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The Real Thing (Sugar Lake Book 1)

Page 22

by Melissa Foster

  He laced their hands together as he came down over her and kissed her again. Their bodies fit together like each was the only person on earth who could complete the other, moving in perfect harmony. They gazed into each other’s eyes, and years of love wound around them, bringing the truth once again.

  “I love that there will only ever be you.”

  Willow was his.

  Willow was home.


  “WHAT CAN WE do to help?” Willow’s mother stood in the middle of Sweetie Pie Bakery’s kitchen with her hands on her hips and a determined look in her eyes at six thirty Monday morning. Beside her, Talia, Piper, dressed in her “good” jeans, and Bridgette, who had brought three floral centerpieces “to spruce up the tables,” stood ready to help.

  Willow’s cavalry had arrived to help on what she hadn’t realized would be the most nerve-racking day of her life. She usually only needed help with bigger catering jobs, but she was beside herself with gratitude. Even her father had pitched in by babysitting Louie today. The funny thing was, she hadn’t realized she needed help. She’d been baking since four o’clock, and she was fully prepared for catering the set. But she hadn’t counted on the sudden and all-consuming worry about meeting people from Zane’s world. Luckily, her family knew her better than she knew herself. “T, don’t you have to teach today?”

  Talia shook her head, her efficient ponytail swinging from side to side. “I got Cam to cover for me. Besides, who knows? I might meet someone nice, right?”

  “Someone not tatted up,” Piper chimed in.

  Willow’s eyes widened.

  “No, nothing happened with Patch,” Piper said with an exasperated sigh. “Harley got all up in my face about how I’d end up on one of those gossip websites and how I was better than that. I’m going to have to knock that man down a notch. He’s always blocking me from having fun. Guys are afraid of him because he’s big and bossy.”

  Bridgette slid Willow an I told you so look, but Willow was too nervous to worry about Piper and her man issues. She had worries of her own—like meeting Remi Divine.

  The kitchen door blew open, and Ben burst into the room. “Oh, good, you’re still here. What can I do? I’ll go get your van if you give me the keys.”

  “Benny, that’s so nice of you.” Their mother grabbed the keys from the hook on the wall and tossed them to Ben.

  “Hold on.” Piper held her hands up. “Why are you really here? Does this have anything to do with Remi Divine?”

  Ben feigned an irritated wince. “I’m shocked that you would think I’d pretend to want to help my sister just to see the most gorgeous actress on the planet.”

  Aurelia poked her head in the door. “Wow, looks like a family meeting. I was just coming by to say goodbye before I left tow—” Her eyes landed on Ben.

  “Aurelia,” Ben said too sharply for the look of pleasant surprise on his face. “I didn’t know you were in town.”

  She narrowed her eyes and hiked a thumb over her shoulder. “I’m leaving. I . . . um . . .” She peered around him with a flush on her cheeks. “Willow. I . . . What we talked about? I’m in. I think. Depending on your living situation. And mine. We’ll talk.” She stood up a little taller, her eyes darting to each of the girls and their mother and avoiding Ben altogether. “Okay. I’m out of here. Love you guys.” Just as quickly as she’d arrived, she was gone.

  “Wow,” Ben said. “She looks great.”

  Their mother nudged him out the door. “Go get that van, honey. Willow can’t be late.” As soon as Ben was out of earshot, she turned to the girls with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. “What have I missed between those two?”

  “No idea,” Willow admitted.

  “Ben’s just horny,” Piper said. “Come on. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Ben brought the van around, and they loaded it up, driving the van and Ben’s car over to the set.

  “I shouldn’t be this nervous,” Willow complained as they parked by the craft services tent. But somewhere on this set is my man, and he’s probably got Remi Divine draped all over him. She had no idea what Zane and Remi’s scenes called for other than a fade-to-black love scene Zane had mentioned, but it didn’t matter. All the actors and actresses were Hollywood stars, and she suddenly felt very small-town, which had never bothered her before. And that made her even more nervous and annoyed.

  “They’re just people,” she said more to herself than anyone else. “Sheesh. I really need to pull my head out of my butt.”

  “Right,” Bridgette said. “So what if they’ve been in People and Vogue and are regulars on the red carpet.”

  “Not helping, Bridge,” Talia said.

  A pretty redhead wearing shorts and a tank top and carrying an iPad greeted Willow as she stepped from the van. “Willow?”

  Shorts and a tank top? A friendly smile? Willow liked her already. “Yes.”

  The smiling woman thrust a hand out and shook Willow’s hand. “I’m Payton. It’s so great to finally meet you in person. Those Loverboys you sent were amazing.” She looked over the others. “Wow, you have quite a large staff.”

  “They’re not my staff. They’re my really helpful family members,” Willow said with a proud smile. She introduced everyone, and of course Ben cornered Payton in conversation about God only knew what.

  “What’s up with Ben today?” Talia whispered.

  “I think he’s wearing that new cologne I made him,” their mother answered. “It’s got a love potion in it. I think it’s working.”

  Willow laughed. “Right, Mom. It couldn’t be that he’s a good-looking single guy on the prowl.”

  Her mother waved her hand. “Frosting on the cake, princess. Every bit helps, and Benny’s getting up there in age.”

  They all laughed. He was almost thirty.

  Payton’s cell phone rang, and she stepped away from Ben, who joined the girls by the van again.

  After Payton’s call, she came to Willow’s side. “I have to run some coffee over to the set, but Zane asked me to show you around this morning, so I’ll be back. I’ve never seen him so happy. Congratulations on your engagement.” She handed her an ID badge on a long lanyard. “This will keep security off your back.”

  Willow slipped the lanyard over her head and smiled at her family as Payton drove away in a golf cart. “I feel very official. Let’s get moving before people get hungry.”

  Willow wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but as she took in the people hustling around the grounds dressed like they belonged in Sweetwater, it wasn’t that. Jeans and shorts appeared to be today’s fashion statement, which meant she was overdressed in her favorite light-blue summer dress. That helped bring down her anxiety a notch while she and her family carried their supplies into the craft services tent, which was another reassuring surprise. Even though Zane had told her that there was nothing glamorous about a film set, she’d thought he was just downplaying it to ease her mind. But the craft services area was nothing more than a big white tent with long tables set up in a U shape, and a few card tables with chairs scattered about. It was all very casual.

  They paired up and spread the pink Sweetie Pie tablecloths she’d brought over each of the tables. Ben and Talia took care of setting up the beverages, while Piper and her mother set out silverware and her special catering china. Bridgette and Willow laid out the food and placed the centerpieces on the tables. They made a great team, the six of them, and just having her family around, listening to them tease one another and work so hard on her behalf eased Willow’s tension.

  She stood back after everything was set up and took it all in.

  “I’ve never seen so many gluten-free, refined-sugar-free, nut-free, white-flour-free treats in one place.” Her mother put her arm around her. “You did a wonderful job, as always, baby girl.”

  “Thanks, Mom. How come when I cater weddings you guys don’t show up like this unless I ask for help?”

  Her mother took Willow’s left h
and in hers, lifting her ring into view. “When you cater weddings, Zane doesn’t call and ask us to help ease your stress. That man loves you something fierce, Willow.”

  “He did that?” How had he known she’d need their support when she hadn’t known it herself?

  “He did indeed. We all know how you like to handle things on your own.” She dropped Willow’s hand. “But I have to admit, I like knowing he’s watching out for your emotional well-being.”

  “Yeah. I do, too.” Zane’s showing me how much he loves me every day, just like Dad did for you. “You know what? I feel good about this. You guys don’t have to stick around all morning. I’ve got this.”

  “Maybe I should stick around,” Ben offered. “Just in case—”

  “Remi Divine shows up?” Piper interjected. “Nope. Come on, big brother. Drive me back so I can get to my job site and get some work done.”

  After her family left, various crew members popped into the tent. Some introduced themselves with casual politeness, filled their plates, and took off, obviously on a dead run, while others stuck around to chat.

  “How’s it going?” Payton asked when she returned.

  “Great. No complaints so far. Everyone is really nice, too.”

  Payton grabbed a muffin and a napkin. “You won’t get the attitudes that everyone else does. You’re feeding the animals. They need you.”

  Willow felt her eyes widen.

  “I’m kidding.” Payton waved a dark-haired girl into the tent. “Keisha, this is Willow. Can you man the food while I show her around?”

  “Absolutely.” Keisha smiled at Willow and headed into the tent as they walked out.

  “The actors aren’t that bad. I mean, some have their diva moments, but in general if they’re cranky, it’s because they’re stressed,” Payton said as they walked over to a golf cart. “Have you ever been on a movie set before?”

  “No. Where are they actually filming? It looks like it’s just tents and trailers.”

  “They’ll be all over town, but right now they’re filming by the water tower. I’ll drive you by Zane’s trailer so you know where to find him when he’s not filming.” She drove parallel to the water, passing a group of work trucks and a number of tents. A line of trailers came into view.

  “How many movies have you worked on with Zane?” Willow asked.

  “Three. Lots of people were surprised when he took this movie, but I wasn’t.”

  “Why weren’t you?”

  Payton flashed a Cheshire-cat grin. “Oh, please! I was working on the set in Toronto when you got appendicitis and Zane took off claiming a ‘family emergency.’ Suddenly the guy who never even showed up late on set agreed to pay the entire crew’s salary for the weekend just so he could see with his own eyes that you were okay. I have no idea how you guys kept your relationship under wraps for so long, but when he did that, I knew you had to be someone special. It makes sense that he took the role to be near you.” She stopped the cart in front of a big black trailer. “This is his trailer.”

  Trailer? She was still stuck on Toronto. “I think you’re confused. He said he was in the next town over.” She remembered being groggy from pain medication after her surgery. She’d thought she was dreaming when he walked through the door of her hospital room. Hey, Wills. I was in the area and thought I’d swing by. Looks like perfect timing. How’re you feeling, beautiful?

  Payton laughed. “Guys say crazy things when they’re in love. He probably didn’t want you to know he’d gone to such trouble. Do you want to go inside the trailer?”

  She shook her head, a little dizzy and feeling an overwhelming need to see Zane. She’d had appendicitis four years ago. I really was the one you wanted all that time. “Do you think we could go watch them film for a few minutes?”

  Payton turned the golf cart around and headed away from the center of town.

  They left the golf cart at the curb and walked across the field toward the tower, where filming was in progress. Long grass tickled Willow’s legs, which was a good thing, because she was still a little numb after hearing what Zane had done. The tickling sensation kept her aware of her surroundings. She scanned the activity at the base of the tower. A crane held up some type of screen, forming a barrier to the right of the action. Giant spotlights and white panels, which she assumed were also for lighting, pointed just beyond a buffer of people. As they neared, she was able to get a better look at the action. They stopped a good distance away. Payton warned her not to cough, sneeze, or make any noise at all. A camera on wheels moved across tracks on the ground, and a few people shifted their positions, affording Willow a clear shot of Zane in a heated argument with another man. His face was a mask of anger and determination. Even from that distance she could see the cording of his muscles as he grabbed the guy by the collar and shook him hard enough that Willow gasped. She slapped her hand over her mouth, watching as Remi Divine, the woman who was destined to kiss Willow’s man, trembled and cried in fear behind him.

  She’d seen every one of Zane’s movies several times, but she’d never thought about what it took to make the characters come to life. The man who had made love to her with tender touches and sweet whispers last night had his hands around the other man’s neck, throttling him. He was totally immersed in his character, as was Remi, who began shrieking and stumbling backward. As Willow bore witness to Zane’s rage and Remi’s fear, she silently rooted for him. It didn’t matter that this was a movie set, or that he was the hero who would, of course, win. In her head the man she adored was doing whatever it took to protect a woman, and it was the hottest, most heroic thing she’d ever seen.

  Someone yelled, “Cut!” and a round of praise followed. As if Zane sensed her presence, his eyes sailed over the crew, landing on her with the heat of a thousand suns. His lips curved up, and his shoulder lifted in a shrug meant only for her. Pride and love swelled inside her, and she knew that when he finally kissed that beautiful actress, she’d be cheering him on just the same.

  ZANE STOOD ON the sidewalk in front of the bakery, peering up at the illuminated W+Z lights hanging from the balcony. They’d had a late meeting after filming. It was after eleven, and he was whipped. The apartment was dark, and he wondered if their late nights had finally caught up to Willow. He headed around the corner and climbed the steps to the apartment, loving that she’d turned on that sign to welcome him home. He pushed the door open and was surprised to see candles dancing in the darkness. The scent of lilacs hung in the air.

  Willow came out of the bedroom wearing a pair of sweatpants and one of Zane’s T-shirts. “Hey, you,” she said softly, and set the basket she was carrying on the coffee table. “I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your shirt, but I missed you, and I feel closer to you when I wear your things.”

  “You are a sight for sore eyes, baby.” He set his bag by the door and gathered her in his arms. “My shirt has never looked so good.”

  She went up on her toes and kissed him. “Don’t get any dirty ideas. I’ve got a special night planned for you.” She pointed to the couch. “Take your boots off and relax.”

  “What’s the occasion?” He removed his boots and sank down to the couch. “Ah. I’ve been on my feet all day.”

  “I know.” She came out of the kitchen with a mug of something steamy and set it on the coffee table beside him. “Chamomile tea. It’ll help relax you.” She sat on the far side of the couch and pulled his legs up on her lap.

  “You’re pretty far away.” He’d showered in his trailer when they’d finished filming, but he lifted his arm and sniffed his pit.

  She laughed. “You don’t smell, silly.” She slithered up the side of his body and kissed him. “Even if you did, it wouldn’t stop me from being close to you.”

  When he tried to lift her on top of him, she wiggled out of his grip.

  “Uh-uh. You just worked a hundred hours. You need to be pampered.”

  He scoffed. “I’m a man. Men don’t ever need to be pampered, un
less it comes in the form of you, naked.”

  “Why do you think I wore this outfit? Out of sight, out of mind. Can you hand me that basket, please?”

  “For another kiss.” He lifted the basket above his head.

  She was so damn cute, moving up along the back of the couch with her legs trapped beneath his feet. She puckered up like a fish and laughed when he kissed her. He handed her the basket, and she tugged off his socks.

  “Naked time?” he asked hopefully.

  She rolled her eyes. “How was filming?”

  “It went well, but I hate getting back this late. The highlight of my day was seeing you in the field.”

  She smiled as she poured lotion into her hand and began massaging his foot, flooding his body with a euphoric feeling.

  “Man, Wills. That feels incredible.”

  “Because foot massages increase the release of hormones that create relaxation and a sense of calm. They also decrease the release of hormones that keep you stressed and tense.”

  “My brilliant girl, if you follow that foot up that leg, you’ll find another part of my body that likes to be massaged.” He raised a brow, and she massaged the arch of his foot. Her hands were incredibly soft, surprisingly strong, and utterly perfect. He closed his eyes and relaxed into the cushions.

  “I loved watching you today. When I see you in movies, it looks easy. I don’t know how you do it, Z. My heart was beating so hard just watching you. I wanted to run in there and jump on the guy’s back to get him away from you.”

  He opened his eyes and watched her. Her brows were knitted in concentration as she rubbed his heel, the ball of his foot, and all the spots in between. “That’s because you love me, sweet cheeks.”

  “Sweet cheeks? Really?”

  “Do you know why I call you that?”

  She shook her head.

  “Because that night . . .”

  She stopped rubbing his feet and looked at him.

  “That night, when you were lying beneath me by the creek . . . Remember how high the moon seemed that night? And the way it cast a bluish light around us?”


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