125 Navigating the Vampire Maze

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125 Navigating the Vampire Maze Page 6

by Charlie Richards

  I am finally getting my beloved alone.

  “Come zis way,” Francois urged. He removed his hand from Stanton’s back so he could grab his hand. Twining their fingers, he squeezed as he tugged lightly. “I was exploring zee other day and found a quiet place nearby.”

  “Um. Okay.”

  While Stanton sounded uncertain, he didn’t resist. Francois counted that as a win. The shadows lengthened as they passed the last couple of hanging lanterns. Having been planning to meet his beloved, Francois was prepared. He pulled a small flashlight from his jacket pocket and flicked it on.

  “Were you a Boy Scout when you were young?”

  Francois chuckled as he shook his head. “No, my beloved Stanton.” He winked as he added, “Grew up in France. No Boy Scouts of America over zere. I like to plan ahead.”

  “Always a good policy,” Stanton commented. “Jerome says something similar about carrying condoms.”

  “Oh?” While Francois had no desire to hear about Stanton’s past conquests, he couldn’t help but ask, “What does Jerome say about carrying condoms?”

  Stanton chuckled under his breath. “It’s better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.”

  Francois joined in as he nodded. Once he spotted the big rock near the crooked tree he’d been looking for, he veered toward them. “Zis way.”

  After ducking under a tree branch, Francois turned sharply and slipped between some brush. He lifted several bushy pine limbs and held them, so Stanton could step past him. Hearing his human’s surprised gasp, he grinned but tempered the expression before releasing the branches and joining him.

  The stream that flowed along the edge of the small clearing glittered in the moonlight. A span of ten-by-twenty grass made a soft place to rest. The tall trees, the deep brush, and the remote area offered them a high level of privacy.

  On top of that, Francois’s superior vampire hearing would allow him to hear anyone coming... even over the trickle of the brook.

  “This is pretty beautiful,” Stanton commented, sweeping his gaze around the area. “The moonlight filtering through the tree drapes everything in shades of gray, which is even better than the light of your flashlight.”

  Francois was happy with that idea. Clicking off his light, he shoved it back into his pocket. Then he stepped up beside Stanton.

  To Francois’s surprise, Stanton sported an expression of wonder on his face. His big beloved smiled serenely, and his gaze slowly panned over everything. He shoved his hands into his pockets, and the tension was gone from his shoulders.

  Then Francois recalled how often Stanton had focused on the design of the displays.

  “You’re an artist,” Francois mused softly. “But I thought you worked in construction.”

  Stanton jerked his focus back to Francois. His smile turned wry as he lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug. “Jerome calls me an artist. I’m a bricklayer, so I guess he’s sorta right. I design walkways and retaining walls and fit stones together to make them look nice with the landscape.” Stanton’s eyes took on a vacant expression as he murmured, “Like, there was this one mosaic design that a customer wanted, and I—” Pausing, Stanton cleared his throat. “Aww, you don’t wanna hear about that shit.” His brows furrowing, Stanton glanced around the space before focusing on Francois. “This place is kinda romantic, so... um... what did you have in mind?”

  Francois rested his palms on Stanton’s torso and slid them beneath the open jacket’s flaps. Enjoying the hard flesh beneath the soft fabric of the worn blue shirt, he slid his hands up and pushed the jacket sideways. Stanton seemed to understand the silent demand, for he shrugged out of it, allowing it to drop to the grass.

  “I wanted to check you over for injuries,” Stanton reminded his sexy beloved. “Wiz my hands and tongue.”

  “Y-You do?” Stanton’s chest rose and fell swiftly as he stared down at Francois. “W-Will you, um, suck me?” His cheeks took on a slight pinkish hue even as he added, “‘Cause your touch is making me hard.”

  “Mmm-hmmm,” Francois purred, scraping his nails back down Stanton’s chest, flicking over his nipples in the process. “I would be delighted to drink your seed.”

  Stanton groaned roughly, his body vibrating beneath Francois’s touch. “Wh-What do you want me to do?”

  Francois inwardly grinned, pleased to discover Stanton’s submissive nature. Tugging on the hem of his human’s shirt, he insisted, “Take zis off, zen lie on zee grass.”

  The swiftness of Stanton’s obedience caused Francois’s own shaft to twitch. The earthy fragrance of his beloved’s arousal caused an answering burn in his own veins. As he watched Stanton spread his shirt and jacket on the ground, then lie upon them on his back, he adjusted his hard dick behind his fly.

  While Francois would much rather have opened his pants to relieve the pressure on his erection, he didn’t know how Stanton would respond to that... since he was inexperienced with being intimate with a man.

  And I am zee one who will change zat.

  Kneeling, Francois swung one leg over Stanton’s hips. The crotch of his jeans hugged his balls from him having to spread his legs so wide. Between that sensation and seeing Stanton sprawled under him, Francois moaned with delight.

  “Gorgeous, my big beloved,” Francois crooned. He would forever deny the tremble in his hands as he lowered them. When his palms landed on Stanton’s huge pectorals, his breath came out in a gasp. “Oh, Stanton,” Francois crooned as he began tracing his human’s thickly muscled torso. “You are a treasure, beloved.”

  “Wh-Why are you c-calling me b-beloved,” Stanton stuttered, obviously just as affected by Francois’s touch as Francois was to be touching him. “Y-You like pet names?”

  Francois lifted his gaze to Stanton’s flushed face, pleased to see his lips parted on panting breaths. His eyes were dilated, and a sheen of sweat made his forehead gleam. When Stanton slipped his tongue out and wet his lower lip, Francois let out another moan.

  Need to feel that under his own crashed through Francois.


  Upon hearing Stanton’s uncertain whisper of his name, Francois struggled to focus. He slid his hands up so he could draw his face closer to the other man’s. “It is not just a pet name, Stanton. I will explain in time.” Dipping his head, Francois nuzzled his smooth cheek against Stanton’s. The rasp of his human’s five o’clock shadow caused tingles to erupt on his neck and shoulders. “I wish to kiss you now, Stanton. May I?”

  “Uh, I... yeah.”

  Then Stanton brought his hands up and gripped Francois’s jaw. He gave in to his human’s press, allowing him to guide his face to Stanton’s own. For an instant, Stanton held him there, staring into Francois’s eyes.

  Francois slid his right hand up and scraped his fingernails across his scalp. “Relax, Stanton,” he urged. “Let me make you feel good.”

  Stanton nodded, his hold easing.

  Taking that as permission, Francois sealed his lips over Stanton’s. He licked lightly along the plump lower flesh, learning his human’s skin’s flavor. His nip to that skin gave Francois what he wanted. Stanton gasped, and Francois slipped his tongue inside.

  Francois moaned softly as he lapped along Stanton’s teeth. Sliding his tongue against his beloved’s own, he reveled in the flavor of sweet sugar and lingering strawberry from his dessert treat. Beneath that was something unique, a masculine buttery taste that had to be all Stanton’s own.


  Feeling Stanton’s tongue teasing along his fang, Francois groaned. A shudder worked through his body, and hunger caused his gut to clench. Even his erection twitched and leaked in his jeans.

  Jerking up, Francois broke the kiss and stared, panting, down at his human. His human sported a loopy smile and met his gaze. He licked his lip in what probably wasn’t meant in a provocative way, but it yanked a moan from Francois anyway.

  Stanton chuckled as he grinned up at him. “You taste good.” Then his
brows furrowed. “You have fangs like those guys dressed as Dracula. Why?”

  “I’ll explain later,” Francois promised. Then he waggled his eyebrows. “But first, I must check you all over.”

  Without waiting for an answer, and needing to distract Stanton, Francois dipped his head again. He began kissing and lapping down one line of Stanton’s jaw, then up the other side. He worked the skin under his ears, then down the column of his neck, pausing to suckle on his Adam’s apple.

  Stanton grunted and arched his neck, giving Francois more room.

  Francois sucked harder, licking and nipping the bobbing bump of flesh.

  “Sh-Shit,” Stanton whined, gripping Francois’s upper arms. “Y-You’re gonna mark me.”

  “Would zat be so bad?” Francois asked between licks to the bump.

  Groaning, Stanton shook his head.

  Francois thought that meant Stanton didn’t want him to continue, so he began working the rest of the way down his beloved’s neck. Reaching the flesh where his human’s neck met his shoulder, he paused to work the area, longing to sink his fangs in and drink deeply. His mouth watered, and he quickly moved on for fear of giving in to his desire.

  As Francois began mapping Stanton’s pectorals with his lips, teeth, and tongue, he used his hands to tease along his beloved’s ribcage and abdominals. He relished the way his human grunted, groaned, and twitched beneath him. Ignoring the possibility of grass stains on the knees of his jeans, Francois slowly knee-walked backward as he made his way down Stanton’s torso.

  When Francois’s fingers encountered Stanton’s jeans, he lifted his head. “May I open your jeans, Stanton?”

  “God, yes,” Stanton rumbled, his voice husky and deep with a hint of a needy whine. “I want your mouth on me so fucking bad.”

  Pleased beyond measure that he had reduced Stanton to such desire, he opened his human’s jeans.

  Francois moaned with delight upon seeing what Stanton was packing. He also thanked the gods that he was a paranormal. His beloved’s erection was perfectly proportioned with the rest of him—namely, huge. Trying to get his human’s thick, at least ten-inch cock up his ass would take some prepping.

  Note to self, buy some butt plugs.

  Seeing the bead of pre-cum bubble up from Stanton’s wide slit and with the heady scent of his human’s thick arousal teasing his nostrils, Francois didn’t bother with more teasing.

  Francois opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around Stanton’s wide, flared head. He swept his tongue over his crown. When his man’s flavor hit his taste buds, Francois moaned with delight.


  Chapter Nine

  Stanton groaned roughly as he peered down at Francois. The sight of his lips stretched around his swollen crown, the feel of them, caused his gut to clench. He already felt the telltale tingle at the base of his spine after all the teasing Francois had done to his body. His balls felt heavy and full, and only clenching his hands in his shirt kept him in check enough to keep from thrusting.

  “O-Oh fuck!” Stanton whined, doing everything in his power to maintain control. “I-I’m close already. H-Holy shit, your mouth.” He felt his hips twitch despite himself, and through gritted teeth, he warned, “P-Pull off. Gotta thrust. D-Don’t wanna h-hurt you.”

  On more than one occasion, upon seeing Stanton’s size, his hook-up would give him a tug instead of sucking him.

  That was why it didn’t surprise Stanton when Francois took him up on his offer and popped off his dick. Lightly stroking his erection, using his spit for slick, Francois met his gaze. Then he grinned and winked, opened his mouth, and sank back down on him.

  Stanton didn’t even have time to comment on the fangs in the man’s mouth. Instead, he barked a cry as he felt exquisite suction all the way to his root. To his shock, the slender, out-of-his-league Frenchman buried his nose in Stanton’s pubes, lodged his crown in his throat, and swallowed around him. A second later, Francois sucked strongly as he pulled partway off again... only to sink back down.

  After only two more repetitions, Stanton couldn’t stay still any longer. He planted his feet and bucked. Panting harshly, groans and grunts rumbling from his throat, he jabbed up once, twice. Then his balls pulled tight, and before he could offer a warning, Stanton poured his seed down the other man’s throat.

  Stanton’s head swam, black spots dancing across his vision, and he groaned Francois’s name. Panting harshly, he whimpered as he felt the other man continue to suckle on him. When his softening dick grew sensitive, he whined and shifted restlessly.

  Francois lifted, allowing Stanton’s penis to slip from his lips. Rubbing the back of his hand across his wet lips, he growled softly as he swept a satisfied gaze over him. He rose to his knees, revealing that he’d opened his pants.

  Sucking in a surprised gasp upon viewing Francois’s long slender erection, Stanton felt his fingers twitch. He watched as the other man began jacking himself, the movement of his fingers damn near mesmerizing. All the while, Francois peered down at him with a feral gaze.

  Even his eyes seemed to have an odd red light in them.

  Unable to remain still, even as sated as he felt, Stanton reached up. He batted Francois’s hand away from his prick. Francois’s brows shot up, and his erection bobbed. Stanton didn’t leave him hanging.

  Stanton wrapped his fingers around Francois’s erection. Slowly, he slid his fingers up and down, learning the feel of the warm rigid flesh. It felt silky smooth beneath his fingers, and for a second, he worried his callouses would bother Francois.

  Then Francois groaned and rocked into his touch.

  Taking that as confirmation of his enjoyment, Stanton picked up his speed. The angle was a little odd, him being below the erection he touched, but he still found it fascinating. He teased his fingertips over Francois’s crown, rubbing in the pre-cum gleaming there, then massaged the wrinkled skin beneath his flared head before stroking him again.

  Francois groaned. “Harder,” he pleaded, shuddering above him. He flexed and released his fingers, obviously struggling with what to do with them. “Please!”

  Realizing he’d essentially been teasing, he tightened his grip.

  Moaning, Francois sped up his ruts. After two more, he fell forward, resting his hands on Stanton’s shoulders. He gripped tightly as he bucked, fucking Stanton’s fist in sharp jerks.

  Stanton reached under Francois with his other hand and gripped the man’s balls.

  Gasping Stanton’s name, Francois froze.

  Grinning up at Francois, Stanton squeezed lightly, then rolled the orbs within their silky sack. At the same time, he tugged on Francois’s shaft.

  Francois’s jaw sagged open, and his eyes seemed to roll back. His ecstasy at Stanton’s ministrations were on clear display. In the next instant, Francois shuddered hard, and Stanton felt the wet spray of his release coat his abdominals.

  Stanton felt a bubble of smug satisfaction fill him. His gaze on Francois’s teeth, he grinned. “Didn’t realize you’d dressed up as a vampire, too, Francois.” His sluggish brain to mouth filter seemed to have turned off after Francois’s awesome sucking abilities. “You gonna bite me with those things?” As Stanton spoke the teasing words, he tilted his head to the side in invitation.

  Francois’s eyes snapped back open... and the irises were blood red.

  Gasping, Stanton froze.

  Then Francois lowered his head, hiding the red from view as he licked a swipe up his neck. “May I, Stanton?” he hissed softly. “Would you like another orgasm?”

  “Yes.” The word was out of Stanton’s orgasm-mushed brain before he could think better of it. “Y-You really wanna bite me?”

  Francois licked up his neck again, lingering to suckle on his pulse point. “Yes, I would love to bite you, and you will love my bite.”

  Stanton felt a fissure of fear surge through him.

  What the fuck?

  “Easy, Stanton,” Francois rumbled, sucking on his pulse point. “You a
re safe. Always safe wiz me.”

  To Stanton’s surprise, feeling Francois’s mouth on him and how he’d started to stroke over the skin of his ribcage, his concern ebbed to be replaced by a fresh wave of arousal. It suddenly occurred to him that he’d never had back to back orgasms before. Could he take the risk?

  His arousal surging south, causing his prick to thicken anew, did the thinking for him.

  “God, yeah,” Stanton mumbled, arching his neck further. “Don’t know what you’re doing, but please don’t stop.”

  “I am pleasuring the other half of my soul.”

  Stanton’s eyes widened, but then he felt sharp teeth sink into his skin. A spike of pain caused him to suck in a harsh gasp. A second later, that was followed by the sweetest, tingling sensation he’d ever experienced.

  The tingles trickled down his chest, causing his nipples to bead. His gut clenched when the sensation hit his abdominals. Upon feeling it slither down his treasure trail, he bucked under Francois’s grip... which turned out to be surprisingly strong.

  Then it hit him.

  Francois was sucking on his neck, and each pull of his lips sent more and more of those tingles throughout his body. When they finally hit his groin, his balls pulled tight.

  Groaning roughly, shivers racking him, Stanton arched as his orgasm surged through him. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as waves of heady bliss pinged through his body. He couldn’t help the hisses and groans or even the jolts racking him.

  Stanton didn’t know how long he floated. He finally came back to himself to the ring of a cell phone and the feel of Francois petting his chest. Grunting, he peeled open eyelids that he didn’t remember closing.

  “Oui, Master Jaymes. My beloved sleeps. I will—Ah, wait. He has just woken.” Francois smiled at him from where he reclined on the grass beside him, resting his weight on one elbow. He used his other hand to hold his phone to his ear, even as he held Stanton’s gaze. “No, I have not explained, but I am certain Max and Rhyme will help. We will be to speak wiz zee police as swiftly as possible.”

  After that, Francois hung up. He set his phone aside as his lips curved into a tentative-looking smile. “My beloved,” he purred. “You asked what zat meant... and now you know.” Returning his hand back to Stanton’s chest, Francois began skimming his fingertip over and around his nipple. “I am a vampire, and you are zee ozer half of my soul. I have searched for you for centuries.” Francois’s mouth curved into a smile, which was filled with concern. Rubbing his palm up Stanton’s chest, he scraped over his scalp soothingly. “I would never hurt you. You’re everyzing to me.”


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