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Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)

Page 4

by Baxter, Cordelia

  “,” I panted.

  He looked up at me, a slow smile spreading across his face. “As you wish.”

  He bent down and riffled through his pocket before digging out a condom. Once he had placed it on, he stood between my legs and pulled me forward toward the edge of the desk. His fingers dipped down into the heat between my thighs, and flicked at my sensitive clit. I groaned loudly, the pleasure was almost unbearable. He slid my thong to the side before plunging himself into me. I tossed my head back as my eyes rolled in the back of my head, so indescribable was the feeling. It was as if this was all that I needed and what I had been missing in my life.

  Jake drew himself out before slowly sliding himself back in. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arched my hips up, wanting to take him in deeper. Jake looked like he was trying very hard to control his pace, but I couldn’t wait. I wanted it hard and fast and I wanted it now. My muscles clenched around him as I sped up my thrusts. Jake couldn’t resist my urging and moved in time with me, our bodies rocking against each other. I didn’t care how loud it was or what a mess we were making, I was just lost in the moment. My body began to tense and tighten as I writhed under him and I knew it wouldn’t be long. I was drugged and dazed; there were no thoughts just feelings.

  “Yes Yes!” I moaned digging my nails in Jake’s back. I arched my hips and threw my head back as I felt that blissful explosion and clenched myself tightly around him. Jake seemed to wait for me to come before he let himself loose. He grabbed my hips as he pounded into me. It wasn’t gentle and I loved it. Jake came with a loud grunt and I felt him pulse within me.

  We were both sweaty and exhausted. He rested his forehead against mine as we fought to catch our breaths.

  He smiled smugly at me. “You really are something else,” he said.

  “Oh you have no idea,” I replied breathlessly.

  Chapter Six

  "What do you mean, you have to end it?" Allison sounded shocked and disgusted by my announcement.

  "I mean, we can't keep Jake Powers as a client any longer," I said.

  "But why?" she asked confused. "He’s the highest paying client we've ever had. I mean we could not take on another client for 3 months and still be fine."

  "I understand that, but there's nothing to be done." It felt like I was repeating myself. I'd been trying to break it to Allison that we were cutting ties with Jake all morning. I knew she would be upset, but I didn't think it would hit her so hard. "We've had a disagreement, and can no longer work together in a professional manner."

  That much was true. I didn't want to get into the whole story with Allison. I especially didn't want to tell her that I had sex with Jake. It was the most unprofessional thing I'd ever done. I couldn't think back on it without feeling a little ashamed. Especially after I had admonished Sandra for doing the same. Hell, at least they were supposed to have romantic feelings towards each other. I was the matchmaker. I wasn't supposed to be sleeping with my client. That was a huge no-no, and if Allison ever found out, I knew she'd ream me out. Even though she was my employee, she sometimes acted like an annoying older sister. I could mentally picture her shaking her head and tsking at my poor life choices.

  "What happened? What disagreement would make you walk away from that kind of money?" she asked, frustrated by my reticence.

  "Listen, Allison, I don't want to talk about it." My nerves were frayed and I couldn't stop mentally berating myself for what I allowed to happen. Everyone expected him to be a player, but I was supposed to know better. I was supposed to be the professional, and I'd failed miserably. Once he set his sights on me and unleashed his well practiced charms, I was like putty in his hands. Sure I'd put up a good fight, but we both knew it was a matter of time before I was in his arms.

  He was like my sexual kryptonite. The embodiment of all the guys I dreamed of but never thought I'd ever have a chance with. Jake had dug a little too deep and brought out feelings in me that I thought I had done a good job of burying.

  It had been wonderful while it lasted. I felt like another person when I was with him—sexy, beautiful, and irresistible. Thoughts about right and wrong and should and shouldn’t didn’t cross my mind. At least, I didn’t let it. I wanted it to last forever, but I knew it couldn't.

  He left me sated and exhausted on the couch after the third time while he got dressed, looking as pristine as ever. Before he left, he gave me a sweet kiss on my brow and walked out of my office without a backward glance. I guess that was all I should have expected. If girls like Sandra and Trista couldn't hold his attention, what chance did I have?

  As I drove home that night, I quickly came down from my high. Thoughts that I had repressed during our tryst began bombarded me; feelings of guilt and shame. What had I done? He was a client. I knew I had to end our agreement. I couldn't in good conscience continue setting him up with women after we had sex. That was the height of unprofessionalism. I'd already committed one transgression, I wasn't about to commit anymore.

  I had already decided to end our arrangement when Jake called me that morning sounding very serious and proper. He said he wanted to meet that afternoon to discuss our future. There was no trace of any emotion or clue that we had actually been intimate. If some random person had been taping our conversation, they would have just thought it was business as usual. It was actually a business meeting, but there were deeper implications as well.

  If I hadn’t already decided to end it, I knew he would. He probably got caught up in the moment like I did and regretted last night just as much. He was probably wondering how to get rid of me with as little trouble and hysterics as possible. Maybe he thought I’d be upset or clingy like all the other girls he’d dumped. I’d show him. I wouldn’t mope or cry, or even be upset. There was nothing else to be done. We’d had our one night of passion, and now it was over.

  “I hope you don’t regret it,” Allison said, pouting.

  “Me too,” I murmured to myself.

  Chapter Seven

  I arrived at Jake’s apartment a little early for our meeting. I couldn’t stop thinking about it all morning and decided to just get it over with. He greeted me at the door himself, and seemed unprepared for me showing up so early. He was casually dressed but even in dark jeans and a plain white t-shirt; he looked like a million bucks.

  “Please have a seat, Chloe,” he said, once we had stepped into his living room. “Would you like anything to drink?”

  “No thank you,” I replied. “Let’s just cut right to the chase. I know why you’ve called this meeting.”

  “You do?” he asked, surprise coloring his tone.

  “Yes, and I agree. I think we have no other choice but to terminate our contract. After what happened last night, there is no way I can continue working for you”.

  Jake sat back in his seat and steepled his fingers together in front of his face. He stared at me for a long time, and looked like he was examining a rare specimen. I was beginning to get uncomfortable under his gaze.

  “Well, I take it that you agree?” I asked, unable to bear the silence.

  “I do agree,” he said finally.

  Even though I expected it, it still stung to have it confirmed. This was probably the last day I would ever see Jake again, I realized. The momentary thought produced a short stab of disappointment. I suppressed it, and plastered a smile on my face.

  “I’m glad we agree,” I said, getting up from my seat.

  Jake waved his hand lazily, motioning for me to sit back down.

  “I have another arrangement in mind,” he said, looking me in the eyes.


  I couldn’t keep the surprise out of my voice. He tapped his forefinger against his lips, as he sat in thought. The silence began to stretch before us again, and I fidgeted in my seat.

  “What arrangement did you have in mind?” I asked.

  Jake got up from his chair and strolled towards one of the large windows, looking outside at the balcony.
It was an ugly, grey day with drizzling rain that sprayed against the glass. His hands were clasped behind his back, idly rubbing his thumb across the back of his hand. He finally turned back towards me with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

  “I’m having a hard time forgetting about last night,” he said.

  My eyebrows shot up. My heart was pounding in my chest, as I felt the heat creep up under my cheeks.

  “I...I...see,” I stuttered.

  Faint amusement lit his eyes as he watched my embarrassment. “I see I’ve disconcerted you,” he said, walking back towards the couch.

  “That was the last thing I expected you to say.”

  “Is it? And why is that?”

  “’s not something...well...”

  He leaned back in his chair, a mocking smile on his face as he waited for me to continue. My embarrassment quickly turned to anger at his expression. The gall of Jake Powers to throw last night in my face as if it were some great big joke to him. I knew it meant nothing to him, but I stupidly cherished last night.

  “It’s not something I like to dwell on,” I said glaring at him. “We both know it was wrong, and I can promise you it won’t happen again.”

  “Now that disappoints me,” he said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said, it disappoints me that you’re ready to write last night off as a onetime deal. I had hoped we could continue what we started last night.”

  “You do?” I asked. “But why?”

  He lifted a quizzical brow, “Why not?” Jake leaned forward in his chair, his elbows resting on his lap, as his knees brushed against mine. He clasped his hands in front of him and looked me straight in the eye. “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it,” he said, daring me to contradict him.

  I stared at him blankly, my mind racing. His close physical contact sent an involuntary shiver through my body that I couldn’t hide. The words seemed to be stuck in my head. What could I say to that? The fact was I did enjoy it. A lot.

  “What are you saying? You want us to have a relationship?”

  He pursed his lips, and looked at me thoughtfully before answering, “A relationship of sorts. I don’t want you to get the wrong impression. I’m not looking for a romantic partner.”

  Now it was my turn to grace him with a mocking smile. “And what exactly is it you’re looking for,” I asked.

  “A sexual partner.”

  “You mean, like a fuck buddy?” I blurted out.

  A brief look of distaste crossed his face before he replied, “I prefer different terms, but yes. That is the general idea.”

  “What makes you think I would even consider something like that? You’ve got a lot of nerve propositioning me like this. I’m not one of your bimbos you can sleep with whenever you come calling.”

  “Calm yourself,” he said in a quelling voice. “There’s no reason for you to be up in arms. I’m merely suggesting an arrangement that would be mutually satisfying for the both of us.”

  “Oh really?” I scoffed, “Mutually satisfying?”

  “Yes, mutually satisfying,” he replied. “Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy last night as much as I did. We can have a very satisfying sexual relationship, no strings attached. “

  “I’m not that type of person,” I said affronted.

  “Oh? You don’t enjoy sex?” he derided.

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Then what do you mean? I’m getting tired of your feigning indignation. I know you want me just as much as I want you, so what is the problem with letting yourself admit to it.”

  “First of all, you are my client,” I shot back


  “Excuse me?”

  “I was your client. We have already terminated our contract,” he said in a matter of fact tone.

  “That’s beside the point.”

  “Well what is your point? I’m beginning to get bored,” he said.

  “The point is that you are looking for a wife!” I retorted, pushed to my limit. “What kind of person do you think I am to be sleeping with someone who obviously doesn’t value me or women in general?!”

  Jake seemed momentarily surprised by my outburst, and after a stunned silence he got up from his seat and headed towards the bar, and poured himself a drink.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way,” he said, turning towards me. “I do respect you, in fact. I respect you a lot.”

  “You could’ve fooled me,” I snapped back. “You expect me to just hop into bed with you whenever you want while you’re out there looking for the future Mrs. Powers?”

  “No, I don’t expect that at all. I have no plans to continue my search for a wife,” he stated.

  “You don’t?”

  “No, I don’t. I realize now that I’ve been going about this the wrong way. I treated it like a business deal, cold, calculated and clinical. The truth is I’m not ready to settle down.” He took a long sip of his drink, surveying me through his watchful eyes.

  “I don’t understand,” I said. “You’ve given up the idea of settling down?”

  “I haven’t given it up,” he corrected, “just put it on hold for the moment.”

  Jake walked back towards the couch in his slow leisurely way, oblivious to the way my pulse quickened with each step he took closer. Try as I might to be offended and indignant, I couldn’t deny that I wanted him. I wanted him last night, and I still wanted him right now. It could be so easy; all I had to do was admit it, and I’d have what I wanted right now. So why couldn’t I just bring myself to say it out loud?

  “And in the meantime, you thought you would distract yourself with me?” I asked.

  “I thought we could both use some distraction,” he said, seating himself next to me on the couch. He turned towards me, his thigh pressing up against mine and flashed a brilliant smile that took my breath away.

  “I think you have the wrong impression of me,” I explained. “Last night was...wasn’t me. I’ve never slept with a client before. I don’t know what came over me.”

  He leaned in close to my face; I could smell the brandy on his breath. “I think I have a fairly accurate impression of you. I know you want to, and there’s nothing wrong with it. Just let go.”

  The soothing seductive tone of his voice cast me under his spell. I was like putty in his skilled hands.

  “Say yes,” he urged me, his lips brushing against my ear. “Tell me you want this as much as I do.”

  I closed my eyes, swallowing that little bit of doubt, and slowly nodded my head. “Yes.”

  I heard the clink of the tumbler on the coffee table before I felt his large warm hands cup my face. When I opened my eyes, Jake looked at me with a heartfelt look of pleasure. His eyes, which were usually cold and mocking, only held warmth. He could have asked me anything in that moment and I would have agreed without hesitation. My eyes trailed down to his lips, which he curled into a teasing smile.

  “Well are you going to kiss me or not?” I asked.

  His hands traced down my face as he pressed his body flush against mine. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered in my ear. I felt goose bumps form on my skin and shivered involuntarily. I closed my eyes and inhaled his intoxicating scent; a mix of soap, expensive cologne and a hint of brandy on his breath.

  “Look at me,” he commanded. I opened my eyes and found myself staring into his darkened blue eyes that were looking back at me with desire and passion and something indescribable. He stared into my eyes for a long time, not saying a word. I was in a trance, completely lost in his gaze. Suddenly I felt cold air against my bare skin and looked down to realize that he had taken off my shirt without me knowing.

  “Oh!” I gasped. “You certainly work fast.”

  “I couldn’t help myself,” he said. “You’re like a present I’ve been dying to unwrap.”

  I blushed at his compliment. His appreciation of my body brought a smug smile to my lips.

  “Well what are you going to d
o with me now that you’ve unwrapped me?” I teased.

  He smiled at me wolfishly. “I’ve got some ideas.”

  Before I could reply, his mouth descended on mine, effectively shutting me up. His lips were insistent, yet soft and sensual. I dug my hands into his hair and pulled him closer, wanting something a little rougher. He released a grunt and thrust his tongue into my mouth. I met him thrust for thrust, our tongues intertwined in a sensual dance. Jake kissed me like no other man had ever kissed me before. It was passionate, and all consuming. Wrapped in his strong arms, I felt the fire burning within me even stronger. I felt like I needed nothing more than to be wrapped tightly in his embrace.

  “Oh Chloe,” he groaned as he broke apart the kiss. He rested his forehead against mine, his breathing coming in ragged breaths. “I need to slow down.”

  “Mmm,” I moaned, “Don’t slow down for me. I want you now.”

  I glanced up to see a look of delight on Jake’s face. His lips spread in a slow smile before he scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bedroom. He easily carried me with one arm while his other hand was undoing the clasp of my skirt.

  “You’re intoxicating,” he said against my skin. He placed me in the middle of the large four poster bed and was on top of me in an instant. He slid my skirt off my hips before he began pulling his shirt over his head. I reached out in front of me to undo his belt, feeling impatient with desire and lust. I wanted nothing to separate us; I only wanted to feel his bare skin against mine.

  Jake discarded his shirt easily, tossing it on the floor. I had just undone his belt buckle and worked his pants off his hips. His arousal was glorious to see, pressing against the fabric of his boxers and forming a tent. I reached out and touched the soft cotton fabric that constrained his hard shaft against my hand, feeling the warm throbbing member pulse under my fingers.


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