Napoleon's Invasion of Russia

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Napoleon's Invasion of Russia Page 58

by George F Nafziger

  1st Westphalian Cuirassier Regiment (4)

  2nd Westphalian Cuirassier Regiment (4) Corps Artillery: Chef d'escadron Schwerin 2nd Westphalian Horse Battery (6pdrs) 2nd Saxon Horse Battery von Hiller (6pdrs)


  Commander-in-Chief Davout Marechal d'Empire

  2nd Division: General de division Friant 1st Brigade: General de brigade Dufour

  48th Line Regiment (5) 2nd Brigade: General de brigade Vandedem

  33rd Line Regiment (5) 3rd Brigade: General de brigade Grandeau

  15th Legere Regiment (5)

  Joseph Napoleon Regiment (2) Artillery:

  2/7th Foot Artillery (6pdrs)

  5/3rd Horse Artillery (6pdrs) 4th Division: General de division Dessaix 2nd Brigade: General de brigade Frederichs

  85th Line Regiment (5) 3rd Brigade: General de brigade Frederichs

  85th Line Regiment (5) 3rd Brigade: General de brigade Leguay

  108th Line Regiment (5) Artillery:

  9/7th Foot Artillery (6pdrs)

  2/5th Horse Artillery (6pdrs) 5th Division: General de division Compans 1st Brigade: General de brigade Duppelin

  25th Line Regiment (5) 2nd Brigade: General de brigade Teste

  57th Line Regiment (5) 3rd Brigade: General de brigade Guyardet

  61st Line Regiment (5) 4th Brigade: General de brigade Louchamp

  111th Line Regiment (5)


  2/6th Foot Artillery (6pdrs)

  16/7th Horse Artillery (6pdrs) Corps Cavalry: General de division Girardin 1st Light Cavalry Brigade:

  2nd Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4)

  9th Polish Lancer Regiment (4) 2nd Light Cavalry Brigade: General de brigade Bordessoulle

  1st Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4)

  3rd Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4) Artillery Reserve:

  3/, 17/1st Foot Artillery (12pdrs) Park:

  6/7th Foot Artillery (6pdrs)

  11/, 14/9th Foot Artillery (6pdrs) I Reserve Cavalry Corps: General de division Nansouty 1st Light Cavalry Division: General de division Bruyere 3rd Light Brigade: General de brigade Jacquinot

  7th Hussar Regiment (4)

  9th Chevauleger Regiment (4) 4th Light Brigade: General de brigade Pir6

  16th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4)

  8th Hussar Regiment (4) 15th Light Brigade: General de brigade Roussel d'Hureal

  6th Polish Uhlan Regiment (4)

  8th Polish Uhlan Regiment (4)

  2nd Combined Prussian Hussars (4) (l/4th, 3/4th, l/6th, & 2/6th) Artillery:

  7/6th Horse Artillery (6pdrs) 1st Cuirassier Division: General de division St. Germaine Brigade: General de brigade Bessieres

  2nd Cuirassier Regiment (4) Brigade: General de brigade Bruno

  3rd Cuirassier Regiment (4) Brigade: General de brigade Queunot

  9th Cuirassier Regiment (4)

  1st Chevauleger Regiment (1 co) Artillery:

  1/5th Horse Artillery (6pdrs)

  3/5th Horse Artillery (6pdrs) 5th Cuirassier Division: General de division Valence rigade: General de brigade Reynaud

  6th Cuirassier Regiment (4) Brigade: General de brigade Dejean

  11th Cuirassier Regiment (4) Brigade: General de brigade De Lagrange

  12th Cuirassier Regiment (4)

  5th Chevauleger Regiment (1 co) Artillery:

  4/5th Horse Artillery (6pdrs)

  6/5th Horse Artillery (6pdrs) II Reserve Cavalry Corps: General de division Montburn 2nd Light Cavalry Division: General de division Pajol 7th Light Brigade: General de brigade Desirad

  11th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (3)

  12th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (3) 8th Light Brigade: General de brigade Burthe

  5th Hussar Regiment (4)

  9th Hussar Regiment (4) 16th Light Brigade: General de brigade Subervie

  3rd Wurttemberg Jager zu Pferd (4)

  Prussian Combined Uhlan Regiment (4)

  10th Polish Hussar Regiment (4) 1st Cuirassier Division: General de division Wathier Brigade: General de brigade Beaumont

  5th Cuirassier Regiment (4) Brigade: General de brigade Richter

  8th Cuirassier Regiment (4) Brigade: General de brigade Domes

  10th Cuirassier Regiment (4)

  2nd Chevauleger Regiment (1 co) Artillery:

  1/2nd Horse Artillery (6pdrs)

  4/2nd Horse Artillery (6pdrs) 4th Cuirassier Division: General de division Defrance Brigade: General de brigade Chouard

  1st Carabinier Regiment (4) Brigade: General de brigade Paultre

  2nd Carabinier Regiment (4) Brigade: General de brigade Bouvier des Eclats

  1st Cuirassier Regiment (4)

  4/4th Chevauleger Regiment (1 co)

  Right Wing: Prince Poniatowski V CORPS

  Commander-in-Chief Prince Poniatowski … General de division

  16th Division: General de division Zayonchek Brigade: General de brigade Mielzynski

  3rd Polish Line Regiment (3)

  15th Polish Line Regiment (3) Brigade: General de brigade Paszkowski

  16th Polish Line Regiment (3) Artillery:

  3rd Polish Foot Artillery Company (6pdrs)

  12th Polish Foot Artillery Company (6pdrs) 18th Division: General de division Kniaziewicz Brigade: General de brigade Grabowski

  2nd Polish Line Regiment (3)

  8th Polish Line Regiment (3) Brigade: General de brigade Pakosz

  12th Polish Line Regiment (3) Artillery:

  4th Polish Foot Artillery Company (6pdrs)

  5th Polish Foot Artillery Company (6pdrs)

  3/Supplementary Battalion Reserve Artillery:

  2nd Polish Horse Artillery Company (6pdrs)

  14th Polish Foot Artillery Company (6pdrs)

  4/Supplementary Battalion Park:

  7th Polish Horse Artillery Company

  8th Polish Horse Artillery Company Cavalry Corps:

  19th Light Brigade: General de brigade Tyskiewicz

  12th Polish Uhlan Regiment (4) 20th Light Brigade: Prince A. Sulkowski

  5th Polish Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4)

  13th Polish Hussar Regiment (4)

  RESERVE—Imperial Guard

  Commander-in-Chief Mortier Marechal d'Empire

  2nd Division: General de division Roguet Brigade: General de brigade Lanabere

  1st Tirailleur Regiment (2)

  1st Voltigeur Regiment (2) Brigade: General de brigade Boyledieu

  Fusilier Chasseur Regiment (2)

  Fusilier Grenadier Regiment (2) Artillery:

  3/Old Guard Foot Artillery

  3/Young Guard Foot Artillery

  5th Prussian Foot Artillery

  7th Prussian Foot Artillery 3rd Division: General de division Curial Brigade: General de brigade Boyer

  1st Chasseur a Pied (2)

  2nd Chasseur a Pied (2) Brigade: General de division Curial

  1st Grenadier a Pied (2)

  2nd Grenadier a Pied (2)

  3rd Grenadier a Pied (2)

  2/Old Guard Foot Artillery

  1/Young Guard Foot Artillery Vistula Legion: General de division Claparede Brigade: General de brigade Cholpicki

  1st Vistula Regiment (2)

  2nd Vistula Regiment (2) Brigade:

  3rd Vistula Regiment (2) Guard Cavalry Marechal Bessieres Division: General de division Walther Brigade: General de brigade St. Sulpice

  Empress Dragoon Regiment (5)

  Grenadier a Cheval Regiment (5) Brigade: General de brigade Guyot

  Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (5)

  Mameluke Squadron Brigade: General de brigade Colbert

  1st Chevauleger lancier de la Garde Regiment (4)

  2nd Chevauleger lancier de la Garde Regiment (4) Gendarmerie d'Elite (2) Artillery:

  1/Old Guard Horse Artillery 3/Old Guard Horse Artillery Reserve Artillery:

  2/Old Guard Horse Artillery 4/Old Guard Horse Artillery 4/Old Guard Foot Artillery 5/Old Guard Foot Artillery 6/Old Guard Foot Artillery Park:

  10/, 16/8th Foot Artillery
r />   Other French forces detached from the main body at Borodino

  IV Corps: 3rd Division:

  3rd & 4th Companies Mecklenburg-Strelitz Battalion in garrison at Viday 15th Division: (En route to Borodino after an antipartisan sweep)

  4/1st Italian Legere

  2nd Italian Line Regiment

  3rd Italian Line

  3rd Italian Legere

  Dalmatian Regiment

  Russian Order of Battle for Borodino 5-7 September 1812


  Right Wing: General Miloradovitch

  Right Hank Guard Detachment: Lt. Colonel Vlasov III

  Vlasov III Don Cossack Regiment

  Ataman Cossack Regiment (5 sotnias)

  Illowaiski #4 Cossack Regiment

  Illowaiski #8 Cossack Regiment

  2nd Corps: Generallieutenant Baggovout 4th Division: Prince Eugene of Wurttemberg Brigade: Pyshnitskoi

  Krementchug Infantry Regiment (2)

  Minsk Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Rossi

  Tobolsk Infantry Regiment (2)

  Volhynie Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Pillar

  4th Jager Regiment (2)

  34th Jager Regiment (2) Artillery: Wojeitov

  Position Battery #4 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #7 & #8 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) 17th Division: Olsoufieff Brigade: Tehoubarov

  Riazan Infantry Regiment (2)

  Bieloserk Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Tuchkov II

  Wilmanstrand Infantry Regiment (2)

  Brest Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Potemkin

  3rd Jager Regiment (2)

  48th Jager Regiment (2) Brigade:

  Elisabethgrad Hussar Regiment (8)(detached to 1st Cavalry Corps) Artillery Brigade: Walewacz

  Position Battery #17 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #32 & #33 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) 11th Division: Bakhmetieff II Brigade: Philissov

  Polotsk Infantry Regiment (2)

  Jeletz Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Tchoglokov

  Kexholm Infantry Regiment (2)

  Pernov Infantry Regiment (2)

  Brigade: Bistrom

  1st Jager Regiment (2)

  33rd Jager Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade: Cotliarev

  Position Battery #2 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #3 & #4 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) 23rd Division: Bakhmetieff I Brigade: Okoulov

  Rilsk Infantry Regiment (2)

  Ekaterinburg Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Alcksapol (Detached to 3rd Division)

  Seleguinsk Infantry Regiment (2)

  18th Jager Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade: Goulewicz (Detached to Artillery Reserve)

  Position Battery #23 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Battery #44 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) Brigade:

  2nd Combined Grenadier Battalion (11th & 23rd Division)

  Karporsk Infantry Regiment (2)

  I Cavalry Corps: Generallieutenant Ouvarov Guard Cavalry Division Brigade: Tchalikov

  Guard Dragoon Regiment (5)(detached to 1st Cuirassier Division)

  Guard Uhlan Regiment (4) Brigade

  Guard Hussar Regiment (4)

  Guard Cossacks Brigade: Tchernich

  Niejine Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Elisabethgrad Hussar Regiment (8) (Detached from 17th Division) Artillery:

  Horse Battery #2 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) 2nd Cavalry Division: Generalmajor Baron Korff 6th Brigade: Davydov

  Pskof Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Moscow Dragoon Regiment (4) 8th Brigade:

  Isoum Hussar Regiment (8)

  Polish Uhlan Regiment (8) 9th Brigade: Klebev

  Orenburg Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Kourland Dragoon Regiment (4)

  10th Brigade: Skalon

  Siberian Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Irkhoutsk Dragoon Regiment (4) 11th Brigade:

  Soum Hussar Regiment (8)

  Marioupol Hussar Regiment (4) Artillery:

  Horse Battery #6 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  6th Corps: General of Infantry Docturov 7th Division: Generallieutenant Kapsevitch Brigade: Liapounov

  Moscow Infantry Regiment (2)

  Pakof Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Balem

  Libau Infantry Regiment (2)

  Sofia Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Balla

  11th Jager Regiment (Detached to III Corps)

  36th Jager Regiment Artillery: Demel

  Position Battery #7 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #12 & #13 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) 24th Division: Generalmajor Lichatcheff Brigade: Tschoulski

  Oufa Infantry Regiment (2)

  Chirvan Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Denissieff

  Tomsk Infantry Regiment (2)

  Bourtirki Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Vouitch

  19th Jager Regiment (2)

  40th Jager Regiment (2) Artillery: Iesremov

  Position Battery #24 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #45 & #46 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea)

  3rd Cavalry Corps: Kreutz Brigade:

  Siberia Uhlan Regiment (4)

  Alexandria Hussar Regiment (8) Brigade

  Smolensk Dragoon Regiment (4) Artillery

  Horse Battery #7 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  5th Corps: Grand Duke Constantin Guard Division: Generallieutenant Lavrov 1st Brigade: Baron Rosen

  Preobragenski Guard Infantry Regiment (3)

  Semenovski Guard Infantry Regiment (3) 2nd Brigade: Udom

  Ismailov Guard Infantry Regiment (3)

  Lithuanian Guard Infantry Regiment (3) 3rd Brigade: Bistrom

  Guard Jager Infantry Regiment (3)

  Finland Guard Infantry Regiment (3) Artillery:

  1st & 2nd Guard Position Batteries (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes ea)

  1st & 2nd Guard Light Batteries (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Guard Equipage Battery (2-6pdrs) (in Borodino with another battery) 1st Converged Grenadier Division: Brigade:

  Guard Marine Equipage Battalion (1) Brigade:

  Converged Grenadiers of the 17th Division (2)

  Converged Grenadiers of the 4th Division (2) Brigade:

  Pioneer Companies (2) 1st Cavalry Division: Depreradovitch Brigade: Borosdin II

  Emperor Cuirassier Regiment (5)

  Empress Cuirassier Regiment (5) Brigade: Generalmajor Cheviez

  Chevalier Guard Regiment (5)

  Guard Dragoon Regiment (5)(detached from 1st Cavalry Division) Artillery:

  Guard Horse Batteries # 1 & #2 (8 guns each) 2nd Cuirassier Division: Detached to 2nd Army of the West)

  1st Army of the West Artillery Reserve: Kutaisov Position Battery #29 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes) (in the reserve) Position Battery #30 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes) (in the reserve) Light Battery #1 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (in the reserve) Light Battery #2 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (in the reserve) Light Battery #5 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (in the reserve) Horse Battery #4 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (in the reserve) Horse Battery #5 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (in the reserve) Horse Battery #9 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (in the reserve)

  Horse Battery #10 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (in the reserve) Horse Battery #22 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (in the reserve) Cossacks: General of Cavalry Platov 2nd Don Horse Batteries (12 guns) Ataman Don Cossack Regiment (5 sotnias) Illowaiski #5 Cossack Regiment Kharitonov Don Cossack Regiment Denissov #7 Don Cossack Regiment Grekov #18 Cossack Regiment Zhirov Cossack Regiment


  Commanding General —Prince Bagration

  Chief of Staff —Generalmajor Count St. Preist

  Quartermaster General—Generalmajor Vistitski II

  Service General —Colonel Marin

  Chief of Artillery —Generalmajor Lowenstern

  Chief of Engineers —Generalmajor Forster

  Commander of the Left Wing: Gorchakov II

  7th Corps: Generallieutenant Raevsky 12th Division: Generalmajor Vasil'chikov Brigade: Ryleieff

  Smolensk Infantry Regiment (2)

  Narva Inf
antry Regiment (2) Brigade: Pantzerbieter

  New Ingremannland Infantry Regiment (2)

  Alexopol Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Palitzin

  6th Jager Regiment (2)

  41st Jager Regiment (2) (Detached to HI Corps) Artillery Brigade: Sablin (Detached to Artillery Reserve)

  Position Battery #12 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Battery #23 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) 26th Division: Generalmajor Paskevitch Brigade: Liebert

  Ladoga Infantry Regiment (2)

  Poltava Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Samoini

  Orel Infantry Regiment (2)

  Nivegorod Infantry Regiment (2)

  Brigade: Gogel

  5th Jager Regiment (2)

  42nd Jager Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade: Schoulmann

  Position Battery #26 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes) (In Raevsky Redoubt)

  Light Batteries #47 & #48 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) (#48 detached to Artillery Reserve) 27th Division: Generalmajor Neverovski Brigade: Kniajnin

  Vilna Infantry Regiment (2)

  Simbrisk Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Stavitski

  Odessa Infantry Regiment (2)

  Tarnopol Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Woiekov

  49th Jager Regiment (2)

  50th Jager Regiment (2) 2nd (7th) Converged Grenadier Division: Generalmajor Voronzov Brigade:

  Converged Grenadiers of the 2nd Division (2)

  Converged Grenadiers of the 12th Division (2)

  Converged Grenadiers of the 26th Division (2) Artillery:

  Position Batteries #31 & #32 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes ea)

  4th Cavalry Corps: Generalmajor Sievers 4th Cavalry Division: Generalmajor Sievers 12th Brigade: Generalmajor Pantchaulidseff Karkov Dragoon Regiment (4)(dismounted) Tchernigov Dragoon Regiment (4)(dismounted) 13th Brigade: Emmanuel Kiev Dragoon Regiment (4) New Russia Dragoon Regiment (4) Brigade:

  Akhtyrsk Hussar Regiment (Detached from 12th Division) Lithuanian Uhlan Regiment (8) Artillery:

  Horse Battery #8 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) Pontooneer Company #4 Pioneer Companies (4) 2nd Grenadier Division: Generalmajor Prince Charles of Mecklenburg Brigade: Chatilov

  Kiev Grenadier Regiment (2)

  Moscow Grenadier Regiment (2) Brigade: Buxhowden

  Astrakhan Grenadier Regiment (2)

  Fangoria Grenadier Regiment (2) Brigade: Hesse

  Siberia Grenadier Regiment (2)

  Little Russia Grenadier Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade: Bogoslavski (Detached to Artillery Reserve)

  Position Battery #11 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)


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