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Broken Battlefield, Mended Hearts (Breaking Protocol Series Book 2)

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by Willow Brooke

  The last woman was in her mid-thirties, and by the rock that perched on her hand, she was the wife of 2LT Gram. Clad in a perfect high fashion brand floral dress and matching pumps to her perfect brown ponytail wrapped in a braid and Coach purse slung over her shoulder, she was a Paris Hilton look alike. Her nose tilted slightly upwards, giving off a bitch vibe Alaina could feel from across the room. Don’t judge. Maybe she is nice. She tried to mentally convince herself that despite the woman’s perfect billboard appearance, it didn’t necessarily mean she wasn’t going to be friendly. People come in all types, and Alaina always tried to see them for them.

  “Now, we have BBQ, drinks, and plenty of dessert, so let’s have some fun! Thank you all for your hard work.” Another round of applause broke out, this time complete with hooping and a few catcalls as the General walked in the direction of the kitchen. The speech soon wore down and Claire excused herself, venturing off to greet and mingle. Alaina was left standing alone, feeling like a thorn in the big toe of the room. With a sigh of reluctance, she squared her shoulders and made way through the group to the three new ladies. Who knows…they might be new friends. The only one not engaged in conversation by the time she made it to that side of the room was Paris. Slapping on her fake overly dramatic smile she introduced herself. “Hi. I am Alaina Bradford.” She stuck her hand out in a greeting. Instead of a normal handshake, the woman grasped her fingertips in a limp noodle type shake, almost implying she was expecting her hand kissed like the queen of England or something.

  “Cassandria Dubois-Gram.” She looked down her nose in a high and mighty, better-than-Cleopatra snark.

  Awesome. Let’s see if I can loosen the pole in her ass a little. “It is great to meet you. So, do you live here on base?”

  Cassandria let out a disgusted half-laugh, half-grunt. “We live in Brookside in the gated community of Swanford. What about you?”

  “No, we live out at the farm a few miles south of Justice. Have you been stationed here long?” Her reaction to the word farm was priceless. Alaina was tempted to go into detail about the animals and mucking stalls, but decided it probably best not to.

  “We just moved up from Ft. Campbell with the rest of the unit. They transferred the whole unit along with an avionics unit. They have already started construction for more housing and a bigger commissary here.”

  “Oh, wow. So, do you work?”

  “Uh…no. Thankfully Mitch makes enough to where I don’t have to. It’s not like this little hole in the wall town would offer anything to fit my qualifications anyway.”

  Alaina was finding it difficult to force the conversation. It was evident she was the stuck up bitch her intuition had picked up on at first glance. Getting a tad irritated, she asked, “What is it you do again?”

  “I was a beauty consultant. I don’t think there is enough makeup and clothing in the world to help the people here though. None of them can afford a tube of my lipstick, much less a whole package. What do you do, Alice?”

  “It is Alaina. And, I stay home and help with the farm. You know, chickens, horses, cows, that kind of stuff. It is great because I get to spend time with my daughter now. I love working with the animals though.” She grinned and cocked her weight onto her hip, extending it out a little farther than she normally would. The huff and nose wrinkle was almost her undoing. Thankfully, the pretty little blonde walked up.

  “Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to say hello. I am Bella Shaver, Jared’s wife.”

  Cassandria introduced herself and walked away, obviously finding them boring. Bella watched her leave, with her mouth agape and her eyes in disbelief. “Did I interrupt something?”

  “No, hun. I think her Prada panties got snagged on the stick in her ass.” Alaina grinned, easing Bella’s worries. “I am Alaina Bradford. It’s nice to meet you, Bella.”

  “So, which soldier is yours?”

  Alaina scanned the room, finding Brody and Leland both in deep conversation with the General and Jeremy Jagger. Grinning, she pointed. “There they are. The two hotties in Levi’s left of the General.” The look on Bella’s face was priceless.

  “Wait, both of them?”

  “Yep. We are engaged, but haven’t had time to set the wedding date yet. Obviously for legal purposes and on paper I am only marrying one, but the ceremony will join all three of us.” After the past few months, and the test of sorts that Jeremy had grilled her through in the beginning, she had never been ashamed of their relationship again. To be honest, she had kind of started liking the reactions they got in public. Justice, Montana, was known for its polygamy relationships, but the new comers still took a while to wrap their brain around the idea.

  “Wow. Congrats. You are one lucky chick to have two hunks of man meat at your disposal. Now we have to get together soon so I can grill you with personal and dirty questions.” Bella’s face lit up, beaming a smile in radiating rays.

  “Yes, we will have to. All of my friends are back home, and it gets lonely out there. Alex is good company, but she is gone with the guys all of the time. Why don’t you two come over tomorrow night for dinner?”

  “We would love to! I have two kids though, is it okay to bring them?”

  “Of course! I have a daughter who just turned twelve myself. She would love someone to play with.”

  “Cool! My son is six, and my daughter eight. They haven’t met friends here yet, and they will be so excited to have someone to play with.”

  “Great! There is so much for them to do, and acres and acres of land around, so they can get as loud and rambunctious as they want.” Alaina liked her already. She was easy to talk to, had a sweet personality, and kids. They were going to be great friends, she could feel it.

  They all mingled the rest of the afternoon. By the time Alaina and the team headed home it was almost sunset.

  “I really like Bella Shaver. She is such a sweetheart, and we hit it off immediately. They are all coming to dinner tomorrow night.”

  “Sure thing, sugar. Shaver is a good guy. He is one hell of a soldier, that’s for sure.” Leland was behind the wheel, but the corners of his mouth tilted up in that give away expression that he and Shaver went way back.

  “He has huge gonads, that’s for sure. We were going in to get three soldiers who had been captured by a group of Taliban and were outnumbered five to one. There was a truck loaded with heavy artillery and a group of about six rebels. Instead of waiting on air support when enemy fire got hot, he walked right up and tossed in a hand grenade, taking out six. He stares fear in the eye and then bitch slaps it.” Brody opened the door to funny war stories that lasted the rest of the ride home. Alaina loved hearing about their experiences, and the small little glimpses into their life. When the big truck pulled in the driveway, a strange car came into view that sat parked in front of the house.

  “Were either of you expecting visitors?”

  Brody and Leland both looked at each other, remaining silent.


  “Not me. You?” Leland diverted the attention back to Brody.

  “Nope.” Their silence and lack of information was so out of character. Usually anything out of place or a stranger put them into immediate high alert. Something was up. Before she got the chance to start a line of questioning, they had parked and were already walking into the house. Alaina grew more and more apprehensive with every step. Something was up, and they were in on it.

  Alaina walked in the door and squealed in delight. Vince, Mrs. Sanders, and Violet all stood, with suitcase in hand.

  “Eeeeeek! I can’t believe you guys are here! You didn’t tell me you were coming to visit or I would have been home!” She jumped into their arms, hugging and bouncing around in excitement.

  “We wanted to surprise you!” Violet jumped up and down with her.

  “Oh my gosh, you did. I have missed you all so much!”

  “Oh, sweetheart. That is why we are here…and why we are all staying. I can’t stay in that apartment all by my
self without my girls. Leland called a couple of months ago and offered me a place here with you.”

  “And, he said Vince and I could rent one of the cabins on the property. With the prices rising at home, we couldn’t refuse,” said Violet.

  “So, I take it no trust fund yet?” Alaina looked at Vince, her dearest friend who happened to be sparkling gay and come from an extremely rich family. His dad had been a bit disgruntled when he had come out, and had insisted Vince work to prove he deserved the allowance his father gave every month. All assets had been cut off, and now he was living the same broke ass life as the rest of them.

  “Not yet. When he does, you will be the first to know, darling.” Vince walked into the front room and sat down as if he owned the place. He never was one to be shy. Alaina giggled, so glad the group had arrived. Late into the night, they sat up and chatted, catching up on time lost.

  Chapter Two

  Bella hustled her kids around, trying to get matching socks on Skyler and Heather into the bathroom to brush her hair. Going anywhere was an act of congress with two kids and a husband. Speaking of her husband, he was sitting on the couch hollering for someone to bring him a glass of juice and find his shoes. With her wet hair dripping everywhere, clad in jeans and a bathrobe, she ran through the house like a lunatic. Somehow in the mix Skyler had grabbed a Nerf gun and was firing at Heather, hitting her square in the forehead. She of course screamed as if it was a real bullet, drawing Jared’s attention who laughed and made her even madder. Her darling daughter was now a bright shade of red and ready to commit murder. Skyler passed Jared a gun who gladly took it and opened fire at his grumptacious baby girl. “Stop! We have got to get ready to go. Can you two leave her alone and get dressed already?”

  “Mom, dad just hit me in the eye!” Heather started to cry, more for a dramatic performance than from any pain the soft foam bullet could have caused.

  Lord, give me strength. Bella waltzed over and disarmed the two attackers, popping off a round of bullets at them, sending Skyler into a fit of giggles and Jared running like it was live rounds through the house. After she sat the guns on the dresser in Skyler’s bedroom, Jared had doubled back and snuck up behind her in an ambush. He reached around and caught her in the ribs with tickles, backing her against the door in a trap. All of the tension shook off her with each wiggle and giggle. Their house was definitely an animal house, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Her hands came down on his, calmly stopping his attack before leaning in to press her lips to his. The gentle peck soon heated into a full make out session, tossing her before mentioned hustle out the window. After ten years of marriage, he still knocked her off her feet with a single kiss. A tugging at the hem of her robe brought the mood to a screeching halt. “Mommy, I can’t find my shoes.”

  Bella sighed, pulling away just enough to smile at Jared. “To be continued later.”

  “Can’t we just put on Toy Story, set out a bowl of cookies, and lock ourselves away for a little bit?”

  “Sure if you want the house to end up on fire and us burned to our deaths while the little spawns dance Indian style around in a circle.” Bella and Jared both burst out laughing when Skyler started his war cry, skipping from foot to foot while patting his chubby little hand over his mouth while moving his other arm like a tomahawk.

  “Touché. Okay, let’s round up the little Navajos and get over to CPT Reynolds and SGM Williams. I will get Tonto’s shoes if you can tackle Heather.”

  “Deal. Don’t let me forget the pasta salad and cheesecake.” She lifted her chin and pecked a kiss on his lips, turning on her heel in a power walk.

  Forty-five minutes later, Bella knocked on the solid wooden front door, balancing a bowl in one hand and a kid tugging on her hip. An elderly woman answered, greeting them with the most welcoming smile and hug. “Hello! Come on in. I am Margaret Sanders, the designated grandma around here.” She ushered them in, smack dab into a house full of people.

  “Hi, it is nice to meet you. I am Bella, and this is my husband, Jared. Did we come at a bad time? I didn’t know this was a get together or I would have brought more food.” Bella’s gut twisted. At first glance, she was lost in a sea of unfamiliar faces, bringing on a rush of uncomfortable insecurities that tempted her to bolt back through the door. Margaret didn’t give her a chance. In one motion, she had managed to wrap her arms around her in a hug, take the dishes from her, and announce their arrival, casting all eyes on them. She scurried off, returning only moments later empty handed.

  “Everyone, Bella and Jared are here. Come in and make yourselves at home!” Members of the team singled out, immediately drawing them into the ongoing conversation. Margaret was bent down talking to the kids, evidently saying something amusing by the sounds of their cackles. Bella relaxed, falling into the warming atmosphere and good company. Jared had already lunged into conversation with the other soldiers. He had always been so outgoing and loved by everyone he met. The man was a people person. She could be to put on face, but it took her a long time to warm up to someone. Being in the Army, there had been so many fakes it was easier to just play the roll and go home. She had made a few friends over the years, but being moved from base to base made it hard to stay in contact. What once was coffee every morning and barbeques on the weekend had faded into a call every few months and an email from time to time.

  “Can they go play with Elizabeth?” Mrs. Sanders asked.

  “Yes of course. Behave yourselves!” She pecked a kiss on each of their cheeks and shooed them with a pat on the rump. “Thank you, ma’am,” Bella said with a smile.

  “Oh honey, it is my pleasure. These little ones are precious. I will be right back, go on into the kitchen with the girls. It is straight through that doorway and to your left. I will be in there in just a sec to help finish up dinner.” Mrs. Sanders walked off holding both of their hands, talking and laughing along the way. Not wanting to stand there and look like a sitting duck, Bella weaved through the group, saying hello to those who accosted her along the way.

  The instant she walked through the doors Alaina greeted her with a huge hug. These people are definitely affectionate. Their sweet persona warmed her heart.

  “Bella! I am so glad you made it! This is Violet and Vince, two of my dearest friends from back home who just moved up here. You already met Mrs. Sanders I assume?”

  “Hi, it is nice to meet you both. Um, yeah I did. She is such a sweet lady. The kids took a liking to her immediately.”

  “I think all kids love her. She helped me with Elizabeth before I met Brody and Leland and moved here. The woman is sweeter than Mary Poppins and a pure godsend. She has likely already adopted them as grandkids and will be begging to steal them on the weekends.”

  “Wow. I don’t know what we would do with an hour to ourselves, much less a weekend!”

  “Don’t I understand that. Do you want something to drink? We have everything from sweet tea to the hard stuff. I am sticking to wine for now, but lush over there has already almost finished her second Captain and Coke.” Alaina pointed to Violet who shrugged her shoulders and finished off the remaining liquid in her glass in a big gulp.

  “What can I say, I like a little Captain in me. My true hopes are Captain Jack Sparrow will show up after a few and add a whole new meaning to that statement.” Violet’s eyes flashed with orneriness, dancing with a playful smile.

  “Violet, you naughty girl! Can’t you filter your mouth until the poor girl gets used to you? I would cut you off but hell, I think you are tamer tipsy.” Vince playfully slapped her arm.

  “Don’t mind those two. They were dropped on their head as young children. Here, pull up a stool.” Alaina moved a bar stool in her direction, motioning for her to join their little party.

  “Thanks. I would love what she is having…and if any of you have a pirate costume I might just get a little captain in me if the kids go to bed early enough.” Bella grinned, plopping down on the stool next to Vince.

  “I like her
already.” Violet shook her glass, clanking the ice around.

  Alaina grabbed Violet’s glass with a playful jerk and went to the fridge to grab the Coke. Vince turned his attention to her, asking, “So, tell us all about yourself. We want full details. No skipping over the good stuff.” The man was bright and sunny, which only illuminated his boyish handsome features and to-die-for smile.

  “There isn’t much to tell really…I am pretty boring. My life consists of cleaning house and chasing kids. My outings are to the grocery store and the PX. I did get to stop by the post office the other day to get stamps—that was fun.” The thick blanket of sarcasm was enough to stop traffic. Alaina grinned and handed her the drink, sitting on the other side of her.

  “Oh don’t I know it, girl. All that is going to change. We are going to start a weekly girl day. Whether we go shopping or just hang out and watch chick flicks until we cry our eyes swollen, you, my dear, are going to get some fun in your life. And, plan on some hot romantic nights with your hubby. Mrs. Sanders is probably already plotting a way to get the kids.” Vince sipped his wine.

  “Don’t be giving my secrets away, Vincent. If you would hurry up and get a good man in your life and adopt, I wouldn’t be so desperate. As it is, Lizzy is the only baby I get to spend time with.” Mrs. Sanders sauntered through the door.

  “That is why I moved my hiney into snow country! It definitely isn’t for the bulky sweaters and awful unflattering Parkas. Have you seen the man meat in this state? Nothing sounds more appetizing than a fire popping in the fireplace, snow falling outside, and a strong, sexy, rough and ready cowboy to cuddle up to. I mean, there is a whole buffet of delicious eye candy in the next room, but unfortunately it is all look and no taste. There has to be a Brokeback Mountain club up here somewhere with all of these cowboys walking around.”


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