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Tamed: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 2)

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by Felicity Brandon

  Psycho, huh? He wanted to laugh at her so-called insult. Maybe she was right. Maybe he was a psychopath. He certainly demonstrated a number of the personality traits associated with the term, the most significant being his usual lack of conscience for the destruction he created. Let her call him whatever she wanted while she still had the chance. He doubted it mattered much anymore.

  “Where have you been, pet?” he purred salaciously into her right ear. “Out for a little walk in the moonlight?”

  Molly was livid, scratching at his forearms viciously as he began to drag her back toward the waiting car. Her right-hand lurched back toward his face, one of her nails catching the side of his cheek as she clawed into the darkness. Connor’s arm was there in an instant, capturing her wrist with more force than he needed, and trapping it beside her body as he cocooned her again.

  “I hope it was good for you, pet,” he snarled as the scratch at his face stung in the cool night air. “Because that was the last time you’re ever going to strike me.”

  She screamed at his words, but the sound coming from her lips sounded more like frustration, than terror. “But, it’s alright for you to strike me?” she snapped back, her head twisting toward him as he forced her a few meters back toward the waiting sedan.

  “Of course,” he told her in a mocking tone. “You belong to me, pet. Remember? I will strike you when the need arises. To punish you, to train you. We’ve been all through this already, or at least I thought we had.”

  “No!” she yelled, resisting his retreat as much as her bare feet would allow on the road. “Stop it, you fucker. I don’t want this!”

  “Oh really?” he asked calmly as his back reached the edge of the car. “You don’t want this. Are you sure? That wasn’t what you were telling me in bed last night. You recall that, right? The time you practically begged to join me in bed, after you begged me to fuck you?”

  Something in his questions seemed to resonate and for the first time since he’d pounced, Molly stopped fighting. Her body sagged against him, the rage inside her small frame apparently dissolving right in front of him.

  “That was different,” she mumbled into her chest. “You were different.”

  Connor glanced down at his little pet, surveying her as best he could in the darkness. Perhaps her accusation was accurate. He probably had seemed different the night he’d pleasured and fucked her. Certainly, he had felt different. But Molly didn’t understand the plan. Her captivity wasn’t just about pleasure – it couldn’t be. It was about training her, taming her, and making her into the thing he wanted. A pretty little pet who would suck his cock on command, right after she’d written their prose.

  “The man who took you out here was the same guy who licked your sweet pussy, pet,” he informed her flatly. “Both men are me, and both are your Master.”

  Molly threw her head back, slumping against his chest as though he’d just walloped her. “Please,” she begged. “Please, I can’t go back there with you. I can’t do this.”

  She sounded distraught.


  The notion pleased him, although she really had no idea what it meant to be broken. Not yet. But she would.

  Chapter Three

  As the arm at her middle tightened, Molly gave in. There was an actual, discernible moment when she surrendered. She knew it, and she also knew Connor would not have missed it. He was too strong, and she was too tired, her body cold and exhausted from her jaunt in the woods, her skin scratched and bleeding. Or at least, that’s what she told herself as he man-handled her, twisting her body as he opened the door to the back of the car.

  “Get in the car, beautiful.” His voice was hard, despite the unexpected compliment.

  The arm at her waist relaxed just a little, and she seized the chance, spinning her body to find his face. Molly’s arms rose, feeling for his handsome features in the near black, and just for a moment it seemed she had caught him off-guard. Connor was still, evidently stunned. His arms held her in place, locking her beside him, but he did nothing to halt her offensive.

  “Please, Master.” She heard the breathless tone of the woman who begged, but she barely recognized it as her own. “I’m sorry I ran. Your punishment scared me, and I took off without thinking. I… I won’t do it again, I promise.”

  Her mind was racing as the words spilled from her mouth. She didn’t even know if she really meant them, or even if that mattered. All she knew was that he had her. Again. And if there was a soul inside Connor Reilly, a conscience which cared if she lived or died, she had to appeal to it now.

  “I know you won’t,” he replied in a low, sensual tone. “And yes, you will be sorry, pet. So very sorry for what you’ve done.”

  Connor was so calm and in control. Just like always, and for some reason it just made things worse. She had expected him to be beside himself with fury, and she’d feared the prospect of that monster, yet somehow, this one was even scarier.

  “Master?” she whimpered. “What will you do to me?”

  The sound of his dark chuckle filled the air, making her belly knot with anxiety. “My sweet little pet,” he chuckled. “I will do whatever I like, but the objective will be to tame you.”

  To tame her? He wants to tame her like an animal. It all seemed so obvious when he said it out loud, but the knowledge made the proposal no less horrendous.

  “You’re going to hurt me?” she probed, as she blinked up into the place she knew those green eyes were.

  She didn’t know why she asked, because the answer was obvious. Of course, he was going to hurt her. He was going to make her suffer, and he’d try to break her if he could.

  “You will be punished,” he assured her in an unnervingly gentle tone. “Then tamed, and trained to please me. And you will write for me.”

  Connor’s hand touched her face in the darkness, those digits finding the hot tears which she had barely even realized were falling. Her own fingers fell from his jaw at the weight of his caress. As though they were acting on some type of reflex, they found his chest, and she pressed her small palms against the fabric of his shirt. Drawing her hair back, his hand rested at her nape, holding her in place as he continued. “There were only ever two rules, pet. Do you remember them?”

  He was close now. Molly knew that, even though her eyes had fallen closed at the sensation of his fingers. She could feel his breath against her face, the heat reminding her of the way he’d claimed her body just last night. Her eyes blinked open as she tried to compose herself. This was not the time for sensual memories, Molly, she rebuked herself. You’re about to get taken – again – by this monster. You need to do something. You need to kick, run, throw a punch… And yet, she already knew it was too late. She was falling deeper into his trap, even now as he spoke. It wasn’t his body holding her in place, but his mesmerizing ability to capture her with his words.

  “Pet?” he repeated, his tone expectant. “The rules?”

  “To obey you, Master,” she parroted, as though she was answering a school test. “And to write for you.”

  “There’s my good girl,” he said, the hand at her neck drawing her face even closer to his body. “I knew you hadn’t forgotten.”

  His tone was soft, but patronizing, and a part of her wanted to raise her hand and slap him for mocking her. But that part was small and insignificant now, a remnant of the woman she used to be, before Connor Reilly crashed into her life. Now that same tone was all sexy and dominant. The voice of the man who commanded her. The voice of her Master.

  Connor’s lips found hers in the darkness, and all at once, her mind was quiet. There were no thoughts of attack or escape now. There was only Connor’s hot mouth as it claimed her lips, and the sexy dominance of his tongue as it snaked its way into her mouth, fucking it over and over as their bodies connected. Connor’s left hand drew their hips together as their lips collided, and she could feel how hard he was. Slowly, he broke the connection, inching away from her as he spoke.

��Into the car now,” he ordered her firmly. “You’re cold and it’s late. Whatever this escape was, pet, it’s over.”

  The hand at her ass squeezed as he concluded, grabbing her flesh, still tender from his earlier rounds of punishment. She winced, leaning back into his body, searching for another kiss. Just one more kiss before this ended and the spell was broken.

  Chapter Four

  “Please, just one more kiss, Master.”

  Her breath was coming out in short, hot pants, and whether she intended it or not, her hips were rolling forward against his hip. The motion stirred him, goading his cock into life again.

  He shifted the hand at her nape, massaging the flesh there roughly. “Another kiss,” he cooed, manipulating the orbs of her behind. He’d pounded that bottom thoroughly with his paddle last night, and he had a good idea of how sore it must be. His dick throbbed at the idea. “Another kiss for the naughty pet who stole my key, and left me in the middle of the night?”

  Connor felt the spike of tension as it hit her body, making her still against him.

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered. “I was desperate. I’m sorry.”

  He smiled into the darkness, not caring if she was witness to the gesture or not. “Desperate, huh?” he probed, massaging her neck as he loomed over her. “You weren’t desperate, pet. You just thought you were. I can show you a place where desperation really lives though. A place so low you’ll wonder how you’ll ever rise again.”

  Molly trembled beside him. Her small frame physically shaking at the sound of his threat. “You’re frightening me, Master,” she sobbed.

  “Am I?” he mused in a deliberately low, seductive purr. “Why would I do that, pet?”

  “Because you’re upset with me?” she answered in a tiny voice. “Angry. Disappointed with me for running.”

  The hand at her nape rose into her dark hair, cradling her head as he pulled her toward him. She was right of course, he was all those things, or at least he had been since she fled. But now? Now he wasn’t sure he was any of those emotions. Now, he was just relieved to have her back, and bloody horny. He wanted her back at the house. He wanted her punished, hot and contrite as more of those beautiful tears fell for him. He needed his pet back.

  “Think again,” he told her quietly. “Why else would I choose to frighten you? What does fear do to a woman like you? A masochist like you? A pet like you?”

  He swore her breathing accelerated, although it hardly seemed possible. She was already panting, and if he wasn’t careful, she might start to hyperventilate soon.

  “It makes me… hot, Master,” she conceded.

  “Mmmm,” he agreed, keeping up his relentless pressure on her bottom and nape all the while. “Fear makes that sweet pussy wet, doesn’t it? That’s why you watch all those terrible horror movies, isn’t it?”

  Connor had no appetite for the fucking films, but he knew from all those months chatting to Molly online that she absolutely loved them.

  “Yes,” she agreed, her sobs morphing into a huskier sound. “You’re right, Master.”

  “Good, pet,” he purred. “So, me frightening you works two-fold. Firstly, I get to make you understand just how much trouble you are in, young lady. And secondly, I get you all nice and wet in the process.”

  There was silence at that, and he stared into the shadows, wondering how Molly was processing all of this new information. All he could hear now was the sound of her labored breaths, each tinged with just the slightest wheeze. Shit, he thought absent-mindedly, her inhalers. He hadn’t given her the inhalers she needed for hours, and now it was starting to show.

  “You need your medicine,” he mused. “That’s my bad. Get into the car now, and let’s get you back.”

  “But, you’ll p-punish me, Master?” she stammered. “You said it yourself, you’ll make me desperate.”

  “Oh yes,” he told her. “I’ll push you down, and I’ll keep you there for as long as I choose, but I’ll be here when the punishment is done. I’ll pull you up when everything’s forgiven, and I’ll make it better.”

  “Better?” she was sobbing again. “Better, how?”

  “All better,” he promised, grazing his lips over her mouth.

  Molly responded at once, opening for him in that way that made him rock solid. As they kissed, he twisted her body in the direction of the open car door, and pushed her gently inside the leather interior. He had his pet back, and now the real fun could begin.

  Chapter Five

  Pinioned under the weight of Connor’s hard body, she squirmed against the back seat reflexively. The pain of her body weight against the leather seat should have been excruciating, but she barely even felt it. His attention was diverted under the seat, but she was still held easily in place. Connor’s body seemed to be made entirely of muscle, taut and toned as it immobilized her. Molly pulled in a nervous breath, conscious of the rattle which greeted her. Connor had been right about needing her inhalers, but right now her respiratory condition was the least of her worries. She was back in the fucking car again, and even now her captor was searching for God only knew what to bind her with.

  His face emerged, those green eyes visible once again in the interior lights of the car. “Are you going to be a good pet and let me bind you, or do I need to drug you?”

  Molly’s mind flitted back to her initial experiences on this back seat, and she swallowed at the memory. It had taken her days to fully regain her senses after the last round of drugs he’d given her, and Molly had no desire to go through all of that again. “Please, no drugs,” she replied. “I’ll be good, Master.”

  He eyed her severely. “Okay, pet,” he nodded slowly. “I will agree to your request, but if you so much as disobey me once, I won’t hesitate to use the drugs to control you. You got it?”

  “Yes,” she agreed hastily. “I get it, Master.”

  Connor sat upright, straddling her body as he grabbed her small wrists. His hands were warm against her cold exposed skin, and for the first time in an age, Molly became aware of the state of her body. She was freezing, and as Connor began to wrap a length of rope between and around her limbs, she noticed how scratched and bloodied her arms were.

  “Look at the state of you,” Connor sighed, shaking his head. “Some of these cuts will need cleaning up.”

  “I’m sorry,” she replied softly. “I-I didn’t think. I just ran…”

  Her voice trailed away as she caught the look of disdain on Connor’s face.

  “That’s enough,” he told her flatly. “We’ve already established that you will be sorry.”

  She gulped at that, her heart ponding furiously as he concluded the bondage. His green gaze seared her, beginning at her face and traveling down the length of her nudity. Molly was suddenly aware of just how naked she was.

  “This was not how I expected our trip to go, pet,” he mused out loud. “And yes, I am disappointed, but I’m not surprised. You’re a smart woman, Molly. I should have known better. I should have kept you chained…”

  She opened her mouth to respond, but something in his eyes made her pause. His expression had darkened somehow, a small, imperceptible shift, but one which made the trepidation in her spike.

  “I won’t make that mistake again, pet,” he told her. “You can count on that.”

  Tears pricked in Molly’s eyes at his words. What the fuck had she done, running and getting caught again? However unbearable things had been before, she had the distinct impression that they were about to get worse. A suffocating sense of dread filled her up, pressing down on her like an unspoken force.

  “I’m going to gag you,” he went on matter-of-factly. “I have to go back to the cabin and collect the rest of my stuff, and I can’t have you going anywhere or attracting attention. Do you need a drink before I go?”

  She blinked up at him, struggling to breathe as the reality of his words bore down on her.

  “Pet?” he snapped, evidently irritated with her lack of response.

  Molly jumped at his tone. “Y-yes, please, Master,” she replied, uncertain if it was true or not, but wanting to focus on this one kind gesture, rather than being left bound in the car, or worse – what he might do to her after that.

  “Right then,” he answered, moving his body from the back seat to crouch in the floorboard. “Sit up slowly, and do not even think about doing anything stupid.”

  She was nodding as she complied, inching her way along the leather and up the hard interior of the door. Hurt ricocheted through her body as her ass made the painful journey, but Molly ignored it as best she could. She knew he was watching her. She could feel the intensity of his stare, despite his huddled stance.

  By the time her arduous task was complete, Connor had already pounced. He wrapped fresh lengths of rope around her ankles, snaking the binds around and between her dirty feet as she watched on in terrified silence. He had never bound her this tightly before, even when she’d first been taken. That reality made the act even more ominous. With her ankles secured, he stretched forward into the front of the car, producing a bottle of water.

  “Drink,” he instructed her. “Have as much as you need. There won’t be any more for a while.”

  Connor shoved the bottle between her hands, removing the lid before he climbed into the front seat. There was just enough play in the ropes binding her wrists to allow her to raise it tentatively to her lips. At the back of her mind she wondered if the water was drugged already, and this had been his plan all along, but she bit back on the paranoia. He had her now anyway, and there was nothing she could do about that at this moment. She might as well take the water and stay hydrated. Knowing that malevolent look in his eyes, she figured he was right. It could be the last drink she had for a while…

  She’d drained more than half the bottle by the time Connor clambered back onto the edge of the seat beside her. The water tasted good, better than good actually. Molly hadn’t realized how thirsty she was until she’d started to drink it.


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