125 Navigating the Vampire Maze

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125 Navigating the Vampire Maze Page 5

by Charlie Richards

  Both women turned to face him. The blonde muscular woman glanced at him, then beyond him, and obviously noticed the group of buff guys behind him. She stepped forward and half inserted herself in front of the smaller, plump brunette that she’d been trying to win a fish for.

  Ignoring the unspoken insult—as if Francois would hurt the lovely ladies—because he knew others would if they thought they could get away with it, Francois offered her a soft smile as he held up his bag holding the goldfish. “Sometimes, it is not how you play zee game, but what happens after.” Using his thumb, he pointed over his shoulder at Stanton. “My partner won zis for me. I zink it would mean more to zee two of you.”

  The blonde’s jaw sagged open. Her eyes widened in obvious shock, and she glanced from him to whomever over his shoulder and back again. It was the brunette who slipped around the blonde and smiled shyly up at him.

  “That is so very sweet of you, but we couldn’t possibly take your fish,” she said as she twined her fingers with her lady friend’s. “Your partner won it for you. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “Naw, you take it.” Stanton slung his arm around Francois’s shoulders, tucking him against his huge broad body. “It was just us guys doing that whole one-upping each other thing.” The friendly handsome guy winked as he added, “Besides, I already gave away the stuffed animal that Francois won for me. It’s only fair.”

  “I—” the brunette started, glancing between them. Her gaze lingered longingly on the fish.

  “Thank you.” The blonde had recovered, and she reached out and took the goldfish bag from Francois’s hand. Holding it up for the brunette to look at, she lowered her voice. “I told you Fate would provide.”

  “Fate?” The word was out of Francois’s mouth before he could help himself. He took a quick, discreet sniff, confirming that the pair were human. “You believe in Fate?”

  “Oh, yes,” the brunette stated confidently. She pressed her shoulder against the blonde’s as she peered at the fish, using the index finger of her free hand to rub against the side of the plastic bag. “My mother knew my father was provided by Fate when he spent every dollar he had just so he could win her the beta fish she wanted.” A blush crept into her cheeks as she beamed lovingly at her partner. “It’s not a beta, but I couldn’t resist wanting one when I saw them being offered as a prize.”

  Francois nodded, understanding. “I, too, believe in Fate.” He sent a side-eyed look Stanton’s way as he added, “Knew zis man was mine zee second I tasted him.”

  The blonde snickered as she batted her eyelashes at him. “Oh, kinky.”

  Stanton tensed next to him, and his cheeks turned a dark shade of pink. “Not like that.”

  Both women laughed. Then they started with their thanks. “You guys are too kind.” The blonde turned and smiled at the woman whose hand she held. “Are you ready to go get this guy some fresh water?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” The brunette nodded eagerly.

  “Bye!” the blonde called as the brunette waved, taking the bag and tucking it against her breast protectively.

  Francois began to lift his hand, intending to say his good-bye, too. Then his gut tightened, and a fissure of unease trickled up his spine. Acting on instinct, he started after them.

  While Stanton glanced at him in confusion, he fell into step beside him.

  “Hey, I know zee guy driving zee tractor. I will make certain you get a seat.” Francois waved a hand, seeing their rebuttal coming a mile away. “Zee path is dark, after all. You don’t want to trip and hurt zee fish.”

  After exchanging a glance, the pair shrugged and nodded.

  “Thanks,” they said almost in unison.

  Francois knew he’d made the right decision when, just before they reached the field where the tractor turned around and stopped to pick up passengers for the return trip, a pair of men Francois didn’t know stepped from behind some trees.

  “Aww, you don’t wanna go with them,” the dark-haired man stated with a sneer. “They wouldn’t know how to treat you.”

  “We told you we’re not interested,” the blonde replied belligerently. “Now, get out of the way.”

  “I don’t think so,” the guy said. “And I have the friends to prove it.”

  Another three men appeared from amidst the trees, and the brunette clutched the fish’s bag even tighter as fear permeated her scent.

  Well, shit.

  Chapter Seven

  “Anthony, Benjamin, what are you doing?”

  Stanton frowned as he glanced from his co-workers to the three men he didn’t recognize. Seeing the mix of leers and sneers, he fought back a shiver. He didn’t like the way a couple of the guys were looking at the ladies they’d given the fish to.

  “Walk away now, Stanton, and we’ll leave you alone.” A smirk curved Benjamin’s lips, giving his Hispanic features a nasty glow. “Call it... a co-worker courtesy.”

  “Why do you want the ladies?” Stanton asked, easing closer to the women. “They planned to go home.”

  Anthony stalked forward as the other men began to close in. “Their night has just had a change of plans.” He began reaching for the blonde, but she glared at him and batted his hand away. “You shouldna done that, pretty.”

  “Don’t you fucking touch me,” the blonde snapped.

  Laughing, Anthony declared, “I’m gonna do plenty more than touch you.”

  “No, you will not,” Francois countered. “People like you make me sick. Men who zink zey are macho but cannot take no for an answer.” His eyes were narrowed, and he sneered at them. “You are nuzzing but a bully.”

  Stanton figured Francois was really angry because his French accent had thickened. The slender man’s body even seemed to be vibrating. His hands were clenched into fists, and he looked like he was about to launch himself at Anthony.

  Snorting, Anthony swept his gaze up and down Francois’s lean frame. “What are you gonna do about it, faggot? In your designer jeans and name brand jacket.” Curling his lip, he rested his gaze on the muddy splotch that had dried on Francois’s thigh. “You let our big dummy get you dirty, ass-licker? You like a little dirty romp in the hay?” Anthony cupped his crotch and gave it a blatant squeeze. “After we’re done with the ladies, maybe I’ll let you blow me.”

  A rush of protectiveness the likes Stanton had never felt swelled inside him. He grabbed Francois’s shoulder and surged forward, putting himself between Anthony and everyone else. Pointing at Anthony, he growled, “You’re an asshole, and I won’t let you touch any of them.”

  Benjamin stepped closer, muttering, “Come on, Stanton. Don’t make waves. They ain’t worth it.” Shaking his head, he added, “Can’t see why you’re even hangin’ with all those queers.”

  Stanton glanced at Anthony, who looked like he was getting ready to take a swing at him, and Stanton shifted his feet, wanting to be ready. He’d been in his fair share of scraps, although he’d always had Jerome to back him up. Absently, he wondered how long it would be before his friend came looking.

  “No, Benjamin.” Anthony cracked his knuckles. “Stanny-boy here made his choice.”

  Just as Stanton had anticipated, Anthony swung. Instead of trying to dodge, he lunged closer. His co-worker’s punch landed on his upper arm with little power, but Stanton’s gut jab caused the other man to stumble backward.

  Stanton heard a commotion behind him, and movement to his left drew his attention. To his surprise, Rhyme held one of the strangers’ arms behind his back. He glanced around and noticed the others were detained as well. The other strangers were held by a pair of workers dressed as vampires—one male and one female. Benjamin, on the other hand, was lying face-down on the ground, and Francois gripped one of his wrists, pressing it to his upper back, while his knee was resting at the small of Benjamin’s back.

  “Wow. Francois?” Stanton heard the amazement in his own voice.

  Francois smiled at him, the expression tight. “He tried to hit you when you were knocking Ant
hony back.”

  When Francois curled his lip into a sneer and turned his head to peer down at Benjamin, Stanton thought his canine looked really sharp.

  Must have been because of the shadows.

  “How does it feel to be taken down by a faggot?” Francois taunted. “Not a good idea to make assumptions, hmm?”

  Stanton wouldn’t have thought the man could fight.

  Go figure.

  Turning, Stanton peered around. “Where’s Anthony?” Meeting Rhyme’s gaze, he added, “How’d you know we were in trouble?”

  “I texted zem while zey were taunting us,” Francois told him. His brows furrowed in annoyance. “And zee asshole ran away when he saw his buddies were caught.”

  “Shit,” Stanton grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. “I shoulda grabbed him.” Then he remembered who else they’d been protecting and spun around. He spotted the blonde holding the brunette, who still held the bagged fish. “Uh, pardon my cussin’.”

  His momma would roll over in her grave for his behavior. She’d always reprimanded their father when he swore in front of her. Of course, that didn’t stop the man from—

  Stanton shoved those thoughts away when the blonde laughed. Rolling her eyes, she quipped, “I’m pretty sure Cindy’s mouth is way worse than yours... anytime the umpire makes a call against the Yankees.”

  The brunette, Cindy’s cheeks darkened a bit. “I’m not that bad.”

  “Yes, you are,” her girlfriend countered. Then she pecked a kiss to Cindy’s lips. She lifted her head, then held out her hand to Stanton. “I’m Amanda, by the way.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Stanton said as he shook her hand carefully. “Sorry about my asshole co-workers.” He glared at Benjamin, wishing he’d had the foresight to stop Anthony from fleeing. “Please tell me you’re pressing charges.”

  Amanda and Cindy exchanged a look. “Well,” Cindy began slowly. “They didn’t really do anything to us except make threats.” Her brows furrowed. “Do we really have anything to pin on them?”

  “Oh, hell yeah,” Rhyme stated gruffly. He obviously didn’t have a problem with swearing in front of women. “These assholes were stopped from attempting assault and rape. We’re gonna pin plenty of shit on them.”

  “Hey, we didn’t touch ‘em,” the guy in Rhyme’s arms cried as he began to struggle.

  “But you had intended to.” A broad-shouldered, dark-haired man strode into the clearing. His dark eyes glimmered with anger from under the brim of his cowboy had as he peered at the man who’d spoken. “And that is what is important.”

  Then the malevolence from his expression cleared, and Stanton finally placed him—Jaymes Martinez, the owner of the ranch. He focused on the blonde. “My deepest apologies that something like this happened on my ranch.” He held out his hand. “I’m Jaymes Martinez. Please know that I have people looking for Anthony, and he will not leave this ranch a free man.”

  “Oh, um, thank you,” Cindy replied, taking Jaymes’s hand and shaking.

  Amanda shook next, saying, “It’s not your fault. Assholes like that just kinda crawl out of the woodwork at the most unexpected times.”

  Jaymes rested his hands on his hips as he eyed the men being held. “Indeed, they do.” A cold smile curving his lips, he stated, “Murdoch, if you would take Benjamin off Francois’s hands, my people will take these assholes somewhere where they can cool their heels while we wait for the police.”

  A lean, toned guy that Stanton recognized as a wrangler who handled trail rides approached Francois. After Benjamin traded hands, the four employees began frog-marching the attackers through the woods. Before disappearing, Rhyme called, “Max and Lilibeth are with Jerome at the ring toss game. Will you let him know I’ll be a few minutes?”

  Stanton nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Can I offer you ladies a free meal while we wait for the authorities?” Master Jaymes asked, guiding the women back toward the festivities. “I’m afraid they’ll have a few questions.”

  “Like when Anthony and Benjamin hassled you the first time,” Stanton commented, remembering Anthony’s opening remarks.

  “Hmmm, yes. I would like to hear what was said,” Jaymes rumbled, a soft growl in his voice.

  Francois gripped Stanton’s hand and tugged, gaining his attention. “What about you, Stanton,” he asked, sweeping his gaze over his torso. “Anzony hit you. Are you okay?”

  Stanton squeezed Francois’s hand, surprised to see so much concern in his eyes. His chest squeezed a little. He found he liked that expression.

  “Eh, I’m fine,” Stanton assured, not wanting to worry the other man. Grinning, he winked. “Anthony telegraphs his movements, and he punches like a girl.”

  “I would still like to check you for injuries,” Francois pressed, his expression earnest. “You stepped in front of me, tried to protect me. I am flattered.” Then he smirked as he gave him a heated gaze. “Alzough, it was unnecessary.”

  Nodding, Stanton murmured, “I didn’t see you take Benjamin down, but he’s a pretty thickly muscled guy. He hangs drywall for the company I work at.” Then he frowned as a thought struck him “Huh. He’ll probably lose his job now though. Him and Anthony. They got in trouble not long ago and were on probation.” Rubbing the back of his neck, Stanton mused, “Even though this happened outside of work, I figure Vernon and Lloyde will still sack ‘em.”

  Francois growled softly. “It is zee least zey deserve.” Then he touched Stanton’s hand again. “And I would still like to make certain you are okay.”

  “Oh, sure.” Stanton unzipped his jacket, revealing his navy-blue t-shirt. After tossing his jacket over his shoulder, he pointed at his left bicep. “That’s where he hit me. No mark.” Stanton rubbed over his muscle, flexing experimentally. “Doesn’t even hurt.”

  A soft moan drew Stanton’s attention back to Francois. The other man’s focus was riveted to his pectorals, and he glanced down, realizing when he’d tightened his bicep, he’d flexed them as well. He began to feel an embarrassed heat wash through him, but upon hearing the way Francois cleared his throat and seeing his tongue flick out to swipe over his bottom lip, that heat morphed into a different kind. Stanton realized that Francois liked what he was seeing.

  That open appreciation caused the same reaction that it had every time he’d seen it that evening. His prick plumped in his jeans, and his nipples beaded, aching to be touched. He shifted his weight restlessly as he grabbed his jacket from his shoulder and tugged it on.

  “Mmmm, no wonder you want to get him alone,” Amanda teased. “I may be a big ol’ lesbo, but even I can see your man is a hunka maleness.”

  Francois smirked at the ladies. “Zat he is.” He turned back to Stanton. “And I believe I will need to inspect more zan just your arm.”

  Resting his hands on Stanton’s torso, Francois used his thumbs to flick his still-beaded nipples. Even through the fabric of the jacket, it still caused a zing to shoot through him, and he sucked in a harsh gasp. He gaped, and his brows shot up at Francois’s brazen move.

  Right. He called me his partner earlier. Is this normal partner behavior?

  “Uh, w-well—” Stanton stuttered as he glanced around uncertainly. “I should really tell Max about Rhyme. Then maybe we could, uh—” After looking around again, Stanton finished, “Not sure where we could go, though.”

  “I know where to go,” Francois assured, sliding his right hand down his stomach to his hip. He squeezed before releasing him. “Let’s go find Max.” With his left hand, Francois again took one of Stanton’s.

  When Stanton glanced around, he spotted a smiling Cindy giving him a discreet thumbs up. Then she turned and followed Jaymes with Amanda’s arm around her waist. Jaymes, however, wasn’t nearly as subtle.

  Peering over his shoulder at Francois, Jaymes stated, “Be certain no one is around, Francois. This is a family show.”

  “I will, Master Jaymes,” Francois replied, dipping his head in acknowledgement of what had clea
rly been an order. “I have explored zee area fully over zee last couple of days.”

  Jaymes chuckled as he nodded and led the ladies away.

  Stanton felt heat rise in his cheeks. Somehow he just knew they all thought they were going somewhere so Francois could inspect him for more than just injuries.

  Why would they think that?

  Chapter Eight

  Francois kept his palm on Stanton’s lower back as they offered a quick explanation to Max, Lilibeth, and Jerome. Once done, he claimed they were going to take a minute to step away and make certain they wouldn’t have anything more than bumps and bruises from the encounter. Then they would have to give their statements to the cops before leaving.

  “Did you want me to come with you?” Jerome offered, focusing on Stanton. He pointed. “I think I saw the first aid station in that direction.”

  “Zat is unnecessary,” Francois countered... too quickly, judging by the narrowing of Jerome’s eyes. Thinking swiftly, he added, “Anzony is still on zee loose. I zink Rhyme would prefer you stay wiz Max and Lilibeth.”

  “Uh huh,” Jerome muttered, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the side of the booth. “Well, we’ll be here for a bit, probably.” His expression turned teasing as he glanced from Lilibeth to the ring toss game. “Lilibeth is”—he cleared his throat on a snicker—”having trouble.”

  “Oh, shut it, you,” Lilibeth snapped, bumping his hip good-naturedly. “It’s not always about winning. I’m having fun.”

  “If you say so,” Max commented with a laugh.

  “We’ll see you in a bit,” Francois assured, then applied gentle pressure to Stanton’s back to get him moving. “Let’s go.”

  Francois felt the hairs on his nape stand on end as he moved away from the trio, and he just knew if he glanced behind him, he would see Jerome watching them.

  Overprotective big brother type. Huh.

  While Francois wondered what caused that reaction, he was happy to wait until later to ask.


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