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The Marriage Trap (Book 2, The Mackenzies)

Page 17

by Diana Fraser

  Books by Diana Fraser

  —The Mackenzies—

  The PA’s Revenge

  The Marriage Trap

  James Mackenzie’s book—coming soon

  —Desert Kings—

  The Sheikh’s Bargain Bride

  Lucy and the Sheikh

  King Tariq of Ma’in—coming soon

  —Italian Lovers—

  The Italian’s Perfect Lover

  Seduced by the Italian

  The Passionate Italian


  —The Mackenzies—

  The PA’s Revenge (Book 1)

  Cassandra Lee is determined to exact revenge on the man she believes to be responsible for the death of her father and son. She studies his business and becomes his PA with the aim of sabotaging his fortune. But one thing she’s not prepared for is to be seduced by the powerful and sexy Dallas Mackenzie. She just hopes that his interest—and her resistance—will hold out long enough to ruin him...


  “Come in!” The low growl penetrated the thick oak door effortlessly.

  It was an order. It was without finesse. It was exactly what Cassandra had expected.

  Even so, her hand trembled slightly as she tugged at her straightened hair, pulling a stubborn curl firmly behind her ear. She had to have everything under control if she was going to succeed.

  She opened the heavy door, allowing it to swing wide before she made her entrance. It had to be a good one; she would have only one chance.

  With a quick glance she scanned the dark office registering the minimal decor, clear desk, single light pooled over a closed laptop, before her eyes rested on the man whose image haunted her every waking moment—Dallas Mackenzie.

  He stood in shadow with his back to her, hands thrust in pockets, staring out over the lights of Wellington.

  “What do you want?”

  He hadn’t even bothered to turn to face her.

  Fear flickered in her gut.

  “I’ve come to be interviewed for the PA position.”

  “I’m not interviewing today. Come back tomorrow with the others.”

  She swallowed. “I can’t. It has to be today. The agency rang and arranged the appointment with your receptionist for 5.30.” Her first lie. It had been easier than she’d thought.

  “You’re late then.”

  He still hadn’t turned around.

  “I’m not late, I’ve been waiting over an hour.”

  Cassandra walked slowly towards him and stopped in the middle of the room, suddenly confronted with her own image clearly visible in the window against the darkening sky. It was an image she didn’t recognize—sleekly groomed and in control.

  He grunted but still didn’t move, simply continued to stare across the darkening harbor towards the Rimutaka ranges, glowing orange in the setting sun.

  She had to admit the view was incredible. No wonder the man felt invincible. He had the city at his feet. Just a pity that he chose to abuse his power. But that was where she came in, wasn’t it?


  —Desert Kings—

  The Sheikh’s Bargain Bride

  The ultimate controlling sheikh, Zahir Al-Zaman is so obsessed with freedom-loving Anna Whitman that he traps her into marriage. But he won’t force her into his bed; he has his strategies for seduction. Despite an intense attraction, Anna refuses to be seduced because she won't have a relationship based on lies. But how can she reveal secrets that will destroy the beliefs he holds most dear?


  Sheikh Zahir al-Zaman narrowed his eyes against the glare of the sun-bleached stony plains and focussed on the slowly materializing dark speck. Within minutes the helicopter’s low rhythmic thrum filled the overcast spring sky like an angry locust intent on devastation.

  She hadn’t wasted any time. But then he’d made sure she couldn’t refuse his invitation. He banished a flicker of discomfort with practiced ease. Sometimes you had to lure the prey to you. Sometimes, in a way that wasn’t palatable.

  But the ends always justified the means. She would be his and he was prepared to do whatever it took to make it happen.

  He watched the helicopter alight in a cloud of dust before the palace. The pilot lifted out a small case and began to open the door before it was pushed open abruptly from within and two long, jean-clad legs emerged. A tall blonde jumped down and looked around the palace, her head twisting and turning impatiently.

  She’d changed. She was thinner, her hair longer, her face no longer sun-kissed but as pale as the desert under moonlight. Still, his body responded the same to her now, as it did when she visited him in his dreams.

  He’d lived with his obsession with her for four long years: cursing and nurturing the anger at her deceit and betrayal while still longing to relive the passion of their one night together. But his brother’s death meant he no longer had to live with the madness.

  Then, with an imperceptible movement of her head, she looked up and caught his gaze. Zahir frowned and his breath caught unexpectedly in his chest. Ice blue eyes stared at him, challenging him, demanding an explanation from him. How could eyes so cool and northern spark such fire? She turned away suddenly and slid the door of the helicopter shut with a force that belied her fragility. The metallic crash echoed around the palace, destroying its peace and order.

  He’d get what he wanted but he knew, without a doubt, that it wasn’t going to be easy.


  Lucy and the Sheikh

  A love affair that must not last... When commitment-phobe Lucy finds herself falling for Razeen ibn Shad, the King of Sitra, she wants to run. But she can’t. He's her only clue to her missing sister. Razeen is determined to do his duty as King, even if it means an arranged marriage. But he has two weeks before he has to choose a wife. Two weeks in which to have an affair with Lucy. What could go wrong?


  King Razeen ibn Shad looked across the calm waters of the bay, silvered under the light of the bright moon, and watched his old friend climb aboard the yacht. It had been a good night: dinner and conversation with someone who wasn’t his employee or his subject, someone who didn’t want something from him. The shared laughter and memories made the loneliness afterwards even harder to bear. But he had no choice. His country had to come first.

  He was about to turn away when a flash of white on the calm waters drew his attention. He narrowed his eyes and saw a swimmer: arms cutting through the sea in a sleek action designed to move fast through water, designed not to disturb the calm surface, designed not to be seen. And it would have worked if he hadn’t been watching so closely.

  He moved to the shadow of the palm trees that fringed the beach and watched the faint movement on the water come closer. The beach was off-limits until the scientific survey of the coral reef his friend was undertaking was complete. Until then, no one had permission to be here. Last time they’d had intruders, they’d lost part of the coral forever. He’d make sure it didn’t happen again.

  Lucy stepped out of the sea onto the still-warm sand, squeezed the water out of her long hair and walked up the beach. After a day spent preparing food below decks, she’d needed a swim—and what a swim. The water was as warm as the soft air that now caressed her body. She breathed deeply of the fragrant air and looked around.

  The beach was a perfect crescent of white sand under the sheltering sweep of the palm trees. On one side of the small bay a rocky promontory jutted into the water, marking the beginning of the coral reef the scientists on the boat were here to study and on the other side she could see the uneven outline of mangrove trees.

  She’d traveled all over the world but nowhere came close to the perfection of this unspoiled place. The white sand was almost luminous under the starlight and three-quarters moon. The beach was empty: no lights, no people and no sound but the distant hoot of an owl and the seductive splash and drag of the waves. She was quite alone. The only sign of habitation was a low-lying mansion in a neighboring bay a
nd the yacht, bobbing lazily out near the reef.

  Perfect. Or it would have been if she didn’t have to set her plan into action the next day.


  —Italian Lovers—

  The Italian’s Perfect Lover

  Falling for Alessandro is the last thing Emily needs as she recovers from the scars inflicted by an ex-boyfriend. But she has to work with him to recreate an ancient Italian mosaic found on his land. Consumed by guilt over the death of his son, Alessandro lives only for the pleasures of the present. But he hadn’t reckoned on falling in love. And love, he discovers, forces difficult choices.

  The Passionate Italian

  After a year with Giovanni Visconti, the passion had twisted to jealousy and control and Rose had disappeared—seemingly unable to deal with her husband's passionate nature. But, two years later, Giovanni tracks Rose down, determined to control his jealousy in order to prove he can be trusted. But Rose is keeping secrets from him—secrets that could destroy more than just their relationship...

  Seduced by the Italian

  Secrets and seduction... Isabella has a secret that's destroying her. But she's forced to face the pain of her past when she accepts a contract from her ex lover. Luca wants only to fulfill his promise to his grandmother and leave. Why would he want to be with someone who'd cruelly rejected him? But the best-laid plans can fail when faced with a passion that ignites at the merest touch...


  If you enjoy sexy, fun romances set in Wellington, New Zealand, you’ll love my friend Kris Pearson’s Wicked in Wellington series, which includes Resisting Nick. Here’s an excerpt:

  Sammie Sherbourne took the stairs at a half-run, hoping jeans with a polo shirt and Nikes were appropriate for the sporty atmosphere of the fitness center. She bounced up into a deserted reception area and slowed to watch through the long glass wall as clients stretched, pedaled, and grunted at the various machines. One dark-haired man finished his workout on a cross-trainer, slung a towel around his neck, and moved toward her with a loose-limbed stride.

  She tried not to stare, but his dampened shorts and tank showed off a tall, sculpted body that appeared hard-disciplined and a great advertisement for the place. The nearer he got the better he looked. A month here, before she escaped from New Zealand, might be no hardship at all!

  She dragged her attention away from his powerful thighs and up past the sweaty tank that showcased his gleaming chest and shoulders. Then found bristling stubble, an impatient scowl, and snapping black eyes.

  “You’re the replacement temp?”

  She nodded. “Samantha.”

  “Nick. You made it on time. Good.”

  He scrubbed the towel over his hair, and Sammie darted another glance downward. So this was the boss?

  He got as far as saying, “If you can—” and his cell phone rang. He wrestled it from his shorts pocket, which pulled the thin fabric mouthwateringly tight, and waved a hand at the desk.

  Sammie took this as in invitation to sit, and watched from the swivel chair as he stalked off sounding far from pleased about something.

  She waited. And she waited. Ten minutes passed before he reappeared.

  In that time, she’d checked the desk drawers and stowed her bag in the bottom one which was empty apart from a box of staples.

  She’d answered the ever-ringing phone. Yes they were open; no, Nick wasn’t available right now but she’d take a message; yes, their special $299 package ran until the end of the month (because she’d read the poster on the glass wall); no, Nick wasn’t available right now but she’d make sure he phoned back as soon as possible; no, she wasn’t Julie. Or Tyler.

  Where the hell had he got to?

  Also by Kris, a romantic comedy—The Bonk Squad. Kiwi romance writers plot hot juicy novels—and their real lives sizzle right along with their story-lines. They’re seeking publication and love with equal intensity. Some get luckier than they dreamed. Some...don’t.

  You can find information on where to buy her books from her website:


  Sensual, Emotionally Intense Romance…

  For more information on Diana Fraser’s books, please visit her website:

  You can sign up for Diana’s newsletter here for information on book releases, or via her website.

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