Napoleon's Invasion of Russia

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Napoleon's Invasion of Russia Page 59

by George F Nafziger

  Light Artillery Batteries #20 & #21 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) 2nd Cuirassier Division: Generalmajor Knorring 2nd Brigade: Kretov

  Military Order Cuirassier Regiment

  Ekaterinoslav Cuirassier Regiment 3rd Brigade: Duka

  Gluchov Cuirassier Regiment

  Novgorod Cuirassier Regiment

  Little Russia Cuirassier Regiment

  3rd Corps: Generallieutenant Tuchkov I 3rd Division: Konovnitzin Brigade: Tuchkov III

  Mourmonsk Infantry Regiment (2)

  Revel Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Voeikov

  Tchernigov Infantry Regiment (2)

  Seleguinsk Infantry Regiment (2) (Detached from 23rd Division) Brigade: Prince Chakoffski

  20th Jager Regiment (2)

  21st Jager Regiment (2) Artillery: Tornov (Detached to Artillery Reserve)

  Position Battery #3 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #5 & #6 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) 1st Grenadier Division: Generallieutenant Strogonoff Brigade: Tsvilenev

  Pavlov Grenadier Regiment (2)

  Ekaterinoslav Grenadier Regiment (2) Brigade: Geltoukhin

  Count Arakcheyev Grenadier Regiment (2)

  Leib Grenadier Regiment (2) Brigade: Pock I

  St. Petersburg Grenadier Regiment (2)e

  Tauride Grenadier Regiment (2) Artillery: Gluchov (Detached to Artillery Reserve)

  Position Battery #1 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #1 & #2 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) Brigade: Generalmajor Karpov

  Guard Cossack Regiment (4)

  North Sea Cossack Sotnia (1)

  Teptiarsk Cossacks (4) Brigade:

  1 lth Jager Regiment (2)

  41st Jager Regiment (2) Other Attached:

  Converged Grenadier of 1st Grenadier Division (1)

  Converged Grenadier of 3rd Division (1) Other: Generallieutenant Count Markov

  1st, 2nd, & 3rd Moscow Opolochenie Divisions Other: Generallieutenant Lebedev

  Smolensk Opolochenie Left Flank Guard Detachment: Karpov II

  Karpov #2 Cossack Regiment

  Illowaiski #11 Cossack Regiment

  Krasnov #1 Cossack Regiment

  Gordeev #1 Cossack Regiment

  1st & 3rd Bug Cossack Regiments

  Perekop Tartars

  Feodosiiski Tartars

  2nd Army of the West Artillery Reserve: Lowenstern

  Position Battery #1 (4-12pdrs & 2 Licornes) (Semenovskaya Redoubt)

  Position Battery #3 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Fleches)

  Position Battery #11 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Fleches)

  Position Battery #12 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Reserve)

  Position Battery #23 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Reserve)

  Position Battery #31 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Semenovskaya Redoubt)

  Position Battery #32 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Fleches)

  Light Battery #6 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Reserve)

  Light Battery #20 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Reserve)

  Light Battery #21 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Reserve)

  Light Battery #22 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Reserve)

  Light Battery #23 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Reserve)

  Light Battery #48 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) (Reserve)

  Russian Armies of Volhynie and Danube 8 September 1812

  Commanding General-—Admiral Tchichagov

  1st Corps: Generalmajor Count Lambert Alexandria Hussar Regiment (8) White Russia Hussar Regiment (8) Tartar Uhlan Regiment (8) Grekov #4 Don Cossack Regiment Tchikeleff Cossack Regiment Bashkirs

  Barbantchikov #2 Cossack Regiment Koslov Infantry Regiment (2) Riajsk Infantry Regiment (2) Iakout Infantry Regiment (2) Kolyvan Infantry Regiment (2) Apcheron Infantry Regiment (2) 10th Jager Regiment (2) 13th Jager Regiment (2) 38th Jager Regiment (2)

  2nd Corps: Generalmajor Prince Tchervatov Tver Dragoon Regiment (2) Starodoub Dragoon Regiment (4) Pavlovgrad Hussar Regiment (8) Vladimir Dragoon Regiment (4) Taganrog Dragoon Regiment (4) Diatchkin Cossack Regiment 2nd Kalmuck Regiment Nacheburg Infantry Regiment (2) Vitebsk Infantry Regiment (2) Kourin Infantry Regiment (2) Vladimir Infantry Regiment (2) Dnieper Infantry Regiment (2) Kostroma Infantry Regiment (2) 14th Jager Regiment (2) 28th Jager Regiment (2) 32nd Jager Regiment (2)

  3rd Corps: General of Infantry Count Langeron Saint Petersburg Dragoon Regiment (4) Lithuania Dragoon Regiment (4) Serpuchov Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Arasmass Dragoon Regiment (4) Loubny Hussar Regiment (8) Grekov #8 Don Cossack Regiment 4th Orel Cossack Regiment Saratov Infantry Regiment (2) Viborg Regiment (2) Viatka Infantry Regiment (2)

  4th Corps: Generallieutenant Essen Sieversk Dragoon Regiment (4) Jitomir Dragoon Regiment (2) Smolensk Dragoon Regiment (4) Vlassov #2 Don Cossack Regiment Kalmucks

  Eupatorie Tartar Regiment Archangle Infantry Regiment (2) Ukraine Infantry Regiment (2) 3rd Jager Regiment (2) Converged Grenadier Battalions (6)

  Corps: Generallieutenant Voinov Kinbourn Dragoon Regiment (4) Dorpat Dragoon Regiment (4) 3rd Orel Cossack Regiment Kireiev Cossack Regiment Panteliev #2 Cossack Regiment Kursk Infantry Regiment (2) Crimea Infantry Regiment (2) Bieloserk Infantry Regiment (2) Saratov Infantry Regiment (2) Jaroslav Infantry Regiment (2) 8th Jager Regiment (2) 39th Jager Regiment (2)

  Corps: Generalmajor Boulatov Tchougouiev Uhlan Regiment (8) Pereiaslav Dragoon Regiment (4) Tiraspol Dragoon Regiment (4) Melnikov #3 Cossack Regiment Okhotski Infantry Regiment (2) Kamchatka Infantry Regiment (2) Mingrelia Infantry Regiment (2) 27th Jager Regiment (2) 43rd Jager Regiment (2)

  Detachment: Generalmajor Engelhardt Jitomir Dragoon Regiment (2) Tver Dragoon Regiment (2) Melinkov #5 Cossack Regiment Schusselburg Infantry Regiment (2) Old Ingremanland Infantry Regiment (2)

  Reserve Corps: Generallieutenant Sabaneiev Olviopol Hussar Regiment (8) Loukoffkin Cossack Regiment Olonetz Infantry Regiment 7th Jager Regiment (2) 12th Jager Regiment (2)

  French II Corps 15 September 1812


  Commander-in-Chief Oudinot Marechal de France

  6th Division: General de division Legrand 1st Brigade: General de brigade Albert 26th Legere Regiment (4 + artillery co)(1,353) (2-3pdrs) 2nd Brigade: General de brigade Moreau 19th Line Regiment (4 + artillery co)(986)

  (2-3pdrs) 56th Line Regiment (4 + artillery co)(1,266) (2-3pdrs) 4th Brigade: General de brigade Pamplona 128th Line Regiment (2 + artillery co)(l,345) (2-3pdrs) Artillery: (Total 659)

  1 l/5th Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How) 6/3rd Horse Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 How) Det. 17th Artillery Artisan Company 3/3rd Train (bis) Battalion 4/3rd Sapper Battalion Gendarmerie 8th Division: General de division Maison 1st Brigade: General de brigade Vives

  11th Legere Regiment (4 + artillery co)(l,252)

  (4-3pdrs) 2nd Line Regiment (5 + artillery co)(1,497) (4-3pdrs) 2nd Brigade: General de brigade Pouget

  37th Line Regiment (4 + artillery co)(l,113)

  (4-3pdrs) 124th Line Regiment (3 + artillery co)(325) (2-3pdrs) Artillery: (Total 299)

  15/5th Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How) l/3rd Horse Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 How) Det. 17th Artillery Artisan Company 1/, 5/3rd Train (bis) Battalion 3/3rd Sapper Battalion Gendarmes 9th Division: General de division Merle 1st Brigade: General de brigade Candras

  1st Swiss Line Regiment (2 + artillery co)(864)

  (2-3pdrs) 2nd Swiss Line Regiment (3 + artillery co)(983) (2-3pdrs) 2nd Brigade: General de brigade Amey

  4th Swiss Line Regiment (3 + artillery co)(664)

  (2-3pdrs) 3rd Provisional Croatian Regiment (2 + artillery co) (1,330) (2-3pdrs) 3rd Brigade: General de brigade Coutard

  3rd Swiss Line Regiment (3 + artillery co) (314)

  (2-3pdrs) 123rd Line Regiment (3 + artillery co) (1,045) (2-3pdrs) Artillery: (Total 369)

  4/7th Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How) 5/2nd Horse Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 How) Det. 17th Artillery Artisan Company 3/, 5/8th Train (bis) Battalion 5/1st Sapper Battalion Gendarmerie Corps Cavalry: General de brigade Corbineau 5th Light Cavalry Brigade: General de brigade Castex 23rd Chasseur
a Cheval Regiment (4) (404)

  24th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4) (462) 6th Light Cavalry Brigade: General de brigade Corbineau

  20th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4) (395)

  7th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4) (327)

  8th Chevauleger Regiment (3) (207) Reserve Artillery: Major Lavoy (Total 365)

  1/1 st Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  15/1st Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  Det. 17th Artillery Artisan Company

  1/8th Train (bis) Battalion

  5/8th Train (bis) Battalion Artillery Park: Colonel Levasseur (Total 895)

  21/9th Foot Artillery (6-12pdrs & 2 How)

  22/9th Foot Artillery (6-12pdrs & 2 How)

  11/1st Pontooneer Battalion

  1/3rd Train (bis) Battalion

  3/3rd Train (bis) Battalion

  1/,2/,3/,4/,5/,6/8th Train (bis) Battalion

  2/,6/1 lth Train (bis) Battalion

  Det. 9th Ambulance Company


  4/3rd Sapper Battalion

  Det. 17th Artillery Artisan Company Detachment from III Cavalry Corps: General de division Doumerc 3rd Cuirassier Division: General de division Doumerc Brigade: General de brigade Berkheim

  4th Cuirassier Regiment (4) (535) Brigade: General de brigade L'Heriter

  7th Cuirassier Regiment (4) (321) Brigade: General de brigade Doullembourg

  14th Cuirassier Regiment (4) (528) Artillery: (Total 583)

  3rd Chevaulegers (3)

  1/6th Horse Artillery

  3/6th Horse Artillery

  1/8th Train (bis) Battalion

  2/1 lth Train (bis) Battalion

  6/11th Train (bis) Battalion

  Russian Army of Occupation of Finland 22 September 1812

  Finland: Commanding Officer—Steingell 27th Brigade:

  Finland Dragoon Regiment (3)(278) Lotchilin Cossack Regiment (3)(316) Azov Infantry Regiment (2)(883) Nisov Infantry Regiment (2)(1,264) 3rd Jager Regiment (2)(731) Neva Infantry Regiment (2)(1,130) Petrovsk Infantry Regiment (2)(1,114) Lithuania Infantry Regiment (2)(1,308) Position Battery #21 (6 guns)(130) Light Battery #11 (192) Pioneers (46)

  French Left Wing September 1812


  Commander-in-Chief Oudinot Marechal de France

  Chief of Staff De Lorencez General de brigade

  6th Division: General de division Legrand 1st Brigade: General de brigade Albert 26th L6gere Regiment (4 + artillery co) (2-3pdrs) 2nd Brigade: General de brigade Maison 19th Line Regiment (4 + artillery co) (2-3pdrs) 3rd Brigade: General de brigade Moreau 56th Line Regiment (4 + artillery co) (2-3pdrs) 4th Brigade: General de brigade Pamplona 128th Line Regiment (2 + artillery co)

  (2-3pdrs) 3rd Portuguese Regiment (2 + artillery co) Artillery: Chef de bataillon Bogaert

  1 l/5th Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How) 6/3rd Horse Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 How) Det. 17th Artillery Artisan Company

  3/3rd Train (bis) Battalion 4/3rd Sapper Battalion Gendarmerie 8th Division: General de division Verdier (Maison) 1st Brigade: General de brigade Vives (Albert) 1 lth Legere Regiment (4 + artillery co)

  (4-3pdrs) 2nd Line Regiment (5 + artillery co) (4-3pdrs) 2nd Brigade: General de brigade Pouget 37th Line Regiment (4 + artillery co)

  (4-3pdrs) 124th Line Regiment (3 + artillery co) (2-3pdrs) Artillery: Chef de bataillon Levis

  15/5th Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How) l/3rd Horse Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 How) Det. 17th Artillery Artisan Company 1/, 5/3rd Train (bis) Battalion 3/3rd Sapper Battalion Gendarmes 9th Division: General de division Merle 1st Brigade: General de brigade Candras 1st Swiss Line Regiment (2 + artillery co)

  (2-3pdrs) 2nd Swiss Line Regiment (3 + artillery co) (2-3pdrs) 2nd Brigade: General de brigade Amey 4th Swiss Line Regiment (3 + artillery co)

  (2-3pdrs) 3rd Provisional Croatian Regiment (2 + artillery co) (2-3pdrs) 3rd Brigade: General de brigade Coutard 3rd Swiss Line Regiment (3 + artillery co)

  (2-3pdrs) 123rd Line Regiment (3 + artillery co) (2-3pdrs) Artillery: Chef de bataillon Webre 4/7th Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How) 5/2nd Horse Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 How) Det. 17th Artillery Artisan Company 3/, 5/8th Train (bis) Battalion

  5/1st Sapper Battalion

  Gendarmerie Corps Cavalry: General de brigade Corbineau 5th Light Cavalry Brigade: General de brigade Castex

  23rd Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4)

  24th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4) 6th Light Cavalry Brigade: General de brigade Corbineau

  20th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4)

  7th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4)

  8th Chevauleger Regiment (3) Reserve Artillery: Major Lavoy

  1/lst Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  15/1st Foot Artillery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  Det. 17th Artillery Artisan Company

  1/8th Train (bis) Battalion

  5/8th Train (bis) Battalion Artillery Park: Colonel Levavasseur

  21/9th Foot Artillery (6-12pdrs & 2 How)

  22/9th Foot Artillery (6-12pdrs & 2 How)

  11/lst Pontooneer Battalion

  1/3rd Train (bis) Battalion

  3/3rd Train (bis) Battalion

  1/, 2/, 2,1, 41, 51, 6/8th Train (bis) Battalion

  21, 6/1 lth Train (bis) Battalion

  Det. 9th Ambulance Company


  4/3rd Sapper Battalion

  Det. 17th Artillery Artisan Company


  Commander-in-Chief G. St. Cyr General de division

  Chief of Staff D'Albignac Adjudant commandant

  19th Division: Generallieutenant Deroy Brigade: Generalmajor von Siebein

  1st Bavarian Light Infantry Battalion (1)

  1st Bavarian Line Regiment (2)

  9th Bavarian Line Regiment (2) Brigade: Generalmajor von Raglovich

  3rd Bavarian Light Infantry Battalion (1)

  4th Bavarian Line Regiment (2)

  10th Bavarian Line Regiment (2)

  Brigade: Generalmajor Count Rechberg

  6th Bavarian Light Infantry Battalion (1)

  8th Bavarian Line Regiment (2) Artillery: Major Lamey

  1st Light Battery Widemann (3-6pdrs & 1 How)

  3rd Light Battery Haider (3-6pdrs & 1 How)

  11th Battery Brack (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  6th Battery Rois (4-12pdrs & 2 How)

  Howitzer Battery (6 howitzers)

  1st Train Company

  3rd Train Company

  1 lth Train Company

  6th Train Company

  Park 20th Division: Generallieutenant von Wrede Brigade: Generalmajor von Vincenti

  2nd Bavarian Light Infantry Battalion (1)

  2nd Bavarian Line Regiment (2)

  6th Bavarian Line Regiment (2) Brigade: Generalmajor Count Beckers

  4th Bavarian Light Infantry Battalion

  3rd Bavarian Line Regiment (2)

  7th Bavarian Line Regiment (2) Brigade: Oberst Dalwigk (later Generalmajor Haberman, Scherer & Voller)

  5th Bavarian Light Infantry Battalion (1)

  5th Bavarian Line Regiment (2)

  11th Bavarian Line Regiment (2) Artillery: Oberstleutnant von Zoller

  2nd Light Battery Gotthard (3-6pdrs & 1 How)

  4th Light Battery Gravenreuth (3-6pdrs & 1 How)

  5th Battery Hoffstetten (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  8th Battery Ulmer (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  4th Battery Berchem (4-12pdrs & 2 How)

  2nd Train Company

  Det. 4th Train Company

  4th Train Company

  5th Train Company

  8th Train Company




  Commander-in-Chief Macdonald Marshal de France

  Chief of Staff Terrier General de brigade

  7th Division: General de division Grandjean Brigade: General de brigade Ricard

  5th Polish Line Regiment (4 + artillery co) (2-3pdrs) Brigade: General de brigade Radziwill

  10th Polish Line Regiment (4 +
artillery co) (2-3pdrs)

  11th Polish Line Regiment (4 + artillery co) (2-3pdrs) Brigade: General de brigade Bachelu

  13th Bavarian Line Regiment (2)

  1st Westphalian Line Regiment (2 + artillery co) (2-6pdrs) Artillery: Farjou

  6/1st Polish Foot Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 How)

  1/1 st Polish Horse Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 How)

  4th Polish Sapper Company

  2nd Bavarian Foot Battery (detached from IV Corps later) 27th Division (Prussian Corps): General of Infantry Grawert Brigade: Generallieutenant von Bulow

  1st Infantry (3)(2/lst, l/3rd, Fus/lst)

  2nd Infantry (3)(l/4th, l/5th, Fus/5th)

  Fusilier Battalion 3rd Infantry Regiment Brigade: Generallieutenant von Yorck

  3rd Infantry (3)(2/2nd, Fus/2nd, l/10th)

  Leib Infantry (2 Musketeer & 1 Fusilier) Brigade: Generallieutenant von Raumer

  5th Infantry (3)(l/6th, l/7th, Fus/7th)

  6th Infantry (3)(2/llth, l/12th, Fus/12th)

  East Prussian Jager Battalion (1) Corps Cavalry: Generallieutenant von Massenbach 26th Light Brigade: Oberst von Hunerbein

  1st Combined Dragoon Regiment (4)(l/4th, 2/4th, l/5th, 3/5th)

  2nd Combined Dragoon Regiment (4)(l/2nd, 3/2nd, 2/5th, 4/5th) 27th Light Brigade: Oberst von Jeanneret

  1st Combined Hussar Regiment (4)(3/lst, 4/lst, 2/2nd, 3/2nd)

  3rd Combined Hussar Regiment (4)(3/3rd, 4/3rd, l/5th, 3/5fh)

  Corps Artillery:

  1st Prussian Foot Battery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  2nd Prussian Foot Battery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  3rd Prussian Foot Battery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  4th Brandenburg Foot Battery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  1/2nd Silesian Artillery Battery (4-12pdrs)

  1st Prussian Horse Battery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  2nd Prussian Horse Battery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  3rd Prussian Horse Battery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  6/lst Polish Foot Battery (4-6pdrs & 2 How)

  16th Polish Foot Battery (4-6pdrs & 2 How)(in Danzig)

  1/lst Polish Horse Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 How)


  Prussian Park Columns (5 companies) Prussian Train Companies (3) Bridging Detachment Pioneer Companies (3) 4/1st Polish Sappers Detachment from HI Cavalry Corps: General de division Doumerc 3rd Cuirassier Division: General de division Doumerc

  Brigade: General de brigade Berkheim 4th Cuirassier Regiment (4)


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