commandeered in Borneo and acquired in southern Malaya. While the eastern side of the island is looking problematical, the western and southern areas are, so far, under Allied control.

  In the north of Malaya, 7th Australian division, backed by tanks, attacks the Japanese positions in a limited attack. Given the damage to the Thai railroad clearly visible in photographs, Blamey intends to see just how bad the Japanese supply situation is. The attack manages to penetrate some five miles before increasingly intense counterattacks bring it to a halt. As there is now an armour reserve at Singapore, Blamey informs Alexander he intends to press the attack with Australian and Indian troops the next day as well, to see how fragile the Japanese defence is.

  At Rastenburg, Hitler decorates the ace pilot Adolf Galland with the Diamonds to the Knight's Cross. Goering is appalled that the jewels are paste.

  The Japanese land on Rossel Island, the easternmost island of the Louisade archipelago. The island is located about 490 miles east-southeast of Port Moresby, New Guinea, and 420 miles west-southwest of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, an ideal position to block shipping from either point. The Japanese immediately begin building an airfield.

  Jan 29th

  The British offensive in Malaya continues, backed by the RAF who attack both the Japanese airfields and the troops on the ground. The Japanese air force returns the compliment. Aided by fresh Indian troops and a further armoured attack, the Australians advance another three miles, causing a serious dent in the Japanese defensive line. One so severe in fact that overnight the Japanese retire to new positions, leaving a noticeable bulge in their defence line. The Australians also retire slightly in order to give them a better line to hold. While the attack has been successful, the fanatical defence the Japanese have put up is worrying to the staff, who see it as making the re-conquest of northern Malaya expensive - infantry casualties in particular have been high.

  Based on the results, the most effective operations seem to be by the tanks, for which the Japanese have no real answer. The need to use the available armoured force to reinforce the defence lines means there is no substantial reserve (even allowing for the reinforcements on Pillar). The staff suggest that unless the Japanese get substantial reinforcements themselves, the best plan might be to wait for the Australian's armoured division, currently packing up in North Africa ready to move, arrives to be the centre of a new attack intended to break the Japanese defence and push them back into Thailand. Given that the need to use his forces to help protect the Dutch East Indies is looking more and more likely, Alexander and Blamey agree that planning will start on this option. This is a disappointment to them, but just pushing the Japanese back to the Thai border won't do much to change the situation in the north; unless the force is available to press on, they consider it best to stay in position and let the Japanese blunt their attacks on prepared defences and their supporting artillery. The continuing need to bolster the Dutch forces is a drain, and Alexander again asks when US ground forces will be available to help.

  Imperial General Headquarters orders the Navy to secure Lae and Salamaua, New Guinea and then Tulagi, Solomon Islands. The Army and Navy are ordered to combine their efforts and seize Port Moresby, New Guinea. Both Navy and Army staff officers foresee problems.

  The Japanese land at Badoeng Island and Mampawan on Celebes Island in the DEI.

  The Combined Chiefs of Staff establish the ANZAC Area, covering ocean expanses between Australia, New Zealand, and the French territory of New Caledonia i
n the New Hebrides Islands. This area is to be under U.S. naval command

  Five-inch (12.7 cm) projectiles containing radio-proximity fuses are test fired at the Naval Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Virginia, and 52 percent of the fuses functioned satisfactorily by proximity to water at the end of a 5-mile trajectory. This performance, obtained with samples selected to simulate a production lot, confirmed that the radio proximity fuse would greatly increase the effectiveness of anti-aircraft batteries and leads to immediate small-scale production

  Jan 30th

  The Japanese invade 314 square mile Ambon Island in the Dutch East Indies, which has the second largest naval base in the East Indies archipelago. The defenders include Dutch troops and the Australian 2/21 Battalion plus supporting troops. During the night of 30 January two Japanese landings are launched; the 1st Kure Special Landing Force lands at Hitu-Iama and the 228th Infantry lands on the southern coast of Laitimor. The defenders are at a disadvantage to contest the landings, only a few Dutch detachments were in the area. At Hitu-Iama on the north coast the defending infantry and machine-gun crews are quickly overwhelmed and bridges on the road leading to the town of Paso are left intact allowing the Japanese to speedily advance south across the Hitu Peninsula. Other landings occurred around Hutumori; the Japanese split westward to the town and northward to Paso using captured Ambonese compelled to act as guides.

  Jan 31st

  Two small transport ships leave Singapore bound for Darwin with some of the supplies from the Pillar convoy. This includes additional AA guns and material to expand the capabilities of the air base there, such as torpedoes to allow Beaufighters to operate anti-shipping strikes. In addition, two transport planes fly out with spares for the radar at Darwin, which is down to its last electronic tubes for some equipment.

  The U.S. Military Mission to USSR, which is to advise and assist Russians on lend-lease matters, arrives at Basra in Iraq; the group subsequently proceeds to Tehran, Iran, where they establish their headquarters.

  New Zealand continues to dig in for war by introducing air-raid shelter regulations, and inviting women to join the Emergency Precaution Service as firewatchers. All men must register for the Emergency Defence Corps. So far, the sheep are not being called up.

  On Ambon Island 2,000 Japanese troops attack Laha late in the afternoon; they are repulsed by an outnumbered platoon of Australians on the northeast of the airfield.

  Task Force 11 (Vice Admiral Brown), formed around the aircraft carrier USS Lexington, departs Pearl Harbor to cover the retirement of TF 8 (Vice Admiral Halsey) and TF 17 (Rear Admiral Fletcher) from the Marshall and Gilbert Islands.

  In preparation for a bombing raid on Japan, Captain Donald B. Duncan, USN, flies to Norfolk, Virginia to make arrangements with Captain Marc A. Mitscher, USN, captain of the USS Hornet, to have three B-25 Mitchell medium bombers hoisted aboard on the next day for trial takeoffs.

  Major General Eaker is designated Commanding General, Bomber Command, U.S. Army Forces in British Isles (USAFBI) and ordered to proceed to the UK.

  Feb 1st

  The Soviet Army continues its offensive throughout February but with diminishing success as German resistance stiffens with the arrival of reinforcements. Further efforts to break through to Leningrad and Sevastopol are futile, but some success is achieved in other sectors. Soviet forces use the opportunity to reinforce the Crimea area.

  On Ambon Island the Japanese capture ten Australian soldiers and bayonet them to death. The Japanese commander says the POWs would be "a drag" on his advance. This is witnessed by two Australian soldiers hiding in the jungle; they will later escape and get back to Allied territory to report the atrocity. A growing number of similar incidents have been reported in various actions, but there is reluctance among the staff to believe that the Japanese are actually acting like this. However as more reports are confirmed, the belief is gaining ground, and the troops are already aware of the stories.

  Task Force 8 (Halsey), formed around the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, raids the Marshall Islands concentrating on Kwajalein and Wotje, with the heavy cruiser USS Chester bombarding Maleolap Atoll.

  At Kwajalein, SBD Dauntlesses and TBD Devastators from USS Enterprise sink a transport and damage the light cruiser HIJMS Katori, submarine HIJMS I-23, a minelayer, an auxiliary netlayer, an auxiliary submarine chaser, a submarine depot ship, an oiler, a tanker, and an army cargo ship; in the bombing of shore installations, Rear Admiral Sukiyoshi (Commander Sixth Base Force) dies in combat when an SBD scores a direct hit on his headquarters.

  Off Wotje, gunfire from heavy cruisers USS Northampton and USS Salt Lake City sink a gunboat while the destroyer USS Dunlap shells and sinks an auxiliary submarine chaser.

  Japanese retaliatory air attacks by six Mitsubishi G3M Nells of the Chitose Kokutai on TF 8 results in damage to USS Enterprise (near-miss of a crashing land attack plane) and heavy cruiser USS Chester (by bomb dropped by a carrier fighter).

  Three SBDs are shot down over Roi Island by Mitsuibishi A5M Claude fighters and one “Claude” is shot down by a SBD gunner

  TF 17 (Fletcher), formed around aircraft carrier USS Yorktown, raids the Gilbert Islands targeting enemy installations on Jaluit, Makin, and Mili.

  Aircraft from USS Yorktown cause less damage than the attacks on the Marshall Islands, due to a scarcity of targets at the objective; nevertheless SBD's bomb and strafe a gunboat at Makin and destroy two Kawanishi H6K at anchor, while SBD's bomb and strafe a cargo ship at Jaluit.

  TF 11 (Brown), formed around aircraft carrier USS Lexington, supports the operations from the vicinity of Christmas Island in the Line Islands.

  The carrier USS Ticonderoga arrives at Pearl Harbor to join the US carrier force in the Pacific. At the moment the USN is deploying three single-carrier task forces to cause the maximum disruption; Nimitz is considering adding the Ticonderoga to one TF in the hope the Japanese might respond as if against a single carrier (he does not have enough escorts to form a fourth independent task force in any case). In the next few months, it is hoped to have six fleet carriers in the Pacific, forming three Task Forces. He is also expecting more Wildcat fighters so the fighter complement of the airgroups can be increased, and the first Corsair squadrons are expected for land-based operations in a few weeks.

  A serious setback to British intelligence in the Battle of the Atlantic has taken place. The U-boats in the Atlantic have adopted a new cipher, Triton, linking them directly to Admiral Dönitz's headquarters in Paris. Triton has an additional rotor to the three used in the normal Hydra cipher. Bletchley Park's Bombe, the deciphering machine developed by the mathematician Alan Turing for cracking the codes, only has three rotors and hence cannot tackle Triton. The change is not because the Germans know that the British are reading Enigma but is due to Dönitz's wish to exert tighter control over the operations of his wolf packs so that they will sink more ships. The ciphers used by the U-boats training in the Baltic (Tetis) and in coastal waters (Hydra) remain unchanged.

  The Admiralty's submarine tracking room can still monitor each newly commissioned U-boat and those entering and leaving the Bay of Biscay and Norwegian waters. The inability to read Triton means that the Admiralty no longer knows the intentions of the U-boats operating in the Atlantic. It will be more difficult to route convoys to evade the packs. Fortunately, the supply of escort carriers and conversions means it is rare now for a major convoy to sail without air protection, but it is still anticipated that having to fight them through will mean greater losses.

  The Japanese carrier striking force (Akagi, Kaga and Zuikaku) leave Truk to attempt to intercept the US carrier force raiding the Marshall Islands. The pursuit is abandoned the next day.

  Chapter 12 - New Guinea

  Feb 2nd

  HQ of the USAAF’s 49th Pursuit Group (Interceptor), with its three subordinate squadrons of P40 fighters, arrives at Melbourne, Victoria, from the U.S.A. The aircraft are in crates and must be assembled and the vast majority of the pilots do not ha
ve the skills to survive in combat and must undergo combat training. The first squadron will not fly their first mission until March.

  The Japanese launch their first air raid on Port Moresby in New Guinea, in preparation for a planned amphibious assault.

  The RAF in Malaya presents a report which points out the surprising weakness in Japanese air power since the early battles in December. While the RAF has been resupplied with aircraft, the Japanese air force seems to be growing steadily weaker. This is surprising, as with its sources of aircraft much closer, the staff had expected the opposite. What they do not know is the terribly low aircraft production in Japan. In the period December to March, they will only build some 700 fighters and bombers. To put this into perspective, Australia's normal production is 60 Sparrowhawk and 40 Beaufighters a month, and with the current scare has raised this (albeit temporarily) by 50%. In addition, the British were supplying Russia with some 120 Hurricanes a month which have been diverted. These two minor sources alone are over half again the Japanese production. The RAF are convinced that the shortage in Malaya is because they are building up somewhere else, their best guess being in the DEI, although there is also a possibility they are planning action in Burma or to the east. They simply cannot believe that the Japanese aircraft production is so low.


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